The Nine

OK, Paul has threatened me with no sex this week if I don’t write this one down. And I guess he is right because I’ve been promising it to you who read me regularly for a long time. But he’s right, I need to get it out because it just keeps rattling around up there and my head won’t be clear enough to write about anything else we do until I get this out and down.

Part of the problem, I think, is that unlike other things I have written about, this one was so overwhelming that I really can’t do the kind of detailed sharing of what went on that I have done in my other stories. But maybe I can at least give you some idea of ​​what it was like. I’ll certainly try.

Those of you who read me regularly (or at least as regularly as I write.) already know these are true stories. Names, except mine and Paul’s are always changed to protect those who are part of this. And the dialog is as close as I can remember, but I am sure it’s not dead on exact. But other than those things…This is real life. My life.

This began back in October, just a couple of weeks after we got back from our honeymoon. I was setting into Paul’s house and things were falling back into a routine at work. That sounds dull, but actually it was pretty nice. I was enjoying being married, and being with Paul almost every night (except for when one or the other of us had to travel for work.). I liked the new day to day intimacy of it all. And the sex had been very tender and (on my part) deliciously submissive. I was one happy woman.

Then one Tuesday I get a call from Paul, who was working at home. “Two quick questions.” he said.


“First,” he said “is there any chance you can get Friday off and travel down to San Antonio with me for the weekend.?”

My work runs in waves and is pretty flexible during the slow times and it was a slow week. “Yes.” I said.

“Good. Plan on it. I’ll make the reservations.”

“And the other question?” I asked.

“Whichwould you rather have this weekend, a ten and a half inch cock, or all the cocks you can possible handle?”

That was sooo not what what I was expecting! But we HAD talked before our wedding about how we didn’t want the wedding to end our sexual adventures. I had expected we’d get to one at some point, just not this soon. I rarely do the “instantly wet” thing you read about in porn stories, but I have to tell you, this time I was truly instantly wet. I stuttered a second.

“I kind of need to know now.” Paul said. “I have to make the arrangements and depending on what you decide, it may take a day or two.”

I couldn’t thing. Ten and a half inches. My God, that was bigger than anything. But the chance to be taken by as many men as I could handle? That was a crazy fantasy too. I took a deep breath. “The men.” I said. My voice was rough with lust at the thought.

“Good girl.” Paul said, and hung up.

I just sat at my desk and stared at the phone. Damn his hide, I was going to be useless at work for the next couple of days.

And I was. Friday could not come soon enough. I can only hope that my staff chalked my fuzziness to be a newly wed.

Finally Friday came. We flew out early. If you read my stories, you know already what happened on Friday night. Saturday we went shopping along the River Walk. Paul found me a very 1940s pinup kind of dress to wear that night. You know the kind, kind of classic and kind of pin up, navy blue with white polka dots. Pencil skirt. Tight bodice with little flounces on the deep V neckline? I’m sure you’ve seen some like it. Honestly, this one was like it was made for me, it hugged me so right. We also found some shoes, the perfect navy 3″ pump.

A while later we found a lingerie shop. Actually, I’d bet Paul already knew it was there. But it was wonderful. It was the kind of place like you see in movies. Very elegantly sex, where you go in and see a lot of things on manifests and someone greets you. Paul had me put on the dress. “She needs a corset”, Paul told the clerk. “It needs to make her look perfect in the dress, and it needs to show just the slightest bit of the corset top in the V neck.”

The clerk didn’t even blink. “What color” she asked.

“Let’s see what you have.” Paul said.

The woman never even asked my size. She just went to the back and brought back two, a black one and a really red one. I tried the black on first. “Too much of it shows.” Paul said. “Try the other one.”

So I went back in and put on the red one and shimmied into the dress. Like the dress, the corset had a nice “V”. Only the slightest red showed, and only when I leaned forward a little. Otherwise, lacened the way she had done it, it was all cleavage. When I walked in. Paul smiled. “Perfect.”. We packed everything in bags, and went back to the hotel room. I was already damp with anticipation.

“We have an early dinner reservation.” Paul said. “because it might be a long night.” He was smiling. I was smiling.

I went and got ready. A bath, long, hot and luxurious with lavender bath beads. I held, carefully and very, very smooth. I could not help but touch myself when I got out of the tub. I was like silk. I dried and did my hair, which fortunately, co-operated. I did my makeup. Standing in front of the mirror, naked, I was very happy with what I saw.

When I came out of the room, I saw Paul had been busy too. He was dressed in a suit, a dark subtle pinstripe. And he had attached some of our cuffs and chains to the bed, one to each of the four posts. There was play in them, so I was not to be spread tightly, I could tell. but I would be helpless. I love helpless and Paul knows it.

He helped me into the corset, careful to lace it the way the clerk had done. “Forget the panties.” he said. “You’d only get them damp anyway.”

Damn him. He was right. He almost always is. I took them off and he tossed them to the sofa. I shimmied into the dressagain. “Ready?” he asked.

I wasn’t sure if I was or not, but I nodded. He offered his arm. I took it.

We took the elevator downstairs to the lobby. There was a large bar/restaurant there. A nice place. It was maybe six or so. Happy hour on Friday night. The place was packed. There were young men everywhere. As we walked in, Paul leaned over and whispered in my ear, “A lot of these men are going to have sex with you tonight. You’re going to feel their cocks, one after the other. They are going to be here, watching us have dinner, getting their own excitement up. And you will have no idea which ones are going to have you. But they are anticipating you already.”

Men were watching me. And why not, Paul had made sure I’d get attention by what he had chosen for me to Wear. All over the room, where ever I looked, I caught men looking. Some looked away quickly. Some smiled and nodded. Which ones, I wondered, were just enjoying, and which ones were imagining taking me later? MyGod, if everyone I caught looking had me, I’d be taken by dozens. It was driving me crazy. I could hardly carry on a conversation. I don’t remember a thing about the meal, just that overwhelming feeling of being on display, of being a sex object. For a former wallflower like me, it was like crack cocaine. I was intoxicated, and as I drank wine with my dinner, I became double intotoxicated.

Normally after dinner, we have coffee. But not that night. Paul left me slightly drunk and intotoxicated by lust. He paid the bill and got up to pull my chair. As I stood. he leaned to me. “Time for the blindfold.” he said.

“Here? In public?”

“Here.” he said. “Now.” Then the first group will follow us up.”

I had a big lump in my throat. I nodded. I was unable to do anything but obey.

He pulled a lace and black blindfold from his jacket pocket and tied it over my eyes. “Take my arm.” he said.

I took it and we walked out, then through the lobby to the elevator. People got on the elevator with us. We for me? I wondered. We went up, and the door opened and we stepped out. A moment later and another elevator car stopped on the same floor and people got out. We walked to the room and I could hear footsteps. I tried to sense how many but it was hard. I couldn’t do it. My legs were starting to feel shaky.

We stopped at our room and Paul opened the door. He took my hand and led me in. I could hear men’s steps follow us into the suite.

“Gentlemen, welcome.” Paul said. “You know the rules. You will take turns with her as long as you hold up, or as long as she can take it. If you get to where she can’t take any more, I will tell you to stop. If she wears all of you out to the point where you are just done, I’ll call up the next group. They are waiting downstairs. Have all the fun you like, but remember, this night is for her, and I expect her to be treated well.”

The next group? I really was becoming weak in the knees now. I leaned againt Paul. He hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. The chastity of that kiss was a total contrast to what was about to happen.

“Gentlemen, your clothes can come off, while I take off her dress.” He made me stand in the center of the suite. I could hear them taking off clothes, belts unbuckling, things falling to the floor.

Paul unzipped me and lifted the dress over my head. The room was full of men’s comments: “Damn.” “Oh my God”. “Fuck yeah.” Things like that. I knew they were looking at me, dress off, corset hugging my curves, no panties, all shacked curves. I could feel a slight trickle down one leg already. I could hear heavy breathing. Paul led me to the bed.

He began to connect the cuffs. He surprised me, and had my body across the bed sideways, with my head right at the side edge, slightly leaning back. I could move and adjust some, but I could go nowhere.

Then his hands grabbed the top of the corset and yanked. I feel my breasts fall free and again, the men made comments and compliments. Paul leaned down and kissed me tenderly. He leaned close to my ear and said simply, “Enjoy.”

“You first.” he said and I felt someone climb on the bed. He wasted no time, lowering his hips to mine and fitting his cock to my clip. I was dying in anticipation. He slip himself in me, already wet, slowly. I heard myself whimper. He lowered himself and I felt his strange new lips on my breast, his cock sliding slow and steady in and out. I was quivering and he spided up until he grunted and I felt him slam into me, pounding as he came.

The he pulled out. “You.” Paul said. and suddenly there was another. Less gentle. Smaller. Vigorous and coming fast. He got off.

The third man was big. Not massive, but big, and by now, I was so near the edge. He was hardly in me before I came, hard, and as I usually do, loud. Now I was the one pounding and bucking, and as lucky had it, he was not only good sized, he had stamina, he just went on and on. I know I came once more before he did.

“You.” Paul said. And they sort of blurred into this massive orgy of never ending sex. I came over and over. I wronged (I know I did, not because I remember, but because the next morning I had marks where the cuffs had been.). Somewhere a couple of times, men went down on me and licked me. I felt like I was living in uncontrollable orgasms. I cried out. I screamed and begged. One after another.

At one point Paul said “You.” and I heard Paul approach me. He leaned down and whispered. “I decided you didn’t need to choose really. This is the ten and a half inch guy.”

I was afraid. I wanted it. He was gentle, but he was huge. I thought I could not experience much more when suddenly I was spread slowly larger than anything I had imagined. He was gentle and I never was able to take him all, but he had control and just pumped me slowly but unrelentingly, right to the limit of what I could take. When I finally came on him, the power ofthat orgasm shoot me to my core, coming from someplace I never imagine existed. After I came, he pulled out and shot over me, hot and warm and with a salty sweet smell. I was gasping for breath.

Somewhere, I went desperate. I begged for another, and another. And there was always another, and then, just as suddenly, I was overwhelmed. I couldn’t. I whimpered like a little girl to Paul. “Please. make them stop. I can’t.”

And just like that, they stopped. I later learned these were all military men, used to follow orders, and they followed these just as if Paul and I were commanding generals. I heard them putting on their clothes. Each one kissed me on the lips, gently as they left, with comments like “Thank you, ma’am ” and “You are amazing.” and “I’ll remember this the rest of my life.” Those kisses were like fire. I felt objective in a way that I had never imagined. It was amazing exciting, but I was having a hard time re-oriented myself. The last of them left and the door closed.

Paul drew near. “Are you OK.”.

I nodded. Unable to talk.

He began to undo the cuffs. I was like a rag doll. He rolled me over and unlaced the back of the corset, then rolled be back to my back and took it off. I was limp.

I heard him to to the bathroom and run the bath. Still blindfolded and feeling helpless, like a little girl, he managed to lift me and took me into the bathroom. He lowered me into the tub, full now with hot, soapy water. I smelled lavender. My favorite scent. I was still blindfolded. He was still dressed.

He bathed me. Gently. His familiar hands slowly moving me from a place of feeling like a sex object to being what I am at more core – his woman. He washed every inch of me. His touch was like fire, even in the water. Familiar. Loving. I was still hyper sensitive. When he washed my breasts, the slightest touch to my nipples and a huge orgasm washed unexpectedly over me. He lifted me out and sat me on the toilet. He dried me. Then led me to the bed.

I was still blindfolded. I heard him undressing. And then he climbed into the bed with me. I clung to him. His arms wrapped around me. I cried. I don’t know if it was released, being overwhelmed,. joy at being safe in his arms, amazement that I had a man who would trust me in such a situation and still treat me like a princess. I don’t know what it was. I just cried.

At some point, I was cried out. I felt warm and loved. And suddenly desperate to pleasure Paul.

“Are you wake?” I asked.


“Thank you. I don’t think I could do that again, at least not for a very long time. But it was amazing. So different from what I imagined.”


“How many were There?”

“Nine. You took four of them twice.”

I was overwhelmed all over again. I was quiet for a while.

“What did you do, during?” I asked.

“I watched.” he said. “I watched each and every man who went in you. I watched for your pleasure. And I watched to make sure you were safe.”

“Thank you.” I said. “I felt safe. Were you OK?”

“Yes.” he said.


“Hard as steel.” he said. I could hear the smile in his voice.

“Did you come?” I asked.


“Then you have to.” I said. I reached up and pulled off my blindfold at last. I pulled aside the covers.

There was his cock, still hard and straight. Smooth. MY cock. Perfect. I touched it. Part of me felt like a schoolgirl again. It looked and felt familiar, but after what I had just experience, it also felt new, exciting.

“I want to kiss it.” I said.

“And I want to come in your mouth.” he replied.

I slide down to his cock. I kissed the head. I licked it. I nibbled. I licked it more. Kissed it more. My fingers and their manicured nails lightly played with his balls.

How could it be. I was getting excited again.

I took his cock head into my mouth. I felt his hand gentle but firm against the back of my head. Ibecame still, and he began to pump his cock into my mouth. In and out. slowly at first, they speeding up. I felt his urgency. He got faster, rougher. and finally… he came. I felt his sperm and it’s salty taste as he shot into my mouth and he held my head to his cock. He kept at it until he was drained.

I felt at peace. I had been taken, and I had given. I shifted to curl up next to Paul, spooning, his arms around me. I was safe. I tasted his cum in my mouth. God I loved that man. And he loved me. We fell asleep.

It was wonderful, even if I can’t remember every detail. I felt incredibly desired, alive and overwhelmed by sex in a way I had always imagined might exist, but until a few years ago, when I met Paul and my life changed, I never dared dream could happen to me.



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