Your Visit Ch. 01

It is Monday morning and a package is delivered to your office addressed to you. As you open the package with no return address of any kind the first thing you see is the photo of the cum faced girl. Now you know who sent the package as you pull out the picture and slide it quickly in your drawer so one can see it. Next you see a white sleepen blouse, a black skirt, thigh high black, a tall pair of spiked heels looking to be around five or six inches high tall and last a pair of panties that looks like it has a vibrating egg sewn just where your clip may touch the panty. Below the clothes is an airline ticket to San Diego for Friday night and a note. “Bitch you know you are all gooey right now think of how gooey you will be this weekend. See you by the baggage pickup pillar “C” and Only where what I sent you. You may bring your tooth brush if you wish but nothing more.”

After reading the note you shut the box real quickly putting it under your desk so that you do not give anyonea reason to ask what is in the box and who is the box from. You sit there for a second thinking Patrick is such an ass, shit who does Master think he is? What Master no get that out of my mind Patrick knows I will not go and see him. He is a great guy and if I was not married hmmm. No stop let me send him a nice e-mail politely saying no way sorry.

My dear Master (should I say Master or Patrick) I am sorry but you know I cannot join you I have plans. I what to (no do not type (what to) I mean I have so much going on that it is impossible. Sorry but I hope you understand.


You hit send and think shit why did I sign it as fluffy my slave name I should have signed my real name to make my point. Well back to work and you open the draw to get your paper work out with the cum face staring at you. You work on your paper work drinking some water as you do which after a while you feel you have to go to the bathroom.

Before you go to the bathroom you kick the box under your desk and think did Master reply. Opening your yahoo to see nothing but junk, shit I am sure he has read my e-mail by now. Kicking the box again your mind go back to the picture in the drawer. Ok picture I hear you yes I will bring you to the bathroom. So you slide the photo in a folder making sure no one sees it and off you go.

Once in the stall sitting down you stare at the picture as your bladder lets go. The stories of Master and the golden shows come so clear in your mind. Crap what is he thinking you cannot help but touch yourself after peeing and touch your very tingly clip. Your mind turns in to a theater of movies all of bondage and cum. every movie is going at fast speed, cum flying all over and all of the cum seems to land on you. You look down and now see your face in the picture all full of cum. Aww you cum and your voice echoes in the stall. Shit did anyone hear me? Dam Master why did he do this to me.

Cleaning up quickly you go back to your desk andcheck for mail again. Still nothing, Master I hate you; you made me cum very load as I went to the bathroom. Thanks!


Send there that should make Patrick I mean Master hot knowing I came for him. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If he wants me hot I shall make him just as hot. Kick of the box oh shit I have to get rid of this box. Well the clothes look nice maybe I will try the blouse and skirt on to see if they fit.

You work late again you’re the last one in the office. Which today is good for now you can take the picture and box home without anyone knowing you even got the package. The picture comes out of the draw and wow it does look so hot dam Master. In the box it goes. Your not really tired yet you cannot wait to get home for the hot bath is calling you. Setting the alarm and off you go.

You park your car and are very happy to see the blue light of the TV in Richard’s mom and dads room on. It will make it much easier to bring the box in without questions. Once in your room you throw the box on the bed and what a surprise the lid opens to her, which she is again almost staring at you. You can almost hear her moaning and your not sure if it is from pain or pleasure. Annette stop takes your bath and stop thinking.

You pour the water extra hot and start to remove your clothes. The red marks under each breast seems very red and itchy so You cup them rubbing out the itchiness yet making each nipple stand out taller. As your cup each breast you cannot help but put your thumb and finger around each nipple lightly pinching them at first, which only makes you hotter. Then you pinch both very hard to stop your mind from thinking. But instead of stopping your mind you see this faceless man pinching them so hard without any thought of the pain you are feeling. Awww good that hurts then your mind comes back to reality seeing you are the one pinching. So you stop dam him you remove the panties seeing red marks again you rub fast but not wishing to touch any place that would excite you more.

Looking in the mirror you start to see light stubble around your pussy and so you know you must shake for by now it feels really good to be sad. You think Patrick you planned this entirely you ass. The water is very hot almost to hot but you feel it may help your mind get off of the ideas that keep flying.

It does help some for it is almost like little needs being pushed in your body. You shake making sure you do not touch any part of your body which may turn you on. Yet this faceless guy keeps showing himself standing over you watching so close what you are doing. It is Richard yes it is Richard watching me, closing your eyes trying to see Richard standing watching you yet his face never appears. Fuck I am tired I am going to let the water out and go to bed. As the water runs out of the tub you dry off looking in the mirror as you dry off you cannot help but see how puff your pussy lips look and as you look closely you see the wetness forming.

Shit Annette stop you reach down trying to whip the wetness away yet all it does is exciting you more and this faceless guy comes back in to view. Ok I will cum once for you Master but only once are you happy now? There you are in the bathroom and you remember how Master told you in an e-mail how he masturbated to the idea of ​​you holding the tank of the toilet and fucked you. So with your left hand holding the tank you reach with your right touching my pussy god Master fuck me Master fuck me hard you cum quickly and it feel good. Ok enough I am going to bed.

As you walk in the room you see the box and that girl still moaning. I am so sick to love that photo so much yet I do? Ok before bed let me see if the blouse and skirt fits I will though away the rest on the way to work. The blouse feels really nice on your bare nipples as it fits and looks great. Now the skirt hmm it fits plus looks great also, and then the voice pops in yourhead “the rest bitch”. You say softly so not to be heard “ok Master I will try it on but it is going in the trash tomorrow.” You put on the stocking, heels and before you put the panty with the egg shape on you look for the switch to turn it on. You turn it on yet nothing happens “haha Master it does not work. Shit maybe no battery.” You check and it is there “haha Master it is broken.” Which kind of make you smile so you put it on and the egg does rest right on your clip.

Looking in the mirror you see a very hot woman, no more like a high-class hooker. Master you do have good taste in clothes for me to bad you will never see me in it. Then you see this faceless guy again. Those tall heels make your legs look so firm and your nipples are poking out like two pebbles in the blouse. Looking at the clock you see it is close to 1am shit I need sleep.

So you undress quickly and slip under the covers. It seems every time you close your eyes this faceless man keeps popping in yourmind. You remember the first time you used your large toy and how good yet bad it felt. You remember how wet you got with it in you. How the pain was strong yet the pleasure was stronger. You open you legs STOP please STOP MASTER I MEAN IT. You touch yourself and god your as wet or wetter then the first time ok, ok I will cum for you as long as you let me sleep after we are done.

You take out your toys, first using the small toys but you grew tired of them quickly and the voice keeps come back “Fuck your Master show him you’re his bitch, show him your his bitch in heat that needs his cock.” AAAWWWW you did not even realize that you now have the big toy in hand and it is being pushed in deep. The pain no the pleasure god pain AAAWWW more pleasure Master please, please I need it so bad. AAAWWW more please Master, MASTER, MASTER may I cum please dear god MASTERRRR please let me cum. Then you hear a voice cum fluffy CUM NOW. It echoes in your head as your orgasm exploits.

Exhausted you rest for a while with the big toy still in tell finely you have enough strength to remove it with a small popping sound. Master thank you, you hear yourself say as you drift off to sleep.

Your loving Master


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