The Mistress of the House Ch. 04

(hope you’re enjoying this! let me know what you think in the comments)

It had been a long, uncomfortable night, with devices shoved in both her holes, occasionally sparking to life, just long enough to get her worked up, but not long enough to get her off. Hannah knew from past experience that the batteries wouldn’t give anytime soon, especially if Miss Coerator had switched them for fresh ones. Hannah squirmed in the bed, feeling the sheets beneath her get wet with her sweat and other fluids, hoping that Miss Coerator didn’t figure out any of the custom controls for the thing shoved into her butt. It had taken a lot of work to customize, but she’d never expected it to be pushed into her and made impossible to remove!

Throughout the night, she had tried to touch herself, but the leather mittens Uselessly brushed against the chatity belt, unable to do more than shift the metal slightly. She could feel her pulsing, drenched cunt, so close, but so far away, locked behindthe metal, impossible to touch.

There was the piercing, screeching whine of an alarm, coming from speakers hidden somewhere in the room. Hannah curled up under the sheets, drenched in the scent of her lust, trying to cover her ears with her hands. The relentless assault on her ears continued, as she slowly roused herself, standing up, wobbling for a moment in the heels still strapped onto her feet. The TV was showing a time: 06:02 AM.

The lock on the door clicked, door swinging open. Hannah tried to make herself look cheaply presentable, smoothing down her hair as best she could with her mittened hands as Miss Coerator enters. She had changed since yesterday – today she was wearing sleep leather trousers, brilliant red, and a tight red t-shirt that emphasized her breasts.

‘Good morning, my dear. You look lovely, although a little tired. Did you not sleep well? I’m sure I can find somewhere else to put you if this bed isn’t to your liking.’

‘Good morning, Miss Coerator.’

She reached out and pinched Hannah’s cheese, before her hand moved up, playing with Hannah’s hair. ‘Proper address, if you please. So, how did you sleep?’

There’s no escape, at least that won’t invite immediate retribution, so Hannah endured the stroking and petting. ‘Sorry, Madam. Not well. I’m not used to be quite so… full.’

‘Well, they are your toys, my dear. I thought you would appreciate having some of them back.’ She adjusted the frilled choker-collar, fingers flicking the central ring where the leash attaches. ‘There’s no need pouting over the belt, it’s simply to keep you from being distracted. If you’re a good girl today and complete your work, then I’ll give you a treatment.’ She looked over Hannah’s shoulder at the bed, and Hannah blushed as she realized the wet spot was clearly visible, an incriminating darkness on the sheets. Miss Coerator smiled at her. ‘Now, my dear, I have some work for you to do. Turn around, and please don’t make this difficult.’ She pulled some items from her bag.

There was no choice but to obey, so Hannah turned around and faced the door, winning as Miss Coerator’s hands continued to brush and tidy her hair. ‘Good girl. See, it’s not so hard, is it? Now, your dress first. It’s going to be messy work today, so I haven’t had it cleaned’

The dress was pulled over her head, latex and corsetry immediately compressing her body, making her feel more constrained already. It was better than being naked, but not by much! Then something snapped onto the back of the collar, before Miss Coerator took Hannah’s right wrist and buckled a leather bracelet around it, then did the same with the left wrist. When she tried to move them, she found her motion restricted, leather straps running from the back of her neck to each wrist. Miss Coerator kissed Hannah on the back of the neck with surprise gentleness, before unlocking the mittens, putting them into her bag.

‘Collar cuffs, my dear. To keep your hands out of the way and ensure you don’t do anything… naughty. But they are less crippling than the mittens.’ She moved in front of Hannah, smiling softly at her, the leash in hand. ‘Now, whenever you see this leash, I want you to tilt your head back and offer your pretty picker to me, do you understand? It means I’m being kind enough to take you somewhere.’

Hannah looked at the door, realizing she couldn’t make a dash for it without getting caught, especially not in the heels. So she tilted her head back and offered herself to Miss Coerator, who happily accepted. She clipped the lean into place, then squeezed one of Hannah’s nipples. Hannah managed to avoid making any sound, not wanting to attract further pain.

‘Now, the day has started, and I’m not paying you to stand around, no matter how pretty you may be, my dear. Come with me.’ A tug on the lean forced movement and they left, Hannah staggering slightly. ‘I do hope you will get better with the heels soon. They are only small compared to some I may make you wear, if there should ever be guests.’

Hannah felt as though she was “falling forward” rather than “walking”, lurching forward in uneven fits and starts, feeling clunky and ungainly next to Miss Coerator’s smooth strides. ‘Please, Madam, I think these are high enough already! I don’t think I would work well in anything higher.’

‘Nonsense, my dear. It will help in reaching shelves and such like. Now, this way.’

There was no way for Hannah to resist as she was pulled through the halls, the toys at least passive within her for the moment, but still there, threatening her, her body ripe with the scent of denied desire.

Miss Coerator led Hannah towards a large wooden door, opening it to reveal a large and surprisingly modern room, with two Large couches arranged in front of another massive flat-screen TV, above an old-fashioned fireplace. There were bright red rugs woven into geometric patterns on the floor, with large windowsgiving views over the surrounding countryside. ‘This is the drawing room, I use it when I have guests. But this part is clean. Come though here.’

She pulled Hannah towards a set of double doors and plucked a key from her cleavage, unlocking the doors before pushing them open. Hannah’s heart sank as she saw through. The room was just as large as the drawing room but done out in aqua-blue rather than blood-red, and dominated by a water-filled fishtank, forming a central pillar. The glass was dusted and grimy, the windows to the outside world equally dirty, the sofas facing the tank also coated in grey dust.

‘This is your task for today.’

Even with her hands free, this wouldn’t be a quick task! The place was coated in dust and dirt, every surface tainted dark and grey under the stuff. And getting that tank clean would take a lot of wiping – Miss Coerator didn’t expect her to do that with her mouth, does she?

‘Now, this is a big room, and I don’t expect it to be quick. But I do expect it to be through. Now let me get you set up for your tasks, my dear.’ She pulled on the leash, moving over to a mini-bar, bottles of booze still dimly visible through the grimy front of a turned-off fridge. On top was a black briefcase, the poisoned leather standing out from the otherwise omnipresent dirt. She slide combination wheels and it clicked open, letting her withdraw a gag – this one was a black leather panel, with a large transparent sphere on the inside and a cock-shaped prong on the other side.

‘This is a rather special gag, something of a custom piece, only just completed.’ Hannah closed her mouth protectedly, shaking her head as Miss Coerator explained. ‘This ball goes in your little mouth, and you squeeze it with your teeth.’ She squeezed it and a spurt of liquid shot out, splattering against the bar. ‘Now, the ball is quite large, so you will need to open your jaw very wide.’

‘Mmmmmppphhh.’ Hannah Shook her head, keeping her mouth tightly closed.

Miss Coerator sent and reached into the case again, pulling out the controller for the dildo still buried in Hannah’s ass. ‘I would recommend, my dear, that you cooperate.’ She twisted a dial, the dildo buzzing to life. ‘It appears to have a rather extensive range of settings to play with.’

‘Nuuuuppphhhh!’ Hannah tensed her backside, trying to force the thing out, something that would be impossible even without the chatity belt, hoping that Miss Coerator hadn’t discovered all the custom settings.

‘The batteries are long-life, so I imagine can last quite some time. And I was studying the controller last night and realized that some of the buttons has been added. I wonder what they do? Perhaps you could tell me?’

A nail tapped a button on the top of the controller, and Hannah could Feel the device inside her shift, twisting around more, trying to drill deeper in. She shook her head again, her hair flicking around as Miss Coerator pushed the ball against her lips.

‘I wonder what that did? It certainly seems to have had an effect.’

Hannah twisted and wriggled around, trying to distract herself from the emrith mass inside of her. As the ball brushed her lips, she instinctively opened her mouth and Miss Coerator quickly pushed it in, the thing large enough to push her mouth open, the ball squishy rubber against her tongue. Before she can pull away or try to eject it, Miss Coerator strapped it tightly into place.

‘Now, I was going to let you use your hands for this task, but as you insist on fighting me, my dear, then I suppose you will have to use an alternate tool. Perhaps in future, you will be more cooperative?’ She pulled out a long, rough-looking clothes, like a dishcloth, except with clamps on one side. ‘I’m going to need your breasts now.’

‘Mmmppppphhh? Nuh!’ As Hannah’s tongue brushed the ball, some liquid oozed out from the dildo mounted on her face, trickling down before it splashed to the floor.

‘I wasn’t asking.’ She pulled on the leash, pulling Hannah closer, tugging her dress down with the other hand. The clamps bit onto Hannah’s nipples, making her squeak in pain. ‘I must say, a cock in your mouth really does suit you. The other way around is something you’re more used to, I would assume?’ She flicked the controller again, the dildo in Hannah’s ass acceleration. ‘So, I assume you understand your task? When your clothes is too wet, return here and I’ll tearing it out for you. I’m quite magnanimous, you see – I’m willing to help you.’

Hannah staggered against the bar, tongue flapping against the ball, a long spurt of cleaning liquid spraying out, noting with panic as Miss Coerator’s hand reached out to the controller, twisting the next custom dial. Inside of her, rings of beads around the shake start to twist, shifting direction every few seconds.

‘You’re adorable, my dear! Now, show me some of the work ethic you had with the status yesterday. Start with the tank, if you would.’

Hannah managed to hurt herself to her feet and stagger forward towards the tank, a long, grunting sound accompanied by a spurt of cleaning fluid. She fell against the glass, the fabric clamped onto her breasts squeaking against the glass, leaving a cleaner smear on the dirty surface. Miss Coerator must have taken some small mercy on her, as the device slowed its emrithing assault, although the thing in her pussy started to thrum as well. Hannah glanced over – she looked entirely at ease, sat on a high stool by the bar with her legs crossed, flicking through a catalogue of bondage equipment.

She looked up, meeting Hannah’s eyes, finger idly straying over another button on the controller, Hannah’s eyes going wide in fear. She’d only ever used that once, and that was on her pussy, not buried in her ass! She forced herself to move, cleaning liquid spurting from her mouth against the glass as she rubbed her body against it, hoping to distract Miss Coerator. Everytime she rubbed, it hurt, the clamps on her nipples pulling on her flesh painfully, but they were so tight they didn’t come off. At least Miss Coerator hadn’t pushed the button yet, although her finger was still struggling it, a sly grin on her face.

Then, still keeping eye contact with Hannah, she deliciously tapped her finger down, depressing the button. Hannah shook her head in desperate panic, as it started to Shock her. She could feel her juices trickling down her legs, another spurt of liquid spraying out from her mouth as she sagged forward, burning heat from her nipples a contrast to the cool glass.

‘Look at me, maid.’

Miss Coerator’s voice was powerful and commanding, penetrating through Hannah’s daze. She stood, swiftly crossing the space between them, gripping Hannah by the throat. ‘Look at me as you come.’ Her eyes swallowed up Hannah, deep pits embracing her as she pumped into an intense orgasm. Miss Coerator pulled on the clothes, clamps pulling on Hannah’s nipples, and dragging her close. Hannah fell against her, finding it soft and warm, darkness spilling around her, barely hearing Miss Coerator’s words as she falls unconscious. ‘Sleep well, little maid. It may be some time before you are allowed to rest again.’


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