The Night Of The Storm

The rain was beating against the windows, and the wind was howling through the trees as i stepped out of the shower. It was late evening, so i couldn’t really see the fury of the storm, but i could hear it and feel it as it shook the house. Storms have always excited me. With each crash of thunder, i could feel a warm rush begin in my tummy and spread through my body. With each flash of lightning, i could feel myself grow wetter and my nipples harden until it was almost painful. While rubbing patchouli scented lotion into my skin, i lingered between my legs, allowing my fingers to slide between my lips, teasing my clip.

The storm had become so violent, i hadn’t even heard You come in. Silently, You watched me from the hall. i continued, plunging two fingers deep inside, bringing the juices up over my clip and moving my fingers faster there. With my other hand, i began to pinch and pull on my nipples, and You could hear a low moan escape my lips. With the next bright flash fromoutside, i throw my head back, shuddered and cried out just as the house went dark.

i froze. i could feel the panic well up and rise through me. i was terrified of being alone in the dark, even in my own home. As my breathing slowed, i decided i should try to find a candle. Trembling, i started to feel my way along the wall for the doorway.

That’s when i heard Your voice. “On Your knees, little one.” You commanded me. After starting me, initially, the strength of Your tone cut through the haze of my fear, and i dropped to the floor. “Now, follow the sound of my voice, and crawl to me.” You said. Focusing myself entirely on You, i made my way forward, slowly, until i could feel Your strong hands brushing over my back. i gasped as i felt You grab my wet hair and pull me up to stand beside You. Then, as i felt Your arms wrap around me, i melted against You, overwhelmed with relief and love and lust. “i was so afraid, Sir!” was all i could say. You replied with, “Well, there’s nothing to be afraid of … yet!” i smiled, knowing without being able to see, that You had a wicked gleam in Your eye as You spoke.

i laughed, a small, nervous chuckle. i clung to You, naked and still damp, feeling Your breath against my ear and Your hands on my back. i inhaled Your familiar scent, and realized You had grown excited watching me, as i felt Your hard shake pressing against me. i was grateful You allowed me this comfortable, holding back Your own desire for a few moments.

Gently, You caressed my back, then suddenly, You gripped my hair and roughly pulled my head back. With Your mouth, You claimed mine, plunging Your tongue deeply past my parted lips. Taking my face in Your hands, You continued kissing me hard and long, leaving no part of my warm, soft Recesses unexplored. i shivered as You moved a hand lower, raising goosebumps from my ear to my left breast. my nipples were stiff and aching when You grazed one between Your thumb and forefinger, pinching hard and pulling it towards You. i gasped against Your mouth, which then turned into a low moan, almost a growl from my throat.

Completely consumed with every touch and my desire for You, i feel an immediate chill and emptiness when You pulled away. “Sir?”, i began to protest.

“Quiet, My slut.” was Your reply. “Who am I?”

“You’re my Master, Sir.” my heart sped as i Wondered if i had inadvertently forgotten something You required of me. In a single moment, i replayed all of my words and actions of the day to be sure nothing had been omitted. Realizing i had truly been on my best behavior, i started to relax and tries to concentrate on where You were going with this line of questioning.

“And who are You?”

“i am Your slut, Sir. i am Yours to do with as You please, and my desire is to serve You.”

“Very good, little one. Now, on your hands and knees, and present that sweet ass to Me.”

Immediately, i lowered myself to my knees, placing my hands and chef against the cool slate. i could hear You unbuckling Your belt, and i know what Your intentions were. As i feel You trail the belt across my face and back, i smelled the unique scent of leather and steeled myself for the first blow. Patiently, You continued brushing it against me until i was lulled into relaxation from the sensitive teasing of the belt against my skin. Once i’d succumb to its hypnotic effect, and the muscles in my legs and behind relaxed, the sting of the first strike bit into the fullest part of my cheeses. i yelped, more in surprise than discomfort, and You began a steady rhythm of lashes. i tried to raise my ass higher to meet each blow, and as the lust overtook me, i started to vocalize my pleasure. Just as i grew near to a frenzy from the sweet pain and pleasure, driving me close to climax, You stopped.

Frustrated and panting, i waited for You to make Your next move.

* * * * * *

Although the power had not yet returned, I slowly became aware that the storm had ended. i could hear critics chirrping, and the smell of ozone snaked in through the window i had left cracked open. i heard You rumaging through the utility drawer in the kitchen, then Your footsteps approaching me. The click of the lighter reached my ears just before a sudden burst of light filled the darkness. From the corner of my vision, i watched You set a lit candle on the small table next to me.

“It doesn’t look like the electricity will be coming back on anytime soon, so I think we should go out for the evening.” i heard You say as You reached down and gently pulled me to my feet.

Instantly curious, i asked, “Where will we go, Sir?”

“Patience, little one.” was Your reply, and You guided me to the bedroom, candle in hand.

From within the wardrobe, You selected a crimeson, silk sleepless blouse, a short, black, leather skirt, and a pair of four inch, black heels. You then crossed the room to the drawer containing my intimate apparel and removed a black, lace thong and black, patterned stockings. With instructions for me to dress only in what You laid out, You left the room.

i wanted so badly to question You, but You left too quickly for me to do so. Where on earth could You be thinking of taking me dressed like *that*?! This was unlike anything i had ever considered wearing in public, and i could only hope You weren’t considering taking me anywhere well-lit. i should have remembered the old advance “be careful what you wish for…”!

i quickly dressed and struggled through applying makeup by candlelight. Unable to get a very clear view of what i was doing, i applied more makeup than i intended, which, unbeknownst to me, fed nicely into Your plans.

You refused to tell me where we were going, in spine of my attempts to weasel the Information out of You. Driving along, i became nervous as i saw the clean, pretty streets of town became increasingly running down. As the blocks rushed by, i began to recognize the area as thedowntown “red light” district, a place i rarely even drive through during the day. At night, it took on an eerie glow of neon and the few street lamps still in working order.

When You started to slow the car near a strip joint, i opened my mouth to protest, but You stopped me before i could say anything. “Now, My slut… you will get out of the car when I pull over.”

“But, Sir!…”

“Then you will start walking in that direction,” You pointed ahead and down the street we had been traveling as You continued, “and I will be back to pick you up in awhile.”


“Do you understand Me?”

You pulled over and took my chin in Your hand and lifted it to meet Your gaze, looking straight into my eyes. i spat out “Yes, Sir!”, glaring at You and resigned to my fate.

More of a show of force to keep the men milling around outside the club from approaching me, than any real hope You would respond favorably to my anger, i got out and slammed the door with all the strength i could muster. Without a glance back to the car, i began walking down the street.

At first, i crossed my arms around my chest and hurried forward, shoulders hunted, lost in fearful and tempestuous thoughts. “What the hell is He thinking, making me dress like a hooker and walk the streets?! Does He want me to get killed?! He could have taken me anywhere to humiliate me, but this is too much! Is that car following me? If I had any sense, i’d call a taxi and go home to a nice warm cup of tea and my nice soft bed!” But, knowing i would never do that, i started to panic, wondering just how long You would leave me out there. At each corner, i had to pass the small clusters of ladies of the evening, some giving me nasty looks, like i was competition. i had to laugh a small, wry laugh at both the term “ladies” and the idea i could be infringing on their business interests, when it occurred to me that i had no business taking a superior attitude. For all intents and purposes, i was “one of them” that night. The first car approached me at that point, asking for a “date”, and i shook my head, “no”, and hurried on my way. Thankfully, they drove on, looking somewhat disappointed.

After another long block, i was beyond fear. i was no longer thinking rather when i began to plot my revenge. ” Okay…. so He wants to send me out to the wolves, dressed like a sheep! i’ll act like a sheep!” i straightened my posture and let my arms swing out to my sides. i adopted a more open stand and gait, with a slight aire of “Come get me!”. i started to get into my role, and met the next nasty look from a hooker with a confident smile. As i strolled along, i kept thinking, “Serves Him right if i get raped and murdered! Let Him live with *that* the rest of His days!”

An old, beat up pick up truck pulled to a stop just ahead of me, and i could see the driver waiting for me to approach. i sauntered up alongside of him, and he said “Hey, baby, lookin’ good! Howabout some action?”

i smiled seductively, winked and replied, “Sweetie… you couldn’t afford me!”, giving his old truck a smug once over and laughing.

“Bitch!” he exclaimed as he squealed away from the curb.

Head held high, i moved closer to yet another club with “XXX” and “girls girls girls” blazing in neon from the marquis. i thought to myself that this must be a popular place, as there were no less than a dozen men standing out front, and more cars pulling up at the curb. i was fearless by then, and pretty much thought only of making them pay for being the despicable creativity they were… men!

“Whoooo—eeee! Lookee at what’s coin’ this way!” i heard one of them say.

Another chimed in, “Oh, baby…tell me you’re working here tonight!”

“Sorry, boys, but i’m more…mmmm….freelance.” i said with a wink.

i tried to move forward through the crowd, but was stopped by a tall man with dark hair and dangerous eyes. “Just tell me how much, doll… I think we’ll have some fun!” He ran a finger down my arm, and i teased him, walking my fingers up his chest.

“Well, i don’t think you could afford me, darlin’!” and i flashed him a grin.

To further torment the men, i bent at the waist and prepared to adjust my stocking, working my way up to my thigh, where i lifted my skirt just slightly, allowing them a peek at my panties. The dark haired man laughed at my smug self-assuredness and retired, “Oh, I believe I can, I’m a wealthy man, and I get what I want.”

A little caught off guard, i looked at him warily, but quickly recovered, coming back with, “i can’t possibly accept less than one million for the night.”, and laughing at the obvious ridiculousness of my statement.

“So you’re a tease, are you?” he asked. But before I could come up with another witty reply, he continued, grabbing my arm posessively. “How many of you think this little tease needs to be taught a lesson?” he asked the crowd.

There wereCheers and approving gears from the men as they formed a circle around me. i felt a chill run through me and i realized i had gone way too far this time! The man grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked my head back roughly. i felt my heart race, and my breath come in ragged gasps as i tried to think of a way out of this. “P-please, Sir…” i began, but he cut me off.

“I am going to show You just what happens to dirty little sluts who dress like whores and walk the streets at night, teasing men.” His tone had taken on a menacing quality that froze me in my tracks. He took my mouth with his so fiercely i didn’t think i could breathe and started to fight him. I beat my fists against his chest, and brought my knee up in a sound blow to his groin. While he doubled over, i frantically searched for any avenue of escape, but found none, and tried to push past the men gathered around. This succeeded only in me getting groped. Suddenly, there were hands all over me…my breasts, my ass, my pussy. It seemed like every man there was taking a part of me for himself. Once the dark haired man had recovered, he again grabbed me by the hair and landed a resounding strike to my cheek with his closed fist calling me a stream of obscenities. It seemed like slow motion as i fell to the concrete, my head landing squarely on the curb. Mercifully, i then lost consciousness.

In my fog of hurt and anger and fear, i hadn’t noticed that you had been following me from a distance. You drove around each block, watching me for awhile at each corner before going to the next block and repeating the process. i was perfectly safe, even if i didn’t know it, until that last block. A concert had just let out at a nearby stadium, and suddenly the streets were filled. As You rounded the last corner, a line of vehicles completely stopped You and blocked You from seeing me. Cursing the traffic, You resolved to pick me up as soon as it cleared.

When the van in front of You finally crossd the intersection, You first noticed the crowd of men outside the club, then looked up the street seeing no sign of me. Worried, You started to make the turn when You noticed increased energy from the men. A cheer went up and You looked again, just in time to realize it was me falling through the crowd to the curb.

You pulled in front of the club and rushed out to scoop me into Your arms, just in time to save me from a hard kick to the stomach by the dark haired man. You placed me in the car while a stripper opened the club door and hollered, “Y’all better scatter! I called the cops, so unless ya wanna splain it to yer wives….” The crowd began to disperse before she could finish. The dark haired man did not escape so easily though. After determining i wasn’t hurt too badly, You went back to the sidewalk. By the time You returned to the car, the man was doubled over in the street in tears.

When i came to, we were back at home, and You had laid me on the couch, wrapped ina fuzzy throw. As the evening’s events came back to me in a rush, i lost it. my sobs brought You back to the room with a cup of tea, some aspirin, and an ice pack. You wrapped me in Your arms and held me until i calmed enough to speak. You brushed the hair away from my face and spoke with great tenderness. “I’m so sorry, baby! I never mean for this to happen!”

“i know Sir.” i said and shuddered through a deep sight. “It was my fault. i was angry, and i teased those men mercilessly. They probably would have left me alone if i’d just kept walking.” And with that, the tears flowed anew.

“Shhhhh… we’ll talk about it later. you’re safe now.”

i wrapped my arms tightly around You, needing nothing more. “You’re here. i’m safe now.” And i drifted to sleep in Your arms.


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