The Nudist Slave Resort Ch. 02


This is a work of pure fantasy; nothing is real, and all Characters are adults. Comments are enabled, and all constructive comments are welcomed; even if you think my story sucks, tell me how it sucks so I can improve the story and as an author. As pointed out by a comment, the story has been republished to address grammar issues.

Chapter 2 – Living situation changes

Lisa tried to normalize the new living situation she found herself in at home. Often, she sought the counseling of Pastor Graham, whom she trusted completely. He always assured her that this was entirely normal for a period of adjustment after a tragedy. Often, Sally would come into her room, trying to get Lisa to try on this skimpy outfit or that. Lisa always refused and refused to call Steve “Daddy.” Her Mother’s and Sally’s dress and disposition radical change still shocked Lisa almost every day. Lisa noticed that both Mother and Sally had pieced their tongues; they often wore tops showing way more cleavage than was proper, and one day, they wore material so thin for tops that she could clearly see they both had pierced nipples. Both Mother and Sally said that Daddy liked it, and if he wanted them to wear nothing at all, they would do that as well to please him.

This behavior not only continued but got more sexually charged as the weeks went by. Her Sister Sally was supposed to return for her Second year at College, but she said she couldn’t bear to think about leaving Daddy alone and would not be attending this year. Lisa worked too hard to earn her scholarship and was determined to attend college as planned. She stayed in her room most of the time, but she began to notice she saw less and less of her Mother and Sister. They would get up early and leave with Steve; she wouldn’t see them till it was after dark, and they both looked exhausted every night. She asked Sally one night what they had been up to all day as all three of them arrived home. Steve and her Mohe went upstairs. Her sister had a funny, musty smell to her; Lisa couldn’t place it; it reminded her of the boy’s locker room.

“Oh, we were working for Daddy. Daddy said money’s tight, and we have to help pitch in.” Sally Happy replied. “You should come with us, it’s lots of fun.”

Lisa couldn’t imagine what kind of work was fun, but she dropped the subject.

A few weeks later, she was surprised to see a for sale sign in front of the house. She went to Steve and asked why he was selling their home.

“Steve, why are you selling our house?” She demanded

Steve replied, “Sorry, I do not know who you’re speaking to. Please address me properly.”

Steve loved to push her buttons this way, grudgingly. Lisa said, “Daddy, why are you selling our house.”

Steve replied, “You father, you know, the one that died, leaving us with lots of debts, and I’m selling it before we get behind on our bills before the house gets foreclosed on. Don’t worry, I picked outa nice house outside town we can afford to move to.”

“What about the life insurance policy my Father had?” Lisa asked.

Steve again said, “Who are you talking to?” looking around in fake confusion.

Lisa Steeled herself again, “Daddy, what about the life insurance policy my Father had?”

“Oh, that, “Steve replied, “Seems the insurance company is dragging their feet paying out, and besides, it really wasn’t all that much of a policy.”

Lisa suspected he was lying but couldn’t do anything about it.

Before she knew it, her childhood home was sold, and they moved outside town to their “new” house. It was an older farmhouse on a massive piece of property; the nearest neighbor was almost a mile away. At least she had her room.

About a week after moving and getting her room settled, she noticed something in the corner of the room; upon closer examination, she realized it was a small camera; she realized she hadn’t seen it before because all the corners of her room had a camera as well. Once she knew what to look for, she found that all the rooms in the house had cameras, including the bathrooms; she even spotted some outside.

She angrily marched up to Steve,

“Why is there a camera in my room? Why is there a camera in the bathroom?” She demanded Steve tell her.

Steve looked at her and calmly said, “Addresses me properly and with respect.”

Grinding her teeth, Lisa repeated her question, “Daddy, why is there a camera in my bedroom and bathroom.” She said as nicely as she could.

“Ah, I see you finally notice our new security system. You can never be too careful with all the crime in this country.” Steve said, grinning.

Then, he turned on a large TV monitor in the living room and used a remote to change the channel. She could see a video of herself on the monitor completely nude, washing in the shower, and getting dressed in her room; from every angle, the video kept changing views. He even had one videoof herself masturbating one night on top of her bed sheets. She was embarrassed and aghast.

“You really do have a nice body,” Steve was saying, “You really should show it off more than the Amish outfits you wear. I’m sure every guy at college would love to see what you look like under those clothes of yours. Shall I email them all a copy? I have a complete email list I got from Sally. Pastor Graham also provided me with an email list of the boys from your old high school. I can even give Pastor Graham a copy as well.”

Lisa was shocked. He was obviously blackmailing her.

“What do you want…Daddy,” she said, defeated, adding the last word with a pause.

“Ahh, I see your humble now, bitch”

“First, you will always address me as “Daddy” with respect. And second, you will wear whatever I tell you to wear. Or else he added. When you go away to college and go wherever you want, but until then, while you’re in my house, you WILL OBEY ME.” Steve empathized with thelast words.

“SALLY!” Daddy called.

“Yes, Daddy!” Sally came bounding into the living room wearing a skimpy bathing suit as usual.

“Get your sister a bathing suit that matches yours,” Daddy ordered.

“Ok,” Sally said happily. She returned a few minutes later with a matching bathing suit and handed it to Daddy.

“Here, put this on, “Daddy told Lisa.

Lisa looked at the skimpy outfit; she accepted it and turned to go to the bathroom to change.

Daddy said, “No need to go to another room to change; we have all seen you naked; put it on now, right here.”

Defeated, Lisa obeyed; she stripped off all her modest clothing and put on the bikini as ordered. When she was done changing, she looked at Daddy.

Daddy said, “Please look at yourself in the mirror over here.” He directed a full-length mirror in the living room.

Lisa walked over to it; the bikini she was forced to wear barely contained her small, perky breasts. And her public hair wasSpilling out of the top of the skimpy bottom.

Daddy walked up right behind her, “Well, that doesn’t look attractive. I want you to start shaving your public hair; I want your pussy nice a smooth. In fact, I want you to shake it every day; I’ll be watching.” He grinned.

“You can continue to wear your Amish outfits outside my house until you go away to college.”

The very next day, Lisa tearfully told Pastor Graham what Steve said to her and made her do. She didn’t know what to do.

“Oh, Lord,” Pastor Graham replied. “If I knew what Steve wanted the email list for, I never would have provided it to him. I’m so sorry, Lisa. I know some lawyer friends who can look into this, but from what I know of the law, Steve having cameras in his own house is perfectly legal, and you’re still living under his authority. I will make sure nothing happens to you, Lisa; you can trust me.”

Lisa said, “Oh, thank you, Pastor Graham.” Throwing his arms around him, “I don’t know how I could ever thank you.”

Pastor Graham gently pushed Lisa away from him, “Now, Lisa, it’s not appropriate to hug your Pastor, but you’re welcome. I’m sure we will get through this together. But in the meantime, I think you shouldn’t tell anyone about this before I get some legal advice on your situation.”

Pastor Graham mainly pushed Lisa away before she Felt his growing erection. Soon slut, you will be on your knees thanking me by sucking my dick, he thought. Pastor Graham was already masturbating, nightly to the videos Steve had provided him, Lisa showing and masturbating on her bed.

The next day, Pastor Graham met Lisa and told her the legal advice he had learned. Unfortunately, there was little she could do; Steve was within his rights to have video cameras in his home. While Steve could not legally distribute nude videos of Lisa without her written consent, the criminal penalties Steve would suffer would be nowhere near the damage he could cause to Lisa and her report.

The Christian college Lisa was awarded her scholarship from was very conservative, nude videos of her masturbating would cost her scholarship. Such a scandal would also ruin any future employment opportunities for Lisa and their marriage. No upstanding Christian man would want to marry a slut. Lisa would be stuck working a minimum wage job and living in a mobile home park for the rest of her life. Pastor Graham advised her the stay out of Steve’s house as much as possible, attending church activities over the next few weeks until she could get away from him at college.

Lisa was horrified that Steve could wreck her life and future so easily. And she agreed that she would follow his advice to appear Steve and save her future.

Pastor Graham was relieved that Lisa brought his line of bullshit, hook, line and sinker. He couldn’t believe she was so gullible, but being someone that Lisa completely trusted had its advantages.

The day finally came; she wasgoing away to college, and she couldn’t wait to get away from the rest of her family. If she had her way, she would never return home. Since she didn’t own a car, she grudgingly accepted an offer by “Daddy” as he forced her to call him to drive her to college. Reluctant to go with him alone, her Mother and her Sister Sally were happy to accompany them. Pastor Graham was there to see them off. He assured Lisa that Steve would get her to college as promised, and Pastor Graham would meet Lisa later at College to get her settled. He would have taken her himself, but he worked out a deal with Steve for all the improper videos Steve had of her. This was one last concept Lisa had to endure.

She climbed into the car, thankful that everyone was dressed more modestly today; her mother and sister both had tops on that didn’t show Any cleavage, and their shorts at least covered their tramp Stamps today. Both her Mother and Sally were wearing high heels, which she thought was a little strange. Steve gave Pastor Graham a stack of DVDs, and Lisa heard Steve says, “A Deal is a Deal.” to Pastor Graham. Pastor Graham promised Lisa he would destroy the videos as soon as possible. Lisa trusted that he would. Pastor Graham waved as they pulled away, Call me when you arrived he called. Lisa promised she would.

As they were driving, Daddy said He, Mother, and Sally would have to get a hotel room, as it was too far for them to do the round trip in one day. Lisa didn’t think it was that far, but didn’t argue the point, she was getting a ride at least. She packed several suitcases with modest clothing and her books. Soon this asshole Steve would be out of her life forever.

As the car disappeared the driveway and out of sight. Pastor Graham dumped the DVDs into a neary trash can; he knew they were blank anyway. Pastor Graham didn’t know about the camera system in Steve’s house at first; it was only when Steve provided him with the videos of Lisa that he knew. Along with those videos, Steve also provided videos of Pastor Graham having a three-way with Sally and her Mother, 4k videos of him fucking them from behind, each of them taking turns riding him cowgirl style, and so on. He had to admit, they almost gave him a heart attack. The sex was that good. Steve just wanted to make sure of Pastor Graham’s continued compliance. Not that Steve needed to do so; Pastor Graham was addicted to sex with Sally and sometimes her mother.

Steve told Pastor Graham he wanted Lisa out of the house as much as possible. The escort service he set up using Sally and her Mother was attracting far too much attention at his condo; this is why he purchased the house outside the town, with far fewer prying eyes. Lisa at the house was limiting his hours of operation, so to extend those hours significantly, it would be beneficial that Lisa was out of the house for as much as possible. Steve still wanted to know where Lisa was at all times. It was critical to his plans that Lisa didn’t run away or move out; it was Pastor Graham’s responsibility to ensure this didn’t happen. When Steve returned from his trip, he promised Pastor Graham would be the very first man in town to enjoy her, after Steve, of course. Pastor Graham started staking himself again.


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