***A very special thank you to Ladybug for editing this for me****
When you come home you find me kneeing hands on my spread thighs, eyes cast downward wearing only a collar. You tell me I am a good girl. As you walk by, I know better than to move. You come back after your shower and put your finger under my chin and raise my head gently and say open. I do as I am told and you insert your cock in my mouth, and gently start fucking my mouth. As I get accustomed to your cock you pick up the pace and go deeper and deeper until you are fucking my throat making me gag. As I gag 1 last time you explored down my throat making me take every drop before you let me get a breath. You tell me good job baby girl and hold your hand out.
As I take Your hand and stand up. You tell me that we are going out to dinner. I walk in the bedroom to see you have laid out a simple knee length black skirt, white button up blouse, matching white panty, bra and garter belt set with black stocking and a pair of black fuck me heels. I get dressed, put my hair up in a high ponytail and do my make up light on everything except eyeshadow and red lipstick. When I come out of the bedroom you say maybe we should just have dinner here, and win at me as we head out the door.
You are so gentlemanly and open the door to the car for me and help me in. As you drive we talk about our days. I ask where we’re going, you tell me you know the way, don’t worry. At that point it gets quiet. You know I don’t like the unknown so after a few mins you tell me we are going to this new restaurant I had mentioned I wanted to try. This eases my nervousness.
We arrive at the restaurant and we head in. As we are walking in you tell me, oh by the way, we are meeting a few of your friends here, and I should behave. You feel my body tension and reassure me it’s going to be fine. Just remember my manners. As we are seated with your friends you make introductions. They seem nice, but you can tell I am still on edge so you gently cares my leg and give me a reassuring squeeze to let me know you are right there and everything is OK.
As the night passes your friends engage me in conversation and include me like they have known me for all their lives. I get to hear stories of the silliness you guys did when you were young, and even some more embarrassing stories that I am sure you would rather I have not heard. As the night progresses I excuse myself to freshen up. As I am coming back I see you guys talking but I can not hear what is being said. As I approach you all stop talking like it was something I wasn’t supposed to hear. This makes the butterflies in my tummy go into overdrive. As the night continues we all engage in friendly conversation but I still feel anxious no matter how kind and polite your friends are.
After dinner we all order a drink. You guys order gin and tonics. I choose a girl drink, a cosmopolitan. Since I only ate a salad and haven’t drank in quite a while my drink starts to hit me hard. You can see the effect it is having on me as can you friends but not to the same degree. They see giggles and silliness while you see that as well as my hands wandering to your zipper. You try to move my hands back to my lap but they don’t stay. You lean over and whisper in my ear in a harsh tone to cut it out or I will be sorry. I just giggle and do not take heed to Your warning and continue to be silly and try to play.
You firmly put my hands back in my lap and tell me this is my last warning. I roll my eyes and say okkkkkkkkkk. I see the look and know I have gone too far this time. I immediately feel my cheeses flush and know you are not happy with me or my behavior. Your friends notice my cheeses and ask me if I am ok. I say oh yeah just a strong drink and excuse myself to the ladies room to try to get myself together and presentable. When I return you ask me if I am ok. I tell you I am, but can’t meet your eyes and sit back down to let you guys finish catching up.
When it is time to call it a night you help me to my feet. I finished my drink while you guys were talking, so I am a little unsteady on my feet. You put your hand at the small of my back just to make sure I stay upright. When we get to the car you open the door and help me in. As you shut the door, realization of what I have done hits me. I try to apologize when you get in but you tell me that we will discuss it later. We ride home in silence, leaving me to think. As I think you can feel the stress and tension radiating off my body. You place your hand on my leg and I just about jump out of the car. You tell me just breathe. I try to apologize again but you tell me you’re still not ready.
When we get home you help me out of the car and into the house. I start to undo the buttons on my shirt as I know you will punish me for my behavior. You stop me and hold my hands in yours and tell me just the shoes come off.
I am so confused by this but I remove my shoes with a little help from you to keep from face planning. After they are off you take me by the hand and lead me to the couch and tell me to sit down on the couch next to you. I do as I am told. All I can think is oh this is bad he is not punishing me. I can’t meet your gaze even when you tell me to look at you. You put your fingers under my chin and force me to meet your gaze. You ask me if I am ok. I shake my head yes and try to look away but you will not allow it. I tell myself honesty is the number 1 rule and you feel like I am not being honest with you. You ask me what I am thinking right now. I tell you I don’t know. You know that is not true and remind me I get paid for breaking your rules. I nod my head yes as tears fill my eyes. You let go of my chin and ask me to tell you honestly what I am thinking. I tell you that I am thinking that I am in bigger trouble than I thought as you are not punishing me but instead talking to me. You carefully listen as you hold myhands while I tell you I am sorry and promise to be good.
You then tell me I am in trouble but I am letting my mind play tricks on me. Until I lied about what I was thinking I was just going to get a spanking and some corner time and if I took it like a good girl I could play with your zipper all I wanted. You tell me that now that I have not been honest with you I will be getting a spanking this evening over your knee and tomorrow when I have sobered up I will be getting the crop. You tell me 25 on each breast and my pussy. And 50 on my bottom. You see the fear on my tears stained face and ask what I was just thinking. I know better than to be untruthful again so I tell you that I don’t know if I can take that many licks with the crop. You tell me you’re sure I can but if I would like you will reduce the swats to 25 on my bottom. I agree without hesitation.You ask me if I am sure because once i make this deal it is done. I nod and say yes Daddy thank you. You smile and say you may not feel that way after I am done.
You ask what else I am thinking about. I tell you that I am hoping I didn’t embarrass you in front of your friends. You tell me no, not at all. I also asked what you guys were talking about when I came back and you guys quit talking. You tell me I will find out soon enough. You ask me if I am prepared to submit for my spanking. I ask for 5 minutes to mentally prepare. You tell me to take my time you have all night but I will be getting spanked. You tell me when I am ready to come back to the couch and remove everything I am wearing.
I come back after about 5 minutes having removed everything and knee before you. You ask me if I am ready. I silently nod yes. You say I didn’t hear you. I say yes Daddy I am ready. You then ask me to please tell you what I am ready for. I mumble to be spanked. You ask me to repeat myself and speak up. I do. You then make me tell you why I am being spanked. I tell you for being disrespectful to you. You nodand remind me that you are doing this for me. To make me a better person. You then ask me to please stand. You notice that I already have tears in my eyes and tell me you don’t care if I cry, scream, beg, cuss, you will be spanking me until I learn my lesson.
You then gently guide me over your knee and pin my legs with the other leg. Once you are happy with my placement you Ask me if I remember the safe word. I say yes Daddy. You first start rubbing my bottom. Then you begin to spank me not hard, just enough to get my attention. By this point I am already silently crying. You pick up the pace and intensity. I am no longer silent. I am beginning and screaming and struggle. After about 5 mins you stop and ask me if I am ok. I tell you yes. You go back to spanking me hard until I stop fighting then a few more smacks.
You let me rest for a few moments then help me stand up. You tell me to go stand in the corner by the TV so you can watch me and make sure I do not rub my bottom. I stand there with my hands on my head until you say I can come out. Once I am done with the time in the corner you tell me I did good. I turn to go to bed as my bottom hurts horribly and the alcohol is making my emotions run wild. You stop me from going and ask me to come have a seat. I gently sit down and you ask me if I am ok. I just shake my head yes as my throat is raw. You leave me There and go to the kitchen and come back with 2 pain reliefs and a glass of water so I will not be hung over. You pick me up and settle me into your lap as you sit back down and hold me as I settle down. You tell me you are proud of how well I did tonight and say you hope I do just as well tomorrow. We sat there in silence with the exception of a straight hiccup from me here and there until I fell asleep in your lap.
I woke up the next morning in bed. I can tell you slept in it with me but you are not there now. I began to smell breakfast cooking and follow the smell towards the kitchen and findyou. You ask me how I am, I say I am fine then you turn me around and see a few light bruises. We sit to eat. You are kind enough to give me a pillow to sit on. We chat over breakfast and you ask how I am feeling emotionally and mentally. I tell you I am ok. Still a little embarrassed by my behavior. You tell me that you have never seen me get that tipsy on 1 drink.
You ask if there is anything I would like to tell you. I know it is pointless to not be honest. If you are asking, you already know. So I tell you I took an anxiety pill when I went to the restroom. I didn’t expect to be drinking. You ask me why I drank after taking meds. I just shake my head and say because I am dumb. You tell me I am not dumb but that was a very dumb and dangerous thing to do. You are not happy with me and I know that.
You tell me to help you clean up after we finish breakfast. After all of the dishes are done and we clean the kitchen you tell me to go to the living room. As I walk in I see the footrest moved to the center of the room and I see the crop which I expect but I also see the paddle and the cane. I freeze, unaware you are right behind me. As you try to guide me into the living room I begin to struggle and plead no Daddy please don’t Daddy. You stop guiding and ask me what is wrong. I am beginning you please don’t do this. I tell you I know I screwed up but Daddy not the cane.
You hold me and tell me calm down baby girl you’re not getting the cane, you were honest this morning. I lean against you as I settle down some. And then ask you how you know what I had done. You tell me I know you and that was not you after 1 drink. You ask me if we can continue now that we have settled that issue. I asked what about the paddle Daddy, I was honest. You say yes but last night you were not. You agreed to 25 swats remember. I did remember I was not paying attention to the wording you used. I say yes Daddy let’s get this over with.
You chuckle and ask is that any wayto ask for your punishment. I immediately regret my words. I say no Daddy. I feel your hand on my back and flinch. You tell me it’s ok. This will hurt but it will be over soon. You then make me look you in the eyes and ask to be punished for being dishonest. You ask me where I would like to begin. I choose my bottom as I know it will hurt the most and maybe I will forget the rest. You have me bend over the arm of the couch and tell me not to move and to count them. You know I will not be able to keep my hands from my bottom so you tie my wrists and attach me to the other end of the couch making me stand on my tip toes. You start off slow and build up speed making it hard to count them. We make it to 25.
You then ask do your tits or your puss want attention first. I ask you to do my tits first so I can stand up. You then tell me to stand still and not to move as you secure my hands behind my back. You start at the top side of my left breast and work your way to the bottom then back up making 5 complete passes on each breast as I count and try to stay still. Lastly you say time for that sweet pussy to get some attention. You tell me to lay on my back and bring my knees up and spread as wide as possible, and lock my elbows behind them. I know this is going to be very unpleasant as you now can spank my clip directly. You start off slow and not too hard but hard enough to get a reaction. On every 5 licks you hit my clip and hear me scream. By 25 I am begging you to stop.
You tell me I did very well and hold me as I settle down. Then ask if I would like to take your cock out now. I eagerly say yes and undo your zipper and pull him free. I see he is excited to see me too as I slide him in my mouth. I am having fun teasing just the tip with my tongue as you moan. I then take him down my throat until I gag. You are getting close I can tell so I take him as deep as he will go and you shoot you load down my throat
You tell me to go get a shower and get cleaned up as we have company coming over. You see the look of nervousness across my face and you say go on little one they will be here soon. When I get out of the shower I see you have laid out a cute sundress with a bra and sandals. But no panties. I start to panic but realize it will do no good. So I get dressed and do my hair just as I hear the doorbell. When I come out I see your friends from last night with their significant others and all I can think is oh no. They introduce their partners and I see they are holding trays of food. So we go to the kitchen and I see steaks on the counter as I see they have brought sides. I know better than to question you so I just go with it and pray this day ends quickly.
As the day progresses on I begin to relax until you say oh who wants dessert and ask me to come help you in the kitchen. I see whipped cream, chocolate sauce, cherries, sprinkles and bananas. You tell me to carry the toppings and bananas out. You then come out with ice cream and spoons and wink at me. I about drop the toppings until I see plates.
After everyone is gone you look at me and say we were talking about having a BBQ when you walked up but I told them I needed to check with you. When you decided to be cheeky I thought what better way to teach you a lesson so I told them we were good. You also tell me they have no idea you are a dom and I am your sub.
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