The Note Ch. 01

There is a note on the bed along with a pile of various items. Curious, I pick up the note and it reads:


1) You are to shower and shake. When you are finished you are to smooth the lotion over every part of your body you can reach.

Reluctantly I put the note down to go and follow the first instruction. With a towel still wrapped around my hair I pick up the note to see what is next.

2) Braid your hair into a single braid starting at the base of your head. Make sure to braid the piece of rope in as well — how you achieve this is for you to figure out.

This takes a few minutes and a few tries, but I finally figure out that if I gathered my hair into a rubber band at the base of my head first, I could then wrap the rope around it several times and then proceeded to braid the hair and ropeTogether into one long braid. I put another rubber band at the base of the braid to secure it. There was still at least a foot or more of the rope hanging down my back.

3) Next, pinch and pull your nipples until they are hard.

Ok, not one of my favorite things to do so this actually takes a bit before they actually start to get hard.

4) Attach a nipple clip to each nipple tightly.

Hmm, now I know why I was told to make them hard.

5) Make them tighter.


6) Rub the vibrator on you r clip until it is hard, and then apply the remaining clamp. Tightly. DO NOT CUM!!

Picking up the vibrator, I part my lips with one hand while the other turns it on and brings it to my clip. Between the clamps on my nipples and the anticipation of what may come, it does not take very long to make it hard, and I apply the remaining clamp making it tighter than I would like. Hopefully I have tightened these tight enough for Master.

7) Place your collar around your neck and lock it. Don’t worry about where the key is. It’s in a safe spot until needed.

Picking up the purple leather collar I place it around my neck and then pick up the little lock. We had never used it before and I wasn’t sure I wanted to now, but following my instructions, I did as I was told and locked it in place.

8) Place both the ankle and wrist cuffs on.

9) Attach the short chain to each ankle. From this point on this chain will not have any slack in it for any reason.

10) Place the ball gag in your mouth and secure tightly.

These were all pretty easy and quick to accomplish. But the remaining items on the bed were making me wonder: a slightly longer piece of chain, my IPod, a red marker, and a blindfold. With so few items left I knew I was starting to get to the end of my “to-do” list.

11) Take the marker and write, “I am a SLUT”, (as it appears here) on your stomach in large letters, each word on a different line, ending with “SLUT” just above your pussy.

Hmm, Sharpies don’t wash off very well, but here goes nothing. Writing on yourself is not easy, but one more thing completed.

12) Clip the IPod on the back of your collar and place the ear buds in your ears, but do not turn it on yet.

13) Taking the remaining items, walk out to the living room and stand in the corner behind the front door. Once There, place the blindfold over your eyes, press only play on the IPod, clip your wrists together and then clip the remaining chain between your wrists and ankles. You may NOT bend your knees if the chain is too short for you to be able to stand up. Wait for further instructions.

Walking was not easy by any means. I couldn’t let the chain go slack at any time so it took a little longer than normal to get There. Once I did get to the corner, I put the blindfold on, turned on the music (it was set just loud enough to cover any other noise in the room, but loud enough to give me a headache). Clipping my hands together wasn’t too big of a problem as I had done it in the past, but getting the chain attached to my ankles took a little more work since I had to do it all by feel.

As predicted, the chain that ran from wrist to ankle was too short for me to be able to stand all the way back up and since I was not allowed to bend my knees, it forced me to bend slightly backwards.

Nipples and clip throbbing, and back starting to ache, I wasn’t sure how long I had been standing there. I lost count after the first few songs as I tried to tune out the music to see if I could hear anything else. Or any one else.

Finally I feel a hand at my elbow slowly pulling me backward. Realizing that this person wants me to walk I continue to step backward until I feel the hand stop pulling. I realized that because I was paying more attention to the hand that was pulling me backwards, I had forgotten to make sure there was no slack in the chain between my ankles. That was not going tobe good. I quickly fix that problem and hope it wasn’t noticed, but knowing that I was not going to be that lucky.

The hand pushes me so that I turn to my left and then take one step forward; bringing me up against something that is metal and cold on my thighs. The chain is un clipped from my ankles and my wrists, and as I am being bent forward I realized the thing I could feel was the benchmark we use when he wants to restrain me.

After bending me over the benchmark he removed the IPod from my collar and placed it close, but left the ear buds in. He then tied my collar to the chain between my ankles very effectively keeping me from being able to stand up. The rope that I had brained into my hair was tied to my wrist cuffs keeping me from being able to move my head up or down. My ankles were then tied to the legs of the benchmark as one more way to keep me from going anywhere.

I was then left there for a bit waiting and wondering what else in store for me.

Soon I felt something cold and wet my on my ass, and then the tip of what I soon figured out as a butt plug began to enter me. Ever so slowly, in and out. A little at a time, teasing me with it. Will he? Won’t he? Finally, when he had worked it to the half way point, he pulled it out one last time and then pushed it in without out stopping or any tenderness. The gag muffled the cries I made as it slide home.

A butterfly vibe is then strapped onto my already aching clip and turned on high enough to get me close to the edge, but never enough to go over.

Just as I was getting to the top and very frustrated, a sharp smack was felt on my right cheek. And then the left. Until 20 had been placed on each cheek with the paddle.

He then untied me and moved me to lay length wise on my back and retied me with my hands above my head and don to the legs near my shoulders (causing my back to arch slightly and my tits to stick up a little farther), and my ankles to the same legs, but opposite sides forcing them open.

The butterfly was also removed and then the small whip started attacking my aching nipple and breasts. Again, 20 strokes were placed on each side. And then the clamps were removed. And the age set in. If I thought they hurt before it was nothing compared to the feeling of the blood rushing back into my sore tits.

I started to struggle as I realized there was only one place left. To cease my struggles he placed a rope around my wait fixing it to the benchmark so I could not move my hips away from what I knew was coming next.

Clothes pins were then placed on each lip and then tape was applied to the row of clothes pins, taping them to my leg so my pussy was held wide open. Even with as being as being as uncomfortable as I was and knowing what was going to happen, I could still feel my juices running out of my pussy.

After he placed the 20 strokes on my pussy and clip, he removed the clamp causing me to cry out from behind my gag even louder than I had moments before while he was whipping me. He then removed the tape and clothes pins, but after the feel of the clamp coming off my clip and the blood rushing in, these were nothing.

Again, he untied me and retied me in the first position, this time with my legs spread as wide as possible and the collar unattached. He then removed the IPod from my ears and the gag from my mouth. But my aching jaw was to get no relief as he shoved his dick into my mouth.

“Like this slut? This is what you have been waiting for all night isn’t it? You’re just a nasty whose that can’t get enough cock can you? That’s right bitch. Take it all. Choke it down. You don’t need to breathe. Sluts can make do without.”

Just before he came he removed is dick and walking around behind me smoked my still sore ass.

“Bet you still want cock don’t you slut? But guess what? You didn’t follow the rules tonight so there will be no cock in your pussy and no cumming for you tonight. “

And pulling outthe butt plug, he placed his cock into my ass. Fucking it long and hard and deep, using my hair as reins to pump my ass.

“That’s it slut. Take it. Sluts like it up the ass don’t they? You’re such a slut I bet you wouldn’t mind the whole neighborhood over here fucking your ass. Maybe I should change an admission fee to make you into a cum who instead. Bet you would like that wouldn’t you bitch? Tied here for all to see and use as they see fit.”

As he finished saying this he rammed his hard dick into me one last time and then came long and hard.

“You can just stay there like a good slut. I may want more in a bit.”

And putting the ear buds back in my ears, I again was left alone to contemplate what the rest of the evening was to bring. Only this time I had cum dripping out of my ass and down my legs while I waited.


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