Miss Coerator beckoned, Hannah moving as swiftly as she could, the wand buzzing between her thighs, just enough to warm her up without getting her off. They entered a long stretch of stone hallway, barely lit by the light from the main dungeon. Miss Coerator’s heels struck against flagstones, Hannah trying to keep up.
‘Now, my dear, with your heels you should be able to reach this.’ She tapped a metal sconce, containing a wax taper. Hannah shuffled closer, Miss Coerator watching her expectedly. She had to stretch, even with her heels, managing to get the candleflame close enough. The tape flickered as it was lit, shedding a slight aura of light on the surroundings.
A trickle of wax overspilled the plate, falling down onto Hannah’s breasts, the belts tightly bound and making them swell. It burnt, but only for a moment before cooling into a thin skin, binding the flesh beneath, flexing slightly as she breathed. Miss Coerator’s breath ticked the back of her neck, as herslender fingers twisted and pulled at Hannah’s hair, tying it into a bun. ‘There we go.’ She kissed Hannah’s back. ‘I wouldn’t want you to burn your hair, my dear. Now, keep moving. This passageway is a loop, so we’ll return to the dungeon.’
She slapped Hannah’s backside, the motion making the wand judder, and making Hannah twitch. Wax slopped the other way, falling onto her palms, burning and singing the flesh, making her shudder again before she got herself under control. Miss Coerator was out of sight, one hand squeezing a buttock, her scent strong, even over the candle, as Hannah started to move again.
The floor was rough and uneven flagstones, but the heat of the candle was getting more painful now. Hannah flexed her palms, the wax breaking apart, some shedding to the floor.
‘I do hope you’re not making a mess, my dear.’ Miss Coerator’s voice came from close behind her, nails tracing down her back, not quite scratching.
The gag blocked Hannah’s mouth as she tried to apologize, the nails making her want to shiver, the pooling wax showing that to be a bad idea. ‘Oorry!’
Miss Coerator’s hand cracked against the other button. ‘The next taper, my dear. Get to it.’
Hannah tried to accelerate, both to get the work done, and to escape the spanking and the nails. Through the singing flame of the candle, she could make out the sconce, barely visible in the darkness. It was next to a stone archway, what looked to be a cell, iron bars still in place.
As she approached, Miss Coerator strode past her, looking into the cell. As Hannah strained herself, stretching upwards towards the wick, Miss Coerator Shook her head ruefully.
‘Ah, Harriet. Your unfortunate predecessor. She had promise, but ultimately failed to deliver. Fetching enough, and not wholly useless, but quite unsuited to any responsibility. Should you prove yourself worthy of becoming my head maid, then perhaps you could be responsible for continuing her training.’
Hannah stretched up, holding the candle in place long enough to light the tape, wick catching light. She told, the staggered, wax spilling down her breasts and hands, making her hiss at the sudden, stings of heat, as the wax dried and full into a tight embrace of her body. Miss Coerator reached out and hooked her through her collar, pulling her close, ignoring the spinning of further wax onto flesh, forcing her to look into the cell.
‘For now, she is purely a display piece.’
Inside the cell was a glass case, like the one the status of Miss Coerator had been in. Except this one was occupied by a person – a young woman was in there, wrists bound to a bar at the top of the case, weight also supported on her ankles, locked to another bar along the bottom, stretched between those two points, without any other contact with the world, thick headphones blocking out sound. A metal gag had been locked around her mouth, “Harriet” engraved into the metal amongst a pattern ofThorns. Her eyes were hidden behind a thick leather blindfold, a chunky posture collar around her neck holding her head in position. A vibrating wand was held between her legs by a straw, with a controller on the outside of the case.
‘Would you like that, little maid? To have an underling of your own? I have already managed to eliminate most of her more rebellious tendencies, although you would probably need to keep an eye on her. And, of course, if she were to err, then I would have to punish you for poor management as well. Now, come along, my dear, you still have work to do.’
She flicked the controller for Hannah’s wand, kicking it up a few notches, just for a moment. She squeaked, trying to scuttle forward, ignoring the pain of the wax on her breasts and hands. As she advanced, she noticed the cell had a door, currently swung open, with a heavy-looking lock. Maybe she could push Miss Coerator into one, and lock her in?
Mercifully, the next sconce wasn’t far, although it was higher up, with a stone block next to it. Miss Coerator had returned to walking behind her, and the collar meant she couldn’t look around without turning her entire body. She stepped forward, carefully placing one heeled boot onto the block, the thing at least study enough not to shift beneath her. With her legs spread, the wand was pulled even more tightly against her sensitive sex, spasming into life, Making her shake. Wax splashed again, now slopping further, falling between her fingers and gumming them together, even more falling onto her breasts, as she shook and wobbled. It was only with an effort that she was able to get her other foot onto the block as well, shifting forward towards the tape, carefully shuffling so as not to fall off the edge.
She jumped with a nervous squeak as something rigid and cruel pressed into the small of her back, Miss Coerator’s voice, smooth and sharp, came from behind her. ‘Very good, my dear. Do keep showing such initiative and I’m sure we will have a long and satisfying relationship.’
As Hannah stretched towards the taper, fingers trickled up and down her bare back, making her want to twitch to throw them off, but knowing that would probably only bring punishment. It was an effort of will not to shake or twitch though; those nails, just short of causing pain, seeming to sense her most sensitive spots, lightly brushing and touching. She took a deep breath, the air heavy with the scent from both the candle and Miss Coerator, managing to stretch herself towards the taper, holding the candle in place to light it. Enough wax had pooled onto her hands and breasts now that more had little effect, other than gumming her fingers together even more, her breasts covered in a thin skin of the stuff, more droplets only added to it.
Dismounting was easier, stepping back down from the block onto the stone floor bringing the wand into tighter contact with her pussy, forcing another effort to focus, and not slump again the wall. She advanced, following the curve along – they must be on the final stretch by now! There were several more cells, all locked, and she couldn’t see if they were currently occupied. She could just about make out dull metal shining in the candlelight, heavy glass panels showing that Miss Coerator had space for plenty more “failed maids”.
The wand twisted against her with renewed vigor, and she slumped Against a wall. Miss Coerator’s scent suddenly seemed heavy in the air, her voice in Hannah’s ear.
‘I do hope you aren’t slacking off?’
Hannah shook her head the tiny amount she could, feeling juices flow down her thighs. Fingers reached down there, gently stroking, coming up and parting her cleft as Miss Coerator continued to speak. ‘Would you like to become a display exhibition, like poor, lazy Harriet?’
Another shake of the head. Miss Coerator’s other hand brushed against Hannah’s gag, releasing some of the air, as the hand continued to stroke and fondle Hannah’s private parts. ‘Well, little maid? Would you like to become a display exhibition?’
‘Oooo, Issriss.’
The hand continued to play with her, fingers spreading her wide, slipping into her, making her gasp. ‘Then, when I order you to do a task, you really should set to it with greater speed, should you not?’
The gag was still shrinking, valve left open so the air could leak out, making it easy to speak, at least between gasps. ‘You are… very distracting… Miss Coerator…’
The hand removed itself from her pussy, one hand now on each shoulder, controlling her movement, pushing her towards the next cell. As they approached a light came on, revealing another “display piece” – a X-shaped cross was inside a large glass case, tilted backwards to better display the occupied. Spreadeagled onto the wood, straps holding not only her wrists and ankles, but also her individual fingers and across her waist, was another young woman. A metal gag sealed her mouth, thisone bearing the name “Chelsea”. Her blindfold was covered with metal studs, spelling out “SLUT”. Her skin was covered with not-yet healed lash marks, bright against her tanned flesh, as dildos slide in and out of her holes, a machine clanking away. From the sweat slicking her body, she must have been left in this position for quite some time, her strength to resist long-since gone.
‘I am your Miss Coerator’s breath was hot and heavy against Hannah’s ear, nails digging into her shoulders. “Chelsea was weak-spirited and inattentive, which is why she is not fit for anything other than a cheap display piece.’ She took the candle from in front of Hannah’s face, everything seemed to go dark as the light moved behind her. Then a hand pushed on the back of her neck, bending her over. Wax splattered against bare skin, the wand powering up again. In this position, the collar was tight against her neck, making breathing hard, the wax singing and burning. ‘Now, you are my maid and my service, and I am your mistress.’ Nails somehow found a section of skin not covered in wax, raking down. ‘When I command, you obey.’ The straws over her breasts were untied, leather falling to the floor, before a hand came around to cup them, teasing a nipple. The gag, now fully deflated, dropped to the ground as well, Hannah’s mouth now free. ‘I want you to say it. To show that you fully understand your position.’ More wax was spilled across her back, as the hand moved from her breast to her pussy again, fingers easily sliding in and out of her slick crevice.
‘I am your… obedient little maid, Mistress Coerator…’ The finger-banging intensified, mingling with the singing flecks of pain from the wax, leaving Hannah reeling.
‘And you will come only when allowed?’
‘And I… will come only… when you permit… me, Mistress Co…’ Hannah couldn’t manage to finish the sentence, barely able to stand, as the fingers suddenly withdraw themselvess, Miss Coerator pulling her upwards. She pushed her fingers into Hannah’s mouth.
‘Excellent, little maid. Should you fail to live up to your promise, then the reprisals will be harsh.’
Hannah could taste her own juices, flavor strong on Miss Coerator’s fingers, but hadn’t been pressurized quite enough to climax, her thighs uselessly tensing the now-unmoving wand.
‘Should you continue to perform well, then you may find yourself with a permanent position here. Should you fail, your position will be just as permanent, I suppose, but rather less comfortable. Now, let’s get you dressed, so that you can do the rest of your work. And I suppose Wendy should be let loose, the weeds in the lower gardens are getting quite excessive. Follow. Oh, and pick up the gag and straps, please.’
She strode ahead and lit the few remaining sconces herself as she passed them. Hannah breathed deeply before falling to her knees to pick up the discarded items, struggling to rise again. Shecould still feel the edge of an orgasm, the heat only slowly fading from her crotch, hands still bound to her neck as she half-walked, half-crawled back towards the main dungeon.
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