You sit alone. Waiting. Wanting. You know that I am there. Sitting in the shadows, testing your resolve. You are naked as I instructed you to be.
You tend. You hear my footsteps coming closer. I see the goose bumps on your flesh, the slight shiver course through your body.
“Rise” is the only word you hear.
You obey, with blood returning to legs that have been sitting for too long in anticipation. Standing behind you I take your hands and lift them above your head. I bind them in the shadows above, lifting you just up on your toes. Your heart is pounding. I can see your veins cursing with blood. You are already going into shock.
I haven’t even started yet.
I move a table, covered in black clothes, to sit in front of you. I roll back the covering to reveal a glimmer of steel. Your sharp intake of breath adds a smile to my face. I am glad you approve.
My first task is to ensure that you don’t miss anything I am going to do to you. I pick up one two-inch long needle from the table. I hold it in front of your face. You have trouble focusing on the point, it is lost in the darkness beyond fading past it’s sharp end into nothing. I drag the needses point across your cheek, down below your ear to rest at the back of your neck. I run it down your spine counting as I go, then I stop. You feel the needses prick as I lift it to point directly into your flesh.
I push.
You scream.
A flood of the most intense pain rolls through from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Your body convulses, pulling your knees to your chest, trying to curl away from the pain.
It stops.
As suddenly as it started it is replaced by a cascade of calmness. You feel your muscles relax. Every nerve in your body is suddenly alive and waiting. That is when you are suddenly aware of a pulse being sent through your body. You focus on its center and realize it is I. Gently strumming on the need I plunged into your spine. I wait foryou to attain full consciousness, and then I grab the needle with my fingers and gently spin it in your flesh. Your mind swoons with the myriad of sensings running through your body.
I move back to the table and pick up some wadding. I soak it in some scented oils and place it on the end of the needle. The aroma of a bouquet of prairie flowers fills the room. I set it in place gently as to not move the needle Anymore than needed.
Then a flash of light.
You smell sulfur, then flowers abundant once again.
The warmth from the smokering wadding on the needle transfers quickly to your spine and through your body. Your mind takes you back to memories of cold winter nights huddled over a heating floor vent. Basked in warmth, comfort and security.
Cold. Your eyes flash open and focus on the point of your shock. An ice cube. A perfect square circle slowly around the nipple on your right breast. Teasing, coaxing it to it’s utmost hardness. You close your eyesand try to focus on the conflicting warmth still cursing through your body.
You feel a small prick. Your eyes open again to see my masked face in front of you. You follow my gaze down to your ample bosom. I am holding another need this time, the point pressing into the nipple I was just teasing. In one fluid steady motion, I push it into, and through your erect nipple.
The pain is so clear. So pure. It is no longer clouded by everyday troubles. It washes over you, through you. Your mouth opens to cry out, but stops. Pain or ecstasy? Your mind cannot make the choice. As you start to calm down to sort through the feelings, I throw you into turmoil once again.
Your head rolls around in mindless pleasure, only to finally look down and see that I have pierced both of your nipples. The needs still sticking through.
Through the haze you finally began to focus past your breasts to my kneeing body. I gently lift one foot, cradling it in such away that you need to bAlance all your weight on your other foot. You see more needs sitting beside me. Another in my hand I move it to your foot.
You are at the height of feeling right now, you can pinpoint the exact moment that the need penetrates your skin and connects with the nerves hidden underneath.
Waves of numbness travel up your leg. You feel the prick of another need, then nothing.
You look down to see your foot, pierced by seven needs, unmoving. You try to move your toes, nothing happens. I cradle your other foot. Your shoulders burn with pain holding yourself up, but for every wave of pain, is a wave of warmth and pleasure.
You never notice the other seven needs in your foot.
I cradle your face in my hands. I look into your eyes and see that the depth of pleasure there is immeasurable. You are almost having trouble swallowing, your breathing is fast and shallow, but steady.
I hold one more needle up to your face. It in the shape of a big U. It is a thicker gauge than the others and has eyesets on both ends, and still wickedly sharp.
I run the needs points down over your lips, down your chin to your throat. Down your neck, between your breasts and over your stomach, you feel every inch of its movement.
You feel my fingers finally upon your smooth skin. Trailing around your womanhood. I gently massage your clip, making it peek out just enough.
You look down to express to me your pleasure at what I am doing, at the same moment as I plumge the last need straight through your exposed hard clip.
You pass out.
My gentle care wakes you from your slumber, my fingers running through your hair. The first need still in your neck being ticked gently by your hair, sending Shivers through your body still.
Yet something feels different. You feel tightness from your chest to between your legs. You look down to see your nipples pierced, and thin trails of blood running from them, but also a thing stringrunning from each side of both needs to the hook through your clip.
You freeze in shock. My hand presses against the small of your back, pushing your stomach out, tightening the strings. You see a violent bow reach out from the side and out across your stomach. As I pull it back across from left to right, I bring it closer to touch the strings.
The sounds that ensured form both the strings being played and the guttural moans from your lips, I can only describe as the most basic sound of sheer and utter pleasure. As I work the bow back and forth across the strings your body is contorting with the vibrations. Tightening then relaxing, twisting and grinding. The sounds traveling from the strings through your clip back up through to your vocal cords and out your quivering lips, make music so pure, so pleasure drive, that I never want to stop.
Dreams always come to an end though. As you fade from consciousness, with a smile from ear to ear, I know you are fulfilled andmy work is done. Before your eyes close solely by the need of exhaustion, I lift your chin up and bring my lips to meet yours, and share one last kiss before your eyes close.
You awaken some hours later, in bed, alone and feeling so relaxed that you would swear that you just spent a weekend at the spa. You begin to come back to your senses, you can smell bacon cooking, and you can hear some woman singing to some wild rhythmic piano. You peel back the covers to expose your flesh to the warm sun trying to peek through the blinds.
You roll over.
You freeze, literally. Something stone cold touched your flesh. You roll back onto your back and look down at your chest.
Two small silver bars are pierced through your nipples, and a similar one you notice through your clip.
You fall back in bed. Your mind swirls with images and feelings. Your hand traces up to the bar in your right nipple and gently strums it. A shiver runs though you.
“Breakfast” The cheery masculine voice calls from the kitchen, and breaks you from your reminiscence.
“I’m coming,” You shout your reply, and realize just how sore your throat is, and smile.
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