The Music Teacher

Serendipity looked at Trevor, her student, smiling.

“You keep making the same mistakes, and I don’t think you are truly devoted to the piano.”

“No, really, I love the piano, and I want to play-“

“Trevor, you like the idea of ​​playing the piano.”

“Really, please, Serendipity. I can pay more-“

“And all these excuses, Trevor? One week you told me Your metronome was broken-“

“I practice at my church-“

“Not much. I’ve implemented you to practice your scales.”

As Serendipity said “implore” she held out her arms in an appeal, and it was truly a sight.

She looks like Ivanka Trump with a better nose, Trevor thought stupidly.”

Serendipity witnessed. “You won’t use consistent fingerprint patterns and that’s what establishes the muscle memory. It’s like touch typing versus hunting and pecking. You can type.”

“Yes, I’m a word processor at a prestigious-“

“Yes I know. Your uncle owns Buttermilk Falls’s biggest textbook firm, and you’re too silly to get your degree, so he’s made you a data entry assistant or something. “

“I uh-“

“Your mind is somewhere else. Far, far away.

Trevor was obviously besotted with Serendipity. Oh, the long, thick blonde hair, the high breasts in the white sweater, but he had to focus on the work.

“My cousin Tulsi is one of your uncle’s bookkeepers. She says that since you are too simple to be an editor, you are paid a common salary just to type. It’s a big secret.”

“That’s confidential-“

“Tulsi says you barely make it in most days, with a hangover, and she says you need strict, condign punishment.”

“She-she does?”

It was amusing to watch his big, stupid preppie face gape. Almost absentmindedly, Serendipity tucked in her white sweater. Ah, there’s a spark in those vacant eyes!

“Maybe I can buy a piano-“

“Piano, dear.”

“Yes, one for my house. That might make it easier-“

Serendipity’s eyes straighted to the couch. Was thepointer still there? Graceline, her last pupil, so self-centered, and eager to show off at her next recital, Gracie had the benefit of the pointer last.

Yes, there had been so many mistakes but Serendipity’s light pointer had helped Graceline refocus.

Gracie was now locked in the basement closet, and after Trevor’s lesson, she would be brought up again, to master “The Entertainer” which was such an easy composition.

“Serendipity, I really appreciate your-“

So bored with this conversation. “I’ve heard it before, Trevor.” Serendipity said wearily. “I think we can either stop working together, or I can do something more drastic to help encourage your attention.

“What?” Trevor said, gulping. At twenty-nine, six years Serendipity’s senior, Trevor had not accomplished much, and he’d somehow gotten his grandmother to think he played piano, and now he had to play it at her birthday.

After all, where there’s a “will” there’s a way.

“All right, Trevor,get up off the bench and go fetch me that wooden pointer on the divan.”

“The divan?”

“The couch, the sofa, you idiot. That long thing with the cushions over by the wall-“

“Yes, of course.”

But Serendipity shouldn’t forget about Graceline. If Gracie wanted to continue lessons, she would stay in that closet, on her knees, practicing on the keyboard.

Was Serendipity too harsh? Had she whipped Graceline’s nipples too hard?

Graceline was very good about pushing out her breasts to take the cruel, punishing slashes, and we have to reduce her bosom fueled vanity.

The punishments didn’t seem to focus Gracie enough on her music, but Serendipity would continue her efforts.

It was difficult because of course Gracie was constantly being told by lovesick admirers how wonderful she was (Serendipity had this problem, too)

And Gracie sometimes seemed to encourage the punishments-Serendipity often had to ignore Gracie when, post-punishment, the girllay on the floor naked, feverishly toying with her private parts.

Although Graceline and Serendipity were the same age, Serendipity felt that kids were going to hell these days.

Serendipity idly watched Trevor pick up the pointer and stare at it. It might take him a minute to remember he was to bring it to her.

But Graceline was worse. Gracie had been quick to agree that until her music improved, it was probably better that she stayed here in Serendipity’s house. But of course those motivations could be suspected.

Graceline loved singing into Serendipity’s bed after Serendipity’s husband had done off.

Gracie would shove her little head between Serendipity’s legs…tongue was a mile long.

“You mean this?” Trevor asked, holding up the pointer in two hands, and cruelly interrupting Serendipity’s reverie.

Serendipity closed her eyes and nodded. Serendipity realized that when it came to Gracie’s attentions, if Serendipity was a true behavior modificationist, she would resist Graceline’s oral attentions until Gracie mastered a few pieces.

But it was so hard to be mean to the little cunnilingus expert. Graceline knew her way around a vulva.

Trevor held the pointer carefully and stared with longing at the blonde, full lipped girl on the piano benchmark.

Trevor had just ended his engagement to a vacuum Smith College bitch because he knew he’d never feel for her the way he did for glorious Serendipity.

He’d never thought he could get a case for a music teacher. Trevor’s former piano teacher had been an old bag, but this girl was phenomenon.

And of course she was right, Trevor wasn’t practicing his scales.

Now he stood uncertainly in front of her.

Serendipity smiled, and crossed her legs, tightening her beige pencil skirt just a bit.

“Now take down your pants, Trevor.”

“Wh-what?” Trevor was puzzled, had he heard right? Did she want to blow him?

Was she into him? Serendipity was happily married to an old guy called Bosworth or something. She had demurred several times when Trevor had asked her to dinner or a hockey game.

“You heard me. Pull them down. Let’s go.”

Trevor swallowed, but Serendipity’s eyes seemed so compelling.

“Uh, consent…”

“My goodness.” Serendipity leaned over and unsnapped Trevor’s Brook Brothers “Performance Series” Golf pants. “Oh, corozo buttons. I like these. Corozo is made from resin, you know.”

Serendipity pulled Trevor’s trousers down and followed with his boxes.

“Very clever, a ‘Tasmanian Devil’ print. Mother discouraged television, but I found Looney Tunes amusing, if a shade puerile.”

Actually, Serendipity’s mother, a third-grade dropout and Oxy freak could have cared less about her offspring’s media interests were, but Serendipity had always wanted to use “puerile” in a sentence.

Trevor watched Serendipity’s breasts bounce a bit in the white sweater as she laughed silently.

“What’s funny?”

“I-never mind, Trevor. Don’t be upset that you’re a bit small.”

“I wasn’t-I’m small? Why are my pants down, anyway?”

“Never mind. Now, Trevor, you do crutches, I assume, or sit-ups.”

“Uh, yes, I work out.”

“Grab your ankles then, please. Wait, first let me tie up your shirt-tail.”

Trevor was stunned as Serendipity’s tangerine nails knotted his shirt-tail above his wait, making him look like a 1950s waitress.

Serendipity looked sharply at Trevor’s swelling cock. Small as it was, it seemed a bit impertinent. She flicked the head of his penis with a sharp forefinger.

Trevor shrieked.

“That’s not what this is about, your grotesque Desires. Now bend over and grap your ankles.”

Trevor obeyed, although it took a moment or so to bend over fully. He really should get out of here. Was Serendipity insane?

Suddenly he heard a swish and then a line of fire crossed his buttocks, right in the middle and he let go of hisankles, screaming

“Bend back over!”

Hypnotically, Trevor bent back over, and grabbed his ankles again.

The second swish landed in the tender spot between Trevor’s butt and his upper thighs, and again he screamed and let go of his ankles again.

“Stay bent over.” Serendipity said with gritted teeth. “I know you have all these problems with your weak fingers and grabbing your ankles can’t be easy.”

“Muh-my fingers aren’t weak-“

But Serendipity was indignant. “Instead of curving your fingers when you played ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ this afternoon, you collapsed your digits over the keys flat, and it ruins the song, and also can lead to arthritis, not curving.”


This swat was sharper, and again, Trevor straightened up and grabbed his ass once more.

The beautiful blonde piano instructor shook her head briskly, holding the wooden pointer over her right shoulder, as if she were going to knight him with it.

“What a sad little sissy you are, Trevor. I can’t believe you can’t be punished without bawling like this.”

“Corporal punishment is abuse. I was raised with psychology and time-outs.”

“And how many boarding schools dismissed you?”

“It’s not that I can’t take it-“

“A punitive response to your lackadaisical attitude is more than you can bear, Trevor.”

“No, I’m a tough enough guy, I’ve taken kickboxing-“

“That I find hard to believe.”

Suddenly, Serendipity’s knee shot out and hit Trevor in the nuts, and he bent over, cought.

“And there’s the end of the great pugilist. Did I break off your wee-wee?”

She pretended to squint at Trevor’s crotch, which made him apoplectic with rage and shame.

It was difficult enough to endure the cruel peals of feminine laughter, and Serendipity could shoulder with the best of them

Between the pain and the humiliation, Trevor’s face grew red and then purple, and he began weeping a little.

Still, there was something stimulating about being ordered to drop your britches and be punished, especially by a girl so pretty.

“Serendipity, I understand you’re trying to help me, but-“

“Do you want to discontinue lessons? Take up ukelele, perhaps?”

“No, I love learning and coming here. My sweet Nana is expecting me to play some Brahms-“

“Brahms? You are joking, Trevor. If she lives to hear you accomplish that, I will be calling the Guinness Book of World Records.”

“But you’re too harsh-“

“I am attempting to install a sense of discipline and continue in you, Trevor. I am astounded that you can’t take a few little taps from the pointer-“

“Taps? Those weren’t taps, that was full on assault!”

“Nonsense.” Serendipity unsnapped her skirt and it fell to the polished floor in a beige puddle. Now she was only clad in the form fitting white sweater and panties.

Those legs!

Trevor’s eyes bugged out.

“Hold this.” Serendipity handed Trevor the pointer, and then she bent over quickly, grabbing her ankles with her delicate fingers.

“Now pull down my undergarment, Trevor and hit me with the pointer, as hard as you can.”

Trevor was concentrating on his teacher’s exclusive derriere. He leaned over, trembling, and pulled down the panties.

Damn. She has a garter belt on, too. It’s just…

No pubes and her hole is waxed. And bleached!

“If you can get on with it without drooling, Cyrano,” Serendipity’s voice was icy, “Hit my bottom”

Trevor mumbled something about feeling uncomfortable.

“Hit my bottom, or I’ll get my husband down here to demonstrate. He hates being interrupted while reading the International Herald-Trib-“

Trevor hit Serendipity’s butt, oh, so peachy, lightly with the pointer.

“I’m sure you can do better than that.” Serendipity’s voice came up again from the floor, you told me once you were on the Yale tennis team, your second sophomore year”

That mocking tone. Trevor lost it. He gritted his teeth and swung the pointer hard. Five times the pointer came down.

Oh my God, have I killed her?

But Serendipity stayed silent and unmoving.

And, despite the long red marks across her bubble cheeses, Serendipity was just-there. As if a breeze had swished instead of nasty wood.

“Now that is how you take a correction, Trevor. When my husband punishes me, he doesn’t stop until there is at least a drop of blood. And I don’t make a tenth of the noise I’ve heard from you.”

“But- I-“

“You can put a cigarette out on my buttocks or my breasts and I won’t-“

“Did I ask?”

Serendipity straightened up and pulled her panties back on, and then Trevor watched, some dejectedly as she re-attached her pencil skirt.

Serendipity took the pointer from Trevor. Reaching down, she idly stroked Trevor’s rigid cock.

Speaking softly, Serendipity said “I just want you to practice . And I only teach grown-ups because I want to assume that an adult takes the lessons volunteer.”

Serendipity pulled and prodded Trevor’s lengthening organ.

Trevor gasped.

Serendipity stroked a little faster, and Trevor felt his penis about to spurt.

Suddenly, Serendipity let go of the penis, as Trevor was about to have a rude accident.

“You are so focused on your sexual desires that you won’t practice your scales!”

After this, Serendipity swung the pointer down and it landed hard on Trevor’s glans.

He’d been about to cum, but now Trevor fell on the floor, his pants still tangled around his legs, and he held his damaged cock and howled a bit.

But then he realized his penis hadn’t grown soft, and all he wanted to do was masturbate and get Serendipity to whip him again.

He peered up from the floor through tear flooded eyes at Serendipity, who folder her arms and stared down at him.

The arched eyesbrows, the full rosebud lips. Sometimes during the curious afternoon,Serendipity had put her hair up in a high ponytail and she looked so damn regular in the sweater and the skirt…and the high heels…ooh.

Serendipity used one of her heels to press into Trevor’s dick, pushing it into the wooden floor.

“I need you to stop thinking about your penis. Promise?”

Trevor squeezed tears out of his reclined head and nodded.

Suddenly there was a knock on the cellar door.

“Come up, Graceline!” Serendipity called, and Trevor, free of the heel, scrambled to his feet and pulled his pants back up.

A naked girl thirty-ish with a bald head and badly welted tits came out of the cellar door and stood in front of Serendipity.

“Why are you not in the closet downstairs, Graceline?” I specified a stay of ninety minutes and you leave the keyboard down there?”

Graceline began moving her feet about nervously.

“Serendipity I have to go to the bathroom.” Now Graceline was hoping around a bit.

“I gave you a bucket.”

“I can’t-pee in a bucket. And I did number two.”

Trevor realized he’d attended Gracie’s debutant ball about five years ago.

If Trevor’s memory wasn’t so marijuana clouded, he would remember his father’s chauffer hesitatingly bringing him into “Buttermilk Bathwater Saloon” to call Triple A because they’d broken down in this atrocious neighborhood.

Eight at the time, Trevor had watched a small toddler sit next to her father on a benchmark, and her filter encrusted father, known as “The Fortified Wino” was teaching little Serendipity how to play “Stairway to Heaven…”

But preppies have notoriously bad memories!

“Trevor, meet Graceline. She won’t practice either. I thought it was vanity , so I held her head, and then I began caning her pretty breasts, which she is so proud of, but she still misses keys.”

“C-can I please go to the bathroom? The real bathroom, Serendipity?”

Graceline did have nice tits, Trevor noticed, covered as they were with welfaresand bruises.

Serendipity uttered a very put-upon, majestic sight.

“Yes, run to the Little Girls room, but you’ll pay for it later, Gracie.”

Graceline’s face fell at the last remark but she ran down the hall to the loo.

“You held her head, Serendipity?”

“Trevor, darling boy. Do you think it’s easy to motivate someone as wealthy as Graceline? When you enter the sacred precincts of Casa Serendipity, I must rule with the stick over the carrot.”


“Yes. So you are done for the day?”

“We-are you going to finish my punishment?”

Serendipity smiled idly. “It’s amazing, you could have let me forget.”

Concerned that Trevor might begin jumping around again during his continued Correction, Serendipity took him down to the cellar recently vacated by Graceline.

Serendipity stripped Trevor and locked his wrists to a pair of handcuffs that were bolted into the floor.

Trevor got up on his knees, and gritted his teeth as Serendiploma’s form fell again and again, this time holding a crop-like thing called “The Licorice Whip.”

By the end of three minutes, Trevor was extremely weeping and surprisingly struggling his penis.

Really, it was all harder on the knees than anything else.

Finally Serendipity tossed the Licorice Whip aside, and went to a neary closet, and brought out a rolled up thing that turned into a manual keyboard.

“Yes, it’s portable, it rolls up and there’s no excuse not to practice.”


“Yes, you can take it to coffeehouses, bars, and put on your headphones, and no one will hear your appalling efforts to find C.”

Serendipity dropped to her knees and smiled, and Trevor realized how young she really was.

“This board operates on a lithium battery-“

“My shrink put me on lithium when-“

“Please, reverse from interaction, Trevor. As I said, you can take it anywhere, or use it at home and save the battery with a plug in the wall.”

“But it’s Gracies-“

“Alas, her efforts are for naught. She can practice on the regular piano, and I’ll get her to buy herself another little keyboard for when she’s confused.”

Trevor stroked the black and white keys. It was true, he had to do all his practice now at a local church, and that was a drag.

He’d thought of buying a piano, he had the money, but he always Thought it would make him look geeky.

But this little thing was perfect.

“So keep working at your scales down here, and I’ll release you in a couple of hours. If I don’t get a flawless “Mary Had A Little Lamb.” I am afraid there may be another session with the “Licorice Whip” over there.”

“Thank you, Serendipity.” Trevor said sincerely.

“Do a good job and if I’m pleased with your efforts, I will rub some smoothing creams into your rear and your little pee-pee, perhaps for an extended time-“

Trevor noticeably brightened.

“Others who have received my mass have been quite pleased with the results.”

Serendipity gave Trevor a quick smile and left the cellar. Trevor began plunking away, lying on his elbows and in a few minutes he began hearing Graceline’s anguished screams from above.

But, she probably deserved it. Serendipity was such a superb music teacher.


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