“Karenda, answer the door.” Master said when the doorbell rang and thinking nothing of it I popped up off the couch to answer the door; only to find a Police officer standing there.
“Are you Karenda?” he asked me.
“Umm, yes Sir I am.” I replied back, quite started.
“Then you are going to have to come with me Ma’am. Please turn around and place you hands behind your head.” I started to say something in protest, but he grabbed my wrist, spun me around and said, “I am sorry Ma’am you are going to have to come with me.” And he clicked his handscuffs of me, like I was some kind of criminal.
Master, wondering what was taking me so long, came around the corner at that time. The started look of surprise on his face made me worry even more.
“What is the problem officer?” Master asked him.
“Well Sir, we need to take her in for questioning. If there is no problem, then she will be brought back home when we are finished with her. If there is a problem, shewill have a phone call coming and she can call you at that time.”
Master then looked down at me, “Have you done something you need to tell me about little one?” His eyes searching mine looking for an answer.
“NO!” I screamed at him. How could he think I could have been involved with anything that was illegal? Anger was welling up inside me by this point. “Do something now! I Haven’t done anything!”
Master just gave me that look. Then he looked at the police officer. “Well, I can see what ever she has done, she isn’t going to tell me. And I know her well enough to know, you will have a long ride back to the police station tonight. And since it is raining and you really don’t need the distraction of her noise with these hazardous conditions, how about something to stop that? Wait just a minute and I will get you a gag.” And before waiting for the officer to say a word, he was off.
Disbelief at what my own Master had just said enraged me. I started pulling and trying to get away. I was not going to get into any damn police car or go anywhere when I hadn’t done anything!
“Oh, you’re a fighter. I can see that. We consider that a flight risk. We have special things for people like you.” He said as he spun me to the floor and buried his knee in my back and attached cuffs to my legs. He was just finishing when Master appeared again. “Sorry Sir, she seems to be a flight risk. So I need to take precaution to make sure she doesn’t run.” “Oh, I most certainly agree with you there. Now here is a gag and a blindfold too.”
“Master!” I screamed. “How dare you do this to me, I haven’t done anything at all!”
”But baby, if you haven’t done anything, then the police wouldn’t be here taking you away. So you must have done something. Want to tell me just what that is? Maybe I can’t stop all of this if you just fess up?” He said as he gave me that look.
“Fuck you!” was all I managed to get out before the gag was tied in my mouth and the blindfold placed over my eyes. I was then stood and even had a Walkman headset placed over my ears. I tried to scream, but it was no use, the low sounds I could make through the gag where drowned out by the noise of the music in my ears. I was then led to the police car and put in the back seat.
I wasn’t real sure where the police station was, but I knew that because we lived in the country, it was going to take a little time. So I used to time to try to go over in my mind, just what was it they wanted to talk to me about. Why had Master believed I had done something with out even questioning it? He had never done that before. He always had given everything a fair chance. Why not now?
The officer drove like a mad man too. With my hands behind my back, I couldn’t brace myself and I was rocked from one side of the back seat to the other. If I hadn’t been gagged, this man would have gotten a piece of my mind! Finally I felt the car slowing down, then stop and the engine turned off. I was ready to get out that car and find out just what the hell was going on. I had reached my limit.
After I was taken out of the car, the headset was taken off so I could hear again. It was still raining and I was getting wet. I was leading up to what I thought was a door because I was stopped, then told to go on in. But I ran smack into wall, as I was still blindfolded, and fell backwards onto my butt. I heard several people laughing and I again tried screaming into my gag making everyone who was on looking laugh harder. Then I was again pulled to my feet and pulled along for a few more steps. I was lead inside out of the rain and sat down in a chair.
I heard someone say, “She is wet. We might want to let her get into some dry clothes before she catches a cold.” Someone else chimed in, “Well, we could at least get her out of her wet clothes, but I don’t really think she will need dry ones. She might talk faster if she is naked.” Hearing this made me scared and I started wondering; just what the hell they were going to do to me anyway? I began to jerk and try to move in my chair but several pair of hands quickly held me still.
A heard the click of a gun and felt the pressure of it touching my temple. “I think you might want to hold still, I would hate to shoot you for trying to run. You also do realized this is not the police station. I am off duty right now and when or if they ever do find you, all I have to do is make up some story to make it look any way I want it too!” These words brought tears to my eyes. I know in my heart he was right and my Master would never know the truth. So I sat there very still and soaked the blindfold until it dripped like it was raining inside this building from my tears.
The gun was moved from my head and the gag removed but I said nothing from my quivering lips. The ankle cuffs were taken off and I was thrown down to the floor face first. This brought a small scream from me, more from being started than from being scared. A knee was placed in my back and I felt the blade of a knife at the small of my back and work it’s way down into the waistband of my pants. The blade cut through the fabric of my pants with ease, then through the fabric of my shirt and bra with the same quick strokes of ease. When I was stood, my clothes fell from me as if they had turned to powder and slide easily down my skin.
For once during the whole ordeal I was thankful to be blindfolded as I stood before who knows how many people naked. A shudder ran down my spine that brought the gun pushing my temple inwards again. “I said not to move, so I wouldn’t push it. Do you understand me?” I tried to answer, but my voice would not work. So I mouthed the words with my still quivering lips. It seemed to pacify the voice that barked at me. Laughter erupted again as if a joke had been made but I was too frightened to even be angry about it. I only wanted to pull myself inside my own skin and hide forever.
“Come on.” Said the same voice as my hair was yanked and I was pulled backwards. “Now sit on this table like a good girl.” I felt for the edge of the table and slide atop it, the wood edges scraping my butt cheats as I did so. “Now lay back.” I was told as a hand guided me backwards. My wrists were then again cuffed with the cold metal handcuffs and fastened above my head; a pillow of some sort was placed Under my butt that must have been at least six inches high and then my ankles where stretched as far apart as they would go apart and fastened down as well.
Someone started rubbing my nipples lightly and very gently and it felt so odd in such extreme circumstances. I had no idea what was going to happen, but I was sure this gentle person wouldn’t be near me for very long. And considering all that had happened so far, I cried at this touch. “Ah now dear,” a voice soothed me. This voice was different from the rest I had heard tonight. It was very harsh and deep and it seemed to almost crackle. But it had the calming effect of a mother’s voice. “Don’t cry. I am here to help you. Now you do as I say and answer any questions I have and I will promise, you will live and you will not be harmed. But if you lie to me or refuse to answer me I can’t stop these people from hurting you. Please tell me that you understand me.”
“Yes” was all I could say before my body began shaking and I felt the flood of terror rise through my body.
“Good girl” he said as his hands kept working my nipples. His voice was so calming and I soon found myself relaxing a bit. This must have been apparent because his hands began to work my whole title instead of just my nipple. And although I did not want to enjoy what was happening; my body felt the need to be betray me and started to respond to his touch.
At first my nipples began to harden and I felt the butterfly in stomach start fluttering it’s wings on my “G” spot as if there was a string from the man’s finger straight to it. I took a deep breath and tried to mentally block off what was happening to me, hoping to control what my body was responding so nicely to.
“Now, now my dear, just relax and enjoy what is happening. I have already told you no one will hurt you. But you must make a show and cum for them before we can start with the questions. So just let me do this, answer my questions and you will be home before you Know it.”
“Why can’t they just kill me and get this over with? Why make me suffer? What did I ever do to deserve this anyways?” I asked through shaking lips. “Why?”
“Ah now dear, if you answer me, they might let you live. So let’s get this over with.” And with that, his hands started working my tittys again. Then one hand slide down to my pussy and started to massage my clip. I bucked my hips against his hand, but that only made it feel better, so I quickly stopped. I was not going to cum for them, no matter what they did to me.
Then I felt something enter my pussy and start vibrating while his hand continued rubbing my clip. Soon I couldn’t not enjoy what was happening and felt my body given in to the touches it seemed to long for. Just when I was about to cum, the soft voiced man pinched my clip and made me orgasm so hard I screamed; which only brought on more laughter.
Shame at my actions made me glad for a second time that I had been blindfolded. What would Master think of me? He would be so ashamed of me, cumming for these people. Cumming without asking. I started crying again.
“There, there little one. You did wonderful. Now is time for the questions.”
“Fuck you and don’t call me little one! Only one person is allowed to do that and you’re not him! And stop touching me!” Anger flared through my words as they barked from my lips.
“Well now, little one, you are just going to have to learn that I can’t keep you from pain if you don’t learn to control that attitude. I am afraid I have been told that you will have to endure some pain for that outburst. And,” he said is a much softer voice. As if he didn’t want anyone else to hear. “I can call you anything I want to. But I will try to refrain from calling you that. Remember, I am here to help you child.”
”I am not your fucking child either!” I yelled. Laughter filled the room again and I heard a single set of footsteps leaving me. I yanked and pulled on the binds as hard as I could only to find that they seemed to get tighter. Finally when I knew I couldn’t get loose I gave up trying.
After what seemed like hours, I heard three or four sets of footsteps and something that sounded like a cart being wheeled over. Another wave of panic set in and I again tried the bonds and again they only seemed to get tighter. This time I felt like the cuffs on my wrists where going to cut my hands clean off. The cart noise stopped right beside the table I was on and when a hand touched my stomach I jumped and screamed. A gag was then put into my mouth.
I then felt something very small, like the size of a pencil but soft, like a hose go into my ass. At first it didn’t hurt but was just uncomfortable. But they just kept pushing and feeding this hose thing in me. It seemed like they had put five or six feet in when they stopped.
“Well now, as you might have guessed we have inserted a tiny hose into your rectum. Not to uncomfortable I hope?” The voice of this man was much deeper. And he said the later as a statement, not a question as it should have been. “And although it may seem minor, I can assure you it will be able to cause intense pain. Please turn the switch on.” And with that, I heard a humming noise coming from what ever was switched on.
I felt nothing at first, and then it was like a light stomachache in the area just above the pussy shaft. But then it got worse and worse until I was screaming into the gag. The pain was like pure red flames where being released inside me. Rush after rush of fire ran inside me and I just knewI was dieing. Nothing in this world could have hurt worse. My body was being cut in half from the inside out. “That’s enough.” The husky voice said and the sound of air hissing out of a tired was the last thing I heard before I passed out.
I came to with someone soothing my face with a wet clothes. “There, there my dear. It will be ok now, I am right here with you. Just be calm and it will be alright.” Said the man with the crackling voice, his raspy murmurs soothing me.
“What did they do to me? Was I poisoned?” I asked in the lowest voice I could.
“Oh no child. They pumped air into your upper bowel. It won’t hurt you, but it is the most intense pain a person can feel. Now, you see, you must answer any questions asked of you and don’t fight This. I can’t take your blindfold off, but is there anything that would make you more comfortable? Maybe another pillow?” He asked me, all the while struggling my face with the wet towel.
“My fingers have gone numb, could they loosen the cuffs a little bit? Or how about taking this blindfold off?” I asked, knowing the answer would be “no”. But I had to ask anyway. I had to know if he would really help me.
“Well, we might be able to arrange the loosening the cuffs, if you promise no more out bursts. But I am afraid the blindfold will have to stay.” I shook my head and instantly someone was loosening them. “Is that better?” he asked me and I shook my head that it was. “Now then, we have to start over from the beginning.” You must cum again for them, then answer their questions before you can go home. Are you ready?”
I started to say something, then felt a cramp in my stomach and just shook my head yes. Now, my goal in life was no longer making Master happy, paying rent or car payments. It was simply to keep From that kind of pain again, no matter what the cost.
His hands found their way to my nipples again and he worked them as he had before, starting with the nipples and then working the wholeTitty. This time he added his tongue; which was pierced as Master’s was making it so much easier to enjoy. Then his tongue worked its way down my stomach, stopping and kissing in different areas. And when he reached my pussy, I felt him climb on the table. Because my pussy was up on the wedge pillow and so high in the air, he had no problems finding my clip and went to town. Within just a few minutes I came all over his face.
“My oh my dear child, you do seem to be very wet. So let’s answer the first question before you dry up. Let’s start with a simple one. What is the last law you broke?”
I had to think about that for a minute. “Well, speeding I guess?” was my reply.
“Are you sure sweet girl?” He asked me and I shook my head yes. His voice again calming me with it’s crackling pitches of depth. “Good, now let’s go ahead and get a few more out of the way while we are at it. You are doing so well for me. Let’s go back in time, when you where nine. What happened then that the police might want to know about? Can you tell me about that?”
I instantly broke out into a sweat as images ran through my mind. I could still see them so well; I could feel the heat of the fire touching my skin, burning me. I could see it all so clear. “No. Why do they want to know? It has been so long, I have forgotten it all. I don’t remember any of it. Why are they asking me This? They can’t arrest me for it after this many years can they? Please tell me they can’t. Please tell me they can’t.” I repeated over and over as my body shook.
”Shhh now dear child. Yes they can arrest you for it, no matter how long ago it has been. But you must tell them now. You must clean this from your mind. Don’t you think you have kept it buried for way too long? My dear little child, you will feel so much better if you just tell them.” His voice was trying to calm me, but it wasn’t working now. I could see it all in my mind, flashing lights. There were so many flashing lights. Why wer there so many? Why did so many people have to come? Nothing could be done. Not now, it’s too late. Why?
“You must say something, or it will be more pain. Now my dear, tell me.” His soft voice demanded of me, but I couldn’t say anything for crying. I couldn’t tell anyone, especially the police. Would I just have to die if I didn’t tell them? Would they accept a lie?
“I set my dollhouse on fire. My Barbie dollhouse. That’s it. That’s all there was too it.” I screamed at the air. “Now take me home!”
“Oh dear child. Do you really think that was a smart thing to do? Do you really not understand that the police would not do this to you over a dollhouse? And don’t you know that they do background checks. You never had Barbie’s, so why would you have had a Barbie dollhouse? Now I can’t help you. I hope you survive what they plan on doing now.” With that, he kissed my forehead and I heard him once again leave me.
“Well now, with the way you are acting it would appearYou like pain. I should have come up with some better forms of pain. But these will have to do for now.” Said the man with the deep voice. “Is the water boiling yet? Good. Get the gag on her!” He told someone. And before I could think of what he was going to do with the boiling water, the gag was digging in my jaw, my pussy lips where spread and something very hot was held up against the whole length of my cunt.
I screamed in horror and pain through the gag. I tried to scream stop, but the muffled sounds only brought another round of laughter from the on looksers. The hot thing was taken away and replaced by something icy cold being inserted in me. My body couldn’t didn’t take the contrast well and began to cramp hard. Then I felt the hot water being pumped into my pussy and the effect was that I urinated on myself. “Put it in the other hole!” a demanding voice yelled. “Let’s see if she shits as nice too.” And the flooding stopped being pumped into my pussy and returned in my ass.
“Now I think you better hold this, unless you want to lay in a very big mess. But of course, I am sure you never tried to hold a hot water enema. It is almost impossible to do.” I was told by the deep voice. The heat of the water burned as it entered my body and I felt the muscles relaxing. I squeezed with all my might and was able to hold on to everything and finally it stopped. My stomach cramped and my ass wanted desperately to explore its contents but I refused to let it. This was something they couldn’t make me do. I had set my mind to it.
“Very good. Let’s see what happens now.” He said and I felt something being inserted into my pussy. It was being pumped in and out of my fast and hard. “Faster!” I heard and when the speed and force picked up, I couldn’t hold onto it any longer. A Flood of water came rushing from me soaking everything.
“My god!” Said the voice. “Look at this pathetic thing, all covered in her own shit & piss. Its no wonder the police want her.Have you ever seen such disgust in your life? How can she even live with herself? Hose her down and then we can do the other thing to her. Maybe she won’t drop us in her own waste this time.”
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