Thank Y/you for reading and voting, again all comments are welcomed as well as any ideas Y/you would like me to give a try writing about.
She paces back and forth in the bedroom. Her breath quick and nervous. Why did she say that? What made her do it? The questions roll around in her mind. Her silent dinner dress swishing with each step. She could hear Him downstairs crashing dishes around the kitchen.
Her forehead broken out in a sweat. Suddenly there was only silence. She sits on the end of the bed, straining to hear if He was coming up the stairs.
He was so mad. She never saw His face like that before. She broughts her fingers in around each other. She had never been just sent to her room before. He Always followed and gave her punishment right away.
That evening they had a small circle of friends over for dinner. Everything was going perfectly or so she thought. She was laughing, flirting and socializing. She had four glasses of wine instead of her allowed two and was getting a little too loud. She never realized He had been watching her closely all evening and keeping track.
Lost in a conversation with one of the girls He asked her to start clearing the table and she just waved her hand at Him and said. “You can do it.”
The whole room suddenly fell deadly silent. They all knew the lifestyle they lived as some of the guests lived it as well. She turns and looks at Him almost horrified at what just flew out of her mouth.
His lips pressed into a tight thin line. The vein on the side of His temple started to pulse, “To your room. NOW!” His tone was so icy cold it sent shiprs up her whole body.
Her mouth drops open and face turns white as a sheet, “But, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it Sir! please!” She begged deeply
His eyes narrowed with warning.
She quickly got up from the table and practically ran up the stairs.
He apologized to allthe guests who immediately got up and starting to clear out.
He knew He had to calm down before going upstairs, so He started to clean up. Taking some of His anger out on the dishes, breaking several of them in the sink.
Never in the 2 years they have been together did she ever talk to Him like that, and to make matters worse in front of their guests!
He knew she would be stewing upstairs, and He planned on keeping her that way until He could think straight.
He slips down to the playroom and starts looking around. Taking in a breath He grabs her most hated tools, a spider gag, inflatable anal plug and High posture collar, He lays them out on the rolling metal cart.
Walking around stroking His chin in thought, looking over His array of canes, floggers and whips hanging on the walls. Shaking His head He pulls down the Rattan cane flicking it through the air, getting use to it once again. He has not had to use this on her for a very long time.
She sits up straight on the bed hearing Him slowly coming up the stairs. Her body trembling and keeping her fingers twisting around each other, her heart pounding in her ears the closer He gets to the closed door.
He pushes the door open slowly. His dark eyes are icy cold and leans His shoulder against the door frame, crossing His strong arms over His chest.
She blinks at Him wanting to rush to His feet and beg for forgiveness, but she holds fast and stammers over her words, “Please Sir, I don’t know what got into me, I’m so sorry!”
“I know exactly what got into you, four glasses of wine.” His tone steady and cold.
She squirms on the end of the bed, not able to keep her fingers from fidgeting around each other in her lap. She looks down at them not able to hold His cold stare. She has been a good girl for several months without innocent and now those four little words screwing it all up. Her body flinches at His voice.
“Get up and strip.” He barks out sharply.
Quickly she stands up, reaching behind her and slowly pulling the zipper of her dress down. Wriggling her shoulders slowly to let it draw down and off her perky 34B breasts. She bends and steps out of it, laying it on the bed. Her fingers sliding into the small band of her panties, wiggling them down off her supple hips and stepping out of them. She starts to pull down one of her thigh highs and He stops her.
“Not those, or the shoes. Now get on your knees and follow.” Without another word knowing she will do she was told, He turns walks down the hall and down the stairs.
Stopping at the bottom, crossing His arms a little annoyed watching her taking her time coming down the steps. Once at the bottom, He reaches out and grips her long hair and pulls her along at His pace, even down the basement stairs. She whimpers and scrambles trying to keep up.
He points in at the room. She drops her head, panting deeply knowing this is not going to be the pleasuree she had in there a few days ago. A little too slow again for His liking.
He lightly kicks her in the ass, “You’re really pushing your luck tonight.”
She quickly scrambles over the floor to her spot marked with a X and sits back on her heels. She spreads her knees wide, arms behind her back, mouth opened. Her whole body trembling and her chest rising and falling with each quickened breath.
He walks slowly around her, landing hard smacks to each breast. Her body flinches and curls before sticking her chest back out after each one. He keeps smacking until both breasts are a deep pink. She starts to whimper trying to hold back her tears.
He finally stops His assult and reaching around and unbuckles her slim everyday collar.
“Oh Master!…please…no!” She cries and whimpers as He takes off her pride and symbol of being His.
“Shut up! You don’t deserve to wear this from your behavior this evening! Drinking more then you were permitted, acting like a carefree whore, and most of all embarrassing Me in front of our guests!” He hisses down at her.
She bites her lip and hangs her head as He walks over to the steel cart, picking up the high posture collar.
Walking back over and forcing her head back, “Hold your fucking hair out of the way or I’ll chop it all off!”
She quickly reaches up and pulls her long dark curly hair up out of the way knowing He doesn’t make idle threats. He wraps the collar tightly around her neck, buckling it. It sits under her chin forcing her head up uncomfortable and pushes hard onto her collar bone. She whimpers deeply as her back is forced to straighten even more.
He steps back looking down at her, His eyes still icy with disappointment and anger, “This is your new collar for the next week.”
She lets out a deep groan and swallows, feeling her neck push against the hard leather. She blinks up at Him with sorrow filled eyes, “Oh Master I’m so sorry, please not this one, please! I willdo anything please!”
He reaches down grabbing a handful of hair tightly, making her whimper hard as He pulls back. Her back arching not able to move her neck. Glaring down into her eyes, “Oh girl, those words are even more dangerous then the ones you had chosen earlier.” He leans down, inches from her mouth, “Open!”
She blinks and slowly opens her mouth, knowing what He’s going to do. He spits into her mouth then slides two fingers in a little, rubbing it all over her tongue.
He quickly pushes His fingers down into her throat making her gag and blink hard, “This week is going to hurt you more then me slut! Now I’ll have to find ways to keep Myself entertained because you couldn’t behave yourself for one fucking night!”
He pulls His fingers out and rubs the mix of His and her saliva over her face, smiling knowing how much she hates it. He lets go of her hair with a slight little push knocking her a bit off balance. Her eyes widen and very slightly shakes her head seeing Him picking up the inflatable anal plug.
“Get your face to that floor and push that fat ass up high.” She was by no means fat but she was always self consciousness about it, and He knew calling her a few names would only add more to her punishment.
She quickly leans forward putting her forehead on the floor and arching her back pushing her ass up high.
He leans down and spits over her tightly pumped deep pink star, roughly pushing a finger in and out. He rubs the smooth black rubber over it, smearing His saliva all around before starting to work it in and out.
She gasps and whimpers with each push that’s stretching the tight ring around the large plug. Finally with one last shove her hole closes tightly around the end.
Her whole body a trembling mess, biting her lip as He slowly starts to pump the little ball. Her hips start to twist and move as the plug starts to expand inside her, stretching the tight walls of her ass.
After several pumps she screeches out, pulling her body forward as if trying to get away from the sharp tearing pain. She can only imagine how stretched is from the painful fullness ripping through her insides, “Please Master!!! Please!! It hurts so bad!!!”
He pushes the release valve letting the air slowly hiss out from the attached pump. His hand comes down hard on each ass cheek, back and forth until they are Both a nice shade or red.
He again starts to pump the little ball, filling and stretching her insides until He hears her cries of pain again. He slides the clip down the rubber and over the end of the plug to trap the air, then take the long tube from it.
He stands back up and turning His back to her gripping the sides of the metal cart, trying to calm the hard on in His pants. Each of her whimpering cries making it twitch. He takes in a deep breath and picks up the rattan cane and flicks it a few times, cutting through the air, “Stand up and bend over the table.”
Tears streaking down her cheeks as she slowly stands, her eyes glancing at the cane and lets out a deep whimper. She slowly makes her way to the leather covered table her ass so full it is hard to walk straight. She lays her torso across it, keeping her legs should width apart and her arms hanging down over the other side.
He lands the cane with a snap right beside her making her whole body flinch before He croouches down at her arms and buckles the leather cuffs around each wrist.
She can’t stop sobbing but tries to hold her body still, knowing she deserves what is coming.
He walks back around behind her and runs His hand over her warm ass cheeks then starts to lightly flick the cane right across the middle of both chefs.
He starts to build a rhythm until He sees her body almost relax a bit, “What did you do wrong to deserve this?”
“I drank more then I was allowed Master.” She sobs out.
He brings the cane hard down straight across the middle of both chefs. She screams as a deep red welt quickly rises up from her already heated flesh.
“Yes you did. I hope you enjoyed it, because that will be the last drop of alcohol that will touch your lips for a very very long time! Continue.” He returns to the light tapping this time just below her right ass cheek.
“I was flirting and acting like a free whore Master.” She cries out again between deep sobs.
He pulls back and lands another deep welt where He was tapping. She again screams out, her hips now twisting from the singing pain.
“Hold still!” He snaps as He switches sides, now lightly tapping the underside of her left ass cheek. Her body stills as much as the rising heat allows her to, “And what else?”
“I embarrassed You in front of our guests by my disregard for Your order Master.” She gasps deeply then holds her breath waiting for the last swish of the cane.
He pauses for a moment until she starts to release her gripping muscles, then brings it down 2ce as hard as the last two. The deep welt forms instantly.
Her scream echos in the room, she starts crying hard not only from the burning sing on her flesh but from angering and disappointing the One she cared and loved so deeply.
He takes in a deep breath, and runs His hand up her back gently. He walks past her picking up the cooling gel from the shelf. He sits down on a rolling stool and slides back over to her. He gently starts to rub it over the raise stripes. She tries her best to be still but it stings deeply before it soothes the deep burning sensing. Her sobs start to slow along with her breath.
His cock now raging hard in His pants. He knows how much she loves sucking His cock, wrapping her lips around it, worshiping it. But not tonight. He stands up picking up the spider gag, walking around in front of her, holding it up.
“Open wide.” He can’t help but smile as she lets out a deep whimper before opening her mouth.
He shoves it in. The large ring holding her mouth open painfully wide. He buckles it around the back of her head. Her red eyes blinking up at Him, pleading not to use it. He ignores her looks reaching in and pulling out His throbbing cock.
Pain shooting up her spine as He grips her head pulling it back not being able to move her neck. His other hand gripping His cock tightly around the base. He dips His hips pushing His cock through the ring into her watering mouth.
He groans each time He pushes in past her gag. Her lewd wet gagging only making Him thrust harder and deeper. He grips both sides of her head thrusting in and out, using it like He would her pussy or ass. Faster and harder, ignoring her gasps and cries until His climax pushes up the shake.
He pulls back until the head is resting just inside the ring and shoots wave After wave of His cum into her mouth. He leans back growing and tapping it on the metal making the last drop flick into her drooling mouth.
He pulls His cock out panting deeply from His release and rubs it over her cheats and nose. Not able to close her mouth or even swallow He tilts His head watching it run from her mouth down onto the floor. He reaches back and take off the gag.
She pants and gasps, swallowing what was still in her mouth, “Thank You Master, for teaching me a lesson, and using my holes for Your pleasure.” She gasps out between sobbing breaths.
“Ah, now there’s My little one that I treasure so much. Welcome back.” He smiles while putting His cock back in His pants.
He walks back around behind her and slowly pulls the clip from the end of the plug, the air rushes out deflating it. He carefully pulls it from her now gaping hole.
She lets out a soft relieving whimper as her ass is finally emptied. Her whole body trembling and her pussy absolutely drenched and aching. She knows there will be no release of that aching anytime soon.
After putting the gag and plug in a bowl to be cleaned, He walks over and rEleases her from the cuffs gently. He keeps held of her so she doesn’t fall, knowing her legs would be like jelly. He easily lifts her over His shoulder so not to touch the deep welts on her behind. He carries her upstairs laying her gently on the bed, making sure she stays on her side.
Her body exhausted, she closes her eyes as He gently takes off her heels and thigh highs. He slide onto the bed, Letting her curl into His chest. His hand softly strokes and cares her hair.
“I love You Sir.” She says softly before falling into a deep slumber.
“As I love you My girl.” His fingers sliding over the posture collar.
He grinns as His cock twitches from the thoughts of what to plan for the week roll through His wicked mind.
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