The Novitiate Ch. 02 – House Bitch

Nearly a month has passed since my induction. I’ve steeped myself through the most perverted on-line porn I could scrape up; abused my junk until it was bruised and batteryed. It all pales by comparison to my memory of that glorious event. As much as I’ve worked at my masturbation, nothing arouses me as readily as my mental playback of that evening’s experience. All the on-line porn seems tawdry and fake which, for the most part of course, it is. I hadn’t felt so alive since my first orgasm.

My prediction for crossdressing, submission, and extreme stimulation predates adolescence.

When I was about seven I was in a situation with other kids my age that left me with a stiffy, such as it was. It was simply children exploring but it was a “private” exploration, therefore a secret naughty thing that no one was supposed to be doing. At least, that was what the adults would have said. All we knew was they yelled at us when we saw nakedness and underclothes. All I knew was thatmy pee-pee felt like something was missing. That experience began a search for answers, but I didn’t really know the question.

On examination it seemed to be centered around women’s under clothing and covered body parts. That’s what the adults were so careful to hide. I got yelled at if I walked in on Mom while dressing or going potty (terms of my age at the time). But the stiffy…something was missing. I had no understanding what this was about but I wanted to capture it, to finish it, but I needed an agreed female partner. Actually, at that time, I thought any partner would do, but it seemed as though the woman had the key, but to what…I had no clue. But, I was not without a vivid imagination and a rationalization capacity only a pre-adolescent could contribute.

So, for some extended time, I read Wonder Woman comics (or any other comic with prominent female characters), paying attention to butts, crotches and breasts since they were what everybody was so set againstmy observing. I would make up fansies about her capturing me sitting on my face and making me kiss her anus, yet another “no-no” place. After all, I didn’t want to do anything wrong, but I wanted the excitement and whatever else I was missing. So in my mind I had her forcing me to do things to her “taboo” features so it wouldn’t be my fault. I was at a loss for my own stimulation since one was not supposed to “play” with one’s self so it was her roll to punish my taboo parts.

I actually played at abusing myself as only a pre-adolescent can. I fantasized that I was captured, tied (I was a naughty boy after all) and my taboo parts lowered onto a pot of boiling water. The first thing I actually did, I must have been about eleven or so, was filled a 16 oz tin cup with water as hot as I could tolerate with my finger, placed it over a towel on the bathroom floor and lowered my scrotum therein. At first touch I winced at the intensity sting and forced myself down until I had a raging pencil erection sticking up and hot water splashing up and out against my anus making me gasp and twitch. But that wasn’t enough.

I refilled and replaced the cup, repositioning myself, face down, ass up, to lower my pencil-stub erection into the steaming water, fantasizing all the while of wonder woman hoisting my shoulders and feet; hands tied in back.

I actually managed to lift my legs off the floor, supporting my slight, youthful, torso by my fingertips and the hot cup. The intensity sting of the near-scalding water and the sharp bite of the tin cup supporting my slim weight on my pubis and scrotum, coupled with the eyes-closed fantasy of being tortured by a beautiful woman in a kind of corset and panty thing, pushed me over the top. I ejaculated under the intensity stimulation topping to the floor, twitching in the warm water, a thin stream of cloudy, not white, no sperm yet, ejaculate now stranded amidst the pooled water rapidly soaking into the towel.

That was my firstorgasm…it was brilliant. After that I was ravenously hungry for more but still clueless.

My adolescent fans revolutioned around similar situations with some type of rough stimulation to assist my satisfaction. The cup and hot water were frequent flyers. At about age thirteen I got the sex talk along with the Catholic/Baptist admonitions against erotic activities. My masturbatory methods became vanilla, but my fans yet drifted to original content, so to speak.

When I married, I went along with the expected vanilla path as my wife was raised a good catholic and I had no wish for her to label me a pervert and cut me off. But there it lay in the core of my sexuality. But now there is no longer a reason to hide it, other than the remaining public/social opinions. I still have family with whom I would like to remain on good terms but that would disappear were I to go “full-out perve”, as they would call it. Thus my new friends are my lifesavers; each of us bonded by a simple common need…the need to express, without fear, our core sexuality.

Full, safe, unfettered expression of my hitherto imprisoned sexual self is within sight. I am horribly in need. All I can think of was cum in my mouth, cock in my ass, a room full of satin-clad queens and, with any luck, the twisted acts against my body that have been self-denied since my youth. My brain reeled dizzily with imagined erotic abuses heaped upon my sex as I repeatedly fist-fucked my clipty and dildo-fucked my boi-pussy…several times each day.

In breathless anticipation, I’ve pampered my sissy clothes in drawers with sashays of White Shoulders perfume and maintained my hairless sissy skin with moisturizing lots keeping me smooth and soft as a baby ass. I revealed in the tactile femininity, frequently caresing my soft hairless skin, twitching my boi-pussy in hot anticipation of coming evenings. Panties all day, every day.

Finally the greatly anticipated email announcing it wastime for another gathering. Within just a few days, calendars are coordinated and a date is agreed upon four weeks hence and I am absolutely buoyant. I’ve religiously maintained my hair-free body and sissy clothing so I’m solid until time for clean-out.

I realized, with no little amount of guilt, that I’d been masturbating heavily, leaving some housework and clerical tasks to slide. It’s one thing to indulge in eroticism but quite another to allow it to interfere with what needs to be done. This needs to be amended.

Fortunately, Celia gave me a pink card flatboyantly printed with “Celia” and phone number identified as “cell”. I was very concerned so I called.

I told her of my concerns (fondling my clientty the entire time) and got the support I needed. She noted that the fact that I recognized the issue thus indicated that the crisis had peaked and was in repair.

While I had a group elder’s ear, I wanted to talk about how I could go about bringing out some of myother fetishes…extreme sensings (especially spanking), edging and denial, pee-play, and being open to almost anything for which a partner is needed. She said “Well…what kind of kinks are we talking about?” and I began. We talked for nearly two hours with her asking probing questions which I answered openly as I was unabashedly aroused and mauling my poor climate.

After the exposition she laughed and said, “You need a bit of abstinence. I’m going to think about this for a while and let you know what I figure out at the gathering. In the meantime, go on-line and fast-order a chatity cage and call me when it arrives.” “I will, my Dear” I replied and we disconnected.

I spend the rest of the day researching chatity devices and taking measures of my soft clipty. Making my device choice (deliberately a bit small) I ordered the cage with express delivery and abused my junk in breathless anticipation. It arrived two days later and I dutifully called Celia.

“Excellent!” she giggled and said, “Now choose the rings that secure but do not pinch your skin and practice putting them together so you can do it quickly. Take about a half hour in practice and call me again.” and hug up.

The practice assembly exercise focused my attention such that my clipty never got stiff. After the allotted time I, once more, called Celia, proudly proclaiming my prowess at the required process. “That’s fantastic Sweetie. I presume the device came with some numbered plastic locks?” She asked. “Why yes,” I replied. “Four of them”. “Wonderful,” she said, “now put it on.”

Without a second thought the device was pinned in place secured my tiny tool.

“Done” I declared proudly. “Great,” she replied “now take one of the numbered locks and lock it up. “Done” I declared proudly again.

“You’re doing fantastic” she giggled.”now take a picture of the installation so the lock number will be readable and send me the proof of your fine work.”

I compiled. “This is great,” she excelled “now I have the lock number and I expect to see that same lock when you arrive here for the gathering. It is part of what the group expects of you and as you swore to do whatever the group requires of you so this original lock stays put unless a medical emergency comes up. Do you understand?”

The impact of what had just occurred made my stomach drop

No more orgasms until the gathering.

“FUCK”…the word was voiced quietly but in my mind it was deafening.

Celia was gleefully crowning at her end. “Yes” she laughed “your ass is mine. You spilled your gyms to me so I’m going to beat you with them. I’m going to call, probably every day, or more, so we can chat about all the things that rouses our ardor. You will be denied release until I decided to release you which, of course, will not happen before the gathering.” Then she was gone with another laugh.

True to her word she called nearly every day to discuss sex. It drive me to distraction. She also assigned me housekeeping tasks to “keep your mind where it needs to be instead of on your crotch…or if you must go there, at least get your work done.” She also advised me to regularly dildo fuck my ass and work up to 24/7 plug usage of a size that “Doesn’t just fall out when relaxed. I have plans for that boi-pussy.” she said.

If I tried to become erect, the cage limited expansion, causing the thin skin of my clipty to try to squirt out of the ventilation gaps with much discomfort. As the sections not directly within the cage swelled, the device pushed away from my body, the loose scrotal skin was taken up causing pressure and stretching of my balls.

Each time Celia called we talked about my gyms. It was frustrating. It seemed as though the day would never come. Then two days before the event she gave specific GI cleaning instructions…double doses of overnight fiber each remaining night, laxative enema on the morning, and a full two hour cleaningenema that afternoon.

“You will also arrive fully feminized…complete with makeup” she commanded. My stomach dropped. I’d never been dressed in public. I’ll need to position my car close to my door, but it will still be a good ten meter distance and still light outside. My face flushed in anticipation. There is no way that even the most myopic observer would ever believe me female.

At last it’s time. I’m so clean inside that I squeak when I walk and I’m fully dressed, complete with mini-skirt and silk bloom, garter strraps obviously holding my thigh-highs. I’m dizzy with anticipation of the impending exposure. Celia wants me there earlier than required so there is still a fair amount of traffic of people coming home from their work to their vanilla homes.

Looking out my window shows no lull in activity and it’s time to go. Ok…don’t look obvious…just go. A deep breath, chin up, and go. Out the door with my bag of male clothes and ten meters to my car…don’t look around. Just focus on the goal. Open the door and sit. Close the door and move the car to the road. Just go, but don’t speed. We certainly want no interaction with law enforcement.

Each red light was a stomach-fluttering waiting game. There were a lot of younger and middle aged men staring to “check out the chick”. These often ended with laughter, voiced ridicule, and derisive hand gestures but occasionally open mouthed lustful stars. Total humiliation…my poor climate strained against its prison.

At the guarded gate the guard deliberately delayed opening the gate, leering at me while calling for instructions. My stomach dropped and had I not been so thoroughly cleaned, I’d have shit myself. Finally the gate was opened and I parked, gathered my things and entered the locker room where I was greeted by a fully femme Celia. “Good evening Luv. How’s the crotch today?”

“Anxious to begin.” I replied, “can I be rid of this now.” I asked cradling my trapped genitals through my clothes.

“Well” she said “You will just need to be patient. Go remove your top clothes and panties and lets take a look at your lock.” and guided me to the “house bitch” locker where I compiled.

With phone in hand she validated the lock then said “You will greet tonight’s guests with this intact. When all are arrived we will discuss the evening. Now…let’s take a look at that plug…grab Your knees.” She continued.

I felt her grouping around the plug, then felt her grasp it and pull it out with an audible pop. She stood me up holding and examining the plug. “This is a good size but it needs to be more easily handled. Open up.” She commanded and stuck it in my mouth. “Hold this.” She said and retrieved an inflatable plug from a nearby shelf. It was just a small bit larger and had a ring attached to the outside end along with a tube and a hand pump.

Inserting two fingers through the ring, she made a fist, holding the instrument up to my face as if it was an absurdly large stone on a ring. “We’ll use this instead. Grab your knees again” lubed it well and gently slide it home. It felt so huge. I thought my ass would rip apart. I took some deep breaths, forced myself to relax, then slowly became vertical. Then she started pumping. It felt strangely good…filled from the inside. Totally relaxed, my boi-pussy felt secure.

Giving my ass a pat, we stood. “Let’s get set up,” she said, “guests will be arrived soon.” We saw through the set-up needs and I posted myself at the door, fully focused on my caged cock. Mute evidence of my inability to wild my own sexual power. A shameful exposure.

A started jump from a knock on the door turned to flushing embarrassment as I reached for the door. There stood my interviewer, grinning at my enrapment. “Welcome,” I said, “I am pantiwaste, house bitch. Please enter.”

As he stepped in enough to allow that I close the door his hand snaked down the crack of my ass, ending with a finger in the plug’s ring. My ass pushed out reflexively in need. He rapidly vibrated the ring in and out, the stimulating effect nearly buckling my knees. My cock burned in its impalable prison…confined…denied…echoing its need with resignation.

What a rush.

I greeted fifteen queens and was wantonly and blissfully molested in the most intimate and wicked ways. I was floating in pool of carnal existence.

After the last arrival and everyone is dressed, Celia announced “Ok gurls…let’s have some fun. Pantiwaste…here,” she commanded, pointing to a floor space near her feet.

I obeyed.

“She is unaware that I have communicated to you members most of our discussions of her sex life” she broadly announced, “and you, we have all agreed” she continued directly in my face, “are going to be our cum-dump for this entire evening. You will suck every cock hard or as long as desired by the suckie. Then the suckie will become the fucker. Your plug will be pulled and your ass fucked. Each member will cum in your ass, then replug you until your ass is full of our cum. When the plug is deflated I recommend you totally relax because it will be tugged while being deflated until it pops out and, after being fucked, replaced at the same size that it came out. The other reason is that by group agreement all of us have joined you in chatity for all of the last week. We’ve been saving Our cum just for you and, in need for release, I fear few will be very gentle. We’re going to gang-bang your sissy, tiny-dick, ass and by the end of the evening that ass will be distinguished enough to take a baseball bat.

You will then have but one other duty for the remainder of the evening; one more group-agreed task. For the remainder of the evening, any time a cock spurts, it will spurt in your mouth.

Dizzy with desire, I was moved to a benchmark that would support me doggy style with secure lower legs and more support under the chest, torso angled down, ass up. One hundred percentaccessible. Arms strapped down. A line of freshly released, mostly hard, queens began queuing with a cock in my face that quickly became fifteen pairs of heels long.

The first cock was mostly hard before touched by my lips and precum salted my tongue. It wasn’t very long before, with sudden hast, it was moving. The first one pulled from my lips and was instantly replaced by another. There’s a tug on my plug…out it comes with a pop and is replaced with a cock.

In just a few full strokes the twitching of ejaculation and the feeling of deep spurts were my reward. Most of the members were like Celia and I (not cocks as much as giant clipties) so there wasn’t much gaging (fantastic). Apparently my throat is a good fuck because it was never very long before the suckie-become-fucker, quickly giving me the surge of being cum-filled, then the plug goes back in.

Eventually the last load is deposited, and I was released, just in time to be directed to take more. I’m directed to a couple in the throws of a good ass-fuck. Celia pushed my face into the

full action and said “get your tongue on that cock and boi-cunt. When he pulls out you get your sissy faggot mouth on that clipty and suck it down.

My total erotic immersion left me no barriers. Wantonly I lapped up the activity, licking boi-pussy and oversized clipty with total abandon. In just a Short time out comes the cock and I latch on deep and feel as the first spurt pulses down my throat. Celia moves me to two more couples. By the third one I began unabashedly searching for more, my confined cock craving for, but getting no, satisfaction.

Eventually all are sated…but for my poor clipty. It is purple in it’s confinement and very sensitive. My cage and taint are slippery with, what I can Only guess to be, cum, but I don’t recall cumming. Celia came to say, “your a bit of a mess, Dear. Let’s do something about it.”

She took me to the changing room, helped clean me up and repair mymakeup but refused to release my cage nor allow me to empty my cum-filled boi-pussy. It actually was rather relaxing to rest and let the plug hold itself in place. “You’re not quite done. You’re going to get milked. Won’t that be fun?” And lead me back to the play area.

She directed me to the open shows, had me bend with my hands on my knees, then deflated and eased the but plug out with a pop. I Felt a flood flow from the depth of my bowels…covering my balls and flowing in a thick river down my thighs as an unbroken stream to end puddling on the floor. My boi-cunt felt empty. It was surprisingly disconcerting.

“Don’t clench your ass gurl,” she said, “We’re not done yet.” Using the dripping boi-juice flowing from my boi-cunt, she lubed her hand and much to my surprise, easily, if gently, fisted me. She partially pulled out , placed a bullet vibrator in her palm and returned to explore within. She twisted her hand around to palm and gather her fingers lightly around my prostate then turned on the vibrator, her grasp lightly keeping the tool against the target.

The result was without preamble and shattering. Even with my clipty condensed in it’s cage I had a monumental orgasm, driving me to my knees, then my side to lay twitching, uncontrollably, on the cum covered floor.


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