On Monday, Jun 13, 2022, at 10:04 AM CET, Maddie Smithwrote:
Mmmmmmm Alan dear,
I’m shivering. Such a lovely picture you paint. That scene. That was one to be savored, wasn’t it? I have a long day ahead of me today, and I’m going to do just that. And maybe tomorrow I’ll send you something sexy to provoke your imagination. Maybe. Yes, maybe tomorrow, I’ll order you to stroke yourself for me.
But not today. Today you may not touch. Not even to pee. Pee in the shower for all I care, just do not touch.
In fact, if you’re reading this letter with your cock in your hand, you must stop immediately. That rule is suspended today. It resumes with my letter tomorrow. Tomorrow you will touch yourself, not today.
I know how hard that will be for you dear. I am savoring how hard it will be for you.
All my love dear,
On Monday, Jun 13, 2022, at 11:04 PM EDT, Alan Smithwrote:
To say your letter left me wanting more… OK, what an understanding. I’m filled with unseemly need. I need more! More words, more thoughts, more touch, more love from you.
Since you tested positive, I can’t even tell you that I am counting the days! I have no idea how many more days it will be! I assume that you’re testing every day? How long is it supposed to take before you test negative? How soon after you are clear will you be able to fly?
I’m sorry to be so desperate. I’m just… well, desperate.
On Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022, at 10:04 AM CET, Maddie Smithwrote:
Now dear, no groveling. I find it so very unappealing. Of course I do like to hear about how much you need me, darling. But please, have some self-respect. Think about how much self-control you have darling. Think about how well you use that password. About the beautiful writing you create when you are forced to channel that energy. About the way the blood feels in your muscles in your lust-filled body. What it feels like to breathe in the air when you are in this mood.
Take your cock in your hand now, Alan, if you haven’t already. The reading rules are reinstated. Stroke your cock while you read. Read slowly, dear. Breathe that breath. In and out. Stop struggling when you finish the letter. Do not cum. Do not reread this letter.
Alan, your struggle to keep your promise to me is beautiful, dear. Just as I keep my promise to you.
It reminds me of something I was thinking about a few days ago, when I was in the sex toy store here. They had a little display of cock cages–awful little things! I asked the saleswoman how they worked. Annette was with me and helped translate some of the slang that I don’t know. The way she described it! She started giggling when she described how to get a man’s balls into it. By the end, we were all in hysterics dear, the three of us, imagining doing that, forcing a man to lock away his… manhood. Imagining doing that to you!
I thought about sending you to the toy store at home to purchase a little cage of your own. Ordering you to go home and lock yourself away until my return. You would have done it too, wouldn’t you? Annette didn’t believe that you would do it, but I told her that you would if I asked you to. That you’d do it for me.
Ultimately though, I decided that I like the idea of you naked, with no barrier between you and your cock except your obedience to me. Yes, your obedience dear. Your obedience vs your desire. Oh that struggle! That’s what I love. I love how you struggle for me.
PS: Of course I test every day, and when I test negative, I will get on the first possible flight.
PPS: That was a very clever response you sent to my last request. Somehow, you conveniently avoided any description of me spanking you. Clever, but evasive. So now you know what you must do in your next email, dear. Make it good.
On Tuesday, Jun 14, 2022, at 11:26 PM EDT, Alan Smithwrote:
Dearest Maddie,
OK, here goes. I know what I must do. I have to tell you a story about spanking me. About you spanking me. I do want to tell you this dear, but I also don’t want to. In the same way that I want you to spank me, but I don’t want to admit it. I don’t want to have to say it out loud.
You know me dear. When we’re together, you can see that ambivalence in my face. I long for you to simply say, “take off your pants and come over here.” You motion to the bed. I comply. Ugh this is too awful to write. Terrible. Humiliating. That’s why I always write my characters–the ones who get spanked–I always write about them in the third person. John or Joe or Tom or whatever. John doesn’t need to find the strength to drop his pants, he just does.
John drops trou, not feeling even a little ridiculous. He takes off his boxes and socks and walks across the room to you, trying to suppress his eager smile. He gets on his hands and knees, sighs as you rub your hand over his bare ass, drag your nails around his back. Sucks in his breath sharply as your first slap lands on his ass. Then he groans as you hit harder and harder, as your rhythm builds.
You spank him with one hand while you reach under to stroke his cock with your other hand. Spank. Stroke. Spank. Stroke. Alternating. He grosses. Then you speed up, spanking and struggling at the same time. Over and over until he moans, shouts, cums all over the sheets, collapses in his own mess.
Yes, I always write that stuff in the third person.
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