The Next Big Thing

Chapter 1: The Tulsa Twins

“Which would you like to use today Master?” Deborah Tulsa asked with a sparkling white smile as she obediently held up a gleaming silver tray that contained variety of different sized dildos on a silver platter. The vast array of toys came in a host of colors ranged from pink and red to black and blue. There were toys with ridges, bumps, and even little eggs. On the table beside her were additional trays, one containing a pthora of anal plugs with a range of shapes, sizes and features and another tray filled with a selection of clamps, clips, chains and other devices that ensured that a sufficient amount of pain would accompany any pleasure.

Deborah’s sister Lauren was hunted over in a corner of the room, her firm legs spread with a heavy steel bar attached to thick leather cuffs that were secured to her delicate ankles with small padlocks. The two bottle blondes were identified twins and were the biggest pop idol sensing a few years back.Before that they were performing at a cookie cutter suburban mall, completely ignored by the multiitude of shoppers currying from store to store like groups of worker ants, when they were approached by none other than the great Larry Perlman with an offer from Empire Records.

Larry was in his early sixties, overweight and generally unattractive, but that didn’t matter because he was also rich, powerful and well connected. There was no shortage of little whoses with stars in their eyes and cocks in their holes who would do literally anything for a chance at fame.

With regard to the Tulsa Twins, Larry Perlman had raised them from basically nothing. He had put them on the fast track. Every billboard, article and stadium was ruled by the famous Tulsa Twins. “This one”, Larry said as he picked up a long floppy rubber pink dildo that sprung back and forth in his hand. He moved to hover over Lauren’s supplement body, watching it shimmer in the lamp light of his modest home. He had money to be sure, but Larry never understand the need to flaunt it like some men. Most of his wealth was well hidden in the basement where Lauren lived permanently. In fact she hadn’t been outside in years.

Larry flipped her restrained body over so that her weight rested on her arms, enjoying the view of the drool that escaped the bright red ball gag that filled her mouth and leaked down her chin onto the floor. Her hair was matted and like the rest of her body, hadn’t been washed in at least a week. “You really do smell disgusting Lauren”, he teased her. She looked up at him with soulless sunken green eyes. They no longer held any anger, sadness, longing or desire of any kind. She had lost hope for escape or any semblance of a life a long time ago. She was now just an empty shell. She didn’t even squirm as he roughly shoved the pink invader up her tight, dry hole and locked it in place. “You really shouldn’t have run Lauren, or slandered me in that tell all book of yours”, he le”I’m going to make you regret what you did every day for the rest of your pathetic life.”

He said this to her every day without fail. Two simple sentences repeated naturally for the past six years. On most days this simple ceremony was the most human contact she received all day; a small amount of torture, then back to isolation and madness. After a year she stopped moving when not provoked and after two years she stopped screaming. After five she stopped doing much of anything at all.

Her book wasn’t slander of course. Larry Perlman had done everything she said; extortion, blackmail, drugs, coercion and more. But she didn’t need to be so ugly and public about it. “You wanted fame, I gave it to you. I used my power and connections to make you stars”, he said as he selected the perfect anal plug from the tray on the table. He bypassed the tray with the clamps as those had already been affixed to Lauren’s sore, aching tits. In fact, her nipples spend the majority oftime tortured in this manner with only a few hours of freedom each day. Larry wondered what that must feel like after so many years. Was it possible that the brief periods of liberation each day were somehow more painful?

“You were very kind for jump starting our careers. We owe everything to you, Sir”, squeaked Deborah. For the sake of her career Deborah had denied the possessions in Lauren’s book, had stood by Larry and he had rewarded her. She spent three more years as a popular solo act before deciding that she wanted to be a slave. Her last press release simply stated that she had realized the value in becoming a plaything for her Master and advised all career women to give up their ambitions and find a nice man to take care of them. Deborah was a cultural idol and Larry had to wonder how many bright eyes girls had decided not to pursue a profession that year because of the words of their hero.

He picked Lauren up by her neck, pressing hard on her throat, feeling the limpness of her body as her empty eyes starred past him. There was nothing left in her to torture, but that didn’t mean he would ever let go. It was important that she live and suffer this way for she needed to serve as a lesson. Not to herself, but rather to others who may have had thoughts of publishing possessions of their own. She was a living meat doll whose existence had been reduced a few simple words; don’t fuck with Larry Perlman.

“Deborah, be a good little doll and put this thing back in its cage”, he ordered while depositing her rancid sister on the sofa.

“Absolutely Master”, Deborah replied with a smile and an enthusiastic bounce of her ample tits as she grabbed her sister by the collar and dragged her towards the stairs. Lauren half heartedly tried to keep up bound as she was but her twin was doing most of the work. After Deborah finished locking her sister away in the cage that sat in a corner of the dank basement, she returned to Larry, getting on all fours andcrawling before him, naked except her collar. Her curves were extended with every graceful cat like movement as if she was purposely trying to arouse her Master.

“I’m so sorry Master; all those mean, untrue things my sister said about you in that book…” She climbed up on his lap and he could feel her heat against his body.

“Don’t worry about it Deborah, that was a long time ago.” Larry kissed her neck and heard her purr.

“It still bothers me. I just feel like I have to make up for what she did. It’s my purpose.” *Hypnosis will do that*.

He smiled at her and moved his lips closer as his pole slide inside the wet, willing hole that had become Deborah Tulsa. “If that’s you feel I understand”, he reassure her while petting her head softly and sliding his manhood deep into her juices and inner folds. “This was all your decision.”

As Larry enjoyed the warmth of his slave’s flesh wrapped around his member, his thoughts were drawn to a new talent that would beArriving at his doorstep in a few days. He wondered what she would be like as he grabbed the cheeses of Deborah’s ass and began to thrust harder. He knew nothing about her and was intrigued, but for now he simply enjoyed being inside the mind, heart and body of the most desirable woman on the planet; his pet who had given up her career to become his cock sleep.

Chapter 2: The Arrival

I had gotten lost three times while trying to find the correct house. I never was very good with directions. There were just so many streets and so many names and numbers for me to keep track of. When I finally found the right address, I was confused. The residence didn’t look lavish at all and I was surprised that such a famous music executive would live in such a place. Nevertheless, there was no doubt that I was at the right house. I approached the modest door and knocked respectfully. I had never thought of being famous nor did I even desire it, yet here I was, a long way from the promenade where I played my guitar and sung for the few dollars that were thrown into my guitar case from time to time. Last Friday something else was thrown in however, a business card from Larry Perlman, chief executive and producer with Empire Records. He said he fell in love with my little street level performance, was convinced that I was going to be the next big thing and he wanted to help me become what I was Always meant to be.

After a few moments and the muted thumbs of something falling, the door opened to reveal an overweight yet gentle and vaguely familiar looking man. Behind him were the naked, sweat covered forms of two lean blonde girls sprayed out on the floor on full display but I couldn’t see their faces as they were blocked from my view. I knew that the rich and famous lived in a very different way than the rest of us and I’m certainly no prude, but I blushed anyway, my cheeks heating up with a bright red glow, convinced that I had interrupted something important andthe last thing I wanted to be an imposition.

I could feel Mr. Perlman’s eyes appraising me as they traveled from my small feet which were encased in black siletto heels up my smooth tanned legs to the shiny black latex mini skirt that clung to my hips. His gaze continued to travel further to my firm little breasts that pushed against the thin material of my red cami that was partially covered by my jean jacket and finally to the delicate features of my face. He had an excellent poker face. I couldn’t tell if he was pleased, disappointed, bored or disgusted. I shifted my weight on my high heels nervously as my heart thumbed like crazy.

The blonde girls sat up and I instantly recognized them as the Tulsa Twins. I even remembered when my best friend scored tickets to one of their shows and invited me along. We knew all their signature dance moves and would follow along nearly every night as we watched their videos. There was the breast jiggle and grab that Lauren was famous for. I must have practiced that one for hours until I got it just right. Grab and squeeze my small left breast, lick my right forefinger, jiggle my breasts, slide my saliva covered finger between my legs and grab and squeeze my perky right breast. Deborah’s move was a lot harder. She would spread her legs, bend over and slap her ass, moving her fingers from the front where her vagina was up the back past her anus, and then she’d spin around, arch her back while thrusting her ample breasts out and grab and cup her public shaft and start thrusting as her fingers slide up and down. I had so much trouble getting that one right but I still remember how incredibly proud I was when I finally did it.

My crystal blue eyes were fixed on the two sisters on the floor of Mr. Perlman’s living room. Deborah was on all fours with a creamy white substance that looked like it may have been cum leaking out of her ass while Lauren who was heavily chained was busy cleaning it with her tongue. At least I think I got it right, they were twins after all and maybe it was the reverse.

With such beautiful and famous talents going at each other in his living room, how could Mr. Perlman probably be interested in me? How could my dark hair compare to their blonde tempers? How could a petite little half breed oriental like me be in the same league as two gorgeous pure breasts with such amazing bodies? Mr. Perlman’s eyes met my own and he reached out and brushed an errant strand of my long black hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear as I subconsciously licked my full pouty lips with my soft saliva covered tongue. I thought I was going to pass out from the nervousness. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Mr. Perlman, I’m Kristin Kailey”, I said, hoping to break the awkward silence.

Chapter 3: Assessing the New Talent

Larry looked over the little half breed minx who stood on his doorstep and evaluated her. She was slender in frame and not as busty as some of the other performers he had worked with, but that could easily change. Kristin’s little body could be transformed easily. A bigger set of tits, a rounder rear; he imagined how an enlarged ass might push the confines of her latex skirt and found himself becoming stiff at the thought of molding her into a perfect reflection of his imagination. He could tell that she was excited to be here, but then again, that could have been the presence of the twins. Larry noticed that she could’t take her eyes off them, as if hungry to take their place and be morphed to be just like them; a little blonde bimbo slut who would shake her tight little ass for the cameras, moving and gyrating her petite hips for the adoration of her fans. Indeed the twins would be an important factor in negotiations for certain.

“Hello Miss Kailey, it’s such a delight to see you. You are a vision of beauty,” Larry said while brushing my dark hair and examining my face. Although I thought it was odd, I didn’t even flinchWhen he pressed his fingers to my full lips and pried at my mouth. “Well, come on in”, he said with a motion of his hand.” Oh and let me introduce you!” The twins had moved to wait submissively behind him on their knees, not speaking until spoken too. “If only all cunts could be trained this well”, he thought to himself. “These are the Tulsa twins. They’re old talent of mine but have since decided to live a More quiet life. Being a star isn’t for everyone you know”, Larry said as he gave Deborah a surprising signal.

“It certainly wasn’t for me Master”, she said with bubblely enthusiasm. “It’s so much nicer to be property. To be owned completely. Though it took me some time to know that’s what I wanted.”

Good little push pet, Larry thought as he looked at Lauren meaningfully. If she cooperated tonight he had agreed to let her out into the sun for a walk in the park; just like she and her sister had once enjoyed during the more innocent days of his tutelage.

“Yes. We’re- we’re so lucky” Croaked Lauren, voice sore from underuse. When she got half way through her line she began to cry.

“She’s overwhelmed,” Larry quickly adapted, “She just can’t help but feel grateful. The Tulsa’s had a hard life before making it big.”

“Oh yes, we’re just so lucky to have met you Sir”, piped up Deborah, who was always good at Improvement. Cum was still leaking down her thighs as she finished delivering her wedding sister’s line. “It’s really nice to meet my successor. I hear my Master has some really big plans for you.”

We entered the living room which was arranged with multiple couches facing each other and an open center. Deborah had prepared a special tea for all the girls, the same sort that Larry served to all the young, starry eyed cunts who entered his office or home. He directed me to take a seat directly opposite him and I caught him staring up my short latex skirt on more than one occasion. Normally I would have become self consciousness or offended and closed my legs, but I felt my legs widening almost imperceptibly. It was like I wanted him to see what was there.

“Certainly it was just another pussy” he thought, “but soon it would be a pussy that men all around the world would crave to be wrapped around their shafts. She’d learn the ropes of show biz just like anyone else. And the hard work it took to make it to the top. She’d learn that lesson just like the Tulsa’s had”.

Larry leaned forward and smiled. “Ok Kristin, so you’re obviously an amazing singer and you can play the guitar fairly well, however music isn’t just about how good you can sing. I wish it was, but it’s a highly competitive market. That’s why you need producers like me in your corner. I’ve worked with a lot of famous people, not just the Tulsa Twins but also Katie Kurin and most recently Taylor Slut. All of these girls have done a lot to reach the point they’re at. You’re willing to trust me right? “Larry said as he stared into my eyes with his best look of sincerity. “”Drink your tea, go ahead. Deborah made it just for you.”

Mr. Perlman was so nice. I definitely didn’t expect for him to be so affectionate and obliging and I quickly found my initial nervousness wearing off. When we sat down I couldn’t believe that it was Lauren Tulsa on all fours right in front of me. Literally six inches from me there she was! Of course she was naked and being used as a piece of furniture but still, Lauren Tulsa was right there! I couldn’t help but to stare at her perfect body. Her large breasts dangling beneath her, jiggling each time she made a minor adjustment in her position. The glistening mood around the folds of her exposed bald pussy that seemed to ache with desire and the way her long blonde hair cascaded around her shoulders. She was perfect. I wanted to be perfect.

*Okay, calm down, smile, sit up straight, and thrust your little tits out. You can do this!*

I brushed my long black hair back and made eye contact with Mr. Perlman as he explained how things worked in the music business. I found myself smiling so wide that surely all of my perfect little white teeth were on display.

Spread your legs just a little more. Tease him a little and he’ll make you a famous performer. Everyone will see you and know who you are if you can show him what a star you can be.

I leaned forward to grab my tea from Lauren’s back and as I took hold of the cup my fingertips grasped her smooth skin. I could see her body react with visible goose bumps and a slight movement as her exposed anus pulsed but she remained as still and quiet as possible despite the salty mascara lady tears that continued to drip silently off her face.

*Oh my god! I just touched Lauren Tulsa! Best day ever!*

I took a big sip of the delicious tea and as Mr. Perlman continued I began feeling warm, no doubt the result of the hot tea I was drinking. My skin was starting to feel flush and tingly so I returned my tea cup to Lauren’s back. She turned slightly as the white porcelain balanced on her supple pale skin, her tits jiggling and swinging as she struggled to keep still. I slide out of my jacket and I immediately began to feel the pink nipples at the ends of my perky little breasts stiffening against the silky fabric of my red camisole. They were so stiff that it felt as if they were poking through my top, becoming bigger and harder as the sleep material rubbed them with each almost undetectable movement and the sensing was starting to make me crazy.

Mr. Perlman was still talking. Naming the various acts he represented and what it took to be famous in the music business, but his voice was going in and out. It was like I couldn’t focus on it for more than a couple seconds at a time and my bright blue eyes kept moving back to Lauren’s rear end. I couldn’t stop staring at her vagina and ass, they were hypnotic. The more I gawked, the more aware I became of my own hairless little pussy. My clit began to swell, peeking out from behind its fleshy little hood as the stretchy tissue of my soft pink labias became hot and tingly.

*My tight little fuck hole is aching. I want to feel my fingers in my whore hole. Oh god I just want to touch it so badly right now. I want to touch my aching dripping cunt.*

It was like an itch that I couldn’t scratch and I was using all my energy to keep my hand from flying up my latex skirt to give myself instant relief. This was like torture and I didn’t know how much longer I would be able to tolerate it. I could only hope that Mr. Perlman didn’t notice the struggle that I was currently enduring and that it wouldn’t affect my chances of becoming a star performer.

Larry Perlman stared at the petite dark haired girl in front of him and a smile crept across his face. She was pushing her legs wider and wider. It was body language and she was signaling interest. Her smooth sadle little legs were inviting him inside, offering an exchangee to make her famous that may or may not have been done clearly. “Kristin Kailey is already quite the slut and she hasn’t even finished her tea yet”, he thought. “With a little more prompting, who knows how far a bitch in heat like her could go.” He could see that the girl was panting now, her blue eyes wide. She obviously loved the twins.


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