It didn’t take long for Jessica and Tessa to return to the hotel. At this point in time Jessica didn’t have a care in the world and she smiled at everything they walked past. Holding hands with Tessa, she could feel the cool breeze on her now damp knickers, the wonderful afterglow of an orgasm still lingered in her body.
Tessa insisted on them going to Jessica’s room and as soon as the door was open she grabbed Jessica and kissed her hard on the lips, pushing her against the wall. After a few moments of passwordate kissing she pulled away.
“Let’s practice for tomorrow shall we, you are now MY slave” Tessa said. Jessica, wanting to play along, dropped to her knees giggling.
“Yes Mistress” she said looking up at a radiant Tessa. Tessa extended one foot towards her.
“Take my shoe off, kiss my foot slave.” She ordered. Jessica crawled forward and carefully hooked the shoe off the extended foot, slowly kissing the top of it. Without any orders needed, Tessa swappedfeet and Jessica repeated the process with the other foot.
Tessa then walked over and sat on the middle of the large bed. “Dance for me, slowly, sexy.” She said leaning back and crossing her legs. “In fact make it a strip dance slave”
Without the alcohol dumbing her inhibitions Jessica would have been a trembling mess if this had happened just 24 hours ago, but she wasn’t. Tessa made her feel free, made her becomes someone else, someone that she always wanted to be. This wasn’t the Jessica Jones from Plainesville anymore, this was the Jessica Jones in Capitol City.
She got up and wandered over to the desk where her iPod sat nestled on a docking station. Selecting something slow to dance to she turned and smiled mischievously at Tessa.
With her body facing away from Tessa and the bed she slowly started swinging her hips, her hands moved up and down her body from her head to the rim of her skirt. She slowly pulled up the hem revealing her pert bottom, and her knickers to Tessa.
Giggling she let it fall as she turned to face Tessa and started dancing around one of the bed posts, this time she let one of the straps of her dress fall down over her should revealing her bra. She giggled again and looked at Tessa in pretend shock before pulling it back up.
“You are such a tease” Tessa laughed. “Get that dress off already”
Smiling Jessica pushed both straps off her Shoulders and let the dress fall to the ground. Tessa looked her up and down in lust as Jessica continued to slowly dance for her, her hands now combining through her long blond hair.
“Get over here” she demanded.
Jessica crawled up onto the bed never taking her eyes off Tessa and the two started kissing passwordately again. Tessa rolled them over so she was on top, trapping her lover underneath her.
“Stay” she ordered, quickly getting off the bed. Jessica laid where she was, watching the beautiful woman that moments ago was straddling her.
Tessa quickly stripped out of her trousers and top, revealing a matching black lace underwear set. Smiling she crawled back on top of Jessica, only this time her hips were much further up and suddenly Jessica was confronted with Tessa’s crotch, the distinct smell of a woman’s arousal filled her nostrils. Tessa grabbed both of Jessica’s wrists and pinned them down on the bed.
“Time to even the O score I think, let’s see what you have” she said lowering her pussy to Jessica’s mouth. “Pleasure me slave” she demanded.
With her knickers in place Jessica started kissing and licking at the thin fabric between her mouth and Tessa’s naked sex, bringing a groan from Tessa. Jessica started tracing the edges with her tongue, and after a few minutes of this she nibbled at the edge and managed to pull them to one side.
Tessa moaned deeply as Jessica’s tongue made direct contact with her pussy, Jessica licked her up and down each side of her moist pussy. Jessica love the feeling of being pinned down, she tried to move her arms but Tessa pushed them down harder into the mattress stopping any movement.
“Ooooh you are not going anywhere – god that feels good” Tessa moaned, pushing her sex harder into Jessica’s face. Jessica responded by sliding her tongue as far into Tessa’s pussy as she could, bringing an even deeper moan from Tessa.
As her arousal built Tessa started grinding harder and harder against Jessica’s mouth, Jessica alternate between licking the outer edges and pushing her tongue deep into her lovers wet folds.
Jessica slowly moved her licking pattern and bought a squeal from Tessa as she homed in on her sensitive clip, and it took little time after Jessica fixed her attention on that spot before Tessa screamed out as her first orgasm rocked through her. Jessica lapped greedily as the juices from Tessa’s pussy gushed out, she didn’t want to miss a drop.
Jessica was expecting Tessa to roll off her once the orgasm had subsided but she didn’t. In fact Tessa rode her to two more orgasms, all the time Jessica was pinned to the bed helpless to do anything but pleasure her Mistress for the night. Finally satisfied Tessa rolled off her and onto the bed beside her.
“Not bad for a first time slave” she joked and Jessica giggled.
“I’m glad Mistress” Jessica said licking her lips one last time. Tessa rolled over and kissed her on the lips, tasting the remnants her own juices in the process.
“I’m going to go back to my room, you have an early start. I doubt we’ll sleep much if I stay” Tessa said. Jessica looked disappointed.
“I hoped we could, you know, do some more?” She said mischievously.
“You mean you hoped you’d get another orgasm don’t you?” Tessa quipped back. Jessica looked up sheepishly and nodded.
“Only good slaves that earn it get rewards like that” Tessa said playfully slapping the side of her face. Jessica pouted.
“Don’t look at me like that, I’m just giving you good practice for your new job tomorrow, get you used to a Mistress of Cruelty.” She giggled.
“I don’t think I will be doing anything like this” Jessica laughed as Tessa got back up and got dressed.
“You don’t know how personal she needs your assistance to be though do you! Besides, I saw how you looked at each other, you were practically swooning!” She teased.
“I was not” Jessica said leaning forward and slapping Tessa’s bum as she pulled up her jeans. Tessa paused and looked at her with her mouth open.
“You are in so much trouble tomorrow night young lady” she joked. Jessica grabbed the back of her top and pulled her back down onto the bed.
“Make it tonight, stay with me” she pleased.
Tessa Shook her head. “I think I’ve unleashed a monster haven’t I?” She joked as Jessica pulled off her top again.
“No” Jessica said smiling, “you’ve freed me that’s all”. Smiling she kissed Tessa on the lips once more before her kisses slowly started moving down Tessa’s body towards her pussy once more.
Tessa revealed contentedly “I could get used to this” she mumbled as Jessica once more reached her target with her mouth.
The next morning Jessica naturally felt early, she hardly dared roll over at first for fear it was all a dream but then she felt the warmth of another body next to her in the bed. Rolling over she smiled as the naked body of Tessa laid on the bed next to her, half her body uncovered by the bed sheets.
She carefully slipped out of the bed and figured she had time for a run before heading to work. As she changed Tessa stirred and groaned.
“Don’t tell me your one of those early people that runs!” She groaned. “Finally, Jessica Jones has a flaw!”
Jessica giggled “I like to run, it lets me clear my head and process things” she said. “I’ll Only be 45 mins max, unless you can think of a better work out for me?” She mused crawling onto the bed and kissing Tessa on the lips. The bed tank of sex, Tessa had cum a numberof times before collapse exhausted on the bed, whilst Jessica “earned” just one more as Tessa put it.
“That will not get you to work on time now will it. We can plan something later” she grinned. “Maybe even spend the weekend together?”
“Spoil sport, but I’ll accept the weekend in bed with you as compensation” Jessica said kissing her on the lips again before heading out.
“I’m pretty sure I said weekend together, not a weekend in bed together” Tessa laughed as Jessica left.
Tessa was gone by the time Jessica got back from her run, which was both a blessing and a curse if she was honest with herself. Leaving with plenty of time to spare Jessica headed for the office, and by 07:45 she was just passing the coffee shop when she had a thought from the day before. Popping in quickly she placed her order and 10 minutes later she was upstairs waiting in the small reception room.
At 08:15 Samantha strolled in looking as fantastic as she did the other two times Jessica had seen her. Jessica was envious of her wardrobe, it appeared no matter what she picked she always looked so damn sexy.
“Good morning Jessica, nice and on time I assume despite your date last night?” Samantha quipped. “I’m not sorry I’m a bit late in case you’re wondering, I prefer people to be waiting for me rather than the opposite way round.”
“Good morning Mistress” Jessica said blushing slightly. “I hope you are well today, you look lovely I might add”
Samantha surprised and just about managed a smile. “You’ll learn I’m not a happy morning person like you, I need my coffee before I start to feel human. Flattering will only get you so far” she joked.
It was at this point Jessica jumped up smoking and held out the coffee she had stopped to get. Samantha stopped and looked at it, before picking it up and studying the side.
“This is for me?” She said confused.
“Of course Mistress. I noticed the empty cups on your desk yesterday and figured you’dappreciate me getting you one in the morning. One of my previous bosses – one of the nice ones that is used to be the same first thing.” She said smiling.
“Well aren’t you full of surprises. It’s even got skinny milk and an extra shot just how I like it” She said. “This is the third thing I’ve seen that tells me you are perfect for me in every way!” She joked. “Flattery and bribery – Now that will get you much further!”
Jessica looked confused “Third thing Mistress?”
“Yes, along with the coffee let’s see there was the fact you have read so much of my work as well.” She said
Jessica giggled. “That’s true, what’s the last one?” She said confused.
“You have impeccable taste in lovers just like I do” she said smiling and giving her a nudge. “I’m glad you having fun and making friends already, just don’t let it interfere with your work ok?” She warned. Jessica nodded as her face flushed crisis red.
“Anyway, come into my office and take your place, I needto outline what I expect from you between now and Monday”
Jessica nodded and looked around for a note pad, she nearly ended up pulling an entire stack of papers over onto herself at one point but before long she walked into Samantha’s office.
Samantha was just starting up her PC and drinking her coffee as Jessica walked round the deck and knelt on the floor at her feet. Samantha looked down at her almost in surprise.
“I’m impressed” she said “I was expecting you to be all shy and silly like yesterday when we first started.”
“I’m slowly figuring out Mistress that I don’t need to be that shy meek person from Plainseville anymore” she said smiling.
“Good, very good Jessica.” Samantha grinned and sipped her coffee. “So onto the rest of the week. I am leaving today on the 13:45 flight and back Sunday afternoon. My flight details are here somewhere.” She said waving at the paper on her desk.”
After a few minutes of frantic searching she gave up, singing./p>
“First job, organise me!” She pleased.
“I have a terrible report, fairly earned I will add, for being late and unorganised. You are here to put that right.” She said. “Clear my desk, try and figure out what I have planned from my scribblings and point me from meeting to meeting.”
Jessica frantically scribbled down notes as Samantha talked.
“Secondly, on my PC here, I have a few dictations that I need transcribing – you can do transcribing from audio right?” She said hopefully. Jessica nodded and smiled up at Samantha who breathed a sight of relief.
“Good! There is a folder on the shared drive…. It’s called new folder…(6) I think. I guess you should start naming my folders right?” she joked. “Anything you can do from that would be good, there are some great idea’s in there for future books”
“I think that will be fine for now, I’ll call anyway to check up.” she said. “Any questions?”
“Umm, I guess not Mistress” Jessica hesitated.
“That was not convincing Jessica, I don’t like repeating myself. Let’s try again just this once – any questions?” she said in a more stern voice.
“Well…” Jessica hesitated “I was just wondering what happens about pay and accommodation. I’m in the hotel until tomorrow which I really appreciate, but after that I guess I need to find a place?” she said nervously.
Samantha snorted. “No, not for Now. I’ll extend your hotel stay until the end of next week. We can take it from there after that – I have an idea of how we can progress that issue if things go as planned.”
“As for pay, I’ll give you a company credit card for now – put what you like on it for you and your friend over the weekend. We can sort out a contract next week assuming you still want to stay on?” She said.
Jessica smiled, “That sounds more than fair, thank you Mistress.”
“Good. If that is all you can go start rescuing your desk. I suspect the phone will start ringing soon, I’ve been avoiding itfor days since my last temp walked out.”
Jessica chuckled and walked out the room. Samantha turned out to be right, no sooner has she reached the desk than the phone went off.
“Ms. Watson office, Jessica speaking. How may I help you?” She said politely. It was some equipment manufacturer wanting to talk to Samantha about an advertisement in one of the magazines. Taking a note of the name she put the man on hold and buzzed Samantha’s desk.
“Mistress, I have a Mr. Grey on the phone for you from… Spanky Panky.. shall I put him through?” Jessica asked, trying not to giggle at the company name too much.
“Good god no, tell him I’m busy.” she said and hung up. Jessica wasn’t sure what to do.
“Sorry Sir, Ms Weston is unavailable at the moment, can I take a message?” Jessica said.
“No you bloody can’t, I know she’s hiding in her office so put me through.” The man yelled at Jessica down the phone.
Jessica put the man on hold again and buzzed Samantha. “sorry to disturb Mistress, but he will not take no for an answer, what shall I do?” Jessica asked.
“Your job Jessica, I want you to do your job. No more calls today, I’ve got a ton of work to get done before I leave. Put some time in the diary Monday.” she said and hung up again.
Taking a deep breath says went back to Mr Grey. “I am truly sorry Sir, but she is about to leave on a business trip. Ms Weston knows how important this call is, so she wanted to ask if you were free Monday morning at 9 am?” She asked.
Mr Grey wasn’t happy, but resigned himself to calling Monday. “Just make sure she is there this time, getting hold of that woman is like trying to talk to God – you never hear back!” he shot before hanging up.
Jessica made slow progress over the next three hours, the pile on her desk alone was such a mess. She found receipts, meeting minutes, invoices, article drafts you name it. With that and fielding angle suppliers she knew she had her work cut out.
At around 11:30 Samantha buzzed through to her. “Jessica, call the front desk down stairs and get me a cab to the airport will you – I’ll be down in 5 minutes.”
She grabbed the phone and dialled the front desk. She ordered the cab and said Ms Weston would be down 5 minutes.
“Cab for the airport – 15 minutes.” the man from the front desk said back.
“Sorry, I thought I said 5 minutes” Jessica said.
“You did, but it’s the Mistress of Tardiness – 15 mins will still be early.” he said an hung up.
Sure enough, 20 minutes later Samantha finally made it out the door on the phone, clearly talking to someone about something important.
“Yes yes yes, I know I need to get the draft done but these things take time!” she shouted down the phone slightly flustered. She looked at Jessica and rolled her eyes as whoever was on the end of the phone gave their response.
Samantha put her other hand to her free ear in a phone shape, and mouthed ‘I’ll call you’ to Jessica, before disappearing out the door.
Not expecting to be on her own so soon Jessica felt a little lost. She got up and strolled into Samantha’s office, looking around. The more she looked the more of a mess the place was. Grabbing her pen and paper she started writing a task list of what needed doing, and two hours later (after a very fast trip out to the coffee shop for a sandwich and drink) she had a plan.
She called down to the front desk, got the number for maintenance and soon had some cleaning supplies delivered. If she was going to organize Samantha then she also needed to clean the place up.
By 6 pm there were 5 bags of rubbish waiting outside the office to be collected, and Jessica felt like she had made some progress.
By 7 she was back at the hotel, Tessa had already texted her to tell he not to meet in the bar as the drink was there again and that she should text her when ready. At half past there was a knock on the door and Tessa stood there waitingto head out, tonight was apparently going to be Indian food.
Once again the meal was excellent, but Tessa was slightly withdrawn over the entire meal. By the end of it Jessica had had enough.
“What’s up Tessa, you’ve been off all night” she asked. ‘It’s me isn’t it, you don’t want to see me anymore.”
Tessa snorted and chuckled to herself. “I don’t want to see you – it’s the opposite of that Jessy. I would love to spend the weekend with you, but I need to go away tomorrow until Sunday evening, last minute business trip” she said sadly. “I didn’t know how to tell you, you are new to this town and all and I promised a weekend together.”
Jessica laughed. “Tessa baby, I can take care of myself for 2 nights you know – I’m not that useless.” she said. “Bedside’s I distinctly remember us agreeing to a weekend in bed together so I guess we will just have to make the most of tonight instead.”
Tessa laughed. “I suppose so, you’ll not go finding anyone else for thatbed whilst I’m away will you?” she turned up.
“No, with you and my boss out of town, I’m pretty sure there are no women that can turn my head in two days. Besides, I’ve got bugs if I get lonely.” she said giggling.
“Bugs?” Tessa said confused.
Jessica blushed “you know, bugs bunny? I named my rabbit vibrator!” she said barely containing herself and the Two girls burst out in laughter. Tessa relaxed after that and soon enough the two lovers where back in bed again, Tessa once again taking the lead and bossing Jessica about.
As they lay together in post orgasmic glow, Jessica asked Tessa something that had been on her mind since meeting Tessa.
“What’s it like Tessa, being ‘fucked by a real man’ as you say? Do you miss out if you stay exclusively gay?” she said.
Tessa burst out laughing “You really are naive in things aren’t you. I tell you what, Sunday night I’m going to fuck you senseless with my cock. We can talk more then right?”
Jessica lifted up the covers, looked down at Tessa’s naked body and chuckled. “Just where did you say you were going again this weekend?”
“Sex toy’s my dear, sex toys. I can be any man you want” she said kissing Jessica. “I’ll fuck you so hard Sunday night you’ll be walking like a cowboy Monday morning!”
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