Hi guys! This is my first BDSM submission so be kind! I enjoy comments but I don’t like when people are blatantly rude. If for whatever reason my information isn’t accurate please tell me! I’m open to helpful criticism. I hope you enjoy Autumn and Christopher’s story.
It is a cold winter night. I blow a tuft of my unruly copper colored hair out of my emerald eyes. He always loved my hair. A small cloud forms where my hot breath touches the frosty air. Small, white snowflakes drift lazily from above and land on my hair and coat.
Luckily I dressed warm tonight. My small feet are enveloped snuggly in my leather boots with the fur trim, my jeans are tucked into my boots and retain my body heat well. My black pea-coat covers His flannel I’m wearing, the soft fabric brushes against my skin and I bask in it’s warmth. I can still smell the musky cologne He always wore. My head swims with its intoxicating aroma. Still, as warmly as I’ve dressed, I stamp my feet and rub my shoulders trying to ward off the bitter cold.
I am standing in front of the building where it all began. The windows, which we warm and inviting on the night of the event, are dark and forbidding tonight. I wonder what I would be doing right now if I had not met Him. I knew that I would not be standing outside this building, marveling at it’s significance. Tears well unbidden into my eyes and slowly drip down my rosy cheeks as silent sobs wreck my body with the bittersweet memory this place invokes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I am sitting on my couch running my fingers through the soft fur of my cat, Maleficent. I have a mug of hot chocolate clasped in my other hand and take absentminded sips every now and then. My roommate Avery is rushing about in a frenzy, getting ready for that night’s art gallery opening that was debugging some of her art work. Her body is encased in a floor length shimmering gold dress with matching heels that accentuated her golden skin and hair. It is very like Avery to begin getting ready hours before a night out and this was the biggest night for her of the year. She is primping and prodding herself to perfection. I on the other hand am still snuggled in my legs and Doctor Who robe, perfectly content to procrastinate till the end.
“Autumn! Honestly, this is the most important night of my career! I need you to be there for me and you haven’t even began getting ready yet! The show begins is a couple hours!”
“Relax Avery. I’ve never taken as long as you to get ready. I’ll be on time as always.”
“I know. But it can’t hurt to get ready now, can it?” I gaze up at her lazily with a half smile and sight.
“Alright,” I give up, “but I really won’t take two hours. One at most.”
Reluctantly I withdraw my fingers from my cat, which earns me a meow of protest and a small sneakeze. Taking my mug with me I head to my room, humming a meaningless tune to myself. There in my closet, encased in a garment bag, is my carefully selected (by Avery) dress. It is the most expensive item I own but Avery had assured me when I’d bought it that it would go with almost every occasion. It is actually quite simple, which is why I like it. All black with long sleeves, a scoop neck, and a plunging back that shows the smooth milky skin of my shoulder blades. It is mid thigh in length and clings to my body like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination. My heels have the extra benefit of giving my five foot two height another four inches. They are a metallic color that catch light and reflect it, almost making it look like an open flame.
The only jewelry I ever wear is the gold ring on my right ring finger, which had been my mother’s first ring ever given to her by my father, and my pearls. They had been given to me by my parents on the night of my high school graduation. Pearl earrings and a pearl necklace that nestled right above myColar bones. They were elegant and refined. My hair, I decided, would be defeat loose and wild, the natural ringlets framing my face and traveling down to my waist.
“I’m ready!” I call to Avery in triumph. The whole process had taken about fifteen minutes.
“It’s not possible that you are already done! You’ve only been in there for, like, five minutes.” Avery responses in examination. I saunter into her room to show her how ready I really am and am met with exuberant gushes on how great I looked.
“Can I do your makeup? Please! I have the perfect look for that outfit.” Avery pleads and gazes at me. I was hopeless.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I take one last look at my unrecognizable face, all done up with an intense smoky eye that had so much glitter it looked like the night sky, the red lipstick artistically applied added a flare of color to contrast my pale skin. Avery, being the artistic type, had referred to my green eyes and red lipstick as ‘complementary colors’ evI’d complained that I thought I looked like Christmas. Stepping from my car I have to admit that Avery had done one hell of a job, even if the look wasn’t really me.
Inside were tons of people millioning about with champione flutes clapped in their hands. I immediately gulp, but hand my ticket to the young man at the entrance, who is dressed in a nice tuxedo.
“Have a wonderful night.” He recites in a chipper voice.
“Thank you.”
“Autumn!” Avery is waving her hand in the air and smiling broadly upon seeing me. She waves me over to the small group she is surrounded by and makes hasty introductions, including her new boy toy for the night, Andrew. He is tall with dark hair and eyes and looks like he could be a male model. Nothing but the best for Avery. He has Avery’s arm tucked securely in his, looking like the perfect escort. She chats for a few more minutes before whisking herself and Andrew off to another group. I dry wash my hands and glance nervously at the people standing around me. They all chat away about nonsensical things and basically ignore me.
“Excuse me.” I murmur and make a hasty retreat. Away from the groups I take a deep breath and examine the artwork around the room. From paintings to sculptures, the diversity of talent was astonishing. I slowly walk from piece to piece, not wanting to miss a single one. At some my face would scrunch up in distaste and at others my breath would literally be taken away. About halfway through the room I am stopped at a painting with so many different colors and textures that you wouldn’t think it would look good but it did when I feel a warm presence at my back. I move quickly to the side, as to not be in the way, and pivot on my feet to glance at the person. When I meet his gaze my heart stops. He is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. He wore a fitted black Armani suit with a pale grey undershirt with the top buttons undone. His body is lithe, agile, and tall; he must workout. His hair is stylishly messy and a dark brown; a five o’clock shadow just subtly makes his jaw darker. His eyes are a dark blue and bravely hold my gaze, quirking an eyebrow in the process. I blush and look down.
“Good evening. Enjoying the artwork? You don’t seem amused by the festivals.” His voice washes over me and glance behind just to make sure he really is talking to me.
“Um, yes I’m enjoying the artwork. I don’t like crowds of people, especially these kinds of people.” My mouth snaps shut as I realize how the sentence might have sounded. He is, after all, ‘these kind of people’. Rich and snotty.
“‘These kinds of people’? What ever could you mean?” He smiles and runs his finger along the lip of his champione flute, making a small ringing noise, his charismatic eyes never leaving mine. I blush and look down again, clearing my throat. He let it drop.
“If you’re not here for the company then you must be here for the artwork, though people usually come to these things to mingle not get. Unless of’ course you’re an artist?” I meet his warm eyes again.
“No, not me. A friend.” I sound almost monotone.
“A boyfriend?” He inquires softly.
Flushing, I glance down at my knotted fingers. He’s being so personal! “Uh, no, not a boyfriend. I don’t have one. My best friend’s artwork is on display tonight. I’ve come as support.” I manage in a husky whisper. I peek up at him, but upon noticing his intent gaze, looking to be seizing me up, cast my eyes down again. This behavior is very different for me. Where is my backbone? Have I suddenly gone wimpy in the presence of this Adonis?
Suddenly, like a striking snake, he grasps my jaw in his firm hand and jerks my gaze back. His eyes are smoldering. My shrink, played down from shock, only comes out as a small squeak, whooshed past clenched teeth. My eyes are as wide as they will go and I know I look incredulous.
“W-what are you do-,”
“Silence, pet!” He commands and my jaw snaps shut with an audible thwack. What’s wrong with me? I should put this pompous ass in his place! All I can hear is my ragged breathing and hammering heart.
My immediate compliance seems to please him or so I assume because the only indication I get is a smile smile twitching the corner of his mouth. His smile makes it seems as if he is pure to something I’m not. Like he holds some vast Knowledge in his grap. A shudder runs through me, but not because of fear. To my complete surprise I am already incredibly aroused. This is the biggest shock to me. How could this man who I know less than five minutes have this affect on me? It must be the good looks I decided.
He slowly reaches his thumb up and lightly strokes it along my cheek bone. Just that small touch sends liquid heat to my nether regions. I blink and gasp another breath. He leans in and his cologne washes over me. It smells wild and dangerous and had to be the most potential aphrodisiac I have and would evercome across.
“No longer wanting to protest are we pet? Such little touches and you’re already putty in my hands.” He chuckles and embraces me, placing one warm hand on my back exposed by my dress. He makes swirl patterns.
“How did you know?” I gasp.
“Your breathing is uneven and every time I touch you it hitches. Your skin is flushed and your eyes grow softer, the edge was taken off. Most noticeably, to me at least, is you’ve pressed your thighs together and you’re leaning into me.” I then became distinctly aware of his hard frame pressed tightly against my soft curves. How must we look in this intimate embrace? I flush and glance around the room. Nobody seems to notice us.
“I-I, um-,” my voice falseters when he leans down and swipes a piece of my hair off my face and brushes his lips against mine. An involuntary moan escapes my parted lips and he presses a little closer. It’s not quite a kiss, more of a tease, but my head still spins.
“Autumn!” Abruptly I’m pulled from the man’s embrace by a very hostile Avery. She glares at me and turn towards the man. “Mr. Anderson.” She snaps in greeting, waves of displeasure radiating from her.
“Ms. Stone.” Christopher nods cool. They know each other. I feel my ears burn as my mind runs through all the scenarios that Avery and a very attractive man would go through to have such hostility to the other. I Want to cry as I come to the conclusion that they slept together, most likely a one night stand but still. And here I was making a complete fool of myself, melting at the first sign of attention that comes my way. I’m ashamed and flick my hair forward to cover my blush. Avery turns to me still glaring but catches sight of my face and instantly changes to shock and compassion.
“Autumn what’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” I mumble, glancing at Mr. Anderson. He stars back at me, his eyes softening, a ghost of a smile passes his lips.
“You’re friend I presume.” He directs this at me.
“What of it?” Avery interjects and glares at him again.
“Avery! Calm down. W-we were just talking. It’s not a big deal.” I attempt to soothe her before her natural protectiveness reaches a breaking point.
“I think you were doing a great deal more than ‘just talking’.”
“Avery drop it.” I growl at her. She gaps at me and closes her mouth into an angry scowl.
“The owner is about to start the toast. We should go. If you will excuse us Mr. Anderson.” Avery voice is icy, making her politeness worthless.
“Of’ course.” He smiles and winks at me as Avery is leading me away.
“What were you doing with him!” Avery hisses when we are out of earshot.
“He just came up to me as I was looking around.”
“Oh, and you just decided ‘Hey he’s a looker I’ll throw myself at him and make out in the middle of a huge crowd’.” I blush and glance around. Nobody is watching me but I still feel exposed and sleazy.
“I wasn’t thinking.” I mumble.
“You shoulderd stay away from him he’s not good news.”
“Well that didn’t stop you.” It slips out before I can stop it. Avery whirls around to face me.
“Excuse me?” She’s offended and puts her hands on her hips. “You think I slept with him!”
“Well, didn’t you?”
“No! I would never! He’s the owner of this vitality law firm to my dad’s! They go to a lot of the same functions and I’ve been to a few. I’ve met him a few time but he’s always been standoffish.”
“Oh.” I say glibly.
“No way,” she gasps. “You like him! Autumn! What gives, you haven’t even known this guy for very long. It’s so unlike you.”
“I don’t know. He didn’t seem that bad to me.”
“I’m not going to be your mother and tell you not to see him but really take into account what I’ve said before you just run off with him. He just seems like the ‘bad boy’ type.”
“Geez, you act as if I’m already engaged to the guy! I’ll probably never even see him again after tonight.”
“Good evening ladies and gentleman! Not to worry! I won’t take up too much of your time. I’d just like to acknowledge what a wonderful turnout this was. All the artwork here is for sale through the gallery by the owner. All artists are here tonight to mingle. Look for them and ask about their artwork. I propose a toast to all the artists that made this night possible.” The older gentleman held out his glass and smiled broadly. Murmurs traveled around the room and glasses were linked.
“Well, I have to go charm some people into buying my artwork. Wish me lucky!”
“Good luck.” I say to empty air because Avery’s already off to talk to a couple standing in front of her painting.
“She’s very exuberant. That is when she isn’t around me.” I jump and whirl to see the very man I wished wouldn’t seek me out.
“Hi.” I squeak already heating up from his gaze.
“Care to take a walk with me?” He offers his arm and smiles when I take it. I’m amazing at how quickly I seem to want to please him.Something must be wrong with me. I glance back at Avery who is glaring at me while still talking with the couple. We walk in silence for a few minutes admiring art along the way.
“I still don’t know your first name.” I venture softly. He glances down at me and quirks an eyebrow.
“It seems we are both at a disadvantage. I know your first name but not last and you know my last but not first.”
“My name is Autumn Tulson.”
“Christopher Anderson.”
“Pleased to meet you.” I smile, forgetting how uncomfortable I was.
When we made it through all of the paintings I began to let his arm go when his grips mine tightly and he glances angrily down at me. I gulp.
“I did not give you permission to release my arm.” My throat is clamped shut and I can’t respond. “Tah tah pet. We were off to such a great start.” I swallow and look up at him through my lashes. He no longer looks angry, he’s scolding now.
“I’m sorry.” I don’t know what else to say. How does someone handle a situation like this?
“It can’t possibly be your fault. You don’t know all the rules. I would like to teach them to you.” He looks down at me with a wicked smile. My heart skips a beat and I almost moan.
“Teach me what?”
“My lifestyle. I won’t get into the details here. This is most definitely not the place.”
“Then where?” I can’t help myself. I’m curious now.
“My house, or yours if you’d prefer. Think about it.”
Christopher leads me across the room to a set of glass double doors and pulls me through them. In the middle of winter it’s freezing outside, but he either doesn’t notice I’m barely dressed or he ignores it. Outside is a gazebo, surrounded by trees and a pond. He takes me there and turnes to face me, dropping my arm.
“Take off your underwear. Now.” There’s a steel glint in his eyes. His face is completely blank. Surely he must be joking.
“What?! I’m not going to take off my panties!” My voice has rose a few octaves.
“I said take them off. I will not ask again. This is a test. Pass and I’ll pursue you. Don’t pass and I won’t cross your path ever again.” He glares.
My mouth pops open and I stare at him wide eyed. Slowly, not breaking eye contact, I shimmy my lace, black thong over my hips and let them fall to the floor. His gaze darkens and his pupils dilate. What have I done?
“Retrieve them for me.” Being careful to step out of them without snagging them on a heel I bend down and snatch them up. I crumple them into a tight ball and hold out my hand.
“No, that is not the way you present them to me.”
“How?” He just stars. I uncrumple them and turn then right side out. With my fingers pinching the sides I then hold them out. If that isn’t what he wants then I don’t know what is. He rewards me with a half smile and I feel like an exuberant puppy that had pleased it’s master. He takes them from me and brings them to his nose. He inhales deeply and sights.
“You really are aroused.” He chuckles and inhales again before slipping my panties in his back pocket. My eyes travel with his hand, so I’m shocked when he suddenly grabs me with his other and crushes me against his chest. I look up at him in shock and am about to say something when his lips cut me off. This isn’t the light brushing he’d done earlier. This is hard and demanding. My lips part Giving him entry and I moan into his mouth when he takes full advantage. My hands are clenching his jacket in both hands, pulling him closer. He reaches back with one hand to place on the skin exposed by my dress and his other hand snakes around to grab my ass. I jump and moan louder.
Christopher backs me up until I reach the edge of the gazebo. He lifts me easily to sit on the edge, never breaking contact with my lips. My hands travel up to grip his hair when they are suddenly restrained in one of his hands behind my back. He breaks the kiss and stars down at me. He grips my hip roughly and flips me over. I’m bent over the railing, my hands still behind my back. He lets go and I discover he’s tied my hands together with something.
“What are you doing?” I pant and glance over my shoulder at him. His lower body is pressed against mine and I can feel his erection scanning against his slacks.
“Speaking without being spoken to. You’ll have to be punished now.” I quake. Punished? What the hell does he mean? I see him reach in his pocket and pull out a strip of fabric. “Hold still.” He gently wraps the fabric around my eyes and ties it tightly at the back of my head and hikes my dress up to my waist. My ass is now in clear view for him. I can’t see anything. Instantly my ears begin to strain. He is no longer pressed against me. “Don’t move.” He whispers and then I hear a weak shuffling of feet. Did he leave? I was outside blindfolded, tied up, and exposed. My face is aflame and I shift from foot to foot. What is he doing? The minutes tick by and I become nervous. He left me. I wait five more minutes and tears begin to prick at my eyes. Hastily I move from my bent over position and work the blindfold off against the railing. I’m about to start crying when I turn and see Christopher leaning against the rail opposite me, watching me with impassive eyes.
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