The Misadventures of Captain Carly Ch. 02

Captain Carly awoke to sunlight streaming through the window. Blinking she rolled and stretched as she came to.

The tug of the chains at her wrists and the bar holding her ankles apart suddenly brought the events of the day before back to her and her eyes snapped open.

With the sun now up Captain Carly was able to see properly where she was. Looking through the bars of her cage she looked at walls hung with different implements and devices, there were whips, paddles, the wooden ruler and leather strap from yesterday.

She also saw canes and other types of leather strap hanging there, as well as a riding crop. To the left of these were several things she could only assume were gags, different types of restraints, with a gap where presumably her leg restraints should be, and near the bottom of their wall a selection of different mechanical devices whose purpose she really didn’t want to imagine.

Looking at the things in the room Captain Carly realized she had clEarly fallen into the hands of a deviant and shivered slightly before she remembered that however deviant the Admiral was, her body had been treacheriously amenable to what had happened.

She moved her eyes back inside the cage to escape seeing the things around her and saw herself as she lay on the floor.

Her breasts were still out of the basque while her ruined panties were hanging round her ankle but what caught her eye most was the shiny wax spattered across her. She started to pull it off and the tender flesh underneath immediately protested.

Captain Carly hissed and stopped, she lay for a moment then resumed her task, determined to restore some semblance of her dignity.

Now cleaned of the wax Captain Carly carefully started to put herself back into her basque. Having to try and stuff them in from the top was never ideal and as she lifted the first one pain swelled inside it.

Proud as she was of her breasts, Captain Carly couldn’t help thinking that ifThey were smaller her task would be much easier, especially as she would swear they were swollen from the previous day’s abuse.

Captain Carly clenched her teeth and managed to get it away although it throbbed inside the restraints of her underwear. The second one followed until at least her top half was clothed but she was left with a constant reminder of the abuse they had received the day before.

She was appalled to find that in addition to having painful breasts, awakening that pain had also left her wet. To try and hide this even from herself she reached down for her panties, her hand brushing against her thighs.

The reddend flesh stung and her traitorous body responded by stiffening her nipples, pushing them firmly against the cups of her basque and eliciting another gasp. Captain Carly resolutely reached down and grabbed her knickers, drawing them back up.

As her hands came back up her legs she paused for a moment, then cautiously ran one set of fingerprintnailsover her thigh.

Five trails of pain sprouted but she was amazed to find a thrill of pleasure accompanying them. Pressing harder she brought her fingers back down and felt the pain and pleasure both increase. She dragged her nails back up again and let her other hand drift into the blond hair between her legs.

Captain Carly could not believe the way her body was responding. She looked at the shiny patches where the wax had landed and thought of how the burning had felt as she came. The hand between her legs started to run down into her wetness when she heard the door handle behind her head.

Quickly grabbing her knickers, Captain Carly pulled them up to where they should have sat and held the torn edges together as the door opened. Looking back and up, and feeling her sore bottom as it pressed into the hard, wooden deck, she saw the Admiral come through the doorway.

“You’re awake,” he smiled, “that’s good. Now let’s get you out of there and we can see what we’re going to do today.”

Walking to the door of the cage, the Admiral crouched and unlocked it. He swung it back and stepped away, starting to walk back into his cabin.

“Come on then.”

Glowering, Captain Carly crawled out from the cage and stood, making sure to keep hold of the slit panties so they stayed in place as she rose. She walked through to the cabin after the Admiral and saw him sitting down behind his desk. Fixing a determined look on her face she walked as firmly she could in front of his desk and turned to look at him, mustering as much composition as she could while standing in her ruined underwear, covered in the marks of yesterday.

“I hope you slept well my little Carly, I want you all refreshed for our fun.” The admiral spoke with a smile and leant back into his chair as he did so. “There’s water there if you’d like some?”

He pointed to a tankard sitting on his desk and Captain Carly stepped forward, closed her legs as tightly as she could and picked up the tankard. She felt the cut ends fall away from her tigh as she drank deeply then returned the tank to the desk but fortunately the majority of them stayed in place as she stepped back and grabbed the ends together again.

“The other Captains will come for me you know. You may have managed to beat us one on one but you’re alone and the others will bring a pirate fleet to free me! Your days are numbered Admiral, and I look forward to seeing you in chains.”

“Oh,” he said, “Captain Carly”. His face darkened and he almost spat the title before her name. “I had hoped that after yesterday you understand your situation and our relationship. Apparently I was too soft in giving you what you wanted at the end.”

Captain Carly felt herself colouring as he spoke about her orgasm but she forced herself to hold his gaze and keep her face stern.

“Very well Captain, why don’t we go and discuss your thoughts further.” He stood from behind his desk and rapidly walked into the room Captain Carly had been kept in. She watched him go and saw him bend to open a chest under the window that she hadn’t noticed.

While his back was turned she looked around for any kind of weapon but the best she could see was the tankard on the desk and she wasn’t sure that would be much use, especially in her current state of restraint. As he turned back and came towards her she glanced out of the huge windows Behind her desk in the vain hope that they might be down low enough that she could try jumping. The land went by far below.

The admiral came back into the cabin holding a length of chain, the steel links looking sturdy although not particularly large; it was almost delicious she thought. He was threading one end through a loop at the other and stopped just out of arms reach.

“Put this round your neck.” He instructed as he held out the loop of chain to her.

She looked at it and then back up at him. She wondered if in taking the chain she could perhasps pull him off balance but she saw him standing with his legs slightly braced and realized it wasn’t happening. The chain hung from his hand between them.

“Captain, I thought we had established yesterday that you will, eventually, do as you are told. Your disobedience has been noted, so would you like to compound the issue by making me force this on to you?”

Captain Carly looked at the chain for another moment before reaching for it with her free hand. She placed it over her head and shivered as the cold metal settled on her shoulders. She looked back at the Admiral and stared at him in challenge as she held the tattered ends of her knickers.

He shook his head, “You’ll learn Captain.” Then he smiled wickedly. “Although I can’t say I’m entirely displeased that apparently you do so slowly. Come on then, let’s go on deck.”

He stepped towards the door out of the cabin and Captain Carly realized she would have to work hard to keep pace or the links of the chain would slide against each other and tighten round her throat.

Captain Carly was a tall women but she barely came to the Admiral’s shoulder and with her ankles hobbled by the bar she couldn’t keep pace with his huge stride. Even with the length of chain between them Captain Carly saw it come straight and felt the movement around her throat before the Admiral had gotten through the first door. Knowing she Couldn’t keep pace like this she realized there was only one option.


He stopped and looked back at her over his shoulder, doing nothing to hide the announcement on his face.

“I can’t keep up with the bar on.” She said.

“And?” was his only reply.

She looked at him as he stood there holding the chain teach. Any more than couple of steps and it would start closing Around her throat, before they reached the corridor she was sure she’d be choking if the bar stayed on. She hated having to do it, but given the conversations so far she saw only one serious option.

“Please will you take it off Admiral?” The shame of having to ask her captor caused her to break eye contact. She looked down and saw her cuffed hands and tethered ankles, the shame and helplessness intensifying. At all of this her body against rebelled against her mind and she felt herself getting wetter again.

There was silence for what seemed to Carly like an eternity and then she heard his voice.

“Since you asked appropriately I will. If you endeavour to take advantage of this, I will have you stripped naked and tied to the prow as a figurehead when we dock. Do you believe me?”

The idea caused a chill to run through her at the humiliation that would bring. As the chill hit her nipples however it started a counter wave of pleasure that intensified as it reached her wetness. Captain Carly gasped at the sensings. The time since her capture had shown the admiral to be a man of his word, however sick that word might be, so she had no doubts that hewould follow through with his threat. She kept her gaze on the ground as she answered.

“Yes admiral.”

Eyes down she heard him come back towards her and the chain linked against itself and stayed taught, she could only assume he was wrapping it round his hand and she realized not only was there his threat but if she tried to attack him he could choke her out.

Appalled as she was at her situation, Captain Carly wasn’t even surprised anymore as she felt a wet drop run down her reddened thigh. The helplessness was triggering yet more unwanted reactions from her body and she really wished she’d been left for just a few more minutes by herself.

The Admiral’s legs appeared in front of her and then she saw him bend down and reach for her ankle. He unlocked the bar on one side then reached over for the other. It flashed through her head that she could throw her knee into his head and knock him out and she felt her weight start to shift. She stopped herself, sure he’d be expecting it and that she would be punished again.

He unfasted the second ankle cuff and the bar dropped, allowing Carly to move her legs as she wanted again. He looked up into her eyes with a smile on his face.

“Good girl.”

He stood back up and started walking away, letting some of the chain fall behind him. Looking up in a daze Captain Carly stared at his back.

She Couldn’t believe it. She, the dread Captain Carly, had passed up a chance at escape. He could have been at her mercy and he hadn’t done a thing to stop her. It had all been her. What the hell was going on she wondered.

The chain started to go teach and Captain Carly started out of her reverie and moved to follow along, her hands still clutching the ruined panties to try and maintain at least a little dignity.

They went through the outer cabin and out into the corridor Captain Carly had come too in. Two Burly marines fell in behind them as they passed and Captain Carly felt herselfedden at the thought of them seeing her bruised and marked in her underwear. She could only imagine what her arse looked like after the beating it had been given and they had a perfect view of it as she was led along.

The reality that she was on display like this tripped another wave of pleasure in her groin and this time she moaned slightly. Clamping her mouth shut she was relieved to see that no one seemed to have noticed but she resolved to keep a tighter rein on herself.

Reaching the main deck Captain Carly felt herself go cold as she looked out onto the main deck of the airship.

She stopped in her tracks as she looked out at the deck bustling with uniformed airmen, the shadows of the gas bags moving slightly as they swwayed in the wind. He was taking her out there, where everyone would see her, would see what he had done to her.

The chain round her neck went taught as she stood, shocked into immability. The first link slipped through the loop before shenoticed but the second moving, tightening the hold on her throat, brought her back to reality. She had no choice, she’d missed her moment and now she had to go where he commented.

A third link was starting to slide and she felt the chain firm around her neck as she forced herself to anxious forwards onto the deck behind him. As she stepped out of the cabin she saw the Imperial ship close up for the first time. The decking was beautifully polished and there was intricate bright work around the upper deck cannon turrets.

Overhead the gasbags gleamed in the sun and she saw men currying between them as they went about their tasks to keep the ship airborne and speeding along.

Behind her the wall of the cabin she had left climbed to a quarter deck with stairs running down by the side rails. The Admiral had turned to the nearest set and led her up again.

As she followed behind she looked down at her bare feet to keep from seeing the men doubtless ogling her near naked body. She heard the cry of “Admiral on deck” and the stamp of men coming to attention as the Admiral reached the top of the stairs and then, in so very few steps, she herself was there.

The Admiral led her on as he started speaking and she found herself being led towards the middle of the deck.

“Good afternoon gentlemen. Captain Carly here has expressed the opinion that her mongrel friends will mount a rescue attempt with a grand pirate fleet. I felt it would be worth her while coming up here to consider her thoughts more fully.”

Captain Carly heard laughter and felt anger rise in her. Forgetting her state of undress and the marks of yesterday she looked up and glared at the men around her. It seemed all of the officers were present as she saw the uniforms of a captain, two commanders, four lieutenants, five marine officers and perhaps a dozen midshipmen.

The sight of the midshipmen brought her situation plumming back to her. They were clearly teenagers and thesight of a half-naked woman, especially one built like her, seemed to have struck them all like a thunderbolt.

They stood, unable to take their eyes off her, several actually standing with mouths open. Whilst this would usually have been very flattering, Captain Carly found that in her current situation she wanted to be anywhere else, especially as noticing their attention led to her noticing the attention of the men around her.

Whilst better at hiding it, clearly none of them were uninterested and she noticed them staring at her unexpectedly. Embarrassed to be seen as she was by these strangers, she felt colour rise in her cheeks even as her body responded with even more arousal. She glanced at her crotch, hoping that she hadn’t soaked through her panties but the dark patch spreading through them dashed her hopes and added yet more Crimson to her cheeks.

“Now Captain Carly”, she heard the Admiral says, “please feel free to look around for your pirate friends. Makesure to check all angles of approach and don’t feel that you need to rush, understanding your situation now is important and I want to make sure you do.”

Captain Carly looked at him and tried to ignore the others as he spoke.

“Unfortunately I don’t have the time to spend with you on this at the moment.” He looked around the group and his gaze settled on the youngest looking lieutenant who Captain Carly would have sworn was barely 21.

“Lieutenant, will you please do me the service of ensuring that Captain Carly here is taken to every point on deck and allowed the time to check for her compatriots. We don’t want her thinking we’re hiding them from her so you may take your time. I’m certain your Captain will excuse you to assist me in this.”

Captain Carly felt horror as she Realised what he had just said. She was to be paraded round the ship, in front of everyone on board, in her underwear, with his marks all over her. She couldn’t believe he was doing this, morethan that though, she could’t believe how much her body seemed to like the idea. The feelings her body was sending at her were demanding her attention in ways she couldn’t understand and didn’t want, but it was becoming difficult to ignore them.

“Of course sir, I am always happy to assist.” She saw the admiral hand over the end of the chain to the boy she was being given to and saw him secure his grip on it.

“Now you be sure and behave for the lieutenant my little Carly, you know what will happen if you don’t.”

Captain Carly looked from the lieutenant holding the chain back to the admiral and saw him grinning as she felt herself being led back down onto the deck, amongst the crew.

Captain Carly found herself in a daze as she was paraded round the ship. Her cheeses burned with shame at being forced to show herself like this to so many strangers but at the same time she found her crotch burning for exactly the same reason. The contrasting feelings clashing in her body left her adrift and the day burned onwards.

Walking down the corridor towards the admiral’s cabin Captain Carly found herself finally setting again. Her time on deck was still a blur and the only thing that came though clearly was that, other than her captured ship, they were alone in the sky.

Still firmly holding her chain the lieutenant knocked on the admiral’s door before opening it and leading Captain Carly inside.

Looking through the second door Captain Carly saw the Admiral sitting at his desk again, the top of it covered in things she couldn’t quite make out. The Admiral himself was looking towards them as they came through the outer cabin and Captain Carly found herself trying to avoid eye contact as she was led ever closer.

Quicker than she wished Captain Carly found herself standing again in front of the desk, the hook above her and the Admiral in front. The lieutenant held her chain as he came to attention.

“Sir, I have shown the prisoner all aspects of the surrounding environments. What are your orders now sir?”

Captain Carly couldn’t be sure but she thought there was a slightly hopeful tone to the lieutenant’s question and she wondered if being given to someone barely more than a child would be better or worse than being left to more of the Admiral’s Attentions.

Before she could decide however she found the Admiral removing any Relevance from her wonderings.

“Very good lieutenant. I will take charge of her from here and you may return to duty. If you could put her chain on the hook above you, you would be doing me a service before you depart. Do please ensure it is taut, we wouldn’t want this to look like some sort of merchant ship, would we?”

The lieutenant turned and reached up with her chain as he chuckled.

“Oh no sir, that would never do.”

Captain Carly followed the lieutenant’s hands as the chain went up and a link slipped over the tip of the hook. While he made sure she wasn’t being chased by the chain there was very little leeway and one wrong move could lead her into serious problems.

She looked back down to see the admiral watching her, no trace of humour on his face. His eyes stayed locked on her as he spoke to the lieutenant again.


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