The Mint – Day 01


Part of the joy of writing this book has been the authors’ interactions. A certain delicious tension reconciling the feminine and masculine taste in erotica has often led to a creative fusion. Sometimes though, compromise was required; so we ask our readers to consider that fidelity to the plot demands the inclusion of various types of eroticism and some erotic scenes may be more enjoyed by members of the opposite sex.

Day 1

Katie shivered, stretching the sleepiness out of her limbs. The day was cool, overcast, promising of drizzle. At least that would minimize the traffic on the running paths. Holding her ankle, she pulled one leg then another tight against her buttocks. Leaning forward, she dangled her hands downward, gently rocking into a deeper bend till she was touching her toes. She straightened, twisted her torso to loosen her lower back; front, right, back, left, and forward again, displaying a gyrating female runner’s butt. At least the weatherr discovered the presence of on-looking males casting firm—and not so rich—glances in the direction of the unintentionally erotic display. Katie smiled, gathered her shiny dark hair into a pony-tail, secured it with a band and then set off on her run. The silk-lined sports bra she’d sprung for felt wonderful. It caresed rather than chafed her nipples. The memory of burning nips and sore breasts from lower quality bras had prompted her to spend the extra money on this higher-end one and it was money well-spent. The fabric felt amazing against her sensitive nipples. It was very pleasant, arousing even.

Hitting a steady 7 minute mile pace, Katie was relieved to see another woman pacing herself about 100 meters behind. The grey weather had chased all but the avid away, making the run through the empty park a little spooky.

Slowing for a slight decline and turn, Katie barely avoided running in to a male runner doubled over moaning.

She stopped. “Are you alright?” He didn’t answer, just held his stomach and moaned again. “Can I do anything?”

“My stomach… shooting pain…I feel like passing out. I’m going to try to stand. Hope I don’t disappoint.”

When he straightened and lost his balance, Katie stepped closer to grab him. With sudden speed, he grabbed the back of her neck and pushed a saturated cloth over her mouth. She tried to scream, but instead gagged on the sickening smell of the clothes. In the next instant, blackness claimed her.


The pacing female rounded the bend in the path. “Still clear, but we need to worry.” They drug Katie to an isolated opening. The man did the lifting while the woman arranged Katie into a fetal position inside a waiting laundry hamper. Donning green coveralls, the two guided the rolling hamper over the rough ground and into some bushes.

The female moved ahead. “It’s clear.” They guided the hamper over easier ground to a small clump of bushes on the perimeter of the park abutting an upscale neighborhood. She led the way while he dragged a camouflaged cover over the hamper. “All clear, van is 90 seconds out.” They moved the hamper onto an access sidewalk cutting between homes. Pulling off the cover, they pushed it into the hamper and moved briskly to the street. A cleaner’s van pulled up. The side door opened. Fifteen seconds later, the hamper was loaded and the van started its journey.


Katie felt as if she was awakening after a monumental college drinking session. Her head hurt and she felt woozy. Why am I sleeping with my knees to my chest? She tried to stretch, but the rough canvas of the hamper did not yield. What is this? She reached to touch the side of the enclosure and realized leather handcuffs encircled her wrists. Pushing with a foot, she discovered similar bondage on her ankles and a light chain between her legs, loosely attached to her handscuffs, linking the ankle and hand restraints. Panic gripped her and she screamed.

“Sleeping beauty has awoken,” came a voice, feminine yet precision.

“Where am I?” Katie shouted. “What are you doing to me? Let me go!”

“You will be told shortly. We are not allowed to talk to you other than to inform you that if you do not keep quiet we will gag you.”

“You can’t do this! Let me out now!”

“Final warning. Be quiet or I am coming back with a gag and a cattle prod to make you compliant.” The sound of electrical arcing and the smell of ozone reached Katie. She clenched her teeth. Oh my god, oh my god! This can’t be happening! Racing thoughts of any number of horrific fates awaiting her were blessedly cut short as the lingering effects of the chloral hydrate sucked her back into sleep.

The movement of the hamper as it rolled along uneven cement Awakened her. At first, she was again confused and disoriented, but then the terrifying realization that this was real and not a nightmare came crashing back hard enough to make her stomach lurch.

She struggled against the chains. “Let me out! What are you doing? Do you hear me? Let me out!”

The hamper kept moving and no one answered her cries. She heard the metallic scrape of a deadbolt and felt the hamper turn. Finally, it stopped. The blanket was removed and Katie blinked against the bright light to see two hooded males reaching down. Manhandled out of the hamper and onto wobbly legs, she realized she couldn’t straighten her back. The chain between her ankle and handcuffs forced her into a slouch. They shoved a hood over her head and roughly nudged her forward into a mincing perp walk.

Fear gave way to anger. “You fuckers! Let me go!” She couldn’t physically fight back, but she could give them a verbal beat-down. “Fucking inbred jerks without the balls to deal with a woman unless she’s chained! Cowards! Scumbag creeps!!” Her tirade went without response.

She heard a door open, then was pushed into the room and seated. She could feel the coolness of the metal chair through herthin runner’s outfit. Her hands were pulled to the side and she heard a lock clap them in place. The door banged shut and then silence.

As panic welled up within her, Katie briefly recalled a similar feeling when she was confronted by a federal prosecutor and an investigator from the Security and Exchange Commission. They’d blind-sided her with insider trading possessions. Facing loss of livelihood, embarrassment, and a potential prison sentence, she’d somehow found the internal resources to control her fear and go on the offensive. Forty-five minutes later the much humbler officials left her office. She had communicated logical deductions from open source information, making mincemeat of the insider trading charges. From this victory, Katie drew a steely resolve: I will not let fear control me. I have a brain and I will see these fuckers in jail.

She wasn’t sure how much time passed—10 minutes or an hour— before the door opened and shut again. The hood was removed and Katie took in a deep breath and looked around. She was in a plain, institutional olive-painted room with a metal table in front of her and an office chair on the other side.

A thin woman in a pressed khaki shirt and black slacks walked around behind the table and sat down. Katie looked upon the face of her captor for the first time. It was an elegant face with a hardness to it that spoke of authority. Her shiny dark brown hair Pulled seriously back in a tight bun. The woman’s hazel eyes surveyed her with detachment.

Katie swallowed the lump in her throat and lifted her chin. “Why am I here?”

“I am here to brief you. You may call me Justine.” Though conversational, her tone broke no argument. “I suggest you remain quiet and listen. If you interrupt, you will be gagged. Is that clear?”

Katie decided it was best not to push her luck. She sensed Justine wasn’t in the habit of making idle threats. “Yes.”

“You have been recruited into The Mint.”

Katie couldn’t contains her soft snort of derision. “Recruited? I’ve been kidnapped.”

Justine gave her a warning look. “We use the word recruited, my dear, and you will remain silent unless I ask for your input.” She folded her hands on the table in front of her and looked down her finely sculpted nose at Katie. “The sooner you realize your life is no longer your own, the quicker and easier the adjustment process will be. You are now property. You have a certain value. Without further inspection I estimate you are worth in your present state between 15,000 and 25,000 dollars. Here at The Mint your value will increase. Our graduates sell for 200,000 to 500,000 dollars. You will become a most sought-after prize, and whoever acquires you will likely take very good care of you. If we sold you as you are today, you would likely end up in a brother, subject to brutal coercion. Do you understand?”

Property? Sell? This was slave! She was a slave! “No! This is impossible! Let me go!” Instinctively, Katie tried to rise as she shouted, but her shadows cruelly reminded her of her helpless state.

Justine narrowed her eyes. Her beautifully sculpted lips thinned. “I know you understand me. Stop wasting my time with your useless demands or you will regret it, my dear.”

Katie took a calming breath. “I understand what you said, but it is so wrong-“

“Silence, girl!” Justine snapped, then replaced her cool demeanor. “The next step is processing and then you will be taken to the dorm to start your education. You have a choice. You can make this easy or hard. The results will be the same. If you choose hard, it will get progressively harder till you give in.” She put up a hand. “Don’t answer me now. I suggest that you get through processing and into the dorm before you make your decision. Am I understand?”

Deciding the woman’s advice was probably in her best interest at this point, Katie resigned herself to cooperation. For the time being, anyway. “I think so. What happens at processing?”

“You will be shown, followed by a medical inspection. We can’t have disease or pregnancy here, so a long-acting, under-the-skin contrastive will be administrator if you aren’t already using one. Then you will be required to sign some forms, and finally you will be outfitted. You will not be abused or used sexually during this process. You will behave at least until you get to the dorms. I would hate having to start you off with a shock collar.”

Shock collar? Like a dog! Fighting down outtrage, Katie calmly nodded. “I’ll behave.”

“Very good.” Justine rose, opened the door, and let in a dark-haired young man in scrubs. “This is Rodger. He will escort you from here. Obey him.”

Rodger released the lock on Katie’s side and helped her stand, then gently guided her as she perp-walked past Justine and down a hall. The dressing room leading to the shows reminded Katie of her high school. Rodger stopped her and told her to stand still while he fetched a pair of blunt scissors.

“What are those for?”

“You can’t wear your clothes during your shower.”

He was going to destroy her expensive new jogging ensemble! “But I can take them off.”

He shook his head. “Impossible. You are to be shackled at all times during processing. Not another word or we will have to take unpleasant measures.”

Rodger Proceeded to snip the back of Katie’s top and down the sleepes. He removed the top and her bra. Katie shuddered as her breasts were exposed. She suddenly felt very vulnerable. “No…” she moaned softly as Rodger cut into her running pants, but his sharp star silenced her.

Her pants came off and Katie bit her lip against another groan, embarrassed to be caught in the skimpy underwear she’d put on that morning. With a few expert snips, the underwear fall to the floor and Katie feel the air currents on her sensitive sex. She instinctively tried to cover her nakedness. Rodger pushed back her hands. He stared boldly at her trimmed bush, glistening with natural sheen and the effects of her exercise. Katie felt her face heat as Rodger bent towards it, stopped about six inches away and sniffed.

“Nice aroma you have, my dear.”

Katie stifled a sob.

Rodger smiled, then removed his scrubs to reveal an abbreviated swim suit barely containing a toned body. With a strong hand on Katie’s shoulder, he guided her into the shower room and under the spray. Although her humiliation, she found the pulsing warmth soothing as Rodger shampooed her hair, his expert hands massaging her head. When he finished, he picked up a bar of soap and worked a rich later on to her arms and legs. The soapy massage continued to her neck, back, tummy, and breasts. He lavished extra attention on her breasts and Katie’s disappoint returned. She closed her eyes, focused on her breathing to take her mind off how her nipples were hardening under his touch. She wasn’t supposed to be enjoying this. Finally, Rodger moved his hands downward.

“Pull your legs as far apart as the chain allows. Don’t make me ask twice.” His voice was gruff and Katie quickly compiled, not wanting to push her luck.

His soapy hand dipped between her legs and began rubbing the later through her labia. She caught her breath, unable to keep her inner muscles from clenching as her pussy was soaped in a very matter-of-fact manner. Rodger gave her a quick, knowing glance then slowed his movements, letting his fingers glide semiconductorly over her quivering flesh until— unable to help herself—Katie started to relax into the feeling. His soothing touch continued downward through the cleft of her perineum to her anus. She shuddered. Rodger smiled, his finger rimming her pumpering ass squeaky clean.

After a complete rinse, he guided her back into the locker room to dry her off. He expertly wrapped her hair in a towel, then removed the skimpy swim suit that did nothing to conceal his swollen cock. As his cock sprang free, Katie’s heart pounded. Was he going to force himself on her? She breathed a sight of relief when he quickly dried himself and pulled on a fresh swim suit and his scrubs. With a strong hand on her shoulder, he guided her towards the door.

Katie hesitated. “I need clothes, please.” His grip tightened painfully in warning. Biting her lip, she shuffled ahead naked. The hallway was empty until a door opened and a man and woman exited. They stopped to look at her.

The woman surveyed her dispatchionately. “Nice looking female unit. Is she cooperating?”

“So far, so good,” Rodger replied, then guided Katie through a door into a medical examination room. A woman in a nurse’s outfit with a name tag identifying her as Betty grabbed a clipboard from a tray on the wall. She quickly and efficiently guided Katie through a standard checkup, asking questions and scribbling on the clipboard.

“Are you currently using any birth control?”

“No,” she grudgingly answered. She wasn’t in a relationship at the moment, and her job left her little time for dating.

“Well, then. We’ll need to take care of that straight away. Rodger, go get Fred.” Then to Katie, “Honey, move over here and lie down on this table. As soon as we have two orderlies present we can proceed.”

Rodger returned with the other man and took up positions on either side of Katie. Then they grabbed her and pulled her downward so her bottom was half off the table. The nurse held her legs up while the men pulled a leather belt across Katie’s middle and secure her to the table. Then they pulled out the leg rests and unlocked her ankle bracelets. It felt good to be able to finally stretch out fully instead of being locked in a permanent crouch. But as her legs were quickly lifted and her feet strapped into the metal Stirrups at the end of the leg rests, Katie reddened in humiliation. With her legs played wide, her vagina and anus were obscenely exposed. The two men helped themselves to nice long looks at her gaping privates.

Betty moved across the room and retrieved some items from a cupboard, then returned with them on a tray. “Now, I’m going to numb up your skin with a little lidocaine, then make a tiny incision and insert this slow-release contrastive pellet. You’ll be good to go for as long as you’re here.”

With quick efficiency, she administratored the numbing agent and Then inserted the tiny pellet under the skin of her upper arm. “See, that wasn’t so bad. Now, onto the pelvic exam.”

Betty started the pelvic examination in the traditional way, very invasive and very through. It was nothing Katie hadn’t experienced many times in her annual appointments with her gynecologist. But when she pressed her latex-gloved finger on her anus, Katie couldn’t help jerking a bit in the Stirrups.

“Relax, honey.” Betty kept up the pressure on her tightly closed opening. “Push as if you are passing stool and it won’t hurt a bit.”

Katie felt her face burning as she looked at the two orders intently watch her exam. But she did as she was told and pushed back. It worked as promised and Betty’s finger made its way into her rectum.

The orderly named Fred leaned in for a closer look. “She good to go for anal?”

Anal? No way in hell! Katie’s mouth opened, but thankfully she caught Rodger’s gaze before her protest spilled out. His browser furrowed and he shook his head seriously. Katie clamped her mouth shut just in time.

Betty wiggled her finger around. “I don’t feel anything amiss, but of course we will have the doctor do a camera check first. I will schedule you for 10 days from now. Does that work for you, honey?” she asked with a smile.

Does it work for me? Like I have a choice? This time, Katie couldn’t contain herself. “No, it doesn’t work for me, you bitch.”

Rodger grabbed Katie’s shoulder and squeezed tightly. “Shut the fuck up, right now. I’ll let it pass because you were provoked. But from now on,You answer with a ‘yes ma’am’ or stay silent.”

Katie gasped as Betty shoved her finger in to the max and vigorously twisted it, stretching her poor sphincter muscles.

Smirking again, Betty pulled her finger out and stood. “That’s it for now. Go ahead and put her into her outfit.” Katie tightened her lips. Bitch.

From a neary drawer, Fred retrieved a length of flexible belt material made of braided metal. After measuring Katie’s ankles, wrists, and neck, Rodger cut five lengths of belt. Sliding two D-rings on a belt, they wrapped it around her ankle. Using a piece of equipment, Rodger attached a jaw-type design that held the belt in place. Betty moved in and placed a moist clothes under the jawed intersection.

“Fire in the hole!” yelled Rodger as he depressed a button. The metal band around her ankle grow quite warm and the moist clothes sizzled. Nurse Betty then sprayed the band and it cooled.

Katie looked down and saw they had welded a flexible metal bracelet to her ankle. This is it! It’s permanent! Tears formed in her eyes.

“There, there, dear. That didn’t hurt at all.” Betty dabbed Katie’s eyes with a tissue.

The other ankle followed and then the neck. Betty seemed a little slow cooling the neck bracelet and Katie yelped at the heat burning her throat before Betty sprayed it down.

Betty grasped Katie’s jaw and forced her to look her in the face. “That, honey, is a little taste of hurt. You be good now.”

Rodger moved down and secured each of the old wrist cuffs to two short pieces of chain that were fastened to the side of the bed. Only then did he remove the padlock holding her wrists together. He handed the lock and cord to Fred. “Could you cut a chain two inches shorter than this cord?”

Fred nodded. “Sure.”

Nurse Betty turned a handle on the exam table and Katie felt her legs close to about twelve inches at the ankles. She feel a bit of relief. At least her pussy and ass weren’t as lewdly exposed.

The relief, however, did not last. Betty pulled a chain thru the D-rings on her ankle bracelets and locked it to the longer piece Fred supplied. “Ready to release left arm.”

Fred grabbed Katie’s left arm with both hands while Betty released the lock. Pulled straight, Katie’s forearm was strapped down, the old cuff was removed and a new one was welded on. Soon the right wrist had a permanent bracelet, too.


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