I women in the morning feeling ever so slightly dazed. After a night filled with dreams of beautiful women in expensive and sexy evening gowns and a sense of general but vague excess. I had woken up surprised alone in my own bed. Feeling quite horny & very hungry for some reason. I thought I could smell cooking, meat being roasted, fresh bread and expensive coffee. And I thought I could hear giggling, women giggling softly. I shook my head and got out of bed. I could still hear & smell it, but it seemed distant and dreamlike, but it definitely seemed to be coming from the bathroom. I shook my head again trying to clear my head of my dreams lingering tendrils and stepped into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, & to get ready to go to work.
I just stood there astounded. In the large bathroom mirror there was an unfamiliar girl looking back at me. She was about 23 or so, and astonishingly beautiful, with long straight silent golden hair, so blonde it was nearly white,and the widest & deepest blue eyes I had ever seen. She was also naked and dabbing herself with makeup in what I supposed was the reverse of my mirror. Then she stopped and looked at me as open mouthed as I must have been. She reached out to touch the mirror seemingly bemused as the reflection didn’t seem to follow her movements. Her soft full lips parted pretty in curiosity. I heard the jangle of a tiny bell & looked down at her sweet full breasts in surprise. Her nipples were pierced and a tiny chain was held taut, by the swell of her breasts and her upturned pert nipples. On the thin chain, with its heart shaped links hung a tiny bell, swinging freely along the chain between her nipples. I saw the palm of her hand touch the surface of the mirror and then come through. But then as I reached out to touch her hand with mine. To lay my palm flat along hers. But just before I touched her hand with mine my own hand seemingly passed through the mirror too. With a warm slippery sensation and then I touched her. And suddenly I was looking back at my own reflection in the mirror. That was very weird, I told myself, I must have still been half sleep.
But then I looked back at the mirror, watching numbly & astonished as my reflection stepped back & away from the mirror. A smile on my lips as if suddenly unable to believe my luck. My reflection turned hastily and walked away from the mirror, stepping through the bathroom door and turning off the bathroom light before closing the bathroom door, plunging the mirror into darkness for a flicker of a second, before once again I was staring at the pretty girl in the mirror.
I felt a gentle nudge at the side of me and heard the jangle of bells. Still in shock I looked down then around at the flash of yellow a the fringe of my vision. Looking again at the mirror I saw it was my long blonde hair, and the bell that I had heard was my own hanging from my breast chain.
“emily he emily, anxious up and get ready.” I hear a whisper net to me, the soft voice feminine and anxious.
I looked round and looking at me was another pretty girl, kneeing next to me at the mirror. On the other side of me another girl. We were kneeling facing the mirrors squashed together a line of girls all busy with cosmetic trays.
I looked at her and opened my mouth as if to speak, but then no words seemed to come.
“Emily still thinking of the Masters bed, anxious up.” She was smiling.
“Yes, thank you.” I heard myself murmur, quite breathless.
She giggled as if in reply & I heard myself giggle too.
As I giggled I felt my head swim momentarily. I looked back in the mirror but it was still the pretty girl looking back at me, kneeing nude next to lots of other very pretty girls. My instincts or body seemed to take over, as my consciousness suffered with memories and familiarity. A familiarity & knowledge that wasn’t mine, but was mine as I had the curious sensing of being a passenger or being on auto pilot. Was I still dreaming it didn’t feel like I was, but. I lifted the blusher brush to my cheeks expertly brushing them softly & then down and around my breasts and belly, on my bottom with the soft brush too. Then just a hint of mascara & eyeliner applied lightly. Framing my deep blue eyes, widening them seemingly effortlessly & naturally. & then the lipstick deep and pink & the lip gloss Extremely glossy like a mirror or glass. On the surface it dried quickly but inside my lips it was moist & sticky, feeling quite obscenely slippery. I looked up again brushing my hair quickly. The other girls around me were already veiling themselves. I reached around my ears and found mine. Fastening the tiny slippery mouth veil across my lips. It was very glossy but completely see through too where it touched my skin. And especially across my lips. I gasped as it slipped across them my lips parting ever so tinily. The veil slipping inside the opening, maddeningly sensitive where it touched and glided across my lips. It was pink a very pale pink that I can only describe as a light candy pink that looked like it had some whitish clear liquid smeared across the surface of it. Like thinly smeared semen over fabric I thought with a start. I looked around myself at the other girls and their veils. They’re veils were equally lurid but of different soft pretty colours. We were all blondes. Blondes were usually confined to the club for domestic, service chores.
The brunettes, red heads and raven haired beauty were already out, rented to local businesses for a small fee, to perform the many tasks deemed suitable for women. They would return in the evening a small coin held in their mouths. Their rent was paid weekly, the coin in the mouth a half share of any tips accrued. One half to the owner of the business & one half for the club that owned us and them. Girls were punished if the tips were too small. Strictly & quite seriously by both the owner of the businesses &by the owners of the club. So girls quickly learned to always come back with good tips. There was always a great deal of anxiety about this as the Masters decided what was a good tip amount and what might have been accepted one day might lead to a whipping the next. Also the girls couldn’t count, were illiterate and had no knowledge of the coinage. The coins were tossed into a pot, they were a trifling amount really, but a trifling amount that could get an unfortunate girl a severe whipping.
“Hurry up pretty little bimbos”
I heard an authoritative voice behind me. A male voice. We all stood quickly. Before I stood I managed to catch a glimpse of the man behind me. Well of his lower legs and the black well wound riding crop swinging idly from his hands. I was suddenly very appreciate and eager to be quickly obedient.
“Hurry up and get serving the Masters their breakfasts”
“Yes Master, thank You Master.”
We all stood around him, nude and eager as he handed out tiny little silk aprons. Each one matching the colour of veils. They just about covered our breasts and public mounds. The aprons were fastened by the string around your neck across the back then tied the strings snugly underneath our breasts in a bow that could be simply tugged loose. You tied the strings quite snugly though so it lifted and plumped your cleavage pretty. The aprons left the back & our bottoms completely naked. As if to emphasise this he was patting our bottoms as we quickly ran to the kitchens. With either the flat of his palm or the tip of the whip. As I went to follow the other girls The man stopped me with a firm pat on my bottom curling his very large hand around and underneath them.
“Serve well and one of you pretty bimbos can fetch me my coffee later & suck my cock.” He said it too all of us but seemed to be looking down at me.
I suddenly felt extremely hot and moist between my thighs and incredibly vulnerable. I had felt aroused butNow I was immeasurably more aroused and afraid too.
“Yes Master, thank You Master.” I whispered, my voice very tight as I could feel my heart almost bursting in my throat.
He laughed and loudly slapped my bottom again anxious me and the rest of the girls to the kitchens.
The firm slap stung and smarted, I could feel tears just welling in my eyes. Confirming to me that I wasn’t dreaming, I was wide awake and here.
We tried to worry as best as we could but our ankles were chained in quite delicate but secure ankle bracelets with a short and equally obdurate 10 inch chain between the bracelets. The chains links were heart shaped like my breast chain, but the links were larger and it also had a bell swinging freely on it. All the girls had these ankle bracelets, however some girls had a tiny breast chain like myself whereas others had their nipples individually belled. The choice I’m assuming hadn’t been mine or theirs but seemed to suit them beautifully nonetheless. Although we were hobbled we still had to move quickly and this had the effect of making us feel quite breathless and anxious. As well as making our curvy bodies our sweet breasts bounce and jiggle with each step causing the bells to ring pretty.
In the kitchens there a couple of girls cooking & generally preparing food. Plates & platters of cooked meat & freshly baked bread. Pots of the most delicious coffee I had ever smelt. They weren’t wearing aprons but light cotton smocks already smeared with food.. They had very long straight dark hair and an air of superiority to us. We kept our eyes down & answered meekly to them as miss, yes miss, thank you miss. Though they were quite obviously servants just as we were, here they were in charge.
A couple of us were immediately stripped of their aprons and set to cleaning pots and pans. They looked utterly forlorn as they set about the huge & growing mound of washing. As if to emphasise this the two brunettes had short leavesr switches and didn’t hesitate to switch the unfortunate pair. In response the two blondes would cry out and reply eagerly, ‘yes miss thank you miss’ smiling though in tears.
What sort of a place was this? But I didn’t have time to wonder long as we were all quickly instructed to start carrying out food to the men. I looked around me at the other blondes, starting to carry out plates filled with delicious food.
In the main tabled area spatial and comfortable, groups of men were seated at various tables. The man with the whip was directing us. I was directed to one table with 4 men seated around it. They were well dressed and groomed. In I suppose smart casual wear. Tailored shirts & slacks highly pollished shoes and expensive looking jewellery and watches. Their clothes had been laundered and pressed perfectly by other girls as the men had slept
“Good morning Masters.” I said pretty, anxious to be pleasant, placing down the first plate.
The first man looked upbriefly as I put down his plate but didn’t reply, nor show even a flicker of interest in me. In fact none of them bothered to reply. Feeling small and humiliated I quickly went back to the kitchen for more plates of food & coffees. I had to carry each item of food individually & quickly to the men. Then stand unobtrusively to one side of the table waiting on them. They chatted and laughed confidently between themselves, Only pausing occasionally to snap their fingers at me with curt directions. The other girls & I were quite literally rushed off our feet running back and forth to the kitchens, with plates of food & coffee. As the men chatted I was aware that although I could understand the words. The language was English of sorts, but most of what they were discussing was incomprehensible to me. Business, politics current affairs We were being discussed. But I was entirely ignorant of such matters, even the terms meant nothing to me, except that it was important and the business of the men. I felt dumb and ignorant, such things were not for my pretty little head. I suddenly realized that I couldn’t even count the number of times I had been sent to the kitchens for more food, except that I had been sent many times.
The food looked absolutely delicious, everything from the bacon, the small steaks the sausages was of the finest quality, cooked & arranged on the plates to perfection. My mouth and nostrils were being tormented by the flavours. And the coffee smelt so fresh and delicious. The men consumed an awful lot of food, but looking at them all looked trim and healthy full of vitaminity. Looking at the girls serving so perfectly we were all beautiful & alive with health too.
When the men were finished eating & after I had cleared away the plates I was sent back to the kitchens for hot moist towels. With a Shock I realized that I was to wipe their hands for them as they held them out to me. I did so perfectly, keeping my eyes lowered respectfully. They didn’tThank me in the least, just waved me away when they were satisfied. Then they lit up cigarettes & I nearly swooned with the sudden craving. But I just stood there patiently waiting on them.
Finally after a few more coffees & smokes they looked as they were starting to stir. One of them snapped his fingers at me & I stepped forwards.
“Yes Master?” I said eagerly compliantly.
He cupped my bottom patting it. And said to the other seated men.
“Shall we give this slut a tip, for her service?”
“Why should we waste our coppers to spare her little bottom the leather.” One of them replied casually .
He & the other men laughed at me as I gasped softly with fright & felt myself pale.
The other man patted my bare bottom again.
“Open your pretty little mouth slut.” He told me.
“Yes Master.” I whispered.
He took a few cheap looking copper coins from his wallet and pushed them into my mouth, watching approvingly as my lips closed around them. Although I had no knowledge of currency I knew instinctively that the sum was paltry & virtually worthless to them.
“No need to thank us girl.” He smiled at me with my mouth full, patting my bottom more firmly this time. I had been dismissed.
I quickly went back to the Master with the whip, he was sitting watching the goings on. Kneeling before him he opened my mouth and examined them. He was patting the riding crop across his knees thoughtfully as he counted the coins.
“So few eminly?.” He enquired lifting my eyes to his.
I looked up frightened, realizing I had no idea of how much value the copper coins had or didn’t have.
He tossed the coins into the large brass pot on the floor besides him. Partially filled with the coins from the other girls. If the pot wasn’t satisfiedfactorily filled we would be punished. A couple or even all of us whipped with the crop. The pot was large and never looked particularly full. Then he smiled patted my head.
“Good girl emily, go and clean the tables.”
“Yes Master, thank You Master.” I cried out in relief.
Getting up quickly but gracefully to clear away the breakfast things. In the kitchen the two girls cleaning pans and now a mountain of plates were both now tearful. One of them was asking the other girls bringing in the plates.
“Where the Masters very handsome this morning?”
The girl being questioned, was smiling teasingly seemingly relishing the tiny bit of power, the information gave her.
“Oh yes they were so lisa.”
“Oh were they really?” She seemed so pathetic, jealous and anxious.
One of the dark haired girls came over and switched them both. They both squealed in surprise and pain.
“Back to your chores.” They were told sharply.
“Yes miss thanks you miss.” They both said together.
I realized that I had been watching them smugly, feeling quite superior as I listened to the exchange. But I had jumped too as they had been switched. I hurried on with my chores, anxious to avoid the switch.
We cleaned the tables and the eating area. Then poisoned the wooden tables with little more than our effort and tiny clothes. When we had finished the area looked like it had never even been used. The kitchens were spotless too. The two dark haired girls were busy preparing vegetables and meat for lunchtime. There was a large bucket of scraps. Large chunks of meat & nearly full sausages. I could feel my mouth watering. But this was not for us, neither was it for the dark haired girls, but simply to be discarded. The pleasures of good food & drink, leasurely breakfasts, cigarettes, like all other things including pretty girls like me were for the Masters enjoyment.
We were all summoned from the kitchens and set to other chores. The area of the club was very large and the leather chairs, occasional tables and hard floor tiles were to be scrubbed and polished, prepared for lunchtime. The girls were stripped of their aprons. Ihowever was left till last and the Master with the whip lifted my eyes to his & patted my flank with the whip.
“Go and fetch me a coffee and bring it to me outside emily.”
“Yes Master, thank You Master.” I whispered throatily, running swiftly back to the kitchens.
I could see the other girls looking at me jealously & approvingly out of the corners of their eyes.
The 2 brunettes in the kitchen were also I sensed jealous and a little disparaging.
“Hurry & go and please your Master little cocktoy, make sure He enjoys His coffee.”
I looked at them hesitantly for a second or two.
“Yes miss, thank you miss.” I replied submissively.
One of them smiled and stroked my hair, smoothing down my back. “Good girl emily.”
“Thank you miss.”
I took the coffee outside & through the club, where the other girls were already busy scrubbing & polishing. Stepping outside the club onto the veranda into the bright sunshine I was astonished.
Outside the club it was lovely. A small white stoned seaside town, with cobbled streets. The club was quite close to the sea I could see a beach below the veranda. Just off in the distance I could see a road with expensive, very expensive sports cars driving along it. To one side of the veranda there was an area of small shops and restaurants. All seemed to be staffed by pretty girls barefoot in very brief floral dresses. None of the girls were blondes and all seemed to be happy & contented to be working in the sun. They’re very few men about as it was still quite early. And when a man approached one of the stalls the girls would gather round him eagerly, but not crowding him. Anxious to be pleasant to him. On one such stall a couple of men were eating freshly grilled fish, the smell of which was delicious even from here. In a few places some of the Girls were sitting in the sun chatting, as they waited to serve. But as soon as a man even hinted at approaching them they became instantly obsequious and submissive. What sort of a place was this I wondered, & how wonderful it must be to be a man here.
But my body & my instincts knew exactly what sort of a place this was. & as if to emphasise this the man with the whip snapped his fingers almost impossiblely. Or was it his fingers snapping or the leather of the riding crop, the pleasure whip, on the side of his chair. I dropped to my knees I kept my eyes lowered below his belt as I knelt them looked up from him from my knees on the hard stone patio. With his coffee in both hands I lifted it across my belly and rolled it between my breasts causing my cleavage in the tight apron to swell and plump happily. Then I lifted the cup upwards to my lips, kissing just the very edge, or tip of the rim tenderly, softly, humbly. I feel a warm wave of submissive, loving desire to please him, wash over me. Originating from my belly, from an internal space between mythighs, deep inside me. Still trembling I lifted the cup upwards to him, looking up at him but keeping my gaze lowered submissively. Kneeling like this as he was seated above me, he seemed so big and powerful. So important & I felt utterly inferior to him.
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