I jerked wake, to the sound of keys scraping in the lock, and the clap being unlatched. I squited upward as the lid swung open and was greeted by the sight of Steph peering down at me. She held a mug of coffee in her left hand, and her right was placed on her hip.
“Oh my word! I am soooo sorry! Are you still alive in here?”
I nodded enthusiastically. Steph looked glorious in the morning sun, wearing tiny black panties and a white pyjama top. From my angle, I could see up her shirt. Was that intentional? Probably not. Steph placed the coffee mug on the floor and unwrapped the duct tape from my head. It felt good for the pressure to finally release, and once the last strip was removed, I spat the sock out of my mouth.
“Oh, thank God!” I exclaimed.
“Don’t thank him – thank you me! I’m the one here to rescue you!”
“Thank you babe, I thought you might never return!” I replied.
Steph reached in to help me on to my feet. She was strong, with muscle armsthat easily helped me up. By contrast I had never felt so weak in my life. Don’t get me wrong, I take care of myself and was proud of my overall physique. But spending the night crammed in a wooden box had stiffened every limb and every joint.
“Such a helpless little puppy,” Step pondered.
“I’m sorry – it was quite a night,” I told.
“I can see that,” laughed Steph, nodding towards the wet patch at my crotch.
She reached down to until my legs, helped me out of the trunk, then pushed me towards the couch, leaving my hands bound behind my back.
“Tell me all about it,” demanded Steph, sitting beside me.
I spent a few minutes regaling the details of the night before. Steph listened with intrigue, hanging on my every word. Her eyes widened, when I spoke of Katie’s late night rendezvous.
“I knew something was going on! Who was it?” She asked.
Unfortunately I had no way to know, and proclaimed as much.
“You know when I got to my bed last night, I was a bit… disappointed,” said Steph.
“Oh no! Why?” I asked earnestly. It pained me to think that Steph was unhappy even for a moment!
“Well, I had kind of hoped that for our first night in our new house… that you were going to… Well – fuck me silly! The idea was to get you all hot and bothered with that little bondage thing and then.. Well then we were gonna have the best sex ever! But instead you couldn’t contain yourself (I’m still mad about that by the way) and got yourself stuck in the box all night.” Chuckled Steph.
Once again I couldn’t tell if she was actually mad, or just kidding around. Oddly enough, the way she said it was almost flirtatious. There was a twinkle in her eye and I couldn’t exactly figure out Why.
“I’m sorry hun,” I said softly.
As if anything that happened last night was actually my fault! But still, I WAS sorry that the night hadn’t quite gone as either of us had planned. The more I thought about it the more I realized how much I wanted to please Steph. Above all else, it seemed almost like my whole purpose in the relationship. It was odd to feel that way. Nevertheless, it was how I felt.
“Well…” started Steph, twisting a lock of her hair, “Perhaps you could make it up to me now?”
“Anything!” I excered eagerly.
Steph grabbed my body and pushed me down on to my back. I felt My arms sink into the couch cushion behind me – which was much more comfortable than the trunk, thankfully. Even if I wanted to (I didn’t) I was unable to resist both due to my bound hands and Steph’s over-all strength. She swung herself atop me and I feel the blood pumping into my sore cock. But Steph ignored it, instead sliding up my body, until she sat on my chest, her strong legs pinning my head in place.
“Try to get up,” teased Steph.
I squirmed beneath her to no avail. Steph closed her eyes and moaned softly. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to please her, to give her everythinging she deserved, to satisfy her. Somehow it felt as though nothing else mattered at all, so long as I could give her what she wanted.
“I COULD fuck you,” Step mused, “But I think your little guy got enough excitement last night. Now it’s my turn!”
Little guy?! I opened my mouth to object, but Step quickly slide forward to place her crotch over my mouth and began grinding forcefully. She really was horny! Before long, her panties were tossed aside, and I licked ferociously and enhusiastically, pushing my face deeply into her and feeling her excitement build. When she tired of that position, she turned and sat square on my face with her bare ass. I feel the sides of her feet squeeze my ears. Step reached forward, ignoring my erect cock, and grabbed hold of my balls, squeezing tighter and tighter as her orgasm began to build. I desperately squirmed, hoping she might feel some goal, but this only seemed to encourage Steph to grind harder on my face – and squeeze tighter.Without warning, Steph shuddered above me, and I felt my face becomes moist as she came with an intensity that I had not seen from her before.
“Fuck!” Step cried out.
I felt waves of victory above me as her whole body trembled. Finally she let go of my balls, and I breathed a sight of relief. It felt so good to have made Steph cum like that. Even though I hadn’t had a proper orgasm all night – knowing that Steph had enjoyed herself so – it was almost better than an orgasm for me. As I pondered on that strange revelation, Steph slide off me.
“Looks like we have found something you are quite good at,” said Step blushing.
I grinned.
“Now get yourself showed and ready – you’re taking me for breakfast!”
Forty-five minutes later, we arrived at the brunch spot – a cute little dinner that constantly smelled of pastry and fresh coffee. Steph ordered something green and healthy, where-as I couldn’t help but order eggs and bacon – I was starving on account ofskipping dinner the night before. I promised to make up for it at the gym later.
“It truly wasn’t weird for you, being in there whilst Katie…” Step lowered her voice to a whisper, “fucked someone.”
Evidently, she still wanted to discuss the events from earlier, and this part in particular seemed of interest.
“Well, I hardly know her,” I replied.
“That makes it more weird, Not less,” Steph proclaimed.
“I guess… I mean it wasn’t like I could see anything. Just imagine really. Well it’s not like I was imagining… well,” I stopped myself, trying to find the right words.
Steph began to look cross.
“But you liked it? You wanted to watch them? Was that it?” She asked.
“Well no… To be honest I was kinda imagining it was you up there. There is something hot about being trapped and not able to have any pleasure whilst you can have as much as you like. At least I think that’s what made me… uh…” I looked away embarrassed.
“No – youdidn’t! So twice?!” Steph hissed.
I felt myself turn red. I looked at the tables around me. It wasn’t a full restaurant, but there were others dining. It also wasn’t loud enough to assume that we couldn’t be overheard.
“I don’t know what’s worse – that you get off on my friends or that you can’t control yourself in there. We shall have to do something about that!”
“Steph I would never! I only have eyes for you – you know that right?!” I insisted.
I leaned forward and took her hands in mine. It wasn’t a lie to save face – I really did adore her and would never dream of cheating. The thought never even occurred to me once since meeting her.
“Well… Alright I believe you. Even if I am still a bit mad about the whole thing… So – you really don’t know who Katie was with?”
I shook my head.
“I guess I’ll just have to find out myself. I texted her this morning whilst you were in the shower. We are gonna go shopping after breakfast, in fact,” Stepseyes darted to the window and waved.
My eyes bulged, as I realized who was entering the restaurant. It was Katie.
It was funny how I could barely picture her last night, except for some vague details. However, as she approached our table, I recognized her instantly. Today she was wearing black skinny jeans, and a tight red shirt that left little to the imagination. She was in great shape – I suppose she went to the same gym as Steph, but I couldn’t be sure. Either way, seeing her hips sway as she walked towards us evoked a certain image that I tried to push from my mind.
A sly smile crept across Katie’s face as she made her way to our table.
“Well, well, well, look who it is,” Katie teased, sliding into the booth across from us. “Where were you last night – I was looking forward to getting to know Steph’s new guy!”
“Morning, Katie,” I managed to say, trying to sound casual despite the awkwardness of the situation.
Steph shot me a glance before turning her attention back to Katie. “We were just talking about last night,” she said with a mischievous glint in her eye.
“Oh, were you now?” Katie replied, feigning innocent.
“Yeah, I was telling Clark how he missed quite a party!”
“It really was!” Said Katie enthusiastically. Then she laughed.
So did Steph. I suppose it was funny that Katie was unaware we knew about her late night escapades. I could tell Steph was just dying to ask, but she held her tongue. Nobody was supposed to know.
“Yeah, sorry I missed it,” I started, “I got stuck… um, helping a friend with something and I didn’t get in until later, after everyone had left.” I said, thinking on my feet.
“That’s funny – Steph said you had to work,” said Katie suspiciously.
Oh no! I forgot that Steph had already made up a lie about where I was all night. I felt myself turning red.
“Um, yeah – a friend at work is what I mean! He needed help meeting this crazy deadline.” I stammered.
Katie stared at me intensely for a moment. Steph kicked me under the table.
“Well, I guess that makes sense. Steph, can we get going – the store opens in fifteen minutes – and I want to be first in line for the sale!” said Katie finally.
“Oh right – lets get out of here. I’ll see you at home babe,” said Steph, getting up from the table and taking Katie by the arm. They were very close friends, it must be eating her up inside that Katie was keeping some kind of secret from her. I could bet Steph would be looking for ways to get Katie to spill the beans whilst they were out shopping. I grinned to myself. The server appeared, and dropped off the bill.
I spent the rest of the day cleaning the house. The girls had really made a mess of things. There were dirty dishes, cans of alcohol as well as other bits and pieces straight about the house. Not to mention the floor was filtered again – so I scrubbed on my hands and knees for an hour or so, hoping Steph would notice andbe impressed upon her return.
Later that afternoon, I heard the sound of voices from outside, followed by the front door being opened. Steph and Katie had returned from their shopping spree, laden with bags. Their laughter filled the air as they chatted animatedly about the day’s finds.
“Clark, look at all the shoes I bought” Katie exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with an evil look.
I couldn’t help but wonder if Steph had told her how much I seemed to like feet and if she was now teasing me. Steph wouldn’t embarrass me like that. Would she?
I glanced at the heels Katie was shoving in my face and smiled.
“Looks nice,” I said promptly, trying not to care too much. They were just plain black heels, but I would be lying if I wasn’t imagining Katie wearing them whilst getting… No I shouldn’t imagine that!
Steph rolled her eyes, clearly amused. “You and your shoes observation. It’s bordering on a fetish!”
Steph looked at me for a reaction. OK, Katie mightNot know – but Steph was definitely teasing me. I shot her a deadly look, trying to convey my disappoint. She grinned.
“Can I offer you a cold drink Katie?” I offered, desperate to change the subject.
“No I best be off,” she replied.
“Got a hot date have you?” Asked Steph, obviously fishing.
“No, but I do have to work tomorrow. Well, you kids have fun in Your new apartment!” She called out as she departed.
“Damn, I thought that might work!” exclaimed Steph.
“It was a good try!”
Three days passed, and Steph didn’t mention the fateful night again. I thought about it often, thinking back on my time in the trunk, how helpless it felt and how hot it was knowing Steph had locked me in there. It was now Wednesday night, and we had both had a long day at work. I made dinner for the two of us, and afterwards we relaxed on the couch watching television. Steph was talking about something, but my mind wandered. I kept thinking about the weeken, and the trunk sitting in front of us in the living room didn’t make it any easier.
“What do you think?” Step asked.
I realized I hadn’t been listening at all for the last few minutes. I stared blankly back at Steph.
“About what?” I asked promptly.
I thought she would be mad but instead she grinned.
“You know, if you want to go back in There all you have to do is ask,” she said playfully, pointing at the trunk with her toe and an outstretched leg.
I looked at the trunk, then back at Steph and gulped.
“No? That’s fine too. I just thought I’d ask. You seemed to be distracted and looking at it a lot,” Steph smiled.
“Well, I do, it’s just…” I started.
“What? You can tell me… You always seem afraid to tell me things. Like I’m going to judge you or something. Can’t you tell I’m pretty open to things – I’m a cool girlfriend who goes with the flow – you said that remember?”
I nodded. I did remember saying that. It was on our third date – we had started with dinner, but then ended up at the zoo somehow? Step just kept picking random things to do and it had been so much fun. But this seemed like a pretty big leap from that. Still, it was worth being honest. I cleared my throat.
“It’s just – it’s way hotter when you… force me… to do things. You know, when you take charge! I really like that…”
Steph paused, thinking for a moment.
“But how am I supposed to know what you want? Or don’t want?”
“Well, that’s whats so hot and kind of scary! That’s where the trust comes in..”
“Oh I get it!” Step giggles. Then put on a stern face.
“Right then. You’re going in the trunk and not coming out until tomorrow – and nothing you can do or says will change my mind. Now stand over there!”
I shuddered at her command – instantly aroused by the power dynamic. How did she do that? It was like flicking a switch – one minute sweet girlfriend the next minute… I quickly stood up looking at the trunk below me.
“I bought something at the shops on the weekend, just in case this might happen. Wait here,” Steph ordered, disappearing upstairs into the bedroom.
My mind raced. What could she have bought? Hopefully nothing that gave away our secret to Katie! I’m not sure why I cared so much, but there was still something a bit embarrassing about the whole thing. I really hoped to keep it just between Steph and I.
Steph returned shortly after, carrying a shopping bag. I tried to see what was in there but I couldn’t and the bag was unlabelled. Steph helped me undress. My cock of course stood at attention – yet Steph ignored it, instead reaching in to the bag.
Now these won’t work when we have guests I don’t think,” she said matter-of-factually, “I think they might rattle around and make too much noise. But, I thought you might like them.”
She retrieved a pair of metal handcuffs, with leather lining to make them slightly more comfortable. My eyes widened.
“But first, I need you to get in,” said Steph, opening the trunk.
I stared inside. There were now a couple pillows, and a blanket lining the bottom. When did she put those in?
“Oh that looks comfy,” I commented.
“No talking!” Snapped Steph, then started laughing.
I laughed too, just happy to see she was having fun also! I hated the thought that she was putting on a show just for my benefit. Even though she probably was. I jumped in, and assumed the position, my legs folded behind me to fit. The blanket definitely helped increase the comfort level. Steph fastened my wrists behind my back with the new cuffs, then used a second pair to bind my ankles. I tested them carefully. It wasn’t as tight as the rope, which made it a little more comfortable, but of course the steel means escape was impossible without the key. Surprisingly, they didn’t click and make much noise at all. The blanket seemed to soften any sound. I looked at the growing pile of keys on the floor – two for the trunk, and now another two for the cuffs.
“I do have a surprise, for you though,” said Step mischievously.
I opened my mouth to speak, then remembered what Steph had said earlier, closing it again promptly.
“I see you’re learning – good boy.” Said Step softly.
I melted inside when she said that. Step grabbed a coil of rope and looped it around the chain between my wrists, then looped it around the chain between my ankles. She drew the rope tight, and in doing so dragged my feet up towards my hands and against my butt, forming a hogtie. Steph stood up to admire her handiwork. I must have been grinning like a dumb-ass, because she blushed a little.
“That wasn’t the surprise babe,” she said, as she slowly reached under her dress and pulled down her red lace panties. What did she have in mind? My heart pounded against my chest.
“Open wide,” she said, bunching the panties to a ball and bringing them to my face.
I opned my mouth, only to have Steph’s dirty panties she had been wearing all day shoved in forcefully. They were wet – I noticed immediately. Was Steph getting excited by this? If she was, she didn’t show it, instead wrapping duct tape around my head again to hold my mouth closed.
“I really enjoyed the other morning… You know after your night in here,” said, Steph. “I thought perhaps this might… encourage… you to do it more often,” Step giggled.
I moaned into the gag, much to Step ‘s delight.
“No no, that wasn’t the surprise either,” Said Step again.
Holy hell, how much thought did she put in to this? And what else could she possibly do?
“This one wasn’t really my idea, it was Katie’s. Don’t worry she doesn’t know about the other night. But… well I just mentioned sometimes you can get a bit too excited too quickly and she suggested this. And when she did I realized it was perfect!”
Steph retrieved an item from the bag. It was a metal chatitycage. I had seen them before, but never hurt one. Honestly it looked scary.
“Seeing as you seem unable to control yourself in here. I figured I needed a way to control things for you! See – it’s the perfect solution! Aren’t you proud of me for coming up with it?” Steph asked.
I didn’t know what to say, but I didn’t really like the idea of it. It seemed counter intuitive to the whole thing we were doing. I shook my head.
“No?” Steph asked, then pouted. She stopped to think for a moment.
“See this is I was talking about earlier. How am I supposed to know what you will or won’t want or like? Still..” Steph thought harder.
I looked up at her. I didn’t mean to make her feel bad, or dismiss her ideas. I really was thrilled to be in this position. Still, things had seemed to progress too quickly – even for me.
“But it’s what I wanted and you said you trusted me. How about this. If you want to go in the trunk, you need to wear the chatity cage. It’s upto you though. If you don’t want to, I’ll just let you free and we can call it a night,” Steph offered.
My mind was swimming. I couldn’t help but feel as though I was being manipulated. Yet, the last thing I wanted to do was burst Steph’s bubble. I shouldn’t have even resisted in the first place. I shall have to try not to do that again.
“So, nod your head yes to locked in chatity, or no to everything – what will it be,” asked Steph crossly.
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