Eve walks out onto the floor, her hips swing her perfect ass cheats and breasts at the same time. The House has begun to fill up—there is even a group on the stage. A male dom whips his male sub, while two other female subs are kneeling before each, with a dick in each of their mouths. When she walks by the table of voyeurs from earlier, the ones who attempted to come to her aid, she flashes them a smile and winks. Their mouths drop open, eyes following her ass all the way across the floor.
Eve takes a seat next to Octavian, in their usual booth. He remains dressed in his suit, his eyes following her movements as well. Once she sits down, the sub who sits on the pillow crawls over to her, gently kissing her feet. He moves his lips higher, slowly kissing his way up her shin, past her knee, towards her pussy. When he is half way up her thigh, she flicks him off with her hand.
“Hello Mistress,” he whispers, returning back to the pillow.
Eve looks at him; he isn’t parheticly attractive, but not horrible to look at either. His body is slim, but not muscular. He has a collar around his neck and a black thong on. Eve doesn’t recognize him; turning to Octavian, she asks, “Now who is this?”
Octavian pulls his eyes from the show to look at her, but only gets as far as her breasts. He talks to them, “Umm…I think his name is Frank. He’s another one of Peter’s,” Octavian waves a hand towards the stage, indicating the dom up there, “he wanted me to keep an eye on him while he was occupied.”
“Oh,” Eve says, looking back at Frank. He keeps his eyes down, but is staring directly at her pussy, as if he is trying to burn her panties off. Eve leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees so that she can catch his eye, “Enjoy a fat dick in your ass, do you?”
“Yes Mistress,” he says softly, dropping his chin down to his chest.
“And what about a sweet cunt?” Glancing at his red wristband, she quickly reads the combination of colors, decoding what is allowed with him and what isn’t.
“Yes Mistress,” he says, “though I am unworthy, I am happy to be used in whatever way I am allowed.”
Eve leans back, smiling. A naked waitress strolls over to them, “Good evening; would either of you care for a drink?”
“Two gin and tonics,” Octavian orders for them. The waitress glances at Eve, finding it odd—she smiles and nods to the woman.
Octavian pulls his eyes off of the stage as Peter cums all over the face of the sub in front of him. Turning towardss, her, he leans in and places a kiss on her neck, biting it lightly, “You still smell like me,” he whispers.
Eve smiles, tilting her head to allow him more access. Kissing his way up her neck, he sucks on her ear lobe, “I’ve marked you. I own you. Tonight after work you’ll stay here, with me,” he forcedly tells her.
Turning towards him, her cheek brushes against his. She pulls back until she can see his eyes; they are glazed, lustful. She brushes herlips against his, whispering, “Yes, Master…”
She watches his restraint; she knows that he loves making her submit to him. Each time she does, he makes her spend the night in the recuperating rooms that the House has, for members. The submissive rooms are small and they are never allowed any company, not even their doms; but the dominant rooms are a little larger, with a queen sized bed. Though they aren’t supposed to have anyone in there with them, no one ever objects to two doms sharing a room for the night.
Peter flops into the booth, tired and sweaty. He left his male sub bound on the stage, rewarding him with a good performance by sicking both female subs on his dick. Frank crawls over to his master, kissing his feet and quickly kissing his way up his legs to Peter’s softening dick. Frank sucks it up into his mouth, squeezing every last drop of cum out of it willingly. Peter closes his eyes for a moment, enjoying the feeling, before he swats Frank away, “Enough boy, let me rest.”
The waitress returns with the gin and tonics, handing a water to Peter.
“Is this a new toy, or do you just keep him all to yourself?” Eve asks, after Peter drinks half of his water.
He looks over, as if he just realized she was sitting there. Letting his eyes wander across her body, he smiles, “Eve…what, this slut? Ugh,” he says, exasperatedly, “He’s new for me, but he’s been around. It has been a rough few weeks, though. His previous domme just liked to fuck him. Didn’t teach him a damn thing about using his mouth.” Squinting his eyes at the sub, Frank drops his head even lower when Peter continues, “He’s pretty much worthless. Couldn’t even get my wife to cum.”
Octavian looks appalled, “Oh, now that is a shame…what a waste,” he taps his chin, “Now, if only there was someone…that we knew…who could teach him how to properly eat out a woman. Someone, who can turn the most plain, vanilla, goody-two-shoes-preacher’s-daughter into a wanton whore…” he trails off.
Eve gets a smile on her lips, while Peter looks at her, “What do you say, will you give it a shot? Carol would be forever in your debt…”
Her eyes fall down upon the sub before her, “Who was your previous domme?”
“Mistress Dahlia, in California, and her wife,” he offers meekly, “occasionally they preferred playing with a real dick, so that’s why they keep me around, Mistress.”
Eve glances at the men beside her, before looking back at Frank, “Your former mistress was a lesbian and you still can’t eat a pussy? Jesus…Stand up, drop your drawers, let us see why they keep you anyways.”
Doing as he is told, Frank rises and pulls his thong off. His fat, twelve inch dick dangles down his tigh.
“Good lord,” Eve says, making a face.
“Now you know what a true shade it really is,” Peter says, “because Carol loves a big one in her ass while I’m fucking her pussy. But if he can’t perform…”
Eve slides her ass down in the booth,spreading her legs. Octavian doesn’t hesitate to grab one and lift it up over his knee, motioning for Peter to do the same. Spread eagle, she bares herself to the sub, “Get over here and show me what you can do.”
Willingly, Frank crawls over and dives right in. It is barely thirty seconds before Eve shoves him back and shut her legs; she knows exactly what he is doing wrong, “Yeah, that’s pretty awful. I’m more likely to cum by watching a catholic couple having sex.”
Frank’s shoulders hunt forward, dejection on his face. He seems like if she keep needing him, he’d be crying in no time. Eve drains her drink, rolls her eyes and rises; she points to Peter, “I expect a big tip for this one.” She grabs a leach and clips it to Frank’s collar, leading the now naked man around the club as she looks for a guinea pig. She parades him past the bachelorette party, getting gasps from the women. When she looks at the bride, she discovers her watching Eve’s tits instead of Frank’s dick. Letting a coy smile cross her lips, she continues her search.
She finds herself stopping at a booth filled with dommes, their female subs sitting before them. When all of their eyes hungrily drink in Eve’s body, she knows they are more lesbian than straight. She flashes a brilliant smile, “I need a volunteer, ladies; I’ve been charge with the task of teaching this while how to eat out a pussy.”
Eve gets a sneer from one of the thicker, but still pretty, women in the booth, “I’ll loan you my sub, but no way I’m letting that near my pussy.”
Tilting her head, Eve looks over the woman. She has dyed purple hair, overly curled. In a sheer, tight black dress, it is obvious that she isn’t wearing anything underneath, “You’ll do perfect,” she smiles.
The woman raises an eyebrow at her, “Perhaps you didn’t hear me, but I don’t do men.”
Eve leans over, causing her breasts to hang from her body. Though they are covered, the woman is still able to get a good look atthem. Eve whispers in her ear, “You didn’t let me finish. I’ll guarantee you at least two orgasms…the first, provided by me, as a teaching lesson. Then, if he isn’t able to get you off, I’ll gladly do it again.”
The woman tears her eyes off of Eve’s breasts when she stands up; looking her over, she sees the flirty smile on her beautiful face, “Guarantee, huh?”
Eve turns and starts walking towards the stage, knowing the woman is looking at her ass. She pauses, looking back at her flirtatiously, “Coming, darling?”
The woman rises and follows Eve. Eve ascends the steps, the sub in tow. When she reaches the top, she offers a hand to the woman, who takes it.
“Suzie, is that right?” Eve says, smiling as she leads her across the stage and to a flat, padded, exam type table. Eve helps her up, placing a few pillows behind her shoulders to ensure she is comfortable. By now, the entire crowd is curiously watching the stage. Eve doesn’t typically perform, usually only assisting with floggings and the occasional teasing.
Suzie hungrily watches Eve, who looks out into the crowd, pointing to a few submissives who quickly rush to the stage after getting approval from their masters. She chooses women because they’ll know exactly what to do. Each woman stands on either side of Suzie; they push her ankles up over their shoulders, holding them in place before sliding the woman’s dress up to her Waist and helping her scoot down to the edge of the table. Suzie’s plump, bare, pink pussy lips already glisten in the stage light. Smiling to herself, she snaps and points at the floor just behind the submissive on the right; Frank jumps and hurries over, kneeing where he is told.
Taking care to make a show of it, Eve keeps her feet together, knees straight and bends in half, over to Frank’s face, giving a third of the crowd a view of her ass, a third a view of her breasts, and the middle third the outlines of her body. She places a finger under Frank’s chin and tilts it up until he meets her gaze. She is quiet, so no one in the crowd can hear her, “I’m giving you permission to watch me, to look me directly in the eyes, and to ask whatever questions you need to, while we are on stage. Understandood?”
“Yes, Mistress,” he says meekly.
Staying bent over, she places her hands on her knees while she talks to him, “Pleasing a woman isn’t like bobbing for apples. You do not shove your face in, thrash around, suck, bite and hope for the best. You need to think of a woman’s clip like a frightened…cat. Literally. It is hiding under the bed, terrified, and does not want to come out. You have to coat it, pet it, stroke it, snuggle it, be gentle with it. First, you start slow—you don’t throw back the covers and reach in—you have to walk into the room and let that pussy know you are there. When it purrs in response, then you slowly lift the covers and reach in, gently petting it, reassuring it that it really does want to come out. Got it?”
Frank nods in acknowledgement.
Eve walks to Suzie, seeing her turning slightly red at being exposed to such a large crowd. Her fears are soon forgettten when Eve leans down, and kisses her, running the tips of her fingers down her throat and over her breasts, swirling around the nipples. Suzie responds positively, surprised at the password with which Eve touches her. When she pulls back and smiles coyly, she asks for permission, “May I get started?”
Suzie nods quickly.
Eve tosses a pillow down onto the floor, carefully kneeing. She keeps her toes on the ground, though it is uncomfortable, because she knows that it looks good. Making eye contact with Frank, she makes sure he is watching, “Walk in the room to let the pussy know you’re there…”
Leaning forward, she places small, soft kisses on the insides of Suzie’s thighs. As she moves closer, she lightly kisses the top of her slit, teasingly sliding her tongue down the left lip, before coming back up the rEve does this a few more times, swirling closer and closer, until she stops at the bottom. Lightly, she flicks her tongue against the woman’s opening, tasting her juices.
Glancing to Frank, she whispers, “Slowly lift the covers and reach in…”
With the very tip of her tongue, she presses ever so slightly against Suzie’s slit, barely Parting her lips as she licks upward in one long stroke. Repeating, she increases her depth until by the third time, the tip of her tongue flicks Suzie’s clip. When Suzie lets out a small moan, Eve darts her tongue into Suzie’s hole before flattening it out and dragging it all the way up. She does this several more times until she can see the woman’s thighs begin to tighten as she tries to press her pussy against Eve’s face. Eve leans in, tongue wide and flat and presses her open mouth to Suzie’s pussy, centering it on her clip, where she las at the increasingly engaged flesh.
Asshe starts to flick it faster, she runs both hands up Suzie’s calves, across her thighs, up her stomach and to her breasts. Her nimble fingers coat each orb free from the collar of her dress before she tenderly kneads them. Suzie starts to tighten up, fucking Eve’s face as much as she can. Eve leaves her tongue flat against her clip but starts to suckle, the pressure pushing Suzie towards the edge.
Eve flicks Suzie’s tits before rolling each nipple between her fingers; the added sensing causes the woman to plummet into an orgasm, moaning out as she arches her back, thrusting her cunt into Eve’s face. Eve stops sucking, but gently cares her clip with her tongue until Suzie’s body starts to convulse. Pulling away from her pussy, Eve rises to her feet. She balances carefully, sticking her ass out while she bends over Suzie between her legs, so that she can stroke the woman’s face and kiss her tenderly.
Suzie looks up at her, oblivious to the crowd in the room; she had noidea just how good Eve was at pleasure a woman, “That was…wonderful. Thank you.”
Eve kisses her lightly, smiling, “Thank you. I’ll give you a moment, then we’ll see how quick of a study this sub is.”
She stands back up and turn to Frank, but something near the edge of the stage catches her eye; glancing off into the crowd, she now sees that most of them have left their tables and now stand just below so that they could get a better view. Eve smiles coyly. She uses her thumb to wipe Suzie’s juices from around her mouth, before sucking it off of her finger and winding at the group. Several men don’t both hiding it when they rearrange themselves.
Looking down at Frank, she asks, “Questions?”
Hesitantly, because he is nervous of the crowd, he asks, “How will I Know when to go faster?”
“Her body will tell you,” she replies automatically; then, deciding to dumb it down for clarification purposes, she rephrases, “when her hips start pumping and she is essentally fucking your face, that means she wants more. Are you ready?”
He looks appreciated, but nods. Eve directs him to the pillow, where he knees just as she did. To make a good show of it, Eve stands behind Frank, legs spread so that he is almost between them. She leans over, sticking her ass out while putting her hands on her knees; the crowd behind her gets a good view of her bald, Now dripping wet pussy. The position is a little awkward for her, but it gives her a good view of what Frank is doing and allows her to whisper into his ear for directions.
Doing just as she did, Frank starts a little lower, putting tender kisses on Suzie’s ankles. He moves slower, gently kissing his way up her thighs and to the top of her slit. His tongue is a lot wider and larger than Eve’s, so when he starts running it down her left lip, it almost covers it entirely. He circles his way closer and closer, finally landing on her hole, but he goes back a little further, to her anus, where he slowly licks his way up before sliding it inside of her. Eve watches, pleased; she see’s Suzie’s nipples firm up when his tongue touches her asshole, and she even lets out a moan when he buries it deep inside.
He repeats what he saw, using the tip of his tongue to slowly open her lips over several long licks. Eve believes he has a good handle on it, so she pulls back away from him, letting him take over The show. Walking around to the side of the table, she sees Suzie’s huge breasts and can’t help herself when she leans down and wraps her mouth around one of them, flicking her title with her tongue and suckling.
This quickly amps Suzie up. Eve moves over to the other breast just as Frank starts lapping at her clip. He barely manages to clamp his mouth over it before Suzie starts bucking at his face, and soon Almost wails as her body tightens up. The orgasm causes her back to arch so forcefully, the helpers waver a little while trying to keep her legs open. Frank does a goodjob of keeping her high, until her body starts jerking; he releases her clip, kissing her thighs tenderly before pulling away.
Eve draws back from Suzie’s chest, looking down at the woman’s eyes. She is hazy, glazed over and in full bliss. Eve decides to take advantage of the situation and elevate everyone beyond their current state. She snaps her fingers at Frank, pointing to Suzie’s pussy, “Clean her up.”
Frank’s large, wide tongue begins to lap at Suzie’s hole but moves to her anus as most of her juices have dribbled down there. The feeling makes the woman purr. Eve starts kneeling her breasts and leans in, pressing her lips to Suzie’s. She dominates the woman, forcing her tongue into her mouth. Reacting, Suzie reaches up and grabs Eve’s breasts, squeezing them before pinching the nipples. When Suzie thrusts her hips towards Frank, he gets the hint and starts slowly licking her from her anus all the way to her clip.
Suzie gasps for air, but refuses to let go of Eve’s sweet mouth. Eve finally released her, kissing her cheek before sucking her earlyobe and trailing nibbles down the woman’s neck. She pinches her nipples, rolling them between her fingers. As Suzie groans, humping Frank’s face, her body is slow to build an orgasm.
Eve returns her lips to Suzie’s, the forcefulness of the kiss making Suzie melt with desire. Eve doesn’t stop the woman when her hand slides down Eve’s belly, between her legs and her fingers ease their way into her wet, warm pussy. She purrs into Suzie’s ear, “Use his big, long dick to please that sweet pussy of yours.”
Suzie looks into Eve’s eyes, the desperate need for a final orgasm so great that she fiercely nods, almost begging. Eve smiles, leaning down to nuzzle Suzie’s breasts while looking between her legs into Frank’s eyes, “Fuck her,” is all she says.
Frank suckles Suzie’s clip for a moment longer before rising to his feet. He lifts his long, dangling dick up, swirling the head against Suzie’s oPening. He is gentle as he pushes, the tightness from two orgasms barely allowing the first few inches in. Suzie groans a painful pleasure, her fingers still deep in Eve’s cunt.
Eve starts suckling Suzie’s tits, before kissing her way down her belly and to the top of her slit. Frank has only about four inches in and still a long way to go. Eve spits on the pussy, struggling the saliva across the lips and over the exposed part of Frank’s dick, the sudden attention causing his knees to quake. Knowing that Suzie is a lesbian, Eve rests her cheek against her pussy, angling her face down enough that she can flick the woman’s clip with her tongue. Reaching out, she grabs a hold of Frank’s dick, her fingers around his balls and her thumb over the base. Slowly, she uses the man like a dildo and fucks Suzie’s pussy with him.
Suzie’s moaning doesn’t stop, it only gets louder. With Eve’s tongue bringing her closer and closer to an orgasm, she is relishing the way Eve uses the sub like atoy to fuck her. With three of her fingers in the tight pussy, she is so excited she is on the verge of cumming.
Eve withdraws her face once she gets Frank’s dick all the way inside of the pussy; she allows Frank to respond naturally to Suzie, fucking her faster and harder as she nears the edge. She can see his eyes start to drift closed, as if he is close himself. When Eve stands up, he remembers where he is and he breathily asks, “May I cum, Mistresses?”
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