Michael Scott walked into the Fealty and Firkin for the first time in twenty years. It had been a popular haunt for the younger generation in the old days. Now Michael looked around him disapprovingly – the old place had changed so much. The saloon bar, taproom and the snug had all been knocked together into one large room. Nice carpets, shiny chrome, plus seats, but not the old, friendly pub of his youth. Suddenly a hand clapped him on the supposedr as he watched the pint of Old Sheep-dip ale being pumped into the glass.
‘Well, well, if it isn’t Mike Scott – How the devil are you?’ Michael looked round, failing to recognize the figure who had greeted him. His puzzle evidently showed on his face.
‘Come on Mike, wake-up, you must remember me.’
‘Well….. You do look familiar, but…’
‘Go back twenty years Mike. Tell you what, here’s a clue – You must remember The Monday Night Glee Club.’
‘Wow, oh yes, I’ve got you now – Adrian. Adrian Jackson. Sorry, it must have been your bear. We were all clean-shaven then.’ Of course they were. They were all at high school. The Monday Night Glee Club had started for several reasons. First Mondays were not generally good news – back to school after the weekend. Second, there was a good TV program that they all liked to follow and third (most importantly – Heather’s parents went out for the evening on Mondays.) Heather’s parents knew that she invited a number of her friends over for the evening. They even left snacks and soft drinks out. It was a way to ensure that their young daughter had company for the evening. It was all quite innocent. Well almost. A little game developed over time. It was a kind of consequences game. If a girl lost she had to be kissed by all the boys. If a boy lost he had his bottom whacked with a rolled newspaper by the girls. It was all good fun. It certainly made Mondays a lot brighter for us all.
‘ So Mike, what have you been up?’
‘Well,’ began Mike ‘as you know, I moved down to London for the job and I’ve been there ever since. Up to about a month ago, that is. I got the chance of a transfer up here and so here I am. We have bought a house up here and just setting in.’
‘We? Who is the unlucky lady?’ inquired Adrian.
‘Jane. Jane Holdsworth, that was. Do you remember her? She was a close friend of Heather’s. You would have met her at The Glee Club.’
‘Yes, of course,’ said Adrian. You’re a lucky man; she’s a pretty girl. We must have a get together. It would be good for us to meet up. Tell you what; you could both come over to the Glee Club.’
‘What,’ excerpted Mike ‘don’t tell me it is still going.’
‘Well, yes and no. Of course it all changed after we left school. People moved on, but a few years ago some of us met up and thought it would be fun to start it up again. So there are some old members and quite a lot of new ones.’
‘So, what do you get up to?’ inquired Michael.
‘Its just an information sorange gathering, although there is a bit of game playing, but only if you want to. Its not compulsory. You can just come along and have a drink and a chat.’
‘What sort of games?’ asked Michael. ‘You’ve got me intrigued now.’
‘Well. Its all very discreet, but some us were rather nostalgic about the old consequences game. You know, the spanking thing. Some of us took it to a rather More adult level. It is all in fun, but as I said, you don’t have to join in. All we ask is discretion. What happens at the Glee Club is not discussed outside. So what do you say? You will come, won’t you? It is held at Terry’s house, you must remember Terry. Here, I’ll give you the address’
‘ Yes it would be fun to meet up with the old crowd again,’ said Jane, after Michael told his wife about the chat he had had with Adrian, ‘but I’m not having my bum spanked, thank you very much. Unless Jason is there. Then I might,’ she giggled
‘Did you fancy him? I had no idea.’ Said Michael.
‘He did kiss nice and he had a cute bottom.’
‘You saucy madam, come here and get over my knee, you minx.’
‘Not now, wait ’til the Glee Club,’ laughed Jane as she wriggled out of Michael’s grap.
So it was that Jane and Michael found themselves at the Glee Club. The evening was passing very pleasantly, meeting up with old friends, being introduced to new ones and generally having a good time. As the evening wore on Jane and Michael noticed that Adrian was gathering a group around him. Pieces of paper were being drawn from a box amidst jokes and laughter. After a little while Adrian came over to where Jane and Michael were chatting to a few old friends.
‘Can I have a word, Mike?’ inquired Adrian. They moved away from the group as Adrian said in a lowered tone: ‘Mike we are short of one male spankee for tonight. How about you volunteer?’
‘Oh, I don’t know about that.’
‘Oh comes on, be a sport, Jane won’t mind.’
‘What’s that?’ asked Jane, hearing her name mentioned. Michael quietly explained Adrian’s to his wife. ‘Well, it’s up to you Mike, but don’t expect me to rub it better for you.’ By this time a couple of Jane’s old school friends had caught on to what was being discussed and offered encouragement. ‘Oh go on, it’ll be fun.’
‘You must have a go, don’t be a party pooper.’
Fifteen minutes later Michael Found himself in the master bedroom, which had been designed the spanking room. He was surprised to see his opposite number. She was a smart lady in about the same age group as his mother. She reminded him of one of the ladies from ‘Calendar Girls’ — the one who need extra large muffins to cover her feminine charms. As she looked at him over her half-moon spectacles, he had a strange feeling he had met her before, but Couldn’t quite think where.
‘Are you ok about this dear? I know you are new. If you want to back out, it’s quite all right. I won’t be offended.’
‘No of course it is ok. I’m happy to doit,’ replied Michael, not wishing to face the embarrassment of backing down.
‘Right then, my name is Kath Dodds. Shall we have those trousers off then?
As Mike unfasted his belt, he thought ‘Mmm “Dodds” that definitely rings a bell.’
Suddenly Kath voice snapped ‘Quickly now, get them off.’ Her brusqueness surprised Mike, Only a moment before she has been so softly spoken.
Michael quickly removed his trousers and placed them on the bed as Kath seated herself on a hard wooden chair. She tapped her lap. ‘Come on, over you go.’ Mike obeyed and placed himself over her knee.
‘I don’t think a big boy like you will need these,’ she said as she pulled down Mike’s boxes. ‘Oh I think we will have some fun with this.’ She said, as she expertly surveyed Mike’s pale buttons.
Kath started a rhythmic spanking, going from one buttock to the other. Michael thought it was not as bad as he thought. In fact the slapses felt quite light. This was going to be too easy.
‘You don’t remember me, do you?’ enquired Kath.
‘I, I, I’m not sure,’ replied Mike (Were the slapses getting a bit harder, or was it his imagination?)
‘I’ll give you a clue — The library!’ That was it, of course — Miss Dodds, the library at the local library. Michael and his friends had always referred to her as ‘Miss Fairfront’ because of her ample charms.
‘Oh yes, sorry Kath, I remember now. Sorry I didn’t place you, but I wasn’t expecting……’
‘I rather think “Miss Dodds” would be a more appropriate mode of address given the present situation, don’t you?’
‘Yes, Miss Dodds, Sorry!’ (The spanks definitely felt harder). Mike wriggled on Miss Dodd’s lap.
‘I seem to be getting through, now, don’t I?’
‘Oh yes, Miss Dodds.’
‘Of course you boys had a different name for me then, didn’t you. What was it now?’
‘I can’t remember.’
‘Oh dear we’ll have to try to jog that memory of yours.’ With that Miss Dodds changed the tempo –slower slaps but harder, much harder, raising her hand high and bringing it down with a resting SLAP.’ Not just one, but continue, steady, hard slaps.
‘Ooh ouch,’ excerpted Mike despite his efforts to remain sanguine about his prediction.
‘Well, I’m waiting Michael. I don’t like having to wait.’ SLAP SLAP.’
Michael squealed in pain. ‘Ok, Ok. It was, it was Miss Fairfront.’
‘Well that was not a very nice thing to call a lady old enough to be your mother, now was it? SLAP, SLAP. ‘I think an apology would be in order, don’t you?’
‘Ouch all right. I’m sorry Miss Dodds.’
‘Really sorry?’ SLAP, SLAP.
‘YES, OUCH, Really sorry.’
The spanking stopped. ‘Let’s check the damage,’ said Miss Dodds, inspecting Mike’s bottom.
‘Oh yes, nicely reddened, even a bruise or two, but it’ll mend. Right up you get and pull your things up.’
‘Thank you, Miss Dodds.’
‘You can call me Kath now, we’re off duty. Here gives me a kiss to show we are still friends.’
Mike pecked the offered chef.
‘Until the next time?’
‘Why not?’
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