The Mission

Sitting in the pull down seat in the back of the C-130 I had plenty of time to think. The flight back to the states would take eleven hours. I smiled, knowing I would get three weeks off when I had debriefed and knowing that I had completed my mission successfully.

My thoughts drifted for a few seconds to Mac Williams, the man who had the assignment first. His body had been found a month before we had have sent in to do what he didn’t do. Sometimes training for the messy parts of the job wasn’t enough. His approach had been too direct.

I knew when we landed at Andrews we would be taken to Langley for debriefing. I also knew that my boss, Melissa Chandler, would have some good food waiting for me as the debriefing began. Three months of crappy food is enough. I needed some good food.

Thinking about the debriefing I began reviewing the mission.

I had flown to Athens on the tenth of April, commercial, coach. My passport said my name was Nick Chaykin, 39, from Denver Colorado. It was close, but not exactly accurate. On the flight over I listened to the mission briefing on my iPod. I listened four times. I was intrigued. I was getting a partner for this assignment. I usually worked alone. I’d met her a few times in the past, but meeting isn’t the same as working together. The plan we would be using was hers. I got to plan a significant part, but the mission was hers.

From the airport in Athens I boarded a smaller jet and flew into what used to be the soviet union. When I reached my destination city I took a taxi to my hotel. My instructions told me to ask for messages at the front desk. I would have already been checked in and the message envelope would contain my room key. I asked the clerk if I had any messages and she gave me a yellow envelope with my name printed neatly on the front.

Inside the men’s room I opened the envelope and found a room key and a small piece of paper with the room number written on it: 321. I flushed thepaper and went to room 321. My mind wondered if my partner would already be inside or if she would arrive later.

When the door opened I heard noises coming from the bathroom. The shower was on. I parked my suitcase, locked the door and crept to the bathroom door. From what I could hear there was someone inside and inside the shower as well. I moved to the large bed and sat down to wait.

The shower shut off and I listened to the sounds of someone taking care of their after-shower ritual. The blow dryer came on and less than two minutes later went off. Water ran in the sink. The door opened and my partner came out of the bathroom, her head wrapped in a towel and otherwise completely naked. One step into the room and she frozen, seeing me sitting on the bed.

“Hi Honey!” She said, as if we were lovers in a long relationship. “Did you miss me?”

“More than I can explain.” I said. “More than I ever have before.”

She came to me, straddled my legs and planted a couple of enthusiastic kisses on me. She must have suspected or known the room was bugged, maybe with both audio and video. From where I was that act appeared real, and I was very close to the act.

After a couple kisses she slowly got off the bed and asked, “Shall I dress or would you rather we play for a little while first?”

If we were watching they might expect that a man who had been away from his wife/woman for a month would want some action as soon as he got back to her. I said, “I’d like to play. However, I’ll need to scrub some of the road dust off before I’ll feel right about invading your body. Did you leave me a dry towel?”

She said, “There are four, just as you like. If you would allow me, I’d like to scrub you myself.”

She helped me undress and led me into the bathroom. She started the water running and when it was the right temperature she let me get into the spray. She followed me in and did a very good job of getting all the road dust off of me.She got close to my ear a few times and whispered bits of information to me, covered by the sounds of the shower.

She had found three bugs in the room. One video and two audio. The video looked at the bedroom and one audio was in the bathroom, near the sink and the other was in the lamp beside the bed.

When I was clean she said, “Would you like me to suck you?” I remember that she was supposed to be a submissive wife to my dominant husband.

“No. I would like you to dry me off and then take your position on the bed so that I may fuck your face.”

“As you wish.” She got out of the shower, grabbed a dry towel and when I got out she started drying me. She used four towels to get me dry. One for my hair and face. One for my arms and legs. One for my torso and the last for my ass and cock. When I was done she asked, “Shall I dry myself?”

“No. Stay wet. On your back on the bed, with your head off the foot.”

“Yes, Nick.” She said as her moved to quickly follow my instruction. She climbed on the bed so she was on her back, legs spread wide, arms extended and her head hanging off the end of the bed.

I remember looking at her, presented to me that first time and marveling at how beautiful she was. She was, or appeared to be, in her early thirties, about five eight, slender with ribs that showed and breasts that were at least “C” cup but possible “D” cupped. Both nipples were pierced with gold rings three quarters of an inch in diameter. Her clitoral hood was pierced as well with an identical ring. I saw no scars on her at all.

Her eyes were closed and her mouth was open. I stepped to her and slide my cock into her mouth. She kept her eyes closed and didn’t take any initiative. I said, “Suck me.”

It was as if someone had thrown a switch and a vacuum had come on. Her mouth closed around my cock and her tongue went to work as she sucked me. It didn’t take long before I had grown in her mouth to a full erection. I began pumpng in and out of her mouth. She didn’t move anything except her mouth and tongue.

My hands went to her breasts and pinched them. She moaned.

I pulled completely out of her mouth. She kept it open and kept her eyes closed.

“You like me to pinch your nipples, don’t you?” I asked.

“I like pleasure you. If you are pleased by pinching my nipples then I love being pinched.”

I pinched and twisted her nipples. As I did I lifted them, extending her breasts upwards. She moaned and thanked me. I pushed my cock back into her face and began fucking in and out of her face. Every fourth stroke in I pinched her nipples harder. I told her how pleased I was with her welcome back party.

“You kept yourself ready for me while I was away, didn’t you?” “You haven’t fucked anyone while I was gone, have you?” “You know my friends will fuck you this week. They will believe you love fucking them, and you will have orgasms with their cocks inside you.”

I was stroking allthe way into her throat with every stroke. She didn’t gag once. Playing her role as my sub was her job and, I believed, her nature. The words I spoke were for whoever was listening. I had never been with her intimately before opening the door to the room we were in. I stroked into her and reached to her pussy, struggling across her clip and into her wet folds.

“You may cum. When I cum you will please swallow.”

My fingers probed into her wet, slippery cunt, fucking her with my fingers as my cock fucked her face. My public bone pressed against her nose at the bottom of each stroke. I could feel myself pushing into her throat and her timing her breaths in for when my cock was barely in her mouth.

When I was close to cumming I tugged at the ring through her hood. Her back arched ever so slightly and she moaned. I pumped into her faster and harder until I pushed in deep and held still while my cock spewed my seed into her throat. She still did not gag.

Without drawing out of her mouth I bent forward and pushed my face into her cunt. Her legs didn’t close at all, but remained open to me. Within seconds she moaned again and came. Her body trembled and shook. Her breath came in gasps and her hands grasped the bedspread.

After a few seconds I stood back up and pulled out of her mouth. Looking down at her face I saw that she still held her eyes closed. “Look at me.” I whispered.

Her eyes opened and I saw a tear at the corner of her eye. I asked, “If you dress for dinner, what will you wear?”

“There is a deep purple dress hanging in the closet. You gave it to me before you left. I would wear it for you.”

“Thigh high stockings and three inch sandals, please. Dress.”

She dressed in the purple dress, stockings and sandals. No bra or panties. I suspected she possessed neither. From my briefcase I got a pendant.

I said, “Lift the dress for me, please.” She lifted it, baring her self from the wait down. I attached the pendantto her clitoral ring. It hung from a three inch long silver chain. It contained a micro recorder good for eight hours of audio and it looked like a huge jewel.

“Thank you. You look wonderfully. Have you eaten meat while I was away?”

“No. You said not to.” She looked at my chest, not at my eyes.

“Tonight you may order meat, of any kind. You will cut Your dinner into bite sized pieces and I will feed them to you. You will thank me for each bite.”

“Yes, Nick.”

I took her hand in mine and we left the room. In the elevator I lifted her dress and caressed her ass. She thanked me. In the dining room we were shown to a table for four. The person who led us to the table did not remove the extra two place settings. She sat to my left, not across from me. Just before she sat she opened a napkin and spread it on the chair, pulled her dress’ skirt up and sat. She had been well trained.

As I looked at the menu she didn’t touch hers. Finally I said, “You may readand choose for yourself, if you like. Otherwise I shall choose for you.”

She didn’t move. She softly said, “Thank you, Nick.”

Two people came to our table and stand. The man stood across the table from me. The woman with him stood across from Shannon, my woman. He stood close to the chair while she stood a full step back, with eyes on the floor and arms at her side.

“Mr. Chaykin?” He asked. I stood and extended my hand.

“I am. Would you like to join me?” He shook my hand and pulled his chair back. He noticed that I spoke as if each of us was alone.

“I am Ivan Petrovich.” He looked from my face to his female companion. I nodded slightly. He made a nearly imperceptible motion with his hand and she sat across from Shannon.

Ivan said, “It appears we have something in common. My companion is known as Pet. She is well trained as my pet and behaves quite as a woman should, I believe. Oh, and she is quite deaf.”

“That could be an advantage in some situationations.” I said.

“Yes. I do not worry that she may betray a confidence or hear something I do not wish to have repeated.”

“My companion is Shannon and she hears exceptionally well. Anything one might wish to say to me can be said in front of Shannon. She only speaks to me.”

“Even when you are apart? How does she get things done if she does not speak?”

At that moment the waiter arrived. Ivan ordered for himself and for Pet. I ordered for me and turned to Shannon. She showed the menu to the waiter and pointed to the swordfish entre’. He nodded and asked, “Baked potato or rice?”

Shannon used her hands and showed him a baked potato. With each question she answered, without making a sound.

After the waiter was gone Ivan said, “Impressive. I Wondered if we would be discussing business at dinner tonight. I can see that it is safe to discuss whatever we wish.”

I know from my briefing that the hotel and the restaurant belonged to Ivan. Everyone within the building worked for him. I had noticed the waiter carried a concealed weapon, a 25 caliber pistol. I also knew that Ivan had the reputation for erasing people who were once his competitors. A year had been spend making this meeting possible. The file on Ivan probably weighed a pound. Our higher-ups hoped we would provide the final touches to the file.

By the end of that first dinner I knew Ivan wanted some time with Shannon and that he believed I wanted time with his Pet. We had also made a deal for our first business transaction. He wanted a specific piece of US computer equipment, made originally for the Air Force and hard to obtain. For my payment I had asked for eight kilos of a specific heroin, delivered to a facility in the USA.

Five days passed with Shannon and I acting as tourists while the computer moved half-way around the world and the drugs arrived in New Jersey. Ivan was good. Even knowing the drugs were coming our people couldn’t track them. I had Shannon pick up the package containing the computer device from the international terminal and we delivered it to Ivan’s import/export business.

The next week we did business again. More uncut drugs and more electronics. At the dinner including that transaction Ivan broke the subject he wanted next.

“Mr. Nick, our business is making us both rich men again. Rich men have certain tastes the common man cannot afford. The wine you and I share tonight cost three hundred dollars a bottle. It can be easily bought, if one has the money. Many of the things we like cannot be purchased so easily.”

“True. You are thinking of something specific you want. Something you believe I can provide.”

“The question is not if you can provide, but if you are willing.”

“Name the item.”

“Shannon.” For the first time since we met Pet’s eyes came up, just for a flicker of a second. She had flinched. She could hear, but had been trained not to react. Ivan had been looking at Shannon as he said her name and had missed Pet’s tell.

“And the terms?” I asked.

“A weekend with me. She will be returned in good condition. No permanent damage.”

“And, what do I get?”

“Pet and her sister. Same weekend, same conditions. Both are submissive and well trained. I have a dacha outside the city that you may use. It is far from the neighbors and quite quiet.”

“Shannon must be returned in good condition.”

“She will be. She may experience some pain, but no lasting damage.”

“I’m afraid I must refund. Pet is tempting, but Shannon has been trained without pain. She has been trained with deprivation and rewards. To give her to you, knowing she will be hurt would undo much of her training and conditioning.”

” I am Disappointed. However, I would still like to experience sex with her. Could you agree to a swap for one evening? No pain involved? Perhaps just a little bondage and allowing me to give her multiple orgasms?”

“That we can agree to. How about Friday evening? I need to leave on Saturday afternoon for a week and Shannon must be able to go with me. Therefore, she must be returned in very good health. Agreed?”

“Agreed.” I caught Shannon’s smile when Ivan agreed. I believed he would catch it too and think it was Shannon looking forward to being with him. I knew the smile was her believing we were one step closer to completion of the mission.

“When may I meet Pet’s sister?”

“Now, if you like.” He moved his hands together and Pet stood and moved away from the table. She left the room and when she came back she was followed by a slightly younger woman who indeed looked a lot like her.

Ivan said, “This is Two. She has a name but it is too difficult even for me to pronounce, so I call her Two.” His hands moved again and Two’s eyes widened. Pet turned to her sister and began undressing her. Two stood quietly and submissively by as her clothes were taken off. When she was nude I stood and examined her. Welts that were almost gone could still be seen on her back, ass and legs. She was a beautiful woman. Slender, with almost non-existent breasts, and blond hair. She was perhaps five foot six and weighed maybe a hundred and ten pounds.

“When will she have her next period?” I asked.

Ivan spoke in Russian and Two responded. “In one week.” He said.

“And Pet?”

“The same. They share a room in my home.”

“Can you have Pet strip?”

“Yes.” His hands motioned and Pet began removing her clothes. She was much the same as her sister except slightly heavier, and her breasts were also larger. Two would need to lie to fill an “A” cup. Pet easily would fill a “C” cup.

“They will do as I ask?”

“Without a doubt. They fear me more than they fear God.”

“To be fair, I need to show good faith. Shannon, please stand and take everything off.”

Shannon stood and did as I asked. Taller than both sisters Shannon also had larger breasts and three piercings. The pendant swung from her clip ring, catching the light and Ivan’s attention.

“Would you like me to leave the pendant hanging there?” I asked.

“It keeps her turned on all the time?”

“Yes, and she knows she will be punished if she cums without permission.”

“Punished how?”

“I will push her to the edge of cumming repeatedly and retreat for a full day. She will be crazy to obey me, crazy to cum at my command, long before I will allow it.”

“This has happened before?”

“Yes. When she first came to me she was quite headstrong. She was held at the edge of cumming for thirty-six hours before she surrendered. Being very intelligent, the lesson has not needed to be repeated.”

“Please, leave the pendant on her.”

I smiled. That was the plan. Leave the pendant on her.

The trade was made Friday at noon. We had lunch together and when the meal was served I asked Shannon if she had the thing I had asked her to bring. She reached inside herblouse, under her right breast and withdraw a small metal cylinder. Ivan’s attention was instantly focused on the cylinder.

Shannon opened the cylinder and two pills fell into her hand. She handed me one. I tossed it into my mouth and drank some water to wash it down. Ivan asked, “What are those pills?”

“You’ve heard of Viagra? These are the next step. Viagra comes with a warning. See your doctor if you have an erection that lasts more than four hours. These come with a guarantee of at least four hours of erection and at least four ejaculations.”

“No side effects?” He had scooted forward a little in his chair.

“One. Extra enjoyment. I find that for between four and six hours I am more sensitive and harder than normal. Oh, there is one other side effect. It takes the pill almost two hours to begin to work.”

Shannon had tucked the cylinder back in her blouse. I knew the cylinder had two ends. When she opened it the first time two pills had fallen out. Bothwere the same. My trust in Shannon to protect my life came down to her opening the right end of the cylinder. Ivan’s eyes were staring at her breast. I acted as if I had just had a thought.

“Ivan, I think Shannon brought two pills. Would you like the other one?”

“I’m considering your offer. If this is so good, why isn’t it on the market?”

“It has a less than one percent failure rate in testing. The company doesn’t want to release it until they can get that failure rate down under one half of one percent. I personally have never had a failure. Shannon has experienced a little dryness from prolonged fucking, but that was easily helped with a little lube.”

Shannon nodded.

Ivan decided. “I’ll accept your offer. Thank you.”

I nodded. Shannon retrieved the cylinder and opened it. A single pill fell into her hand. She handed it to Ivan. He washed the pill down with a swallow of water. I looked at the clock on the far wall and noted it was twelve-twenty. A man walked to our table and said something in Russian. Ivan stood and said, “Our cars are here. We should go. The car will bring us all back here for breakfast in the morning, in time to eat and still make your plane.”

We shook hands. I kissed Shannon and said, “Obey him as you would me, but do not fall in love with him.”

Shannon slipped me the cylinder as we kissed. I knew there had been three pills inside and now there was only one.


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