Jessica woke up early the next morning to her alarm, the events of last night had ran through her dreams all night and she could feel the partially dried cum between her legs as she shifted on the bed. The thought of Tessa sent her mind and body into overdrive and before she knew what she was doing, her hand was stroking her moist pussy lips again as a soft moan escaped her mouth. It wan’t long before she was reaching for the vibrator again to finish the job her imagination had started.
Eventually she got out of bed and wandering over to the hotel window she looked out upon the partially lit park, as the sun dawned over the city. Quickly getting changed she decided that a run would be best to clear her mind, and before long she was one of the few runners out around the park.
After getting back Jessica spent a long time in the bathroom getting herself ready for the day ahead, making sure that everything was perfect in her appearance. Normally she didn’t go to this much effort but seeing as it was the opportunity she had given her old life up for it seemed the least she should be doing. Besides, she was determined to find Tessa later in the bar and wanted to look her absolute best.
The thought of Tessa again sent her mind running overtime, after 30 minutes of trying to get the thought of her out of her head she gave into lust once again and reached for her vibrator. Ten minutes later she scowled at herself in the mirror, angle at her lack of self control and the resulting orgasm that caused her to ruin her make up.
When Jessica was finally ready she headed out into the city in the direction of the office block where her interview was be held. She was taken aback at the shear number of people rushing about, it was crazy compared to the small streets of Plainsville and as she started to walk Jessica nervously followed the drones of people buzzing along the pavements.
After getting lost twice due to the crowds Jessica finally got into theair conditioned office block and was directed to the waiting room where she took a seat, her hands shaking from nerves.
The room was empty of people, and there was no sign of other candidates or the interviewer at that time. As the clock ticked by she noticed more and more about the room she had been directed to by security, and guessed this was most likely the successful applicants workplace.
The room itself was quite small, a desk sat on one side in front of a number of filing cabinets, and she sat on the opposite side on a small leather sofa. The desk was piled high with filing, the PC underneath was barely visible. On the far side of the room from the front door was a frosted glass door with a name engraved on it.
Ms. S Watson, Author and Editor in Chief
Jessica frowned at the name, it was one she recognized but she could not think of where she had seen it. Before she could think any harder the door to the office flow open and a woman came running out sobbing in tears. She must have been in her late twentyties and was dressed in a suit from what Jessica could make out in the brief time the lady took to sprint through the room.
Another woman appeared in the doorway moments later and yelled in the sobbing woman’s direction as the lift doors shut.
“Well it did say in the job specification you must have open mind, you fugly prude!”
Jessica turned Towards the new arrival and her mouth fell open as she looked upon a familiar face. The mystery woman from the dining stand in the doorway to the office, snarling at the person as they disappeared. She turned and looked at Jessica, her angry face breaking into a warming smile in an instant.
“Wonderful” she chimed. “I was hoping after our brief encounter that I had successfully planted my job advertisement, that town was far to small for someone of your beauty. Please come in my dear.” she said.
A blushing Jessica gulped loudly and stood up, following the lady into her office. Inside it was much larger than the reception room, almost three or four times larger Jessica would estimate. Opposite from the door were large floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the city sky scape, the women walked around behind the large glass topped desk and stood in front of the reclining leather office chair as Jessica looked out upon the view and the rest of the room.
The room seemed to be divided into two by a frost glass wall, through which Jessica could only just make out a blurred outline of some sort of furniture. In front of the frosted glass wall were two leather armschairs and a coffee table that matched the style of the woman’s desk.
Jessica walked over and stood in front of the her smiling, not sure what to do. The desk was a mess, littled with takeaway coffee cups, piles of papers and magazines that looked like toppling over at any moment. Jessica stood up straight in front of the desk and smiled at the woman, waiting for instructions. The woman sat down still studying Jessica, and without a word she reclined back in her leather chair and bravely eyed up the young woman standing before her.
“That’s what I like to see in a young lady, manners. It’s a pleasure to meet you again Miss Jones, my name is Samantha Weston, but you will call me either Ms. Weston or ma’am” and she offered her hand to shake.
Jessica took the hand a little taken aback at the fact she had been told precisely how to address her, but shook it none the less.
Samantha rummaged through the papers on her desk. “As you can see I’m not the most organized of people, hence the need for a PA. I’ve been looking for months you know, but everyone seems to run for the hills once they get a better idea of the job.” she gave a derisory snort.
”They make me out to be some sort of witch or something.” she carried on almost as if Jessica wasn’t in the room. Jessica looked nervously out the window for a moment.
“after all, I can’t help it if I enjoy my job, that I want to learn and use what I edit and publish – its a life style don’t you know.” she said looking up at Jessica as if expecting a response.
Jessica wasn’t sure what to do, so she just smiled and nodded and that seemed to be sufficient as Samantha returned to the piles of paperwork infant of her.
She finally finished rummaging through the paper mountain and held up a copy of Jessica’s resume.
“Ah there we go, Jessica Jones 21 from Plainsville. I knew I had it somewhere.” Samantha finally looked up at Jessica who was still smiling back at her, stood in front of her desk. “Before we start, can I get you anything? A drink of water or something?” Jessica shook her head.
“Do I need to find you a voice? This kind needs to be a two way talk if its going to work” she joked smoking at Jessica.
“Relax!” she emphasized. “Sure I can’t get you anything?”
“Ummm, no thank you ma’am. I’m ok.” Jessica finally spoke up
“A voice!” she exceled “and such a pretty one to match that pretty face. Tell me, I don’t suppose you’ve heard of me or ever read any of my publications?” She asked in a tone of desperation more than expectation.
“Forgive me ma’am, but I did recognized your name, I just couldn’t place it to the names of the publications I have seen it on.” Jessica stammered.
Samantha almost jumped out of her seat, it was so fast it made Jessica flinch, nervous that she had done something wrong already. Samantha however was not angry for Jessica’s lack of knowledge, in fact she was smiling excitedly. She rushed round and grabbed Jessica’s arm turning her round in the direction she came in, and it was only then that Jessica noticed the large framed magazine and book covers on the wall.
“You must tell me which one’s you have read, none of my Previous subjects had even heard of me! I think you are the first to have the slightest clue Jessica Jones, this is a sign!” She said pulling Jessica over to the wall.
Jessica was speechless as she looked across the wall. The publications were adult publications specialising in Female Domination. Titles such as Mistress of Cruelty, Slave to the Job, and Sandra’s Submission hung along with magazine covers from Femdom – a monthly magazine specialising in the fetish. Going bright red she turned to Samantha, who was studying her carefully.
“Well, which ones?” Samantha said excitedly.
“ummmm” Jessica stammered “I’ve read that one ma’am” she said pointing to the Mistress of Cruelty.
“Did you enjoy it? I must admit I enjoyed not only editing that one, but helping research it as well! Its sold amazingly well in its first few months” Samantha said.
“Yes ma’am, its my favourite. I read it at least twice a week…” Jessica trailed off. “In fact” she said reaching down into her hand bag and pulling out her tattered copy “It might be time for me to get a second copy”.
Samantha took the book and chuckled. “Well, I must say I didn’t realise anyone had read it that much! I might just be able to get you a copy for free as you seem to be the books number 1 fan! What else?” Samantha said excitedly.
“I have also read that one” she pointed at the next book cover. Before Samantha could ask though Jessica went on.
“And that one, that one and that series. I also have bought Femdom a few times.” Jessica had pointed out at least half the books on the wall.
Samantha stood back and grinned. “My my quite a kinky girl now aren’t we.” Samantha said walking back to her desk.
“Sit” she ordered simply pointing at the chair in front of the desk. Samantha grinned as Jessica obeyed without hesitation.
Picking up her resume she scrolled through it quietly and after a couple of minutes sat it down behind the desk. “So, we have established your into kink, that’s good considering the nature of my work. Am I also safe to assume from your meek demeanour that you are in the position of the submissive when you readmy books?”
Jessica nodded, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “yes ma’am, always,” she said meekly.
“Excellent, time for your first little test. I like, from time to time, to role play a little in the office. Helps my juices get flowing….” Samantha said pausing, before a grin erupted on her face “the creative ones of course”
Jessica blushed as the conversation continue.
“As my PA you will be required to fulfill certain roles during this time, so I want you to get out of that chair and knee on the floor over here like my slave.” Samantha said matter of actually pointing around her side of the desk at the floor area by her feet. Jessica was stunned and sat in the chair frozen in fear.
“I don’t like repeating myself Jessica, I said get out of that chair and kneel by my feet, NOW!” Samantha said with a flash of anger and Jessica almost jumped up out the chair.
As she knelt on the floor she could feel a tingling building in her pussy. She was turned onby this treatment definitely, but in the work place?
“Better, but I’ll punish you in future if you make me repeat myself. Do I make myself clear?” Samantha asked as she turned her chair slightly to face the kneeing woman.
In her position Jessica’s face was now directly in front of Samantha’s stocking clad legs, which Samantha slightly parted to reveal her the tops of her stockings.
“Yes ma’am” Jessica replied, trying not to fall for the bait and stare between the woman legs. She could smell her perfume and it seemed to fill her lungs with every breath, increasing the aching in her moist sex.
“I think we are past ma’am all ready Jessica, you will call me Mistress from now on for the remainder of the interview.”
“Yes Mistress” Jessica felt a surge of excitement go through her as she uttered the words she had longed to call someone.
“Now then, tell me about you last role, what happened between you and that pig in the diningr?”
Jessica set about explaining about the Danny situation, how he harassed her from her first day. She turned him down obviously, but this just made matters ten times worse. By the time she was fired she was almost grateful for it.
“So you flee your home town because your boss made sexual advances towards you and made you feel uncomfortable in the work place.” Samantha said looking down at Jessica.
“But yet you knee at my feet and call me Mistress despite the fact we have only just met. Will you regret coming here as well?” Samantha pressed. ‘Consider this inappropriate?”
“No Mistress, this is totally different. He was a slimy pathetic man, where as you are a …….”
The phone rang in the room interrupting the conversation. Samantha frowned and grabbed the phone. “Who is it, I’m busy!” she shouted.
She listened for a few minutes to the other end of the phone and finally said. “Oh ok fine. I’ll head over now.” She slammed the phone down.
Turning to Jessica she smiled at her. “Well then it appears we will have to cut this interview short, but I think I have seen enough.” she said. Jessica looked down at the floor fearing the worst, but Samantha stood up smiling.
“I have hope for you Jessica Jones” she said smiling. “Come back tomorrow at 8:00 am sharpe, you will be working for me all day to see how you fit in.”
Jessica looked up smiling “Thank you Mistress, I won’t let you down. Is there anything I can do for you today? I don’t mind helping out”
Samantha paused, leaning over towards the kneeing woman. “My dear there is lots you could DO for me today, but I simply don’t have time for it I’m afraid!” she said mischievously. Samantha stood up, her legs were now almost resting against Jessica’s face.
“As for any work, that can wait until tomorrow” Samantha wounded at Jessica and pointed at the door. Jessica understands when she was being dismissed and stood up, smiling briefly from the doorway as she left the room. As soon as she was outside she let out a huge sight of relief and smiled.
‘Is everyone in this city sex mad?’ she chuckled to herself ‘Or am I just lucky?’
In the reception room were two other candidates all looking at her expectedly. Jessica simply smiled at them as she started to walk out, before hearing the office door open after her. “Sorry ladies, position is filled for now.” she heard Samantha says as she left the reception.
She spent the rest of the afternoon taking in the sights of Capitol City, and by late afternoon she was excitedly rushing back to the hotel hoping to meet up with Tessa again. Getting changed for the evening she decided to put on a rather short summer’s dress – it was a lovely evening anyway and she felt like showing some skin off.
She headed down to the bar at about 7, and her heart left for joy as she Walked in and found Tessa stood at the bar, sipping at a fancy looking cocktail. She smiled at the woman as she walked over. Tessa stood up, she was wearing a pair of skinny jeans that almost seem to be painted on, and a rather skimpy, yet elegant summers top.
“My my, did you dress up like that for me?” she said eyeing her up. It must be my birthday!” Tessa said giving Jessica a hug. Jessica squealed a little as Tessa fondled her arse quickly during the hug before releasing her.
“I just thought i’d make an effort…” she said embarrassed again already. She could feel her sex moistening up, maybe a short skirt wasn’t such a good idea after all.
“Geeze you have to lighten up, I’m just teasing!” Tessa said calling the bar man over and ordering a second cocktail for Jessica. “How was your interview Mrs Serious!” Tessa joked scrunching up her face mimicking a serious look.
Jessica spent the next ten minutes telling Jessica all about her interview, Tessa giggling all the way through.
“She sounds like a perfect boss for you, I could tell you were a submissive when we first met.” Tessa laughed. They were just about toOrder a second round of cocktails when the pig from last night walked into the bar. Tessa spotted him first and gave a derisory snort.
“Come on babe, lets get out of here. I know a great little Thai restraint a few blocks down. You like Thai right?” she said quickly putting the drinks on her room bill.
“Umm i think so, my culinary experience is rather limited but I’m game for anything” Jessica said. Tessa grinned at her.
“Anything?” she said cocking an eye brow. “Are we still talking food or….” Tessa was tracing a finger down the front of Jessica’s dress. Jessica let it get to around her belly button before grabbing her hand laughing.
“You are such a trouble maker!” she joked. Laughing, Tessa grabbed her hand and pulled them both out the door.
“You have no idea!” she said laughing. They had to pass the drunken pig at the end of the bar, all Jessica heard as they passed was some muttering again about ‘lezzie’s’ as he started on his drink.
It was a short walk to the Thai place, and before long Tessa and Jessica were tucking into some delicious Phad Thai noodles, sat on the sunny street terrace outside. Jessica had never had anything like it before, it was simple and delicious. They continue to talk, mostly about Jessica and her interview as they sipped on ice cold beers.
At the end of the meal (one that Tessa had actually behaved through) they were Just about to leave when a familiar voice spoke up next to the table.
“Well well, I see not only do you have impeccable taste in potential bosses, but your taste in restaurants isn’t bad either!” the woman said.
Jessica looked up to see Samantha stood there, a take away bag in hand.
“Mistress… I mean Ms Weston, what are you doing here?” Jessica said suddenly flushing red. Samantha smiled before looking at Tessa.
“Ipeccable taste in friends as well” Samantha giggled. Tessa looked up smiling without saying anything. “Anyway, I won’t spoil your evening girls, just here getting my dinner.” she said holding up a small bag.
“Jessy here had Phad Thai for the first time won’t you believe!” Tessa said talking to Samantha. It’s such as relaxed tone that Jessica wondered if these two ladies knew each other.
“First time? God I realized that blip on the map you come from was backwards, but no phad thai?” she laughed. “I wouldn’t have survived! Anyway I must be off, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…” she said winding to Jessica.
“8am sharpe tomorrow Jessica, I don’t like tardiness”
“yes Mistress, I’ll be there” Jessica said blushing more. And with the Samantha was gone.
Tessa studied Jessica for a moment as she watched Samantha walk down the street. “You are in so much trouble Jessy, she’s gorgeous!” she said leaning over to catch the last glimpse of Samantha walking off.
Jessica turned back to her date and surprised. “I’ve been very fortunate to meet two gorgeous women in 24 hours, for now though lets not talk about my boss shall we?” she said with a touch of bravado, reaching over and placing her hand on Tessa’s.
Tessa raised her eye browser and looked impressed “my my, what makes you think I’m that easy Jessica Jones” she chuckled. “lets get the bill, I know this wonderful little cocktail bar we can go to.”
”Why do i get the impression that you know all the wonderful places here – how long do you spent in that hotel?” she quizzed. There was something more to Tessa than met the eye Jessica was slowly realising.
Tessa laughed off the comment and was soon dragging Jessica round the corner to a tiny looking bar. “This place simply does the best Mojito’s” she said finding them a small cubical at the end of the place. As Jessica sat down on one side Tessa squeezed in next to her.
After ordering for them both Tessa turned to Jessica smiling. “So, what can we talk about now?” Tessa quipped. “I know, lets talk about you some more!” She joked. The drinks turned up fast, Jessicasoon agreeing with Tessa that these were in fact fantastic mojito’s.
After the first drink they ordered a second, choosing something different of the extensive menu. Jessica was getting a little tipsy now, and told Tessa that she should probably make this the last drink.
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