The Nudist Slave Resort Ch. 05


This is a work of pure fantasy; nothing is real, and all characters are adults. Comments are enabled, and all constructive comments are welcomed; even if you think my story sucks, tell me how it sucks so I can improve the story and as an author. As pointed out by a comment, the story has been republished to address grammar issues.

Chapter 5 – Resort Staff

Once they both exited the room, Master Jerry, the man with the computer, said to Master Steve, “I’ll let you know if we want you for more tests.” Master Steve said nothing and walked away.

Master Jerry continued down the hall in the other direction. A bystander might have been shocked by the senseless violence that just occurred, but there was good reason for what just happened. When women were brought to the Resort to be enslaved, there was a science behind the process. Each woman was given a dosage not for just her age and weight but her metabolism and willpower, too. There was a fine line: toomuch of the drug made them too Docile and submissive, and they lost all motivation, a condition known as Apathy. The goal was to make them docile and submissive, not lobotomize them. Too little of the drug, and they began to question men’s authority over them, perhaps even becoming rebellious. This was an undesirable result as well. The other component of the drug was their sex drive. They wanted the women horny all the time, but not so much that they forgo eating or sleeping or so tiny they were not that interested in sex. It made it easier for Masters to Rape them all the time, and these sluts loved it.

Rape, of course, is not the right word for it when they use women for their pleasure; when someone is raped, it’s sex against their will, these women have no willpower of their own, and they have no choice in the matter. But Master Jerry liked to think of it as rape because he felt it gave him the feeling of more power over these sluts.

Anyway, getting back to when Lisa’sFather slapped her, they were observing her response. “A sorry” or “Please punishment me” was the desired response. If she asked why she was being punished or what she did wrong, it would indicate she’s not docile and submissive enough. Thus, the submissive part of the drug they gave her would need to be increased. Women should not be allowed to dare to think that anything is wrong with how they are treated. They are always in the wrong; they will be told if they need to know why. This particular slut was taking well to the treatment; she was probably somewhat submissive before, just didn’t know it. Some women are more resistant than others, requiring extra treatments to break their spirit before the therapy can adequately work as intended.

Another part of the process is two holes are drilled into their head, and two tiny remote receivers are inserted Just inside their head; probes extend down into the brains, one probe into the pleasure center of their brain, the other in the pain center. When they wake, they are shown videos that they are told are memories. Since the critical thinking of their brains is suppressed, they do not question this. Memories they want them to have good feelings about, a small electrical current is applied using the remote receiver to the pleasure center of the brain, and they experience intense euphoria, which quickly allows the resort to modify the woman’s behavior to enslave them completely. The same concept as rats in experiments pushing a lever that gives them pleasure, they will make the level till they die, forgoing food or sleep. In addition, the resort accelerates this treatment; they are asked to remember a memory or watch a video they are told are memories, and an electric current is allied to the pain center of their brain, which gives them extreme pain. It only takes one session for measurable behavioral modification results. New slaves will go through this treatment all day for five days straight, only allowed to sleep 4 or5 hours a day. Usually, this is enough, and if they are unusually strong-willed, a few more days may be required. Whatever hopes or dreams they may have had for their futures are crushed. In the end, they all become obedient sluts.

The last step in the process is for New Masters to have sex with their slaves, and as her Master’s climax, they are instructed to use the ring to give their new slaves maximum pleasure for a few seconds. This bonds the slave to her Master. Once bonded, Slaves cannot be related to another Master. It was attempted in the past but led to unpredictable results. And the Resort does not tolerate unpredictability. It is better to dispose of unwanted slaves than to allow them to be sold or traded with other Masters.

Also, during the two-week stay at the resort, each new slave will be repeatedly tested to Make sure that the drugs are working in the desired way. Each slave has a unique combination dosage of the medicines, which is mixed in memory modifiedion and other techniques. For example, they suck on their master’s dicks, taste and swallow their masters’ cum, and are given electrical pleasure as a reward; in Short order, their master’s cum and piss are the best-tasting stuff in the world. This is done with a ring each Master is allowed to borrow for the treatments. They can set the intensity level of the electrical shocks to the brain and press a button on the top of the ring. After new slaves leave and return home, the drugs are labeled for the specific woman they are designed for, and no sharing of the drugs is allowed.

Just as the women attend classes to learn how to suck cock or pelvic exercises to keep their pussies tight, the men (Masters) also attend courses on how to spot any sign or resistance in their slaves.

The suggested method for identifying this is for the Masters and slaves to get Together one day a week for dinner. The Master eats steak and wine; the slaves have Roman noodles and water. The master is dressed in fine designer clothes, the slave’s nude or dirty rags, the master is shown and wears cologne; the slaves are dirty, often have body odor, are covered in cum, and so on. Now, he asks them about their day, how they feel, and what they are thinking. The Master has a series of questions to determine if they are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs and why they live in squalor while he lives in luxury. Why do they work 16 hours a day, every day, and their master has a life of luxury, rarely working at all? The questions are designed to identify any sign of resistance or questioning on how they are treated.

Ideally, they should always be happy with the way they are treated; if their Master wanted them to have better food, clothes, less work, and perfume, he would surely tell them; after all, he always has their best interests for them. Any slave that is identified to be discontent or questions her master is immediately returned to the resort to be “re-educated.”Reeducation consists of altering the drug formula to get them back to their blissful, happy state. Unfortunately, some slaves develop a tolerance to the drug treatments after years of being on it, so it is better to identify the difference sooner rather than later. Slaves that build a tolerance to the treatments that can’t be corrected by adjusting the dosages are sent to Masters that own dubbons, where they have a hobby in hardcore BDSM and torture the sluts for their sick pleasure; these rebellious slaves tend not to last long once these types of Master’s get a hold of them.

Also, slaves who have been on the drug treatments for years develop cognitive deficiencies over time. Since part of the drug’s effects interfere with critical thinking. Women can have a Master’s in college degree before they are enslaved and are lucky if they can even read after 10 to 15 years of daily treatments. Their mental decline only accelerates from there; a few years later, they lose the ability evento speak or understand language. At that point, it is usually to the dungeon they go. Since they can’t pass a discontent check without verbal speech, they are automatically classified as a security threat.

The resort takes security threats to the status quo very seriously. In the past, Masters have been known to have skips in judgment in their responsibility as slave owners. They either neglect to medicate their slaves on a regular basis or fail to notice one of them developing a resistance to the medicine. Which often results in one of the slaves regaining control of themselves. Usually, what happens is that the woman realizes what has been done to her and complains to the authorities. The Resort has an extensive network of informants both within and outside the government. Once a threat is identified, a cleaner detail is activated and dispatched. They eliminated Anyone with knowledge of the incident. Obviously, the woman who filed the complaint is eliminated. But they do not stop there, the Master, any other of his slaves, the police officer who took the report, and so on. Where possible, they make everything look like accidental deaths but have been known to wipe out entire small-town police departments to contain the situation. The original complaint gets deleted for all databases if it never happened.

This rarely happens anymore. Now the sluts have to return to the resort every year for two weeks not Only to give other Masters the benefit of using them but to ensure they are not developing a resistance to the treatments. It’s almost impossible for a slut to build resistance to the treatments within a year that would not be detected well before they become a threat.

This particular facility can process about 4,000 sluts every two weeks, given there are 26 two-week periods in a year, which gives the capacity of just over 100,000 sluts a year to both enslave and verify sluts remain enslaved. There are other facilities all over the world, somebigger, some smaller, but the organization that runs them all has grown massive and very powerful. The resorts often do not appear on any map, tax map, or even satellite photos; they are non-descript buildings and look more like big warehouses from the outside than resorts. Other times they are hidden in plain sight, another big warehouse in a vast industrial park. Other tenants of the industrial park have no idea that a factory that turns women into slaves is a few hundred yards away from where they work.

Overhead is low as well; the resort is run by women slaves; Master Jerry can count on one hand the number of men that are employees of the resort. From the front desk, cleaning crews, spas, restaurants, maintenance, and security, all obedient slaves. Men are only used to critical positions where actual decisions have to be made.

The Masters who greatly benefit from this arrangement pay a hefty fee each year for membership and the perks that come along with it. Some Wealthy Masters pay for membership out of their own pockets. Others who out their slaves as prostitutes to generate enough income to pay for membership, usually broken out into monthly payments. They are affordable enough that a Master whoring out his slaves on the side can still make a hefty profit for themselves and still pay for membership. Most Masters only have two slaves, as the fees increase for having more than two become less affordable. This, of course, isn’t an issue for the more wealthy Masters. Master Jerry knows of several Arab Princes who have dozens of slaves in their harems.

Master Jerry, being an employee, gets two slaves for free as an employee benefit; he could get another at a discount, but it’s still costly. He’s content with just enslaving his Wife and 2nd Daughter. Besides gets enough pussy at work any time he wants it. The only downside is that he can’t torture the slaves of other Masters; he has to be content with only torturing his own slaves. His Wife wasOnce a dominating woman who routinely belittled him; when his friend Bill told him about a job he thought would be ideal for him, he jumped at the chance. He wasted no time in enslaving his Wife and later his Daughter. He was a little too abusive with his real daughter and ended up killing her accidentally, but the resort was able to provide a replacement. Every year, the resort is allocated a batch of replacement staff for running the resort. There is no retirement plan for Staff slaves; when they get too old, they are eliminated and replaced with younger slaves. Some are kidnapped women, and others are the Daughters of slaves from other Masters. He took extra steps in the treatment process to make his new slave believe she was his real daughter. He had his 2nd Daughter for a number of years now and was satisfied with her performance.


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