The Novelists Ch. 05: On Sunday

On Sunday, Jun 12, 2022, at 12:04 PM CET, Maddie Smithwrote:


Thank you for your email, darling. I had a lovely time reading it–it was just what I needed.

I was feeling a bit low when I woke up this morning, feeling sorry for myself that I wouldn’t be flying home today. I too have been looking forward to our reunion.

When I saw there was an email from you waiting for me, I ordered room service, ate it, then drew myself a bath so I could read your letter in the tub. Yes, I read it in the tub. And yes, whatever you imagine I was doing in the tub, indeed, I was doing it. Mmmm. It was lovely. You’ll just have to imagine it though. No more details about my… no, I won’t tell you. Not today. (Today, I’m going to be a withholding bitch, because I just have run out of fucks to give, Alan.)

I do have one interesting bit of news to report. I was texting back and forth with Annette last night, and it turns out that she has alsotested positive. Imagine that. I guess with all of the…close time…that we’ve been spending, one of us must have given it to the other.

Last night, she told me that she’d found one of your anthologies at Shakespeare and Co and was re-reading it. In particular, she’d just finished your story, “The Disciplinarian,” and wanted to know if it was based on our marriage.

“What do you think dear?” I asked her.

She said that she could imagine me as the proteinist, providing strict correction to the various men in her life. I just laughed.

Then she said, “Do you spank him?”

What do you think I told her, Alan?

Today’s assignment: describe to me what you think I told her. Make it specific and detailed. She’s coming over tonight for a COVID party, so please make sure you submit it to me no later than 6pm my time. If you do a good job, I just might read it to her.

With love,


On Sunday, Jun 12, 2022, at 11:36 AM EDT, Alan Smithwrote:


That anthology has been out of print for a long time, and I’d nearly forgotten about The Disciplinarian! You know what I was thinking about when I wrote it? Of course it was about you–of what I hoped you might do to me, if I could get up the courage to ask.

That was before I knew if those things were possible. Those things I’d imagined, things I know about only through reading. I suppose that story was a way to write those things into being.

Annette wants to know if you spank me? I can imagine you in bed last night, texting back and forth with this curious new friend of yours. She must have seen something in that story, tried to fit you–this person she’s just met–with the character in the story. And she got up the courage to ask about you. About me.

I wonder if she’s really asking about me though? Maybe she’s asking about herself. Has she finally met a woman like the one she imagined?

I mean, she’s a model, so she’s traveled withbeautiful people, met gorgeous boys, fucked how many of them? Maybe one or two swatted her ass, but I’m sure it wasn’t what she wanted. A couple of quick swats–there’s nothing worse that a quick spanking. It was a taste, a tease, a promise of something. A little spark. A spark when you want a flame, a bonfire. When she read that story, she thought about you. Maybe you could set that fire.

She’s coming over tonight. Will you read this to her like you threatened to do? What would the mood be in the room right now, if you were reading my letter out loud? Are you two laughing? Teasing? Joking about how silly I am?

No, I don’t think so. I think that you’re quiet, both mesmerized by the possibility of what might happen tonight. I think she’s fidgeting in her seat, across the room from you. Her pussy is getting wet. And you, Maddie dear, you’re savoring the moment. Savoring the power that you have at this moment, the power you both know is all yours.

So anyway, Annette wants to know if you spank me. She asked you that when you were texting. You want to know what I think you told her?

Here’s what I think. I think you told her to come over this evening and she’d find out.

So she’s there, and she’s about to find out. She’s about to find out that you do indeed spank people, though it’s not like I imagined in that old story. It’s not the “various men” in your life that you spank. No, there are only a few chosen people on whom you bestow the privilege. You cultivate these people, dear, slowly, until they can’t bear the waiting, until they beg for it.

I wonder if Annette is one of these people. I wonder if she wonders that. I know what you’re thinking, Maddie dear, and I know that Annette is about to find out.

Your chosen love,



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