The Night King Pt. 01

Part 1 – Where Cambridge Lies

Inspired in part by Twitter .

Dedicated to them, they might actually like me, they who are capable of not hating a man who is neither alive, nor dead.

Sandstone hair, eyes the color of the ocean on the clearest, blueest day, a voice like a crackling fire in the fireplace, with white in his executive bear and at the temples; he was a lighter compliment to her darker brunette beauty. He met her one night in a small bar in Cambridge, city of technology and business. The bar was called Champions, a sports bar, and they served his favorite beer, a local one called Pretty Things’ Jack d’Or. He went there frequently just for it; it was a Saison, sometimes called a farmhouse ale. The delicious and spicy flavor reminded him of back home, when he used to bale hay. Tonight, however, he had a glass of deep red wine, a Carmenere that was a professional find.

He scratched fitfully at his bear as she continued the conversation on her own. He was having a hard time paying attention, because her breasts were so large they were like a second gravitational point. He suspected they must be fake, because she was quite slender otherwise. But even they couldn’t distract from her hair, which flowed in stylish, wide curls down over her shoulders, a deep brown waterfall, glossier than any magazine cover.

“John, are you listening?” She asked with a big smile. Her perfectly straight and white teeth left him temporarily speechless.

“Yes, sorry. Was distracted for a moment. Please go on.” Her name was Peitho, which he wasn’t confident pronouncing as yet, especially not with that much alcohol in him. When she introduced herself, he had to look it up because it sounded familiar. He was beginning to understand why she introduced herself as that, and why she was probably using a pseudonym. He hadn’t given her his real name either, because he’d also had to deal with stalkers before, just as he was sure she had. But by giving him that particular name, instead of something like Gretchen, surely that was a good sign?

“As I was saying, I love April Fools’ day. It just makes me laugh more and more every year. Twitter goes nuts, and people party like they don’t have to work the next day.” She paused. “And I get to meet interesting men on occasion.”

“You do? Where?!” John Replied quickly, looking behind him, confused. She laughed before he even had to explain that it was a joke, so he knew she was a keeper. It sounds as if he was overconfident of his humor, but it was more that he understood he could be rather obscure at times, and not everyone understands sarcasm all that well. Peitho did, though, and she wasn’t afraid to use it. He really liked that. Hell, he Really liked her personality in general. Flirty without being insane, and generally just very open and interesting.

“I was only April Fooling, of course. There are no interesting men in this part of Boston.” She was smiling the whole time of course, trying to stifle the laughter at her own joke. He laughed enough for both of them, a deep, resonating laugh. She really liked his laugh and his eyes.

She chased a little on her beer. “Sorry, I don’t normally have trouble swallowing.” She smiled again. As intoxicating as the wine was, it was the smile that would do him in this night. And the innuendo.

“Waiter! I need the check. This woman is too amazing.” John said. He had plans tonight, and they involved spanking her for being naughty. She didn’t know that yet, but she would.

The waiter brought the check and he assigned it to his room at the Marriott. He stood up and if anyone else in the bar had been looking, they’d have been staring at the front of his pants, bulging. She certainly was. He smiled, and took her by the hand.

In the elevator, they were all over each other. He kissed her deeply, tongue probing around her mouth phallicly, and fondled her buttocks. When he finally stopped biting her lip, she pulled away and whispered into his ear, “I want you to rap me.”

He replied, “It only matters what I want. You will do exactly as I say.” Then he put his hand around her throat and pinned her to the wall of the elevator. “Do you understand me, you little slut?”

“Yes, sir.” She replied, docile, almost simpering, her bottom lip tremulous. The door to the elevator opened and he grabbed her by the hair with his left hand, and used his right hand to put both her other hands behind her back and hold them there. They walked down the hallway – not a long walk, but a shameful one, her figure prone, prostrate. Servile.

When they got to the door, he whispered into her ear, “Don’t move…your hands.” He pulled out his key card and pushed the door open with her body, pushing her through the door roughly. When the door was fully open, he shoved her and she fell into the room. He stepped in and closed the door behind him, locked the chain. When he turned around, she was on her knees with her eyes down. “Good girl. Tell me, what is your safe word?”

She replied confidently, quickly, “Red.”

“You will say, ‘Sir’, understanding? Good. I see you’ve done this before. Now get up and bend over the bed, slut. You’ve been naughty tonight.”

She moved to the bed and spread her legs, bending over and putting her hands down to support her torso. She was wearing a little black cocktail dress, the bottom of it inching up her legs as she spread them and bent over. He grabbed her by the hair again and pulled her head back.

Smack! She let out a yelp. The feel of her ass on his hand stung just as much as it stung her – a kind of subtle masochism, because in every sadist lives a masochist. “Count, sub.”

“One sir. Unh, two. Three. Four. Five.” The smacking continued, each one a little bit harder. He pulled up her dress to her waist and noticed she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

“Naughty girl. You were looking to get fucked tonight. To get hurt. I like that.” Her body was shivering, possibly from the air conditioning, but most likely from the pain she was in, and the fun she was having. He started again, getting into a rhythm: Smack, smack, smack, rubb around the area lewdly, occasionally brushing her dripping wet labia with his fingers. Smack, smack, smack, rub. By the time he was done, she had counted to thirty. His hand was as red and purple as her ass.

“Thank you, sir. Please fuck me, I just want you to fuck me now. Please sir. I beg you.” She was whimpering from the pain of her raw, swollen ass. He pulled her up by the hair and throw her up against the wall. He moved behind her and turned her around, pressing her backward, warm ass pressed to the cold wall. He left her skirt on, but grabbed a condom from the drawer next to him.

“Suck it, bitch.” She immediately knelt in front of him and pulled his pants down. His erect penis was already standing at full attention. She grabbed it by the base andjammed her mouth down over it eagerly. She bobbed up and down with her greedy little mouth, sticking her tongue out to lick the underside of the shake even as the head of his cock touched nearly the base of her tongue. He grabbed her hair and shoved her down further, gagging her. He held her there, pushing her down, penetrating into her throat, going beyond her tongue, deep inside.

She could feel it starting to raise her gorge, so she pushed back. He let her breathe, pulling out of her mouth. As she caught her breath, he open-handed slapped her. Her face moved to the side and she fell back a little. He spit in her face and her hands waver, trying to block it, failing. It oozed down her face like light red paint dripping down a painting, colored from the wine he’d been drinking earlier.

He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her up by it, slamming her back against the wall. He slipped on the condom quickly and lifted her up by the legs, pinned her to the wall. He entered her roughly and slipped easily into her thick, slick wetness. She let out a sight. “Agghh, fuck, fuck me!” She was practically screaming. Her butt bounced against the wall painfully – whack, whack, whack as he pumped in and out of her.

She couldn’t do anything but pull on his ass harder and faster and hang on for dear life. She turned her head skyward as he bit her neck. Within seconds, he had to put his hand over her mouth, because she was screaming out orgasm after orgasm, the energy releasing itself all at once. Her entire body was shaking with shock. The sensing of having her ass pressed against the wall and a thick tree-trunk slammed into her pussy almost made her pass out.

He slowed down and pulled out. She slowly let her legs go back to the floor, still shaky. She leaned on him for support, and he moved her back to the bed. He bent over over it and said, “Now it’s my turn. Hold your ass cheese apart for me.”

She did as she was told, but said, “Red. I just ask that you go slowly. Go ahead.”

“Very well.” He grabbed the lube he also kept in the condom drawer out and slathered some on her, its cool tingling tickled. He put the head of his penis up to her hole and slowly pressed. She spread apart very slowly. He met a lot of resistance, but she didn’t cry out or even tell him to slow down. She had a look of concentration on her face, eyes closed and lips slightly parted. One hand was on her cliporis, tugging the hood back and forth. Eventually, he’d fit the full thick six inches in and pressed his pelvis against her.

He’d stepped out of his pants when he stepped over to the bed. He was the one shivering now, but it was not from the air conditioning. It was from a woman who was smiling at him when he fucked her in the ass. He moved out slowly and pushed back in. She used her other hand to guide him. He moved at the speed she wanted. He grabbed her hair passwordately, and her hip with his other hand. She didn’t have to hold her cheeses apart anymore; he was sliding in and out quickly and powerfully. She felt so used, so taken, so completely filter.

“Yes, sir, fuck my ass. Fuck it harder. Ohhh fuck, yes. God damnit. Holy shit. I’m going to cum again. Sir, may I cum again? Please?”

“You will wait until I’m ready, understand, whore?”

“Yes, sir.”

But he was about to cum anyway. It didn’t take him long, because of her beautiful smile. Lips so red, slightly messed up from the blow job. “Cum now,” he said, more of a growl as he neared climax.

As she began to scream again and squirt it out all over the bed, he came hard, releasing a goldmine worth of fluid into the condom, inside her butt. He hunted over her back, unable to control himself, collapse on top of her. He lifted the hair from the back of her neck and kissed her neck gently, sucking on each vertebrae individually as she shivered against him. He slowly slipped out of her, soft now, but happier than he’d been in a long time.

“Youplease me.” He said with a big smile and a sight.

“That was the best sex I’ve ever had. Can we do this again? I feel like a part of my life was missing, one in which I get to be my real self. Other men don’t understand that. I hope you do.”

He thought about it for a moment. “Of course. I only visit here for work these days – I live in Florida. But we can make this a regular thing if you want. Do you want a relationship with me, or just sex?”

“Let’s just do sex for now. I won’t sleep with other people if you won’t, but I have to get to know you better if we’re to have a real relationship. Is that okay, sir?” She said.

He chuckled. “Yes,” he said. “I would have insisted it be that way, but wanted to make sure it was okay too.” He gave a little laugh again and rolled off of her. He took off the condom and put it in the trash can. “You don’t have to call me sir if you don’t want to, not outside of sex. Come here babe, I want to snuggle.” He put his arm around her and pulled her close to him. She lifted her head up and he held her hair out of the way, and she put her head over his arm, resting gently on the muscles there. He held her butt against him, nuzzling up against her ear, sometimes nibbling it, sometimes flicking it around with his tongue.

As his hands played over her clavicles, she fell asleep, getting wetter and wetter. He just hugged her and held her and protected her. He whispered to her as she slept, “I will try very hard to make you happy, sweet lady.”

The end of Part 1 of the story of The Night King.


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