This tale takes place about two and a half months after the events depicted in ‘The Mysterious Mrs. Sang – Denial’.
Both characters have been getting along and there has not been much new to related.
That is about to change…
Chapter One – Warm-ups
When I showed up at her door that night, I could tell things were different. She greeted me at the door before I even had a chance to ring the bell.
She was wearing her red Chinese Silk gown with the slit on the side that went up to her hip. Her hair was done professionally and she had done her face. In short, she looked spectacular.
I knew that I had fallen for my landlady some months before. I also knew that she couldn’t have cared less. From her perspective we were fuck buddies; nothing more.
For the moment, I could live with that.
Without a word, she ushered me into her foyer. There, she looked down at her hands as she handed me the wound, tired whites. An old stainedUndershirt and a pair of off white cotton pants, while laundered, were not long for this world.
I stripped naked there, in her foyer, beneath her hot star. I put the whites on, feeling my cock becoming semi ereect merely by being in her presence. I may not have known exactly what was coming but I know two people who would be by nights end!
She led the way into her basement and I followed, watching her tight butt wiggle as she elegantly stepped through her house on four inch silettos that I saw intermittently as her long dress moved this way and that.
Once downstairs, she turned and looked me square in the eye before speaking.
“You and I have become lazy!” She snapped assertively, “We used to be very edgy and often we’d push until a safe word was used. I can’t remember the last time that happened. So tonight, we are taking a journey to the edge. Be prepared!”
I was a bit nonplussed. While what she said was true, I hadn’t thought of it in those terms.
I looked right back into her stare and responded with a vigor I did not truly feel, “Hey, if you can dish it out, I can take it!”
She looked down and nodded before responding with, “We’ll see…It’s a good thing you practiced martial arts at such an extreme level; tonight you will need all your abilities.”
She looked up then and said formally, “Because you are so strong and have so many physical abilities, I want you to exercise in the way I order you too.”
Before I could respond, she continued, “I will be wielding the whip to ‘encourage’ you as you work out. When you are warmed up, I have something special in mind.”
She smiled cruelly as she said this but I could feel the beginnings of a major hard on at the sound of her words.
I watched in the semi darkness of her basement / dungeon as she went to the wall of whips and took down a long thin single tail whip. It looked like a long snake ready to obey her every command and lash out to inflict punishment.And she held the head in her hand.
Over the next hour, she had me push myself very hard there in her dungeon, amidst the torture paraphernalia.
I alternate between sets of push-ups, crunches, squats and various other exercises. When I would get close to the end of a set, she would lash me with the whip.
“Quicker!” She’d yell, “Harder! Come on!”
I grunted and I pushed and I gave her my all. After an hour, I was exhausted. My body felt completely drained and my skin was covered in red welts, even through the whites. Tough as I was, she’d not held back with either her commands or her whip.
Finally, as I lay on the floor, too tired to do anymore, she spoke again.
“Get up!” Her voice was cold and she seemed angry, “I said, Get up Now!”
I struggled to do her bidding and she lashed me again.
Once up, she had me strip naked. I left the whites in an untildy heap on her basement floor.
She walked stately over to the two vertical poles I had been tied to more than once. Turning sharply she watched as I, nude and sweety, walked up and assumed my position between them.
I spread my feet until they touched the poles and I reached out to my sides and read myself to be tied spread-eagled. It was her favourite position and now my favourite, as well.
She bent down gracefully and shackled my ankles in leather cuffs that had several inches of slack! Then she did the same to my wrists, pulling leather cuffs down from winches attached to the ceiling. Winches that had not been there when last I had graced her basement. Electric winches that were controlled by panels set on the poles within my view.
I became a bit worried at these new developments. I was even more worried when she next commanded me.
Her command wasn’t entirely clear but I did what I thought she wanted me to.
“Use the cables on your wrists and pull yourself up!” She snapped.
I bent my arms as I pulled on my wrist restraints and stoodon my tip toes.
She murmured approvedly and adjusted the winches until they had taken up all the slack.
It was what she next did that really got my attention. She adjusted the winches connected to my wrists and my arms involuntarily straightened out.
I was straining, on tip toe, nude and helpfully spread-eagled in the basement / dungeon of my sadistic mistress.
She stepped in front and forced a huge ball gag between my teeth and buckled it tight.
Then she stepped back to smile approvingly before saying, “Now that we have that out of the way, we can get down to business! But first…”
She stopped and turning, she walked back upstairs without another word.
And there I stood, all wound up and nowhere to go.
Chapter Two – Accessories
I heard her moving about upstairs but I also knew that she would be back down momentarily.
Sure enough, I heard the clip of her high heels as she carefully and stately made her way back down the stairs. She held a small metal briefcase in one hand.
She placed it on the shelf that ran the length of the wall of whips and reaching in, brought out a mess of wires and a small box.
Walking over to me she asked, rhetorically, “Do you know what this is?”
The huge ball gag made an answer impossible to understand so she answered for me, “It’s a TENS unit!”
She continued as Though I had no idea what it was or what it did.
“A TENS unit is a non chemical way of masking pain. It sends an electrical current through the muscle. It isn’t the same as exercise but it will intensify the sensings you will be experiencing. It also has other uses.” She spoke pedantically.
I looked at her with a combination of impatience and arrogance.
As if to say, “Honey, if that’s all you’ve got; this will be a slow night!”
She looked at my expression and nodded sagely before saying, “All right! So I can see you know all about this.”
She began to attach the electrodes to my stomach and thighs while asking rhetorically, “You don’t mind if I see for myself. After all, I have never even seen one of these things before.”
Once the four electronede patches were attached to my stomach and tighs, she smiled before asking out loud, “I wonder how powerful this thing is?”
At that point the doorbell rang and I looked over toward the doorway. On the pole There was a new holder.
It was just the right size for the TENS unit.
Mrs. Sang attached the electrons to the unit and hung the device on the pole before she went to answer the door bell.
A few moments later, she reentered the basement. Behind her was another Asian woman about ten years younger. It was obvious from her demeanour and clothing that she was a street walker.
I was outraged and it showed on my face and in my futile struggles.
“You don’t mind if someone joins us?” She asked calmly, as though she were asking to turn the heat up a degree or two.
Iyelled impotently through my gag and pulled as much as possible against the powerful cables that held me stretched to my limit.
Mrs. Sang looked away and shrugged as she spoke, “Ah well, too bad there is nothing that you can do about it!”
She turned sharply, her eyes making hard contact with mine as she continued softly but vehemently, “I have decided that tonight will see a change in our rules…And you will go along whether you want to or not!”
I yelled again through my gag and impotently shook my head saying silently, “This has gone far enough! I want you to stop!”
As if hearing me clearly, she paused and then stepped closer.
Grasping my head in both hands she put her face a couple of inches from mine and asked, “Do you really want me to stop?”
She continued, “Or could you continue for a bit? I promise I won’t be disappointed if you do.”
She smiled; a friendly smile and I took a deep breath. I didn’t want to stop but I didn’t want this otherwoman here either.
As if I had spoken clearly she answered me, “Oh, the young woman will be staying…If you should decide you want to continue.”
An eon passed during which I realized that my pride wouldn’t let me quit. I’d continue but this would be the last night.
Sucked but there it was, plain as day.
It must have shown because she smiled; cat-full-of-canary and turning to the young woman, spoke in an Asian dialect of some sort.
The young woman gave her a hard smile and laughed. It was a street bray and she stepped towards me with cruelty and arrest displayed in her demeanour.
She turned to Mrs. Sang and said something in their foreign tongue. Turning, she went over to the wall of whips and put her purse and jacket on the shelf. Reaching down, she pulled something out of a cabinet built low to the floor.
She turned and walked back to me.
I gasped as she let her eyes travel insolently up my legs, passed my now shrivelled unit, up over my torso and finally coming to rest on my face.
In her hands she held the black leather belt that held the anal intruder in place.
My breath quickly as she stepped close to put it on.
I looked desperately over at Mrs. Sang but she refused to meet my glance. Instead, she watched the young street walker place the belt around my hips.
When it came time to insert the leather phallus, she paused to get a bottle of lubricant and a clothes from the shelf. After she had lubricated the thing, she carefully inserted it up my backside.
I stifled a groan and kept my eyes on Mrs. Sang but she continued to refuse to meet my gaze.
The young woman went again to the shelf and picked up a vibrator which also went up my backside; inside the leather intruder.
She was thoughtful enough to turn it on.
Mrs. Sang and I both gasped as the viruses caused me to flinch. I hadn’t realized I was holding my breath.
The young woman stood up and walked in front of me. She was a hard young woman and had rarely seen her share of bad things. They had made her into what she was and what she could do.
She picked the TENS unit up from its place on the pole. Obviously she had seen one of these before. She nodded to herself as if approving of the device.
Her eyes met mine and I tried to meet her gaze with as much defiance as possible.
She smiled Professionally at me before looking to her right and asking Mrs. Sang, in English, “So do you want me to start now or will you start now?”
Chapter Three – Verification
Mrs. Sang speak to her but my eyes never left the woman who held the unit in her ruthless hands.
“No, you start…I will use the belt while you do what you have to.” She said stiffly.
I heard Mrs. Sang clip over behind me. I heard her belt whip through the air before landing.
I had enough time to think, “She must have left the belt on the floor because I never saw her pick it up.”
Thebelt landed with a wet slap as the cruel young woman stepped forward and grabbed my dick with her hand. She smiled as she squeezed my manhood in a professional way.
In spin of myself, I became aroused and very quickly, my dick was standing flat-against-my-belly hard.
The young woman’s smile grow. Her gleaming dark eyes did not leave mine nor did she knee. She continued to stand as she painfully but roughly squeezed my now iron hard dick.
The belt in Mrs. Sang’s hands landed with all together too much force and all too often.
I was being punished for being a man and I didn’t like it but things were about to get even worse.
The cruel young woman turned on the TENS unit in her hands. She looked at me as though she were only now recognize what she held.
I did my best not to show her anything but she could read me like a book.
The belt landed again with a wet slap and its fiery kiss was joined by the itch of a TENS unit on a light setting.
I grunted and Mrs. Sang whipped me again.
The young woman turned the TENS unit up a bit and it sent another wave of it burning sensings through me.
Mrs. Sang belted me again, even harder than she had before. I grunted and arched away from her attack.
The young woman laughed and turned the TENS unit up even higher before it jolted me again.
I tried to Keep my face impassive but this was just no fun.
The young woman turned up the unit up even higher and I grunted as the little machine tortured me past my limits.
I yelled at her to turn it down.
She smiled and turned it up even more.
I screamed and Mrs. Sang, who I had not seen move, stepped close to the young woman before snatching the device out of her hands and turning it off. She put it back in its case on the pole.
Then the young woman snarled at her, Mrs. Sang stepped even closer to her.
There was a firey exchange as the two women argued back and forth.
Finally, Mrs. Sang said something that caused the young woman to look very shocked indeed.
Mrs. Sang pointed to the stairs and in English said, “Get out!”
The young woman stepped back and went to argue her point again but Mrs. Sang was having none of it. She pointed at the stairs again.
The young woman grabbed her stuff suddenly and turned without another word before leaving. Mrs. Sang followed, I presume to make sure that she actually left.
Mrs. Sang returned a couple of minutes later and stood in front of me, her head bowed.
“I have dealt with her before…When the master held her reins and it was I who endured her cruelties.” She confessed softly, “I thought that I could trust her to help me torque you. I was wrong…”
Her voice trailed off and I was started to see a single tear trickle down her cheek.
I mumbled through the gag and she looked at me quizzically.
I mumbled again and she suddenly understood. Reaching up, she unbuckledthe gag and removed it from my mouth.
“Why would you feel the need to have anyone else play with us?” I asked her impatiently.
She shook her head and continuing to look away, told as she wiped the tears away.
I reiterated my question but she continued to look down, as though unable to understand what had happened.
“This is so strange!” I thought, “Here I am, nude, stretched spread-eagled and violent yet I am the one in control.”
Finally, she looked up at me, her eyes glistening and she spoke from the heart, “I was afraid…Afraid of what I felt and afraid that you would not understand or reciprocate!”
“I looked at her, understanding creeping into me and asked, “What do you feel?”
She let her hands roam across my chest before drawing a deep breath.
She looked straight in the eye and said, “I love you!”
I nodded and said, “I love you too. I have for months now.”
She looked shocked and asked, “But why didn’t you say somethinging?”
“Every time I brought up the topic, you’d get impatient and leave the room or change topics.” I reasoned gently, “I would rather be with you and have you like me than be alone and miss you.”
She nodded, almost to herself before responding with another question, “So what do you propose we do now?”
I shrugged, as much as possible under these circumstances and said, “Well, you could always not me and let me do to you what you usually do to me.”
I smiled at her shocked expression and said, “No seriously. Gag me and do to me what you were going to do. Think of my struggles as an achievement of my password for you. Push me to my limits and I promise; you won’t be disappointed.”
Chapter Four – Something a Little Different
Mrs. Sang looked down for what seemed like a long time. I said nothing, rather enjoying the feel of her body so close to mine. It may not have been BDSM play but I’m a man at heart and this was the woman I loved.
Finally, she looksed up into my eyes and said, “I have something a little different in mind.”
She reached up with the ball gag and reinserted it. Her hand traced the line of my jaw and she smiled, as if saying how nice this was, to herself.
Then she stepped back until she was behind me.
I heard her from behind as she spoke loudly enough for me to hear, “First, I’m going to whip you until you beg me to stop. After that, I’m going to alternately masturbate you to the blink of orgasm, repeatedly. You’ll beg me then too. Once I’m done with that, I have something else for us to try.”
I felt the anal intruder vibrating away and I know that when Mrs. Sang whipped me, it would be every bit as hard as it usually was. I was right too.
She lashed my nude and vulnerable butt hard and often. I grunted and struggled as she lashed me. But this time, she was thoughtful enough to give me time between strokes of the belt, to recover.
I was nearing the end of my physical abilities. Thework out, the torture, her confession and now my tasting the whip again had all conspired to wear me out.
I began to yell and flinch as the lash landed, hard and cruel. I knew that she would not stop until I used my safe word. I had told her to push me, she had said she was going to and now she was.
I felt the belt land again. It left yet another burning mark on my posterior. I cried out and flinched against it.
I could suddenly hear her raspy breathing as she was becoming aroused by my bound antis.
The belt whispered through the air and I tightened my tired body in anticipation of its impact.
As it landed on already bruised and inflamed skin, I cried out and finally realized I had had enough!
Mrs. Sang lashed me again and I called out my safe word.
She lashed again anyway and asked calmly, “Are you sure? Be sure because we will be taking it to the next level when I stop!”
I yelled my safe word and opened my hands wide as if to say, “Enough, I’ve had enough of that!”
I heard the belt hit the floor and she stepped so close I could feel her press against my back.
Her hot breath and her ready hands on my nude torso helped me prepare myself mentally for what I knew was coming.
It wasn’t long in coming either.
Mrs. Sang walked over to the shelf and returned with a bottle of lubricant, a wash clothes and a folding chair that had have been leaning against the shelf for just this purpose.
She unfolded the chair and sat down right in front of me. Without any preamble, she squeezed a large dollar of lubricant onto her right palm.
Looking up into my eyes she said demurely, “You were so right, I have not been disappointed so far!”
Then she turned her gaze onto my flaccid penis and she smiled as she said, “I think we can do something with this!”
Reaching out with her left hand, she grabbed my soft dick and began to rationally squeeze and release it. Within a minute I was semi hard. WithinTwo minutes, I was very hard and within three minutes I was so hard I was leaking precum.
I did my best not to groan or squirm. It was a kind of delicious suffering and I made the most of it.
Mrs. Sang murmured approvingly.
Taking her right hand full of lubricant, she carefully applied it to my now throbbing member.
Her lips pouted in a moue as she slowly and carefully stoked my iron hard dick from its base to the tip of its head.
I groaned with delicious pleasure and witnessed as Mrs. Sang masturbated me.
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