They had walked into the club pretty late as these things go. The place was already packed, dragged of people stumbling around in the half dark, hustling the bar, eyeing each other up and assessing their chances. The air of desperation and hunger, but it was of no concern to them at all. Quite a few eager eyes had already looked her over he noticed, mainly as she wasn’t quite dressed for the heat of a packed nightclub in full swing. But he’d chosen her clothes for her with decoration.
Arm in arm they moved to a darkish space towards the back of the club, far enough away from the blast of the beat to almost hear one another. He pulled her towards him, sliding his arm around her back, squeezing lightly and gave her a deep kiss on her mouth. He breathed in and pulled her scent, a deep smell of the sweat of earlier mixed with the heat and the spilt booze of another night in a bodytrap.
His arm brushed up her back as he reached for her neck, feeling the straws under the thick black full body dress he’d asked her to wear. He could feel himself stir as he wondered whether the straps were tight enough to cling to her properly, pinch her body as she walked, just tight enough to pull against with every movement. “Go get some drinks from the bar,” he whispered in her ear, “I’ll wait here. I want to watch you.”
She smiled shyly and moved away, carefully, slowly, Through the crowd towards the bar. She seemed self-conscious of course, moving almost gingerly. He grinned to himself, must be hot he thought; the absence of air conditioning, the thick black dress she wore to conceal what she wore underneath, thigh-length black socks and tempting ankle boots. She looked great he thought to himself, his little angel of darkness.
She got close to the bar, squeezing in, waiting to be noticed by the over busy bar staff. Her hand tugging at the hem of the dress, pulling it down a little to make sure it wasn’t riding up her hips. The bright smile on her face hackt the barman’s eye and he saw her place an order, before looking around to catch his eye.
He was aware of the press of people in the crowded club, swirling around, greedily getting drunk, gawping and yelping at one another, being loud. He hadn’t wanted to come out at all tonight, but she said she needed a change of space so he quietly relented. He had never been a fan of crowded spaces like this, but as they had spent the entire day inside her room at her apartment by themselves, it made some sense as night fall to get outside.
To make himself feel better about going out he had made her promise to do exactly as she was told. To wear what he choose for her and to just, obey. All in black, no colour, a tight fitting, nearly short but concealing dress, to cover the full body leather harness he had had made her wear. Two straps across the shoulders, one tight band under her breasts, another cinched to her waist and a single strip of softened leather running between her legs. Hehad made sure it was just tight enough to grab her in all the right places and to grip her whenever she moved.
She appeared in front him, two glasses in hand, flushed slightly, with weak beads of sweat on her top lip. He took the tall tumbler from her with one hand and squeezed hers gently with the other as a thank you.
He pulled her close again, a buffer against the strangers milling around as he drank slowly, savouring the sweet, strong taste of dark rum. Barely glancing at the over exposed bodies of the girls on the hunt, the boys on the chase, it was all desperately ridiculous he thought, especially when he had what he wanted right here in front him. Dressed for him, playing along with his fantasy.
He put his empty glass down on the table next to him, and pushed her back up against the wall pressing himself against her, pushing his hips against her belly. His hand slide around behind her back feeling for the metal ring where four pieces of leather met. He hooked his fingers into the loop and pulled it upwards, feeling her stiffen and gasp ever so slightly, just enough to know the belt was tight up against her. He pulled and released with his finger several times as he kissed into her, feeling her squirm with her back to the wall.
“Come with me,” he said, pulling her free hand into his, guiding her through the crowd towards the heart of the beat. Moving slightly towards one side, Staying away from the heaving crowd luxury in the bass, they stood together in the slight darkness. Alone together in the intensity of the throbbing pulse of the club’s sound system. Alone, but for the crowd and the heat and the smell.
One hand against her hip, pulling her close, the other, twisting the leather strap running between her. Tugging, releasing and her mouth opening up to his tongue, hot, wet. He could feel her ass tighten against the leather as he raised it hard, feel her arching her back and stepping up onto her toes, feel her soften as he released and ease in towards his thighs.
He bent towards her, pressing her backwards and tightly held around her waist, his other hand reaching down in front of her, feeling for the edge of her dress. He slide his hand up her inner thigh, the edge of his palm resting up against her, feeling where the tight strap pulled up over her, testing her heat and her swollen labia. He could feel the heat, almost taste the sensing where the leather rubbed up across her inner space. Perfect he thought, trapped in leather that pressed into her, and no-one but himself or the most observant would ever know what was going on underneath.
She clenched as his hand turned palm up, tugging the leather up with his fingers, one, two fast tugs and she nearly melted, gasping sharply, two more and released. She was already so close and he hadn’t had to do anything. The heightened mental thrill of going into a packed club wearing a body harness in near plain sight had clearly had the right effect. It had electrified everything. Even just walking had become amplified into an erotic tangle and made watching her move a pure thrill. He squeezed her twice maybe and she climaxed right there on his hand, jerking and twitching. His other hand wrapped around and gripped her ass, squeezed and pulling the other way as she shuddered and bit his shoulder. Trapped in orgasm right next to a mass of moving, faceless people.
“Good grrl,” he grew, into her ear, as he slowly eased his grip and felt her soften into him. His free hand reached underneath her, feeling for the press stud that held the tight leather against her, pinched it and snapped the leather free. She gave once last jolt as the leather strap slide free and she clung on to him as the frenzied crowd pulsed all around them. Hot and oblivious and blind to what had just happened.
He slide two fingers right into her, gripping her between his thumb and firm fingers, squeezed his fingers wide and she arched again, gasping with sudden shock of invasion and in so public a place. His fingers slide into her wetness, relishing in her delight, then quickly pulled them out, brushed them over her lips, inviting her to bite on her own flavour.
“And that’s just a good start,” he whispered.
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