Mark Moves to Chastened, Florida
After winning a bid to handle the interior design of a Community College being constructed in the neary city of Chastened, Mark moved there from Sarasota.
Several months after moving to Chastened, Mark had met several other influential people from the area, including the mayor and other leading political figures. Through them, Mark, now 27, had found an abundance of work, as the small coastal city was undergoing a major growth spurt; and his new office—although small by most architectural office standards—was brimming with jobs, albeit not of the larger, more profitable type, but Mark was confident they were coming.
His office was on Cudahy Circle, just off Roosevelt Avenue over Bunnies Luncheonette. It was there that he met Dennis Kazmier, a local Surveyor, and after they had worked on two jobs together, they formed a lasting friend. Dennis even inveigled Mark into joining his softball team that played twice a week, onWednesday nights and Saturday afternoons. What really got Mark to join was the fact that it happened to be a boys-girls softball league and he was looking for relationships with members of both sexes in his new community.
Mark was called upon to show his stuff in his first game, when the shortstop, Eddie Kazmier, Dennis’s cousin, twisted his ankle so badly he was finished for the season. Mark made two sparkling plays in the field and scored the winning run in the last inning on a long fly ball by Dennis.
It was ten after seven when they all adjoined to Phillip’s, a popular locke that featured music and dancing starting around nine. Phillip’s was only two doors removed from the Excelsior Gentleman’s Club, and after several rounds of drinks the men invariably urged the women to go next door and dance topless, or enter the Wednesday night wet-T-Shirt contest.
Of course, the women loved the flattering comments but steadfastly refused the offers, for good reason– Erin Lunceford, was a well developed woman of 32 married to prominent real estate firm owner and center fielder, Tim Lunceford, 47. Aimee Moreau, 27 was their second baseman and a junior high school teacher. Her spouse was right fielder and power hitter, Arnold Moreau. Jim Nowitski, the star pitcher and Nora Green, the strikingly beautiful green-eyed outfielder was his steady girl, and Steve Metuchka, caught while his on again, off again fiancé, 25 year old Gabby Nichols, played the short-fielder position.
That of course left, Julie Jefferson, a 27 year old dental assistant, as the only ‘available female of the group. But because both the Kazmier’s were eligible bachelors, the girls often arranged for some of their single friends to show up after games to see about possible hookups. That particular evening two of Julie’s girls dropped in, the auburn haired Madison Williams, who was a bookkeeper at Fennel’s truck Terminal and her girl friend, small-chested Mary Jones, a 28 year old brunette.
It was quiet, being a Wednesday night and all, but it didn’t matter. By ten o’clock the bar would be full of other patrons in their late twentyties or early thirties all looking to hook up with a friend of a friend. Mark, feeling good bought a round of tequila shots for his table of 14 ball players and guests. They were all on their way to getting smoked.
“Dude! What the hell are you doing here?”
Mark looked up from his beer and tequila to see a couple sliding into the seat across from him. They each had a can of Heineken in hand and it took him a few seconds before he recognized them.
“Eddie?” he said in surprise. “What the hell are you guys doing here?” Eddie being Eddie Mekla, a local developer Mark was doing work for; his companion was also a surprise in that it was Davey Giugni, a renowledged beach bum who almost never worked at anything else than chasing women and caging free drinks.
“Us? We live around the fuckin’ corner! Ooop’s, excuse the language, ladies and gents,” Davey said, not really caring one way or the other. “We hang out here. So what brings you here?”
“Well, I just joined this softball team,” Mark gestured towards his companies, and continued saying: “Played my first game—we won by the way—and I guess you could say we’re celebrating.”
Davey smiled and then ignored him, putting a hand on Aimee Moreau’s should then ask her if she’d like to dance.
“No thanks,” she replied and tried to ignore him.
“But you know they’re playing our song, Darling.”
Arnold Moreau, glared at Davey before saying, “She’s not interested, cowboy.”
“I ain’t no cowboy, and I didn’t ask you, partner.”
“Davey, this is Mr. Moreau, works for the State and he happens to be the nice ladies husband,” Mark said, trying to be a peacekeeper.
“Ohhhh, married, huh? Too bad for me.” He looked over the other women but a hard nudge from Mekla dissuaded him from hitting on anyone else at the table./p>
Mekla stood and said, “Sorry to interrupt your party. We’ll be moving on now. Davey, let’s try the club next door.”
“Oh, sure, the beach bum said cheerfully. “Say, can you lend me a few dollars. I like to tip those nice girls a little, you know?”
A moment later they were gone.
Aimee was staring at the table and waving her hands over the scarred wood very slowly. Her eyes were glazed over, but her smile was directed at Mark when she finally looked up.
“Thank you,” she said.
“You’re welcome,” he answered.
“Yeah, thanks, you defused that very nicely,” her husband, Arnold said with a tight smile.
“Oh, don’t go thanking me. It was kind of my fault. Apparently I brought them over to the table.”
“They were looking for trouble,” Jim Nowitski said. “I’ve seen him pull that crap before. Mekla was with him that time too. Didn’t interfere either. It was a quick, nasty fight and Davey beat the hell out of some kid, didn’t weigh more than 135 pounds.
After one more round the group began to break up; the married couples left first, and the other couples followed shortly after, leaving Mark and the Kazmier cousins’ Eddie and Dennis with Julie, Madison and Mary Jones. Then Eddie’s ankle appeared to worsen and Dennis decided to take him in for X-rays, leaving Mark with the girls.
He offered them a ride home and they surprised him, telling him they had two cars of their own, but they wouldn’t mind if he came back to Madison’s place with them.
“There’s a kind of party there,” Madison said off-handedly. “I don’t know if it’s big or small, but you’re certainly welcome.”
“Hey,” Mary chirped, “being you’re new in town you should come, never know who you’ll meet there!” The other girls found that remark funny and when Mark started laughing along with them they hugged him—all three of them.
He followed them to Maddy’s apartment.
After parking in what proved to be a huge parking area adjacent to a suermark, Madison told Mark, “Shouldn’t be anything stronger than weed upstairs. That all right with you?”
“Not a problem,” he replied with a grin. He wasn’t a user, but didn’t care if others did.
Madison kept prattling on while they climbed to the fourth floor apartment, Mary and Madison stumbling up the stairs ahead of him and Julie Jefferson swinging drunkenly behind him. “This place is to die for … I mean spacious! We moved in last month and it’s totally killer. We have three bedrooms and a huge living room on the fourth floor overlooking Chasted Boulevard. There’s always something going on. You ever have nothing to do, c’mon over, we’ll have something going on.”
Their place was, in fact, awesome. They walked into a full-blown party of people some of whom he would meet again elsewhere, and some that he would never see again.
The apartment was full of real furniture, and certainly not what he expected.
“Where did …” he started to say when Julie cuthim off with: “The furniture, right? The previous tenant left town in a hurry. We think it was drug related, but who knows? Any way, he left it, no strings. Ain’t it great?”
People were lounging around with drinks in their hands, and music was blasting from speakers hanging high on the walls above the TV. Mark lost track of Julie and Madison moments later, but Mary remained at his side as They made their way to a bar in one corner of the large living room.
A cute girl in a halter top barely covering her generous bus handed them both gin and tonics. “S’all we got until Larry returns. He made a rum run … get it? He’s our rum runner!”
Mark nodded. He was perfectly happy with a party that had real glasses and a table with more than three legs.
He realized Mary had disappeared, and Wandered from room to room knowing he’d run into one of the girls eventually. In the meantime, there was abundant feminine scene to behold, and he did his best to take in as much of it as possible. He wandered into what had to be the master bedroom, but only had a small bed and several chairs and a dresser in it. Julie saw him enter and sprang to her feet and ran over to hug him like a long lost lover.
“This is Mark!” she sang out to her two female friends and a guy with long hair and a pipe. His arms were covered in tattoos. Julie gave him a big hug as if she hadn’t seen him in a While.
All three girls wore fairly short dresses; the other two sat cross legged on the floor, and beckoned Mark to sit with them. He settled in with them and they produced a huge bong, handed it to him and he felt obligated to join in the festivals. He was not one to partake of ganja as a rule, but he had of course tried it while in college. He took a small hit and passed it to the tattooed guy.
“Have you ever tried anal?” the blonde next to him inquired as if asking if it was going to rain later that night.
The others all looked at him expectedly, and Mark realized he had sat down in the middle of a conversation.
“Are we playing Truth or Dare?” he asked smiling.
Julie laughed and said, “Oh, no. She’s been asking dumb questions all night.”
“Then my answer is no.”
“Oh c’mon, every guy wants fo fuck his girl up the ass,” the blonde said derivatively.
“Ah,” he said, “I’ll admit to that, but from the way You phrased the question I thought you meant did I ever submitted to anal sex.”
They all stopped and stared at him, the smoke from the bong thick in the air. He wasn’t sure if it was out of disbelief or something else. The look on the guy’s face was especially skeptical.
But I had a girlfriend that wanted to try it and we did; several times, actually.”
“How’d you go about it?” The tattooed guy asked.
Mark had to think about it. “Um, it wasn’t thought out the first time, so I just applied a lot of lubricant and after fingering her for a few minutes, stuck it in there.”
The girls nodded in tandem then waited.
“Okay, the second time we decided to read up on it and adopted a position from the Kama Sutra … um, as I recall she was on her back, holding her ankles, well lubed and I … um, went at her in what I guess you’d say was basic missionary.”
“How did this come up?” he asked.
“Wait—wait, then what did you do?” The blonde leaned in as she asked, and Mark wasn’t sure if he was going to get a lesson or a kiss. He had spent a lot of time trying to forget about Rana and Samira, but if there was one thing worth remembering it was the sex.
“You know …” he said, nodding his head.
“What does that mean?” The blonde said, pursuing him as if she were an interrogator. “‘You know? I don’t know! You mounted her with her holding her ankles, and, you Know, then what?”
“Then we fucked. I mean if you must know, we fucked a lot. But you want to know about when we did it anally? I took it easy, made sure she was relatively comfortable … and she was—the second time. In fact she was all for doing it again, but her … well I needn’t go there. I’ve answered the question.”
“I used to sit on this guy’s face.”
They all looked over to the girl next to Julie. She was the smallest of the three with big eyes, cute brown bangs, and a smile that was half surprise. She had blurted it out so quickly Mark wasn’t sure he’d heard it right, and When they all looked at her, she turned so bright red it was almost shocking.
Holding her palms out in supplication, she quickly added: “He begged me for it. I didn’t tie him up or anything, but he would lie on the bed and I’d just sit on him. Sometimes we did it for like an hour.”
She looked down at the floor, her fingers tugging on the hem of her dress.
“And would he …?” The blonde began, making a gesture with two fingers and her tongue.
The petite girl just nodded and her expression seemed to move into something closer to fond reminiscing.
“Was this before or after actual sex, Becca?” Julie asked, providing Mark with a name to the confessing girl.
“I mean was he like, going to town after you two already did it?”
“No! There was no sex,” Becca said. “I mean, that was kind of sex, but he didn’t want anything else. It was weird actually, but that was all that we ever did. I’d go over to his place and he’d just lie down on the bed or the floor. Sometimes I wouldn’t even take my clothes off. I stopped wearing panties halfway through college; Um, I’ve never liked wearing them anyway …”
“So what happened then, Becca?” the blonde asked, her eyes now saucer wide.
“Oh, well I’d just lift up my skirt and knee over him. He would start to whimper when I got close, and then he’d just lick me until I came or got bored.”
“Got bored?” The tattooed guy told seemingly befuddled. “How could…?”
“Shut the fuck up Perry,” Julie said and he did.
Becca continued as if he’d never spoken. “He was never the one to stop either. Once I wanted to see how long he would go, and it lasted for nearly two hours. I came like six times, but I got sooo fucking tired! I finally rolled over and lay there next to him. I even asked him if he wanted to fuck me, but he just smiled and said as long as he was making me happy, he was happy. It was sweet even if it was super weird.”
“And you broke up with him?” The blonde said in astonishment.
Perry, the tattooed dude, was laughing after a long bong hit, but Mark was thinking along the same lines as the blonde.
“Pussy eating is all nice and shit, but it’s not enough for a good relationship. Sometimes a girl needs some cock.” Her blush was back again, but Julie and the blonde shook their heads in stability.
“I totally need to get laid,” Becca said, Finally letting go of the fabric between her fingers. “Would you believe I haven’t had sex in like a month?”
“It’s been weeks for me,” Julie added.
“I’m clibate by choice,” the tattooed guy said. “I mean, I’ve been doing this intense meditation recently, and we’re not supposed to have sex for a few months. I’m channeling all of my energy into my practice, and it’s been really awesome. I can, like, totally feel the chi moving through my body.”
“How ’bout you, Mark? When was the last time you got laid?” Julie inquired, being surprisingly direct.
Mark looked around the room and suddenly felt like the asshole. “Um, I had this date last night, and …” His voice was whispery and he stopped after feeling all their eyes upon him. “Um, she called me around eleven-thirty and you know …”
What?” The blonde stared at him in disbelief. “Fuck you. That’s so not fair. I’m going into the other room to see if any cute guys have shown up. This is bullshit!”
She got up and left as Perry packed another bowl, and the others moved in closer with drinks in hand. They talked for a time, smoking, drinking, and laughing about nothing in particular, and the party got louder, quieter, drinker, higher, and more desperate. When Mark stood up to piss a few hours later, he saw the blonde making out with a guy in the kitchen. He sat back down just as Perry and Julie got up to go smoke on the balcony, leaving him alone with Becca.
He leaned back against the bed and she scooched over next to him and stole a sip of his gin and tonic. It took him a few moments to realize she was staring at him, and he wondered what she was thinking. Her face didn’t reveal much if anything, but he couldn’t look away. Finally, she leaned in and whispered: “Did you really fuck her up the keister?”
“Did you really sit on that guy’s face?”
“Honest to God,” she said and crossed her heart.
“I did fuck her ass, and I also fucked her cousin there too. She set it up, wanted to watch us.”
“Holy shit!”
“There was no shit, per se. Both of them took enemyas beforehand. I highly recommend it, if and when you try it.”
“Yeah,” Becca nodded thoughtfully. Her short dress had ridden up as she tucked her knees under her arms, and I had to resist trying to confirm her pantiless status. She was shorter than Julie by at least a foot, and her feet were smaller than Mark thought possible. He pictured her kneeing over his face as he opened his mouth between her legs, and in spine of all the drinking he’d had done, he found himself getting hard in his jeans.
“That is so fucking hot,” she said. Becca was so close to Mark by then that they were touching, but neither moved an inch. She leaned her head down onto his shoulder for a brief moment before turning around and pulling a small blanket off the bed behind them. She covered both their legs while he stared at her, unsure of what she was doing. Even when her hands vanished beneath the blanket Mark was still unsure of what was happening.
“Tell me more,” she whispered. Her breathing was much faster and her voice deeper. “Tell me about fucking her up the ass again. Did she suck you afteryou took it out? Did you put it in her cunt without wiping it off? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!”
His hand brushed her bare leg, but rather than move it away she pressed against him. Her other foot was pulled up beneath her, but this one was almost on Mark’s lap, which means that just beneath the blanket she was practically naked. She placed his hand on the inside of her thigh, still looking into his eyes, and he finally started talking.
“There was another time …”
“It was a fantasy of hers, you know? She wanted me to grab her in the stairwell leading up to our apartment. She didn’t want to know it was me grabbing her. So I showed beforehand, borrowed a buddy’s aftershave and slapped some on my face and chest then his on the darkened landing outside our apartment.
“I was scared someone would see us, but it didn’t matter since when it came to sex I always did what she wanted.” This was an outright lie—in general it was Mark who led all sexual activities, but why spoil a good story?
“Anyway, I waited until she was almost at our door before I grabbed her.”
Becca moved his hand further up her thigh until Mark’s fingers were just where she wanted them. He looked at her in surprise when she pressed his hand against her wet pussy, but she blushed again and closed her legs around him, holding him in place.
“Keep going,” she whispered.
“Yeah, well I throw her on the bed, and locked the door behind me, but she was up by the time I turned around. She screamed at me and asked me what the fuck I wanted with her, but I had her back on the bed a second later with my belt around her wrists. I tied it to the headboard and knelt over her, holding her legs still as I tore her shirt off. She struggled and tried to kick, but I pulled off her jeans, and then finally ripped her panties off with my bare hands.”
Becca’s breathing grow more rapid until she was panting. She was so wet Mark wasn’t sure what to do. He wantsed to fuck her or at least kiss her, but he couldn’t stop. She moaned into his ear, but her entire body tensed up whenever he stopped for even a second.
“I was so fucking hard,” he whispered, my fingers moving in and out of her as she circled her clip with her own. As soon as I saw her lying there naked on the bed, struggle and spitting, I was as hard as rock.”
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