The Most Personal of Assistants Ch. 08

As soon as they got back to the flat that evening Samantha made Jessica strip off again to her underwear. With the chatity belt in place there was no need for panties anymore, and Jessica was soon walking around the flat in just a bra, stockings and suspenders following orders from Samantha who was sat on the leather sofa.

“Can you cook slave?” Samantha asked as Jessica fetched a single glass of cold white wine.

“Very much so Mistress, I’ve been cooking for myself since I was a teenager.”

“Very well. It’s thankfully Friday tomorrow so I want you to have a rummage through the cupboards and draw up a shopping list. We’ll get it over the weekend so you can cook me dinner.” Samantha said. “For ease we’ll get take away again tonight, although I could send you to the shop like that I guess.”

Jessica looked nervously at Samantha who laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll give you a robe to put on when you go downstairs and collect the food, I’ll even give you the key to the lif if you don’t misbehave!”

Jessica smiled at that news, the thought of the stairs tonight filed her with dread for some reason. She knew others lived in the building and she reckoned it was only a matter of time until she bumped into someone during one of Samantha’s little power games.

“Thank you Mistress,” she said softly and headed off to get the menu’s.

However when the take away Arrived Samantha grinned wickedly as she held out a robe. Jessica smiled as she throw it on, the shear black material was completely see through and showed everything underneath it. The short robe just about reached down to the tops of her legs and Samantha could barely stop herself from laughing as she held out the lift key.

Once again the poor delivery driver nearly had a heart attack when Jessica opened the door and as Jessica got back to the flat her cheeks were flushed red with embarrassment. Samantha was unable to hold in a laugh which made Jessica almost cry, but she grabbed Jessica’s face with her hands and planted a kiss on her lips.

“You are wonderful my slave, you let me do whatever I want! I do believe you were made for me,” she said as she pulled away, and this made Jessica beam back at her.

They ate together this time at the table, Samantha eager to play a video on the TV as they ate.

Jessica almost spat her food out as she appeared on the screen, her legs spread widely across the chair of the office as she bravely masturbated whilst listening to Samantha’s audio recordings.

“Oh my god why did you save it Mistress!” Jessica exclaimed before she could stop herself and watched transfixed .

Samantha laughed, “It’s going to be my new favourite video, I might even make it a screen saver at work,” she mused.

Jessica looked up at her and giggle.

“Won’t that kind of be distracting Mistress? Besides, why have the recording when I can give you a live show right now?” She said seductively.

Samantha looked downat her and laughed loudly. “Nice try slave, but I won’t be letting you out that easy. Besides, I didn’t say my screen saver, I was thinking yours so it reminded you of what you were missing.”

Jessica cocked an eye browser at her and smiled. “I’m not going to get out of this belt easily am I Mistress.”

Samantha gave her a wicked grin and shook her hear.

“I can guarantee my dear that the arousal you feel now is only the tip of the iceberg compared to what you will be put through in the coming days, weeks, months and hopefully years.” Samantha said.

Jessica didn’t say anything, instead she struggled to hold her bottom lip still as a tear escaped down her cheek.

“I hope its years as well Mistress.” she said quietly.

Pushing her chair back from the table Samantha stood up and held out a hand to Jessica.

“Follow me slave,” she said softly.

Jessica reached out and gently gripped the hand of her Mistress as Samantha led her into the main bedroom and told her to knee on the floor.

“I was going to save these for a while, but it seems right to give it to you now,” she said picking up a small box of her bedside table and turning round to the kneeing woman.

As Samantha opened the box Jessica gasped at the sight of the solid silver collar and matching menacles. The collar was beautifully simple, shaped to fit around the neck like a modern piece of jewellery whilst wide enough to catch the eye. A small solid ring hung off the front, with a matching one located at the back. Each manacle was a solid silver bracelet, around an inch thick with two rings on either side.

“Mistress,” Jessica gasped. “It’s beautiful.”

“You have seen them before?” Samantha asked. “Maybe advertised in one of my magazines?”

Jessica nodded unable to take her eyes off the metal device.

“Then you know that once these are on,” Samantha started.

“They never come off,” Jessica finished smiling up at her Mistress.

“At least not without going to the supplier where the specialist removal equipment is, and that’s the other side of the country.” Samantha said nodding back at Jessica and putting the box on the side, picked up the collar.

Walking behind Jessica, who helped by lifting her long blond hair clear of her neck Samantha lowered the item around Jessica’s throat.

“Are you sure slave? Last chance,” Samantha asked.

“I’m positive Mistress,” Jessica responded.

“You pledge to serve me, your Mistress, in any way I want?”

“Anything Mistress,” Jessica said breathing heavily.

Samantha pushed the two ends of the device closed, and they both heard the deafly click of the deadlock as it permanently locked the collar snugly around Jessica’s throat.

Jessica reached up and touched the permanent addition to her body, as Samantha came round and sat on the edge of her bed. Samantha held up the first manacle and Jessica held out her arm as the bracelet was locked in place, followered by the second. Jessica couldn’t help but smile as the final lock clicked permanently shut.

Reaching forward Samantha grasped the small ring and gave it a pull towards her, tugging Jessica with it as she gave out a slight grunt. She clipped on a small silver chain, holding the end in her hand.

“Perfect,” she said smiling. “Now you are truly mine. Worship my pussy slave, worship it until I beg you to stop!”

Samantha laid back and opening her legs, Jessica smiled and wasted little time in getting started.

Samantha could not remember ever feeling so horny and she demanded more and more worship from Jessica’s talented tongue. By her forth orgasm Jessica’s jaw ached and she struggled to keep up with Her Mistress’s demands, something that didn’t go unnoticed.

“Good job I’m finished isn’t it slave.” Samantha panted finally, as she recovered on the bed.

“I’m sorry Mistress, I’ll be fine again in a moment, it’s just my jaw,” Jessica stammered.

“It’s fine, I would expect nothing less. Your muscles will not be used to this, but I assure you they will be once your training is finished! As for tonight, I’m done. Is there anything you need before I go to bed, at least I can trust you to behave tonight can’t I!” Samantha said.

“Um, well there is one thing Mistress,” Jessica said quietly.

“You’re not getting one Jessica, I thought you’d realise that. Like food things have to be earned and orgasms take A LOT of earning!” Samantha giggled to herself.

“I understand that Mistress, and I don’t expect you to let me cum. I wanted to ask how I go to the toilet, I mean with the belt on?” Jessica blushed.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I completely forgot! You poor thing, you Must be burning!” Samantha said grabbing her phone. “Let’s head to the bathroom, we have some things to discuss.”

As they walked into the room Jessica spotted a small silver case by the toilet that wasn’t there yesterday. Samantha pointed to it andtold Jessica to knee next to it and open it up. On one half of the case were a number of small bag, a couple of long clear tubes and a couple of nozzles.

On the other side two huge bags sat along with a number of tubes that all ran into a large box, along with at least a dozen sachets of bright pink solution. Jessica didn’t like the look of any of it and turned towards Samantha.

“right then, on your left is number 1 stuff, on your right is number two. Which do you need?” Samantha said, like she was asking what food Jessica wanted.

“Ummmmmm – I need both Mistress,” she whispered blushing bright red.

“Ok, let’s do them in order. To be allowed to pee two things have to coincide. First, one of those bags or the long tube must be attached to a nozzle and clipped onto the hole in the front of your belt. Let’s use a bag tonight”

Samantha motioned towards Jessica who picked up on of the bags and a nozzle, before easily clipping them onto the belt. Samantha’s PDAbuzzed in her hand.

“Secondly, as you might have noticed I will have to give permission for you to pee using my PDA. Before you think about it every command needs to be finger print authorised so stealing this won’t help you.” Samantha said tapping away before pressing her finger to the device.

It wasped again and Jessica surprised as she immediately felt the urine flow from her full bladder. She looked down to see the bag filling with her pale yellow liquid.

“Mistress, can I ask something?” she said

“Of course slave, what is it?”

“Why into a bag, I mean who would want to save wee?” Jessica said.

“Some Mistress’s, and luckyly for you I’m not one of them, like to punish slaves by making them drink either their own, or other slaves pee.” Samantha said.

Jessica screwed her face up in disgust and Samantha nodded in agreement.

“What’s worse is some slaves get off on it!” Samantha laughed.

The fluid stopped flowing and Samantha told Jessicato simple pull the bag off and throw it in the bin.

“In future you’ll use the tube most of the time, just direct it into the toilet. Right then, the slightly more tricky part now. Tell me Jessica, have you ever had an enema?”

Jessica hesitated, “I have never had one mistress,” she finally said smiling.

Samantha screwed her face up quizzically at her response.

“I’m not allowed to say no to you am I Mistress, so I had to think!”

Samantha laughed. “Very well slave. This is the travel kit, but I’m actually going to use the automatic system I had installed for you at lunchtime.”

Samantha walked behind Jessica to a cupboard on the wall. Looking round Jessica wondered how she missed it and she gasped when the door was opened.

The cupboard lit up revealing two large glass tanks with a range of tubes and pipes connected to them. On the inside of the door hung a number of handcuffs, gags and corporate punishment devices.

“Press here,” she said pushing a large green button, “to prime the system.”

The tanks started to fill with liquid, and Jessica watched as one tank filled with a pink solution, much like that in the smaller bags in the case. The other filled with what appeared to be water. After the tanks had filled Samantha held out a tube to Jessica, the end consistent of another, slightly thicker nozzle to the first.

“Guess where” Samantha grinned. Jessica took the tube and felt around behind her bottom, locating the nozzle and clipping it on. The PDA buzzed again.

“As before, I will control what happens next. I’m not going to restrain you for now, but I will do if you give me reason. Understand?” Samantha asked.

Jessica nodded as Samantha pressed a number of buttons on the PDA, and just before she pressed her thumb to the screen she looked at Jessica.

“Oh, I would knee on all fours for this bit, I hear it helps.” She said grinning.

As Jessica followed the order Samantha pressed the screen toactivate the system. Jessica groaned as she felt the dildo in her anus swell at the base as it inflated, and before long she was moaning in pain as her arse was plugged by the huge inflatable balloon at the base of the dildo. As the pink fluid began to flow Samantha bent over and gently reached under Jessica, rubbing her belly.

“You need to retain the enema for a set period of time, and the inflating base of the dildo ensures that.” she said softly. “The gallon of fluid will take some time to flow into you, and the timer won’t start until the machine finished charging you.”

Jessica sobbed. “Please Mistress, please stop this. I don’t want it, I can’t take it! I don’t want to say no to anything, but I must to this” she cried.

Jessica tried to reach round and pull the tube from the device, but Samantha grabbed her hand.

“A goal, things were going so well. I see another lesson is in order.” Samantha said and pulled a padlock of the cupboard door.

She passed the lock through the first cuff ring and then pulled it up behind Jessica’s back. Clipping the padlock through the collar trapping the first wrist she grabbed the other cuff and pushed it through the other side of the padlock before clicking it shut, trapping Jessica into the painful reverse prayer position she had experienced a couple of days ago at the hotel.

“Please Mistress, I can’t take it all!” Jessica yelled, barely Noticing the screaming pain in her shoulders. The enema was relentless in flowing and filling her insides.

“You can and will my pet. It’s almost finished anyway.” Samantha watched the last of the enema solution drain into Jessica.

Her device beeped.

“That beep indicates the start of the standard 15 minute hold period. Its required to enable the enema solution to work. But because of your little outburst you’ll be waiting a little longer,” Samantha pulled to tube off the device and pulled Jessica up onto her feet.

“I’m undecided how long I’ll leave it in for. For now let’s take a walk.”

Samantha grabbed a large ring gag from the shelf and pushed it behind Jessica’s teeth, buckling it shut and padlocking it on.

Samantha pushed Jessica into the hallway and towards the front door. Jessica moaned and groaned through the open gag at Samantha but it was no good. Samantha grabbed a lipstick out of her hand bag on the table by the door and scratched something on Jessica’s face. Samantha pushed Jessica out of the flat and into the lift before pressing the button for the ground floor.

Jessica sobbed as the doors closed and the elevator descended. She had already fallen to her knees as the doors opened on the ground floor, sobbing. The enema solution made her belly heavy and her knee’s sagged as she bent over lessening the cramps now ripping through her.

‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Mistress.’ she tried to scream but all that came out of her gagged mouth were grosses and dribble.

She knelt there for a few mInutes trying to regain her composition, long after the lift stopped and the doors opened on the ground floor. Finally she managed to stop sobbing but the cramps from the enema kept ripping through her guts causing her to double over in pain. She finally opened her eyes and shuffled out the lift on her knees.

As she stood up Jessica felt the weight of the soapy solution sloshing around inside her and she could feel the burden of the extra Weight as her legs screamed in protest. She looked at the large mirror in the hall and to her horror noticed the word ‘free’ on one cheek and ‘oral’ on the other in bright red lipstick. On her drool covered chin the sentence was completed with the word ‘sex’.

It took an age for her to get up even one floor of the building, with every step the dildo in her pussy rubbed slightly against her g spot sending a shiver of pleasure through Her aching body. At the same time the bump over her clip slightly moved aiding the erotic torque. Just after gettering past the first floor Jessica’s eyes shot open in horror as for the first time since she moved in she heard someone else in the stairwell as they left their flat.

She was halfway between the 1st and 2nd floor and couldn’t tell if their voices were coming from above or below. She frozen, and pinned herself to the wall and listened as they came out into the open stairwell. She could see the stairwell opposite on the floor below but they must have been either directly below her or above her.

“The stairs, seriously?” the woman said in a distinctly unimpressed tone. “Have you seen the heals I’m wearing George?”

“Come on Lizzie, it’s only a couple of flights of steps. Besides, that elevator takes ages.” George responded.

‘No, a couple of flights? Does that mean they are on the second floor?’ thought Jessica. ‘Take the fucking elevator George, please!’ she silently pleased to the couple.

“Oh all right,” Lizzie said, “but you’re buying the drinks tonight!”

With that Jessica heard the loud clicks of the woman’s heals as they descended the stairs.

“I always buy the drinks!” George said but Jessica spotted Lizzie totter round the corner on the lower set of steps and surprised loudly.

“Wait up Lizzie” George said and Jessica froze again.

Did she sight that loud? Did George hear her? If he were to turn and look up Jessica would have nowhere to hide.

“I forget my wallet!” George said and Lizzie started berating him.

After George had run up the stairs and reclaimed it Jessica listened as they finally left the stairwell. She stood back up and started up the stairs with more purpose this time.

She reached the seventh floor and was in a mix of age and sexual heat. Her legs screamed from the extra load of the water whilst the cramps had now become one painful dagger that speared her insides.

On the flip side, the stimulation to her g spot from the dildo means that despite the belt her excited pussy was inCreasing leaking, coating her inner thighs. As she passed the seventh floor corridor she heard another door close. Throwing herself at the wall she listened as the footsteps grow louder up the corridor.

Panicking she only hoped that whoever it was would take the stairs, that way they shouldn’t need to face in her direction. She noticed a thin pillar sticking out from the wall by the stairs and with no other option quickly shuffled behind it. It did little to hide her and if the person coming round the corner looked they would easily see her hiding in nothing but her bra and stockings.

She held her breath as she saw a well-dressed man walk out into the hall way and almost groaned as she watched him pushed the elevator call button. He seemed to be occupied with watching the need on the elevator at it showed its progress up from the ground floor, but then he started looking around from side to side.

Jessica was terrified by now, but she also felt something deep within heself. An arousal like nothing she’d felt before built within her. The humiliation was exhaust and Jessica couldn’t have been more helpless if she tried.

Her mind was in overdrive at the situation, what would this man do if he saw her?

Would he try and help her?

Would he call the police? or would he do something else?

She closed her eyes as drool from her gaping mouth dripped onto her chest and a flash of her kneeing on the floor, still helplessly bound as the man fucked her face came into her mind. She felt a gush of juices from her pussy as the man used her mouth for his pleasure but her daydream was broken by the bing of the lift.

She watched the man walk into the lift and as the doors started to close she let out another sight. This time she knew it was too loud, and the man’s hand shot out pushing the elevator doors back open.

“I’m sorry, is there someone there?” he said exiting the elevator.

Jessica frozen but she knew it was useless. Her knees were weak as she stepped out from behind the pillar.

“Oh my god!” the man said stepping towards Jessica.

She automatically took a step back and the man stopped.

“It’s ok” he said holding his hands up “I only want to help.”

“Ooooooo” Jessica said shaking her head.

“You don’t want help?” the man said confused.


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