A note from AfterDusk:
Thank you to those who have read these stories; this will be the last chapter of the Nightingale Agency. I’ve found that not only has interest for them dropped off but my writing has begun to evolve past the need to continue it any further. Please vote and comment!
“Mistress Nightingale, you are quite early for a Saturday,” Rob says softly from behind the podium.
Eve smiles warmly, walking towards him, “Indeed. Today, Rob, will be a very, very interesting day.”
Rob opens the door leading into the bar, “Living the dream then?”
“Always,” she replies with a coy smile.
She spots Jonathan quickly. He chose a round booth in the corner, giving him a line of sight to the door yet offering some privacy from the few other patrons in the bar. Eve makes her way to him, tossing her duffel bag into one side of the horseshoe before sliding into the other. Jonathan keeps his hands clapped on the table nervously.
“Hello,” she offers once she is finally situationd.
“Hello, Mistress,” he says quietly, afraid that someone might hear them. Carefully he slides a manila envelope over to her. As she opens it up and starts thumbing through the papers, a handsome black man with dreads walks over, placing two glasses of water with lemon on the table.
“Hello, Miss Eve,” he says somewhat curiously, his eyes flickering back to the man in the booth with her as he reasses him, “can I bring you something else to drink?”
Eve smiles brilliantly at him, “Yes, please Darnell, I’d like a gin and tonic. What about you? A beer perhaps?”
Caught off guard, Jonathan opens his mouth and stutters out a response, “Ah, no?”
She laughs slightly, “It is all right, Jonathan, we will make an exception for today. Have a drink.”
“Okay,” he replies a bit uneasily, “Maker’s? A double please.”
Darnell smiles, his bright white teeth shining against the lush darkness of his lips, “As you wish. Just a moment.”
Jonathan looks back at Eve, somewhat confused. He sees her eyeing him over the top of the paperwork.
“Everything seems to be in order. Now, Jonathan, do you remember our safe word?”
“Abracadabra,” he replies softly.
She nods, “Yes. If at any point, this afternoon, things get to be too much for you, I want you to use that safe word and everything will stop immediately.”
“And terminate our contract,” he says, rotating the glass of water with his fingers.
“No. From this point forward, our contract remains solid. Unless you choose to terminate it or if I see fit to terminate it myself, it will stand. Using the safe word has no effect on it. Please realize that you are in control of this situation, you decide how far I get to push you. If I push too much, say the word and I will stop. We will take a step back, a moment to breathe and reassess where to go from there but know that by using the word I will not be disappointed in youand I will not walk out on you, do you understand?”
Darnell comes back, placing the drinks on the table.
“Bill me for them, will you love?” Eve says causeally.
“Of course,” and with a nod, he disappears again.
Jonathan takes a long, slow swig from the glass, draining half of it in the process, “I understand, Mistress.”
“Good. Now, I will explain to you what will happen. After that, you can decide if you want to go through it or not. We will go through an entrance in the lobby that will lead us to a different, non public section of the House. After your paperwork is processed at the counter, you will be assigned a helper who will undress you; they will wash you, head to toe, in a large communal shower. Then, you will be brought to me and dressed in the clothes I told you to bring. I will take you to a room where you will wait while I find a sub for you to play with. Once you are finished, you have two choices, you can either leave and return home or I can arrange for you to stay for the evening’s entertainment.”
“What entertainment?” He asks curiously.
She smiles, “Let’s just say it isn’t for the fear of heart. However, if you choose to stay, there are some conditions. First, for the remainder of the night, you will not make contact with me. Under no circumstances will you approach me or indicate to others that you know me, Understood? This is for your own safety more than my reputation.”
“I understand,” his browser crinkles, “may I ask, why?”
She looks him over carefully, “Jonathan, as you may have realized I am a woman with many secrets. Some of those secrets are more sensitive than others. I am vastly different from other doms in that I specialize in clients that are…oppressed in their lifestyles. My clients rarely know themselves, know who or what they are and that is a discovery we make together. This world that I am bringing you into tonight is not one that I have ever brought someone so new, so fresh and dewy eyed into until they are fully fledged within the lifestyle. In fact, it is against my better judgment that I have brought you here at all but I do so because there is such a desperation in your life, a feeling that you are broken, that I want you to see that you have been interpreting it wrong this entire time. You are not broken, you are simply different. These people here are also different, in the same type of way. But I worry that if I expose you to too much too quickly you will run in fear and fall back into your old ways.”
“You want to protect me,” he says, “I understand.”
“Good. Second, if you remain, you will be considered a voyeur only. That means no physical interaction between you and anyone else. You will be on your own, alone, in a completely new and terrifying world.”
He nods in understanding, sipping his whisky.
“Third, hmm,” she ponders on how to say this; “Well this will be an interesting night for sure. Tonight one of my other clients has his debug, meaning that he has expressed a desire to become a dominant. It is sort of a rite of passage and will be perhaps a bit more brutal than the average night. But you need to realize that you are not the only one I interact with on a regular basis.”
He downs the rest of the whisky, chasing it with water, “I get it. If I stay, I will be on my best behavior.”
“Good. Now, finally, You cannot tell anyone about anything that you have witnessed or participated in tonight. Not only is this in the contract between you and I but also in the paperwork here that you have signed. It is important that the House remains a safe place for all; it is by invitation only, through a member, that others are allowed to watch. Now,” she swallows her drink in one long sip, “time for some fun.”
Gerty leads Eve into a dressing room, where she finds Jonathan waiting for her. He is on his knees, hands on his thighs, staring blankly at the carpet yet has a raging hard on. Eve dismisses Gerty with a slight nod, shutting the door behind her before she lets the robe drift silently off of her shoulders and onto the floor, standing naked before Jonathan for the first time.
She can see his eyes watch her, drinking in her bare skin as she places a leg on a stool and begins to lotion up her body.
“Well, how did it go? Tell me honestly now and for the time being let’s forego the formativeities.”
He clears his throat, “That is, by far, the most awkward situation I have ever been in.”
She laughs, “More awkward than our first meeting?” She motions for him to stand up and hands him the lotion bottle, pointing towards her back. As his large, warm hands begin to cares her bare skin, she can feel a tingle of yearning burn inside; tonight will be torture for her.
“Um, well, yes. But up until this afternoon, our first meeting by far took the cake.” He is unsure of his limitations with her body but lets his hands wander down to her ass, rubbing the lotion in firmly.
“I’d be lying if I said that the rest of the night will be less awkward,” Eve takes him by surprise and turn around to face him, his hand sliding around her body from her ass to her moist cunt. He jerks it back, face starting to turn red. Before he can apologize, she gives him the go ahead, “I got my legs, but be a dear and get the rest for me, will you?”
The nonchalantness of her attitude, the off handed way she gives him permission to touch her body arouss him so fiercely that she can see his cock jump in excitement. Taking care to not seem too eager, he slowly squeezes lotion into his hands before pressing them against her skin. They wander with intent but tremble slightly when they mass her breasts.
“Speaking honestly?” He says in a hoarse whisper.
She smiles, watching him Intently as sweat begins to bead on his forehead while his hands wander lower, gently rubbing her smooth cunt. “Today, while we are in this room Jonathan, you may say what you wish without fear of repercussion.”
“How do you do this? How do you live like this?” His warm hand cups her cunt for a moment before he withdraws, slightly embarrassed.
She studies him briefly; his question seems off putting, judgemental but she senses the sincerity in it, as if he is asking because he truly wants to know. “I do have a normal life outside of this. Well, slightly normal,” she says, lingering for a moment before sitting down on the benchmark and beginning to work on her hair. “I live in a house. I teach piano lessons, I help at a high school. I used to be married. Some of us are just wired differently, Jonathan. I am an overly sexualized creativity, I year for it, I burn to feel the thrill of arousal. And yes, sometimes I don’t. There are times where I want to walk away from it all, lock myself inside my house to rotate away. But,” she says, catching his gaze through the mirror, “then I would only be existing. Once you’ve had a taste of actually living, it’s hard to give it up.”
He sits on a benchmark, watching her as she goes about putting on her makeup. “I am beginning to understand it now. I wasn’t sure at first, if I would want to come here today but as I thought about my life before I met you, it seems like it belonged to someone else. You’ve changed everything for me, Eve. It makes me want…more.”
She freezes in her movements, Her heart almost stopping. It takes her a few seconds before she continues, slowly finishing her bright red lipstick before turning to him, “Jonathan, I am not exactly sure if I’m understanding you correctly but let me make something entirely clear before we go any further tonight. You and I have a business relationship. I know in this world it is a little hard to see the lines but there are plenty that we will not cross. I have never had a personal relationship with a client…frankly, I haven’t had a personal relationship in the past three years. There will come a day when our contract will end and as long as it is on good terms I wouldn’t hesitate to consider you a friend but never anything more. Are we clear?”
Jonathan catches her gaze, a half smile on his face, “I’m sorry, that is not what I mean, Eve. I mean more, as in more of this world. I read the contract carefully and I most definitely read between the lines. I understand the parameters of our relationship. Besides,” he waves his hand causeally, as if dismissing it, “you’re not my type.”
She raises a brown, a smile growing on her face, “Oh? Really? What is your type?”
He laughs, “I prefer red heads.”
Eve joins in his laugh before making short work of her hair. She decides to leave it down, parted off center with the shorter side pulled back. She dresses in a sheer, black body slip, black lace panties with matching thigh high stockings. Wiggling into her corset, she tightens it on her own, knowing that Jonathan’s eyes are watching her the entire time. Stepping into a pair of red high heels, she standsin front of the mirror, running her hands down her body to ensure that everything is perfect.
“Red head or not, you truly are beautiful though,” Jonathan says softly, still naked on the benchmark. She turns and walks to him, motioning for him to stand. Digging through the bag that he brought with him, she hands him his boxers and pants.
As he stands up from pulling them both on at the same time, Eve’s hand slides down his stomach and into his boxes, slowly wrapping around his cock so that she can adjust it for him. He inhales sharply, meeting her gaze when her soft fingers slowly stroke up and down.
“Tonight will be a test of restraint for you, Jonathan. I want you to make sure that you do as you are told and not fall into your old ways. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Mistress,” he says so easily, it is as if it comes naturally. He breathes in through his mouth, his eyes dropping down to her as he slowly licks his lips. With or not she is his type, there is no denying that he wants to fuck her.
“Good,” she says, pulling her hand out and zipping his pants. She helps him into his white button up shirt, tying his red tie before rolling up the cuffs of his sleeves. Handing him his belt, socks and loafers, she packs up their bags while he finishes.
Eve takes a moment to look him over once he stands; the shirt no longer strains against the thickness of his body and his neck and chin are more defined than they were a week ago, “You look good, Jonathan, I can see the results of your efforts.”
“Thank you, Mistress. I feel good,” he replies, briefly glancing up at her eyes before letting them drop back down.
She takes a detour from the door that leads out to the floor, instead walking down a narrow, plain looking hallway with frosted glass doors on either side, soft sounds of whipping and moaning echo through the corridor. As she comes to the last one, she opens it and enters, Jonathan in tow behind; the room is the same one she fucked Octavian in the week before. A smile crosses her lips; she points to a chair beside the bed, “Sit, while I go find us a play thing.”
Taking her leave through the door that exits out to the floor, she finds that it is some sparse, as the real action won’t get underway for several more hours. In her usual booth, she spots Andre. With a smile, she sits down next to him.
“Eve, what a pleasant Surprise. I didn’t think you ever came this early,” he says, eyeing her briefly before returning his eyes to the stage, where a man is bent over a saw horse, slowly being ass fucked by an older male dom.
“I didn’t intend to but it appears my usual day off is full of business arrangements. In fact, I was just looking for a young female sub to help me out with a client this afternoon, happen to have one with you?”
“Client? My my, aren’t we fancy today…but yes, in fact,” he motions his hand to an iron bar cage in the corner of the stage, “the one I brought with me has alreadyhave been a bad girl. She is due for some punishment.” He motions the waitress over and asks her to bring the sub to them.
“What did she do?” Eve asks as the girl comes stumbling over to them. Her pale white skin almost glows in the dim light and while she isn’t anything special, her petite frame makes her breasts appear bigger and her curly red hair bounces as she drops to her knees. She crawls to Andre, kissing his feet before he flicks her away.
The girl makes her way to Eve, kissing her feet and slowly tracing a path up her legs. Pursing her lips, Eve uncrosses them and allow the sub access. Willingly, the young girl dives in, greedily mashing her face against Eve’s panty covered pussy, flickering her tongue excitedly against her clip to show her eagerness.
“Sara decided to cum without permission. Twice. In a row,” Andre says, somewhat disappointedly.
Eve’s leg twitches slightly as she gazes down to the fresh creativity between her legs. Sara looks up into Eve’seyes hopefully while sucking on her clip. Eve’s lips curl into a smile. “Mmm, all right, that’s enough,” gently she pushes the girl away and smiles at her dejected pout, “Limitations?”
“None that we’ve discovered yet,” Andre says, looking down at his sub, “you’re welcome to teach her a lesson.”
Slowly, she nods, “Yes, I think I shall. What do you say, Sara, care to spend an hour or so with me?”
“Yes, Mistress,” she says in a soft, high pitch voice, “May I, Master Andre?”
He waves her off with his hand, returning his eyes to the stage.
Eve leads Sara over towards the door; she contemplates warning the girl ahead of time but decides that it will be more fun to jump right into things. Jonathan looks up as they enter and when His eyes fall on the woman behind her he shifts nervously in his chair. Sara stops in the middle of the room, right on the spot that Eve points to. She has her hands behind her back, gripping opposite elbows and keeps her eyes down cast./p>
“Jonathan, this is Sara. Sara, Jonathan.”
Sara’s eyes wander over to the man, a coy little smile on her face as she bites her lip with excitement.
Eve leans against the bed post, near Jonathan, relishing his unease, “Sara, is this how you normally greet a guest?”
“No, Mistress,” she says happily, dropping to her knees before crawling over to Jonathan. He sits up right in his chair, scooting back as if to get away from the girl as she nears him.
Sara kisses his shoes, playfully rubbing her face on his pant legs, creeping up ever so slowly. Her fingers wander up his thighs and when they rub against his fully hard dick, a giddy laugh escapes her lips. Looking up at him while she unzips his pants, her small hands reach in and fish out his cock. Her eyes get wide and hungry when she sees his size and girl, yet she doesn’t hesitate to put the entire thing in her mouth, letting the length snake down her throat. She cooughs slightly as she gags on it but continuesto slowly slide her lips up and down his shake.
Jonathan lets out a stifled groan, his hands clenching the sides of the chair while he wobbles a bit from side to side. He looks up to Eve, a hunger in his eyes like she has never seen before.
Eve can feel the wetness seeing out and down her thigh, the newness of Jonathan’s encounter excited her in a different way. He never breaks eye contact with her and she begins to realize why she has a fondness for him—Jonathan reminds her of herself, back in college. Each time he experiences something new, it triggers a memory of her own first discovery, her path from an innocent to a depraved, wanton sexual creativity. She knows he will be a great submissive and when the time comes, if he chooses, an even better dominant.
Eve leans over, grabbing a fistful of red hair so that she can gently pull Sara off of his dick before it is too late. The girl stands before Eve, eyes locked on her breasts as she licks her lips.
“Now, Sara, this is going to be a little different than your usual encounter. I am not going to punish you, the only rule I have is that you will ask for permission before you cum. No more repeats of earlier today, with Andre, understanding?”
“Yes, Mistress,” Sara says eagerly.
“Good. Now, Jonathan is going to fuck you. What I would like, is for you to see if you can get him to cum first. He, on the other hand, is going to try to get you to cum first. So essentially, it will be a battle of the wills. To make it fair, though, Sara, keep your mouth off of his dick and your fingers out of his ass, understanding?”
“Okay,” she says some sadly.
“Jonathan,” Eve says, standing in front of him, “Sara has no limits but I am imposing some rules upon you, since I don’t quite know how you perform…no cruelty, no permanent marks, no blood drawing and she must remain conscious the entire time.”
Jonathan gets a somewhat horrified look on his face, “I would never…”
Eve waves him off, “Like I said, I haven’t seen you perform yet so I’m just stating what needs to be said. Aside from that, you are welcome to stick your cock in her, up her ass, if you want in her mouth but let me warn you that you will fail miserably if she latches on to it with her lips because she’s rather good. And you’re out of practice.”
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