This is a story mixed with tasks. However, if you would just like a sexy story, I will post just the story.
You will need a couple of items if you want the tasks. You will need a blindfold, something to gag yourself with, a dildo or something to suck on and stick in your pussy, ropes to tie your feet, a vibrator, a rubber glove, something slightly pointy preferably a pinwheel but fingerprintnails or pencils work.
Task: be dressed when starting to read.
You come home one night to find me and your sissy sub-Jessica sitting in your living room with the tv on. Not surprising since we had all agreed to get together since we were all in the same area. However, you notice there is an energy about us. It’s not a nervous energy but an energy of excitement and anticipation. You are wondering what this could be about and ask, “What are you two up to?”
I simply give you a mischievous grin that you have come to know from me when I mess with people a say “I made dinner and havea surprise for you if you’re willing but that is for after dinner.”
For dinner, I cooked us steak with potatoes and asparagus and a nice wine to go with it. As we eat you keep wondering what the surprise is, so you keep asking what it is and I just keep saying, “You’ll have to wait and see.” You also notice Jessica seems to be squirming as she eats but this is not unusual for her since her client is locked in chatity and she has been denied for a year leading to a constant state of arousal. You know that she is secretly wondering that since she’s here if you will finally let her cum or just leave her denied after finally meeting her Mistress. You haven’t decided yet.
As for me I’m not permanently denied because you know I’m a switch and respect that knowing I would not do well with long-term denial. You also know I have used my orgasm to tease Jessica during the session we’ve had during our visit. Driving her even more crazy. But all in all, we have been getting along well, which makes you even happier.
But as we finished dinner you noticed a mood change in me and Jessica and you have seen this before when you decided it was time for a session, but this was the first time it was directed at you and it’s different. “So, what’s the surprise,” you ask almost a little nervous about what might come next.
“Well, you have been in charge since we got here so I think it’s time for you to take a break and enjoy yourself and let me be in charge.” As I finish, I can see your hesitation and say, “If you don’t want to I understand but I would like to do something for you since you do so much for us and you can tell us to stop at any time.”
You think a little longer and decide it would be fun to be domed tonight so you agree. As you say this you see me and Jessica light up with excitement then I turn to you and say “I think Miss is a little too overdressed. Go to the bedroom get naked and wait for us we will be there in a moment.” As you’re walking away, I smack your ass because I couldn’t resist, and you look back with a little smile and I get the feeling that you enjoyed it. But you instead of getting naked decided to put on lingerie, hoping it would be a nice surprise for your switch and sub as a way of thanking them for taking care of you tonight instead.
Task: go put on your sexiest lingerie wait on your bed and set a random timer between 10 to 15 minutes
As you wait in your lingerie, you hear me and Jessica rummaging around and talking about making sure we have everything we need. And you can feel the anticipation building inside of you wondering what we have planned and what tonight might hold.
As we enter the room you notice that Jessica is naked except for her chatity cage. I am also naked with my hard cock on display and cleanly hide. As I enter, I see you in your lingerie and ask sternly, “I told you to wait for us naked why are you not?”
You look a little shocked by my voice having not heardThis tone from me before, but you quickly respond, “I wanted to surprise you two since you are taking care of me tonight.”
I simply smile and say, “I appreciate this, and I know Jessica does as you can clearly see.” As you look at her you see her dripping precum from her cage and staring at you with lust in her eyes. “But if we’re going to take care of you tonight you have to be a good girl and good girls follow instructions and you didn’t,” I saw. As I turn to you, I look you in the eyes and you don’t see anger or playfulness. Instead, you see a silent question asking if we continue or if we stop. Look for permission.
Seeing this and understanding what I was asking and without looking away you said in a hushed voice, “your right I’m sorry I’ll be a good girl now.”
After you said this, I just smiled and whispered in your ear, “But first your punishment.” As I say this, I notice you slightly shiver in anticipation. “Now take off your clothes and bend over my knee.”
Task: get naked and bend over something preferably your bed
As you undress you notice Jessica getting antsier as this is the first time, she has been allowed to see you naked. As you watch her cage twitch you see more precum fall onto the ground.
Once you have bent over my knee and I start grouping and rubbing your ass. This is not the first time I have seen it since we have been here, but it is the first time I have gotten to play with it how I want. As I’m doing this, I can feel you shiver and I tell you, “You don’t have to count out loud, but you must keep count I will ask you how many after. Prove that you will be a good girl.” Then I smack your ass lightly and begin to rub your ass. Then I smack it twice in a row, each one harder. Then I smack it softer. Then I stop for a little long enough for you to wonder if we’re done. Then I continue to smack your ass continuously each harder until you are yelping and screaming. I stop soon after you start screaming and start to rub and masse your ass and I can feel how wet you got. “How many was that?”
“Thirty sir,” you say in between your pants.
“Good girl,” I say in your ear as I leave a kiss on your neck.
Task: spank your ass 30 times
After you catch your breath, I tell you to lay back on the bed. I then start tying your arms and legs to the bedpost. I then Say open as I hold up a gag and strap it into place. Then I put on the blindfold and whisper “If at any point you want this to stop all you have to do is shake your pretty little head until you feel my hand touch your face and I will remove everything because if you just shake your head once I might get confused. Though I hope you don’t do this I want to keep the fun going.”
After I have said this, you feel shifting on the bed which you assume is Jessica joining us on the bed. And you soon feel legs and arms around you just barely touching your skin and you can’t tell who’s touching you or where we are. Until you feel Jessica’s chatity cage brush against your leg leaving some of her juices on it. Then you feel fingerprints tracing your body and ghosting over you. You crave our touch, but you notice something after a few minutes you notice we aren’t touching your breast or your pussy. We are instead just narrowly avoiding them.
After what seems like an eternity you start to whimper and plead for stimulation. It’s driving you almost crazy and you feel yourself getting wetter. Finally, you feel a shift on one side of the bed, and you feel something brush your stomach. You realize it’s my hard cock and it feels warm, and it twitches from your touch, and then it’s gone, and you feel more shifting of me moving down the bed. You then feel something pointy, and you jerk a little at the Sudden change.
“Don’t move,” is all I say, and you lay still. Then the point goes farther down on your skin, not enough to break the skin but enough to be uncomfortable. Then you feel another point and you realize what this object is. It’s a pinwheel of spikes that turns as it rolls. It begins to move slowly around your pussy making you more aware of how sensitive it is. Then it slowly heads towards your torso. You then realize it’s heading for your breast, and you whimper even more as it slowly circles your right breast and nipple making you a little nervous. It then travels to your left breast and does the same thing. This cycle continues for several minutes bringing out tantalizing whimpers that are just music to my ears.
Then it stops and you wonder what will happen next until you feel a hand grab your breast and start to massage it. Then you feel another hand but this one feels like rubber. “Aren’t you happy Jessica you get to touch mistress but only with rubber gloves on. After all a sissy cuck like you don’t deserve to touch her skin directly,” you hear me say. You then hear Jessica for the first time since we started, “Thank you, sir. Thank you for letting me touch her in the onlyway I deserve.”
This continues for a short time before you feel my fingers finally giving your pussy some attention. You feel me rubbing your clip and circling your entrance and then I finally put to fingers in you. I hook them upwards searching for the spot that will make you moan. Then I find it and you moan and let your head fall back onto the pillows. I then focus on that spot while rubbing Your clip and your moans and whimpers become louder and more frantic until I pull my fingers out just as you reached your edge.
“You didn’t think I was going to make it that easy, did you?” I whisper in your ear as I leave a trail of kisses down your body stopping to suck on each of your breasts with my cock brushing against your entrance. I then finger you to the edge another three times before I stop.
Task: set a random timer between 10 to 15 minutes whatever it lands on set it to loop you can find generators on google. After you start the timer blindfold and gag yourself and start.
For the first loop, you will ghost your fingerprints across your body without touching your pussy or your breasts
Second loop you will use the pinwheel or something pointy and trace your body the same way as written.
After the second loop there will be no need for a timer massage and fingerprint yourself till you edge 4 times also wear the glove on one hand while doing this.
After the fourth edge, I tell Jessica to get off the bed and stand at the side, and watch. I then take off your blindfold and gag. Only to put my cock in your face. You seem to understand what I want, and you open your mouth, and you start to suck my cock. While your doing this I tell Jessica to put on your panties and rub her cage while watching. You look over at her as she picks up your panties and sniffs them before putting them on. You notice that as she watches she has this dopey grin on her face as though she couldn’t be happier.
Suddenly you feel me grab your head and start torock my hips into you slowly starting to throat fuck you. As I speed up, I can feel you gagging and picking around my cock and it feels amazing it makes me want to explode in your mouth. And just before I go over the edge I stop and pull out. You can tell I was about to cum based on how my cock is twitching and you know that I have enough self-control to not cum until I want.
I then grab a vibrator and place it on your pussy and use it to edge you while I calm down. As this goes on, I start to hear you beg, “Please may I cum. Please. Please. Please.” I just smile at you and say no while lowering the speed of the vibrator.
“Remember you have to ask Jessica to let you cum but since I’m in charge you will have to ask permission to ask Jessica,” I say with a smirk. And then continue to edge you another 3 times without allowing you to ask her.
Task: suck your dildo or whatever item your using in its place for fifteen minutes then use your vibrator to edge 3 times
Aoff your third edge, I move up to your mouth and you start to suck my cock before I start to move again making you gag on my cock and drool on yourself. After a while, I pull out and you ask me for permission as I suck on your tits. “Please may I ask Jessica if I may cum, I need it please?”
I stop sucking and consider it and say, “You have been such a good girl for me I guess it’s fair to reward you. You may ask Jessica for permission.”
You turn towards Jessica and ask for permission, and she says, “Not yet but soon.” With this your eyes light up with the promise of an orgasm and I just smile at you knowing that you will enjoy it.
Task: suck your dildo for 10 minutes then stop and start playing with your nipples for another 10.
After I’m done with your nipples, I line my cock up with your entrance and I slowly slide in. For a moment I just stay there looking at you and feeling the warmth that has enveloped my cock. Then I start to move at a normal pace slowly bringing out your moans and whimpers. Then after that, I start to go harder and start using you as though you were a toy while you are tied up bringing out cries of pleasure. Your arms strain against the restraints as I fuck you. As you get closer to the edge you ask Jessica for permission, and she denies you. So, I slow down and stop I then slap your breasts a few times. Not hard enough to hurt but enough to offset your fading edge.
Once I feel you are ready, I start again. This time I don’t go slow. I start fucking you nice and hard and fast and your moans and cries of pleasure come soon after. I then put my hand on your throat and leave it there. With just enough force to slightly impede your breathing but not enough to cause problems. This added stimulus made you build up to the edge faster and made your pussy tighten bringing out my moans of pleasure. While I look at you all I can think is I got so lucky, and I can’t wait to make her cum.
You suddenly ask Jessica if youcan cum and she once again denies you again.
Task: use your dildo to edge 2 times after the first one slap your breast and during the second edge with your hand on your throat and choke yourself if comfortable with it if not just leave your hand on your throat.
Finally, I look at you and say, “I want you on your hands and knees.” So, I start to untie you and once done I have you turn on your hands and knees and start to fuck you. I go nice and hard while pulling your hair. “Are you a good girl?” I ask as I slap your ass. When you don’t answer again, I slap your ass again. “Who’s good girl are you?”
“Yours I’m your good girl. Please may I cum Jessica please?” You scream as I keep fucking you. As you asked, I gave Jessica a little nod.
“Yes, you may cum.” She says as she rubs her chatity cage. As she says this, I start to fuck you harder until I push you over the edge and you scream out as you orgasm.
While you are enjoying your orgasm, I keep fucking youbuilding up to my orgasm. Watching you cum on my cock while pulling your hair is an amazing site and it nearly makes me go over, but I hold on and continue to fuck you until you have a second orgasm.
Task: You may cum twice with your dildo while on your hands and knees while spanking your ass and pulling your hair.
After you have had your second orgasm my hips start sputtering and I lean over you and I finally can’t hold it anymore, so I let go and cum in your pussy and just collapse on you.
After we both come back to our senses, I kiss you and pull out of you. “Jessica cum clean up your mistress like a good little cuck.” Once I say this, she starts to finger you and try to scoop my cum out of you, and once she has gotten it all she starts to lick it off Her fingers. Knowing that this is the only way she should be allowed to taste your pussy.
After this is done, we talk about the session to make sure you are ok and fall asleep together with you in the middle. You smile knowing that while this will happen again it will be my turn tomorrow to be tortured and that you are lucky to have such a caring switch and sissy.
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