The Milking Bench

It has been little more than a year since I met her. We were both members of a website dedicated to adult breastfeeding. I think it was only our second exchange of messages when I discovered her desires were very closely aligned with my own.

The adult nutrition community is very diverse. For some it is purely about the nutrition, the desire to feed and be noblesed. For some, it is actually medicinal; Many women nurse a partner in order to provide healing antibodies to help cure the immuno system of their partner. There are those who nurse to fulfill a desire to be a mommy again and their adult babies are quite happy to be fed and patered. Then there are those, like us, for whom the act of nursery is supremely erotic. Women who need to offer themselves completely and who crave for their womanhood to be fully developed and glorified. Along with men who need to possess a woman completely, who can only be satisfied by drawing her very essence into themselves through her breasts.

I have always been a Dominant. I never labeled myself as such until I discovered the “lifestyle” in my late 40s. I never practiced the lifestyle overtly but quickly realized that my erotic life and that of almost all of my partners fit the roles that for me were previously undefined. To me, carrying her milk for her man is the ultimate act of submission for a woman. It takes time to develop a woman’s milk supply, a lot of time. It takes rigor and discipline. It is very inconvenient. She has to be focused and dedicated. Her mind is always planning how she will arrange the rest of her life to accommodate the need to stimulate and the need to be relieved. Her breasts change, her nipples are constantly sensitive, thick and long and her areolas more prominent so she has a constant visual reminder. The weight and fullness of her breasts provide an almost constant reminder of the gift she bears and the one whom she bears it for.

I met her shortly after she started the inducing proceduress. I had shared some of my story about my previous adult nursery experience with the mother of my children and I purposely mentioned that I “milked” her. It is always a delicate topic to approach. Some women are repulsed at the thought of being milked. I was hoping her desire was aligned with mine and I was delighted when she asked if that mean milking by hand and said that being hand milked was always an ultimate desire of hers. She confirmed her desire when she asked how I might position her for milking and suggested all fours.

I’ve had an extreme breast fetish for most of my life. I can remember wanting to suck my third grade teacher. I was only eight years old at the time but I can remember being mesmerized by her huge tits. I got ections constantly when I was around her, even though I had no idea what was happening to me. It was frequently embarrassing when she would call me up to her desk and I had to walk up to the front of the room with a tent in my pants. In those days there was a dress code; we had to wear dress slacks so there was no hope of hiding my arousal.

You can imagine my delight when, in response to a story I shared, she told me that her desire was to find a man who paid so much attention to her breasts that she would become heavy, full and pendulous as a result of his attention and ministers to her. The woman in the story had developed J cup breasts. She told me she was already a 38 F but wanted more. Having a partner with F cup breasts has always been a dream of mine but knowing that she wanted bigger, and assuming she wanted much bigger, told me that perhaps I had found a real live woman whose desire to be milked was complete to my desire to enjoy her bounty. I always wanted to find a woman who needed me to milk her so regularly and so constantly that her udders would become massive; and that her need to be milked and my need to milk her would be a primary focus of our relationship.

She had started inducing beforewe met. She had made only a little progress. Her nipples and areolas were starting to show signs of change. I suggested that her routine needed to be more regular and frequently if she wanted success. She admitted that she knew she needed to step things up but that for now, the demands of her business didn’t allow her the time. She told me that after the holidays she planned to be more distributed and regular. I was esated when she asked me to provide her ongoing emotional support until she found a man who would treasure and delight in her gift.

Shortly after the New Year, I started her on a strict regimen. She agreed to begin stimulating herself for 15 minutes per breast every four hours. When she was home she would use a breast pump. When the pump was not available she would perform the Marmet technique. She understands that regularity was Extremely important until her milk was in and she committed to focus and prioritize accordingly.

I also suggested a new resting positionfor her. I asked her if she had a chair that was approximately the same height as her bed and she answered effectively. I suggested that she pulled the chair up to her bed, leaving a gap of 8-12 inches, put a pillow on the chair and lie on her tummy, with her torso on the bed and her head on the chair with her arms raised above her allowing her udders to hang in the gap between the bed and the chair. I knew that this would help Some with her physical preparation but that it would get her mind keenly focused on the desire that we both shared. She also agreed that she would remain braless at home and at other times when appropriate, again to focus her mind and also to allow her upper chest muscles to begin developing in preparation for carrying the eventual load that we would place upon them.

Fast forward from here about a year. I will skip the details about how our relationship grow and matured. Suffice it to say that it is fortunate that my career is such that I can work from almost anywhere as long as I have an internet connection and live near a major international airport.

It is now a week before Christmas and I am so excited. I’ve built her a milking table and I cannot wait for her to see it. I’ve been milking her for almost a year and she is already an H cup. Her nipples are as long as my fingertip and as big around as the tip of my thumb. They are permanently erect and constantly sensitive. Her areolas were always deliciously big but now they are almost the size of a saucer and deep dark brown. I don’t know how far we will take this, but we both agree we want to continue to increase her production and capacity.

In the beginning, we were milking her about every three hours. Now, she needs to be milked every two, even during the night. Also, her tits have become quite heavy and burdensome. They weight about seven pounds each when full. They hang more than half way to her waist, and she has to stand for her milkings. When she is on all fours, her udders rest on the floor so there is not room for the milkers. When she sits, they hang so close to her lap that there is no room to put the milker on her in that position either. Our favorite milking position is still, and always has been, her astride me, impaled on my cock while her tits hang in my face for sucking or hand milking. But when I cannot be there for her and she needs to be milked, it is becoming increasingly difficult and tiredome for her to put herself on the milker in a standing position. So I’ve built her a luxurious milking table.

The table is upholstered in rich soft luxurious leather. It was built just for her so it hinges exactly at her waist. There are two large holes, again at a height that is designed specifically for her, in which we/or she will insert her udders. Underneath each “portal” there is a stick that can be adjusted to hold her in place and apply more pressure when needed for training. There are also hooks to attach each of the milking tubesUnder the table. The table hinges at her wait so she can be milked standing, lying down or at various degrees of incline. There are also straps to hold her wrists above her head and two more straps to hold her thighs and ankles apart for breeding. Of course we have no intention of producing offspring but breeding seemed an appropriate term to both of us based on the focus of our relationship.

The whole thing is controlled by an elaborate set of sensors and servos. When she is alone and needs to be milked, she will simply have to approach the table, insert her tits, position her tights and wrists appropriately and the sensors will take over, strapping her in, adjusting the temperature of the room to keep her comfortable and turning on the milker. There are also cameras that will allow me to monitor her when I am not able to be with her, and a video monitor so she can watch herself being milked. I can also take control of the electronics remotely, altering the frequency, durationand intensity of the suction via an internet connection when I am away. There is also a phallus that can be raised into position and offered to her to relieve the ache in her womb that inevitably develops each time she is milked.

She will not always be offered the phallus. I often I like to leave her unsatisfied and craving for relief after our milking sessions. Sometimes I will make her go two or three sessions without allowing her to orgasm. Invariably, even after one session without being fucked, the cent of her desire is almost overwhelming and she is such a beautiful sight. Her thighs are absolutely slick with her juices, often to the point where there is an actual puddle below her, and her vagina is so swollen and distended that she is almost turned inside out with desire.

I think she is really going to like her present this year.


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