Sarah woke on the same camp stretcher she had been sleeping on for the last few months. In the same room she had lived in for the same time, a room in which she had become very familiar. The room was large, large enough for four people and several devices. In one corner was her bed, in another a well-used professional treadmill, another contained a soft floor mat and the final corner hold an exposed toilet and bathroom equipment. The room also had exactly three stools, each with a complicated machine of tubes and pumps next to it. The final pieces of equipment were three specially designed tables that stood need Sarah’s bed.
There was also a door.Sarah didn’t think of the door much. It hadn’t been opened since her very first days there and Sarah had no idea when it was might open again.
Sarah was a Prisoner. Kidnapped from an unusual club she was visiting with a date, a man she had met online. Sarah had talked to this man and found herself agreeing to go with him to aclub. She had been bored with the men she had been dating lately, but something about this man Sarah found very attractive. Something about his confidence and the way he held himself. He had promised her a good time and a new experience, one that she would never forget. Now, of course, Sarah could see she had been tricked into a trap. A trap she had willingly walked into.
Even so, Sarah knew she was lucky not to be one of the other three girls in the room. At least Sarah had the freedom to move her arms. She was also not gagged twenty four hours a day. Sleeping was better as well, Sarah didn’t have to sleep in a limited position with a large plug in her arse. In fact the other girls were unable to sleep at all without the plug.
Thingking of the others Sarah witnessed to herself. It was time to get them up. They would need toileting, cleaning and feeding. She needed breakfast herself as well. The girls first orgasm would have to wait as well, unless something started during herbreakfast.
Sarah walked to the first girl, ‘Brown’ she called her, named after the colour of her hair. The other girls were Red and Black. Sarah didn’t know their real names and as they have been gagged since she arrived here they had never had a chance to tell. She sometimes found herself just staring at the gags, large red balls secured with thick leather straps around and over their heads, and wondering What that must be like. She could only imagine how their jaws must have ached when they first started wearing them, but at some time they had adjusted to their fate.
Brown was lying, strapped down on her back, on wait high table. Although Sarah couldn’t see from above, she knew the girls arms were trapped together behind in an elbow high leather mono-glove. The table had a hollow in the middle positioned so the girl could still lie flat on her back. She was completely naked, just as Sarah was herself, the main difference was Brown’s large full breasts. Sarah operated a lEaver to tilt the table to standing position then undid the straws and supported Brown as she stepped away. That wasn’t as easy as it sounds, a large plug was built into the table. It had a small shake and a much larger head. Brown had to move forward carefully to extract herself, the plugs large head stretching her arse wide as it came out.
Expecting follows through after a night plugged, Sarah lead the girl quickly to the toilet. After Brown saved herself Sarah leaned her belly down on the cleaning table and wiped her clean with a wet clothes. Brown didn’t resist or cause trouble, she had been through this same procedure many times as well. Sarah paid careful attention to her pussy, after cleaning she would get another wet clothes and open Brown’s lips and clean inside and around any folders of skin, she would always end with the clip exposing it and cleaning around and under the hood.
This time Sarah noticed Brown’s breath start to get deeper as she worked. Good, she thoughtto herself, if I can get Brown knocked over straight away it would save her the effort later. The others girls would just have to wait until they were finished. This was one of the reasons Brown had become her favourite, she was easy to get warmed up. The other two girls took more time and work to bring them to orgasm. Red in particular would sometimes be unable to cum even once, let alone twice in the one day. Those were bad days, the man who had placed them on this room didn’t take well to assigned tasks not being completed.
“Well, at least I can count on you beautiful.” Sarah whispered into Brown’s ear as she dropped the clothes and drove two fingers into her already wet push.
Brown gave a little grazp, as much as she could through the gag, and started to push back against Sarah’s hand as she worked Her fingers in and out. Sarah was sure that Brown understands they all would be punished if tasks were not complete and did everything she could to help. Not that it seemed hard for Brown, often in the morning she women horny and ready to go. Sarah barely having to touch her to put her over the edge. Sarah guessed that the butt plug was a turn on for Brown, it seemed to flick a switch.
Moving her fingers from thrusting to Brown’s clip directly, Sarah rubbed roughly as she knew that was effective. Brown started to moan as Sarah detected a light sheen of sweat on her body Signalling that she was close. Ready for that sign, Sarah pushed the thumb of her other hand into Brown’s arse, hardly finding resistance on the way in. That was all it took for Brown to go over the edge. She came hard with Sarah holding her hands against and in her until it was over.
The monitoring collar around the neck of Brown was flashing a blue light, Sarah guessed it was reporting back to its control what had Just happened. The collar around her own neck would not report anything until she experienced her own first orgasm of the day. Sarah gave small shiver of fear, the collars did more than report. If she could’t get Red to cum twice today she would experience its other use tonight. Sarah frowned, she didn’t intend for that to happen. Red was going to have to learn to accept her fate.
Sarah gave Brown another quick wipe down and gave her a small hug. Their breasts pressed firmly against each other.
“Thanks Brown,” she said “I’ll try and make your next one special.”
Brown nuzzled against Sarah’s shoulder for a moment in response. Sarah noticed Brown’s breasts already starting to leak milk and hear in own stomach rubble. Get the other two girls up, she thought, then breakfast.
Soon Sarah had Red and Black up from their tables and cleaned. Neither girl had responded at all to her rubbing, Sarah didn’t worry about it for the moment, better to get everyone feed and have a fully belly herself. Then she could put the time into the girls orgasms.
“Feeding time girls!” Sarah called clapping her hand against her tigh, almost as ifshe was calling a pet.
The three girls started moving towards their feeding stations. Sarah felt a moment of guilt for acting like that. She didn’t intend to, when she first found herself in this room and being taught her duties she tried to connect with the girls like people. But as time went on she found herself thinking of them more as something less than human, almost like pets. Pets she had to feed twice a day. Pets that made a mess each time they used the toilet that she had to clean up. Pets that needed her for all their needs. Not that they could help it Sarah knew, with their arms bound permanently behind them and gags that never came out, they were limited in what they could do and how they could communicate.
The girls each sat on a stool and Sarah, moving quickly with experience, started setting up the PEG feeding equipment for each one. Each girl had a tube inserted in her stomach and, after warming the liquid for the feed, Sarah took the cap of the tube and connected the feeding hose. Then she turned on the machine that would slowly pump the balance feed directly into the girls stomach. Sarah had been horrified when she first saw this, but realized that it had been necessary so the gags would never have to be removed. She was familiar with it now and didn’t think twice and she connected everything up, thankful she didn’t have to feed this way herself. She had a liquid Only diet as well, but at least she was able to feed herself.
With each of the girls now connected and being fed, Sarah realized how hungry she was. She moved in front of Brown and knelt down between her legs. Sarah held one of Brown’s swollen breasts in her hands for a moment before drawing the nipple and a sizable part of the title into her mouth. Sarah started to suck and almost at once her mouth was full of milk. Swallowing it down Sarah got into the motion of draining Brown’s breast. When she sensed it was starting to run low she quickly switched to the other.
Sarah loved this, she felt herself growing wet between her legs as she fed. Still sucking on Brown’s second breast Sarah started to gently rub herself at the same time.
“Thanks for that.” She said, finishing the breast and giving Brown smile and pat on the cheek.
Sarah moved to Black next and quickly finished both breasts, still rubbing herself as she went. Black’s milk ran the fastest and Sarah actually found herself sometimes using her for a quick snack during the day. Black didn’t show enjoyment or displeasure, she seemed to follow directions without complaint and, with a little bit of work, Sarah could bring her to climax.
Red however was a different story. Red still seemed to be resisting her life as human milking cow. Not that Sarah could really blow her, but there wasn’t much else they could do about if they both were to survive. By being stubborn about everything she was just making everything difficult for Sarah. If Sarah couldn’t compete her tasks, which atthe moment was simply to get each girl to have two orgasms a day, then she was punished. Many days Sarah had not been able to get Red to cum and her collar had administrator electric shocks at night. Not Red’s collar, just Sarah’s. Red not being able to cum was apparently Sarah’s responsibility. Sarah felt a flash of anger at that thought.
Red’s PEG feed was finished so Sarah disconnected the machine. She was still turned on and decided to finish while sucking on Red’s breasts and damn it if she wasn’t going to get Red off at the same time. Or at least make her wish she would. Today was going to be different Sarah thought, if she was going to be paid then, for a change, Red was going to experience punishment as well.
Red was looking up at her, probably wondering why Sarah hadn’t started to feed yet. Sarah looked at her and shook her head while she disconnected the other girls from their machines.
“Not yet Red,” she said “I’m going to try something a little differentt. See if we cannot make this work for us both. Come with me to the mat.”
Sarah stood in front of Red, waiting for her to get up. Even angry she had to admit this girls body, she was attractive with a slim wait and long shaped legs. Sarah was sure her breasts would have been large and firm even before they were full of milk. And that milk, Sarah didn’t know why, but Red’s milk was the best. As much as she loved Brown, and enjoyed Black’s milk and compliance, Sarah just loved the taste of Red’s milk. For some reason Red’s resistance only increased Sarah’s desire.
Red continued to sit and look up at Sarah, a defiant look in her eyes. Sarah suddenly realized she stood at a crossroads, always in the past if Red had resisted too much Sarah had backed down. Or changed the request. Probably because Sarah had always felt guilty for the position they were all in. Sarah was a prisoner here herself, what right had she to demand things of the others. At least that is how she used tothink. Last night Sarah’s collar had continued to administrator shocks for hours because of Red. Today Sarah realized she didn’t want to be punished because of Red. Today was going to be different.
Sarah grabbed a fistful of Red’s hairs and dragged her to her feet.
“That is the very last time you will refuse me.” Sarah hissed into Red’s face. “I am completely over your shit! It is time you learned your place!”
Sarah stormed to the corner of the room that had a rubber map on the floor. She held Red’s head down and made her walk bent over. The other girls, even Black, were staring wide eyed at her but Sarah ignored them. She throw Red forward and down onto the mat. With her arms bound behind her, Red fell heavily to the ground. Sarah stood over her looking down.
“Feed me bitch!” She said as she dropped to her knees straddling Red’s body.
Sarah rolled Red roughly onto her back and put her mouth over her ripe breast and sucked hard. Her mouth filled with sweet milk and Sarah swallowed and sucked again, this time biting at the same time. Red kicked and bucked under her but Sarah kept her pinned down with her body. As she drank she reached down between Red’s legs, feeling for her pussy. Finding it wet, much wetter than expected, Sarah jammed in two fingerers and started vigorously fingering her.
Red arched her head back as she struggled but Sarah detected a moan escape her through the gag. She bite hard again and continued her assault on Red’s pussy, drinking deeply at the same time.
“You like that, don’t you?” Sarah said as she finished the first breast, having drained it so much it sagged noticeably compared to the second one that was still hard with milk. “All this time you just wanted it rough.”
Red tried to shake her head, but her body said differently. Sarah attached herself to the full title and turned her attention to Red’s clip, rubbing the nub with the same roughness she had applied to the fingering. Red was starting tomoan and move with Sarah’s actions. Maybe all this time Red had wanted to help, but just couldn’t, Sarah thought. But now, being dominated, she could finally let go.
They both fell into sync for the next minutes. Sarah rubbing, biting and feeding and Red moving her hips in time. Red suddenly groaned and arced her back as she slipped over the edge and climaxed. Sarah continued sucking on the breast and continued to rub hard directly on Red’s clip. As Red’s orgasm wound down and her body became tender she started to show distress. Sarah finally unlatched, but continued to hold Red down and rub. Red started to thrash from intensive pain being caused on her sensitive clip while Sarah only smiled.
“Don’t you forget this.” She said “I’m not going to take any more of your shit. There is plenty more where this came from if you don’t start improving as my cow. Do you understand?”
Red grunted as much as she could and Sarah took that as a yes and to stop torturing her clip. Finally stopping her assault, Sarah sat back but still straddled Red on the ground, both their bodies covered in sweat. Sarah patted Red on of cheese and then gave one of her nipples a quick pinch and twist.
“Good girl Red. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Sarah looked around to the other two girls. They hadn’t moved, both just watched with war eyes.
“Get over here you two.” Sarah said. “Now!”
Brown and Black came as quickly as they could and both stopped a respectful distance away, just off the mat. Sarah smiled wide and bent down over Red, running her hands up her body. She thumbs brushed Red’s nipples before moving up either side of her neck and finally running her fingers through Red’s damp hair. Sarah turned and lay back on Red’s body, putting all her weight on the girl, and started too gently play with herself.
“I’m going to take my time now and get myself off.” She said. “While lying on my new cushion here.”
Sarah wriggled a little, enjoying the feeling of Red’s no longer swollen breasts pressed against her back. She was also pleased to not hear any sound of disapproval from under her. She turned her attention back to the others.
“You may have already guessed, but I’m telling you anyway, things are going to different around here from now on. I have no intention of being punished for any failure of you three ever again. I honestly don’t know why I put up with the stress for so long. I have instructions and I intend to see them fulfilled promptly. You three exist only to follow directions. Do you understand?”
Eyes wide, Brown and Black nodded together.
“Good, good.” Sarah said. “And I know Red here already understands me.”
Sarah reached lower between her legs have given Red’s pussy a pinch.
“Now you two are going to entertain me while do this. I want to see you cows scissoring each other. I want to watch you get your little psies together and rub them.”
Sarah was very pleased to see the girls didn’t delay at all, they both dropped to their knees and faced each other. With their arms bound they couldn’t easily accomplish what Sarah had asked. Brown feel back hard onto her back trying to reach a leg towards Black. But she didn’t let that stop her, Sarah saw, as Brown pulled herself towards Black with her heels. Black seemed to understand how it could work and lay back herself. Crossing legs the girls managed to get their pussies to touch, wet lips against lips. Brown, bright eyed, looked to Sarah as she started too gently rub against Black.
Sarah nodded her approval as she took a breath and started to work her own clip with her fingers. She brought them up to her own mouth to wet them and tasted a mix of Red and her own juices before returning them to work. Brown and Black lay in front of her moving together as she moved herself closer to orgasm.
This was fantastic, Sarah thought. She was incredibly turned on. She didn’t know how long they was going to be kept in this room, but at least now she had found something to amuse her. All it had taken was to stop thinking of the girls as people. They were her pets now, her cows, and she didn’t intend to forget that. As her orgasm rolled over her Sarah felt a contentment she hadn’t experienced in a long time.
The days turned into weeks while Sarah continued her new style of managing the girls and she was happy to say her electric collar didn’t bite anymore at night. The mood of the girls had changed as well. Brown was still affectionate, but Sarah thought she saw a look of sadness, or was it goal, in her eyes. Black showed more emotion now, mainly fear, Sarah found she didn’t mind that at all.
Red, however, was confusing. Sarah couldn’t work out what was going through her mind at all. Any time Sarah went easy, Red started to resist again and cause trouble. Sarah would then come down extra hard to bring her back into line. The problem was that Sarah couldn’t escape the feeling that Redwas happy about this. It was hard to pin down the reason, there was just something about the look she gave Sarah at times, almost a smile, as hard as that was for someone wearing a gag. It was as if Red knew something that Sarah didn’t, and that made her nervous.
“Bed time.” Sarah called out around four weeks later.
The girls, even Red, walked over to their sleeping tables and turned Around and waited. Sarah moved from girl to girl easing them back onto their sleeping butt plug. She was still surprised at how much resistance there was getting them in, even after all this time of stretching their arseholes. Black was the tightest, nearly always needing Sarah to put her body against her and a careful, steady, firm push to get it in. Brown’s arse was nice and firm and took the plug without too much trouble. Red actually had the easiest arse to plug, her sphincter opening nicely to accept it with only a little bit of massaging.
Once they were plugged, Sarah lay each back and strapped them in before laying the tables down flat.
“Sleep well cows.” She said as she finished checking each was secure. Giving Red’s nipples a quick squeeze at the same time.
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