The Mint – Day 07 – End of Book 01

The next morning, Katie was feeling a little sluggish due to the night’s drinking, but a hot shower helped her shake the remnants of the whiskey out of her body. As she enjoyed the steamy water course over her skin, she suddenly she heard the dorm’s loudspeaker.


Automatically, she dropped down under the warm water and brought her butt up into the required position.


As Katie went back to her shower, she noticed that Rodger, the physical trainer, was walking towards her. “Morning 3,” he greeted. “Congratulations on winning last night. I guess you’ll be getting a big night tonight.”

Katie smiled and nodded. “Thanks, I can hardly wait!”

“How’s your vagina doing, any cramping from yesterday?” Katie Shook her head. “Good. We’ll go easy again today, then after your playtime with B, we can push a little bit more. Is that okay with you?”

“Okay with me?” asked Katie as she turned off the shower and squeezed the water from herhair. “I don’t think I have much choice.”

“I was just being polite,” said Rodger. Katie smiled and rolled her eyes, but then recognized the simple courtesy. “Thanks for that.”

Rodger grinned, then grew a bit more serious. “There’s something else I needed to mention. Our relationship…” Katie’s eyesbrows lifted at his choice in words. “It has to be strictly platonic from now on. Since I’m your trainer now, I’m no longer allowed to have any sexual contact with you. They’re always afraid you girls will develop a relationship with male staff here and that could lead to some security issues.”

Rodger seemed almost sad at the prospect. Katie really didn’t much care one way or the other. Rodger was just another hard dick to service, and she felt closer to the other capives, but Rodger was being nice. “Oh, I see. That makes sense, I suppose. Well, that’s fine with me.”

This time, Katie clearly detected wistfulness in his voice. “I thought you’d say that. You’re drop dead gorgeous, lady, and so eminently fuckable. Ah, well.” He told, then helped Katie towel off. Afterward, he took her to the pussy strengthening contraction and coached her through her exercises.

As they finished up, Rodger gave her a speculative look. “You’re getting a little fond of this B, aren’t you?” Taken aback a bit by the question, Katie looked down. “That’s fine,” he continued. “They really don’t care if you developed close relationships with other students here. But let me tell you, if you like B, it’s extremely important that you keep your enthusiasm up for anyone else; for any other guy that comes your way and that includes us orderlies. Any sense that you’re becoming exclusive to one guy and they’ll cut you off from him. So if you want more time with B, the trick is, get enthusiastic about anyone else that comes your way, too.”

Katie nodded. “Thanks for the advice, Rodger. I appreciate it.”

That morning’s M session was a little different. Just prior to the session, three more orderlies showed up and the girls got into attention mode. Instead of giving them the normal “at ease” command, they were directed to “Stay in position and move your asses towards the video screen!”

The girls shuffled around into the required position. Soon, the video screen came down. Prominently displayed was a woman, with her ass up in the same position and a guy kneeing next to her. He was Troking her sex, his hand coming in from the rear side. What followed was a half-hour of various anal insertions; this finger, then that, with the orderlies walking among the girls, instructing, encouraging, petting and ass-poking. Katie noticed Robin was very attentive to the lesson, so as not to require any help from the orderlies, while other girls seem to deliberately screw up to get the orderlies’ attention.

After a delicious lunch—a chicken pesto sandwich with a side salad—the afternoon M session opened up. This session featured a Mediterranean-lookingfellow, with a Nordic-looking girl in his lap. His legs wrapped over her legs, pulling them apart. During the close-ups of his fingers on the girl’s pussy, Katie could not help but think about Rick touching her the other night, during the all night tease. She had to stifle her moaning to get through that session.

Afterward, Stacy turned to Katie. “Looking forward to your big night?” “You even have to ask?” Katie replied with a wink.

“That’s quite an accomplishment for a newbie to come out the major winner at poker night.”

“I’ve had some practice at it before.”

“Care to share a few hints? I could use an all night fuck session, too,” teased Stacey.

Katie smiled and shook her head. “And create more competition for me? I don’t think so.”

“I wonder how B will screw you,” Stacey pondered dreamily. “I wonder if he’ll take that hard cock of his and just rub it on your pussy for a while, while the hunger is building up for you to have him inside. I think he’ll tease you like that, what do you think?”

“I don’t think I need any teasing,” said Katie. “I’ll be more than ready to go.”

“He still might do it, just for fun.”

“I think he’s going to be ready to go, too,” argued Katie.

“Oh well, it’s a wonderful thought, isn’t it? Think about it! Just think about that cock just barely touching you between the legs and him holding off. You should put your legs on his shoulders while he screwing you.”


“Because he’s Kegel-trained too. I’m sure his cock will do a great G-spot tickling for you. Just put your legs on his shoulders, you’ll see. And later on you should enjoy a fuck from behind. And in the middle of the night, when you’re both Very sleepy, you kind of wake up a little bit and you feel him hard behind you, you pull his cock into you for a nice little sleepy fuck.”

Katie laughed. “Oh, shut up, will you? Let’s change the subject, or be quiet!”

“You’re getting horny, aren’t you?” Stacy teased.

“I think the operating word is hornier.”

“Did I make you wet?”

“No comment.”

“Let me see!” Stacy leaned eagerly towards her. “Let me see your pussy, open it up! Let’s see how wet you are.”

“No way!” Katie laughed again. “I’m not going to give you the satisfaction.”

Moments later, a couple orderlies came through and the ladies were called to attention. As Katie displayed her bottom, she heard X3 from nearby says to Stacy. “Yes, she’s quite wet! You can see the inside of her thighs glistening.”

Katie smiled and muttered back, “Gee, with friends like you guys, who need enemies?”

After they were at ease once again Stacy commented, “I wonder if the poker losers will get any extra punishment tonight?”

“Extra?” asked Katie.

“Yeah. Getting thumbed by a newbie could call for some extra. The guys can be pretty creative with making suggestions for extra penance.”

“Oh boy. I hope Y won’t be mad at me for that,” said Katie.

Stacy waved her hand. “Her growl is a lot bigger than her bite! Besides, she won’t really be mad at you, she’ll just pretend. She kind of likes spankings.”

After dinner that evening, Dick, Cocky and A came into the ladies dorm. They went over to Abby, Pussy and W and each one of them proceeded to put walking chains on the girls. They were the short walking chains, which forced the girls’ heads forward so they had to hobble. The guys jostled the three girls to the front of the room.

Dick picked up the mic. “Attention! It is now time to punish these horrible miscreants! Their crime is that, last night, they borrowed $2000 to play poker, knowing they are incompetent at playing and had no way of paying it back. How do you plead girls?” Dick lowered his voice and said, “Before you say a thing, I would advise you to plead guilty. If you plead anything else, you’ll still be found guilty and it’ll be held against you. How do you plead towards these horrible crimes?”

In unison, the three girls answered, “Guilty.”

“W, are you smiling?” asked Dick. W quickly looked down. “Do you think she was smiling?”

“Oh, she was smiling,” said A. “In fact, I think she was smiling.”

“Smirking? You’re undermining the dignity of these proceedings! W, you’ve been sentenced to 20 spanks in this room and 20 spanks in the boys’ dorm. I don’t think it’s enough, the way you guys are acting. You girls are so horny you probably like this, don’t you?”

Katie saw Abby smile before she answered, “Guilty.”

“You weren’t supposed to answer that, Y!” Abby looked down quickly. “Okay, time for a wet check.” Dick, A and Cocky each used a finger to test between Pussy’s, Abby’s and W’s legs, then held them up for all to see.



“Yes, mine’s wet too!”

Dick made a ‘tsk-tsk’ sound. “Can’t you girls ever control yourself?” The girls all murmured ‘guilty’ again and Dick shook his head. “These girls… They’re an embarrassment, a constant affront to the dignity of these proceedings! I think an extra couple of spankings are in order. What do the rest of you ladies think?” The girls started hooting.

Dick called over his shoulder, “Bring us some chairs!” Nookie, Cuny and Quimy hurried out with some chairs. The men sat and directed the girls over their knees.

“Spread ’em!” commanded Cocky. The three girls spread their legs as far as they could. “Let’s check their pussies again, make sure they’re wound up.” Katie watched as the three guys played with the wet pussies and squirming asses on their laps and soon even she was growing warm and achy down below.

“That’s enough!” Dick directed. “Time for the spankings!” Moments later, the dorm was filled with the sound of their hands connecting with the bare bottoms of the girls. The girls wiggled their legs and squealed loudly.

After about 10 spanks the guys jostled the girls into a standing position, bent over at their waists in the opposite direction. Wack, wack! It was an erotic sight, watching the girls’ bottoms turn a cherry-red and their pussies dripping juices down their thighs.

At the end of the proceedings, the guys let the girls stand up, but keep them with their butts facing the audience. Dick announced, “These are nice, pink bottoms they have now, aren’t they? I think we’ve done a really good job! How about giving us a cheer?” The dorm broke out in loud cheering.

Quimy approached Katie at her mat. “Time to get you into your walking chains. You’ll be going with these three to the boys’ dorm.”

Katie led the way to the other dorm in her regular walking chains, with the three puzzles hobbling behind her. Much of the administration staff turned out for the display. While Katie was left unmolested, the three others had to endure touches and pinches to their sore bottoms and assorted wet checks on the gauntlet between the two dorms.

As they entered the boys’ dorm, the guard there yelled, “ATTENTENT!” Soon all the guys in the room were on their backs, holding their dicks. It grew quiet for second.

Then Pussy started chanting, “Cock, cock, everywhere. But not a single dick with which to pair.” Giggling and laughter erupted.

“Quiet wenches!” ordered Cocky. “A, pinch Pussy’s butt.” A followed orders. “She didn’t squeal,” complained Cocky. “Try again.”

A responded, “Her ass is so muscular it is hard to give a good pinch.”

Cocky glowered at Pussy. “Hard ass, eh? Try lower on the bum, it should be softer there.”

That time, Pussy made a gratifying squeal. Cocky nodded his approval. “Gentlemen, these three ladies are here to get their due punishment. Girls, spread those legs and get your hands out in front of your pussy. This is the men’s dorm, they want to see you! They especially want to see your sex. Let me tell you guys, these are wet ones. They’re hot!” There was a murmur of approval through the dorm. “And this is our hero of the hour, 3Y! 3Y ended up taking $2000 and turning it into $6000, while these girls lost everything. Let’s hear it for 3Y!” Katie smiled as the guys started whooping and clapping. “Further to be honored today is B, 3Y’s choice with whom to spend the evening. B, you should be deeply honored that such a winner would pick you.”

“Oh, I am!” said Rick with a big grin on his handsome face. Katie was led over and seated next to Rick with her long chain quickly attached to the slider.

Dick piped up. “Now guys, I know some of you have suffered at the hands of these ladies.” There was a murmur of ascent. “So what we’re going to do is tie these ladies down between two guys who have been tormented by them. A3, will you tell the audience what you told me earlier about how Y tormented you?” Katie looked at Abby and saw her express a little concern on her face.

A3 cleared his throat and then spoke loudly. “Guys, you know those tease sessions where they put you between two girls and play with your cock all night? Oh, I’ve had them and I’ve had them from more than one of those girls, but this Y was the worst. Not only did she give me a number of dick spanks, but I was becoming for her to let me alone, to let me come, anything! That just seemed to encourage her to be even worse! I can’t describe you the many ways she played with my cock. But I so enjoyed the opportunity to spank her today. Revenge is sweet!”

“Thanks A3, that was a rousing speech! Cocky, would you do the honors of shackling down Y between A3 and A2?”

Soon all three girls were shackled down between a pair of guys. Katie watched as hands lifted and heard the ‘smacks’ as they connected with the upturned asses.

Dick interrupted the proceedings several times to egg them on. “Gentlemen, I hear the swatting but I don’t hear any noise from the ladies. I’m not sure you’re spanking hard enough!” The ladies cooperated by squealing. “Oh, don’t give me that, that’s fake squealing! You’re not even being spanked! Pathetic. Make sureThose spanks count, guys!” Finally, after several more minutes, the noisy session ended.

“That’s better. Those bottoms are nice and red,” criticized Dick. He looked over to the guard. “Would you mind getting some good video of that and transmitting it over to the girls’ dorm? Everybody should see these bottoms. I bet you they feel warm too! Now, I hope you girls have learned your lesson.” Three girls murmured their assent. “You know, it really should be humiliating for you. Not only did you lose, but you lost big time to a newbie. Shame, shame, shame.” Other voices echoed him and some men chuckled. Dick continued, “One more thing. There’s been a request in this room to add a little something to your evening here, so it has been decided that you’ll be flipped over and teased silly by the guys that spanked you.”

Abby’s head shot up. “That’s not fair! We’re upperclassmen! We don’t get teased like that anymore!”

“Well, that’s one of those rules that are made to be broken. InThis case, your pathetic poker playing has earned you a night of teasing. Let’s get them flipped over and you guys can start on ’em any time you want!”

Cocky butt in, “Since they are upper class people lets treat them special and bind their legs apart. Pussy is real muscle and might give you fits as you try and keep her legs open.”

The dorm erupted with hots of agreement and boos from the girls.

“Also,” continued Cocky, “We have some playths for you to enter the girls with. I will pass out electric toothbrushes with ultra-fine bristles, and as special treatment for Y who is reported to have been the innovator who added penis slapping to girls’ teasing sessions, I have deer suede floggers. These are great for pussy-teasing and every once in while may even sting.”

“Basstard!” yelled Abby.

Cocky cast a glance at Rick and gave him a thumbs-up. Rick smiled and then turned to Katie and gave her a wink.

Katie was in no mood for teasing. “Rick, I thinkI’ve had enough foreplay for about a hundred fucks. I just need you and I need you now!”

“Your wish is my command, beautiful lady.” She spread her legs as Rick rolled over to cover her with his warm, naked body. He didn’t both toying at the entrance to her sex, but plunged straight in. She gasped as she felt his hard shake push deep inside her sopping wet cunt.

“Oh, god! So good!” She quivered with pleasure.

“Mmm, I wanted this so damn bad, Katie,” Rick murmured, his lips playing against her throat. “You’re so velvety and warm inside.”

They both lay still together, savoring the moment. Then Rick worked his way up to her lips which opened immediately to accept the probe of his tongue. He started to move in and out, and she wrapped her legs around his back, Wanting him in a as far as he could go. Silky waves of pleasure washed through her as his cock stroked in and out. So good, so good! The pent-up lava of a week’s worth of teasing boiled towards the surface. Rick intensified his thrusting, clearly losing control of himself. His cock pounded her hard, hitting that sweet spot so deep inside. With a rush, her orgasm coursed through her, making her scream, her legs straighten, toes wiggling. So fucking intensity!

Just as she started to come down off the high, Rick stiffened, let out a yell and unloaded in her. Katie held Rick close to her as he spasmed again and again. Then, singing, she drifted into the bliss of the afterglow. She could vaguely make out Abby in the background, begging. “Please help me! Please, please, please!” And Pussy keening like some weird tropical bird in distress. Katie just smiled and snuggled with her lover. As the lights dimmed, they nodded off together.

Katie awoke to Rick nibbling her ear. “Hello, my sweet,” he whispered. “Wakey, wakey. We have a duty. We’re supposed to be the alarm clock that awakens the others to continue the torture session of your friends.”

Katie smiled, then prepared to pout. “Duty? Oh, so this is just a chore for you?”

“Well, there are fringe benefits, I suppose. One, is I really want to take you to that warm shower over there and feel what it is like to soap up your body. Two, I have been dying, absolutely dying to taste your sex. When I get you back to this place, that’s what’s going to happen.” Katie’s loins throbbed at that thought and she reached for Rick’s cheat and pulled him in for a kiss. With their chains gently chinking, they got up and made their way to the shower.

Afterward, as they tip-toed back to Rick’s mat, they had to step over the two guys with Pussy between them. Rick whispered to Katie, “Tickle his cock.” Katie’s eyes lifted. “I want them making some noise. I want to tell you something and I want their noise to cover it.”

B2 opened his eyes as his cock hardened under Katie’s tickling. Rick looked down, indicating with his head that he ought to be doing something with Pussy. B2 smiled and started gently touching Pussy’s tigh. Pussy’s protests soon woke B1 who joined B2 in teasing. Soon, Pussy was making her trademark keening, bird-like sounds.

Rick smiled, snuggled next to Katie and whispered in her ear. “It will be a lot easier for you to escape than me. I’ve got a military background, special forces training. They’re not going to give me the chances they’ll give you.” Katie surprised and touched Rick’s face, wishing that they could escape this place together. He placed his hand over hers. “You’re going to need to be tough, you know.”

“I think I am, I guess. I do work out, and I have some tae kwon do experience.”

“Good,” said Rick. “When the time comes, you need to be able to take a guy out. Kick him in the kneecap, dislocate it, he won’t be following you. When you finally make your move, after very, very careful planning, you need to be completely into it, one hundred percent.”

Katie nodded. “I know.”

“My family is rich,” continued Rick. “Go to them. I think we candraw a pattern of what type of people are likely to be buying us. I don’t think conventional law enforcement will be able to do it. Freelancers would be much more aggressive and properly motivated to do the paparazzi thing on these guys. A long distance photo of someone’s face connecting them with someone from this place can be enough to set things in motion. There’s an interaction, I believe, between the people that buy us. Sometimes it’s very strong, sometimes it’s very weak; but there aren’t too many points of separation from whoever buys you and whoever buys me. Unraveling one will give us the indication on who else is likely to be close enough to also be participating in this game.”


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