I am in a hallway, on all fours, my ears on top of my head, my tail firmly planted in my rear end, blindfolded with ear plugs. There is a tug at the leash attached to my collar and I am led several feet into a room. A stool is slide under my stomach, the edge against the underside of my breasts, which are hanging down, and I am strapped down. Another stool is slide under my shoulders, the edge of this one pressed Against the top of my breasts, effectively cutting them off from the rest of my body, tight straps are fastened around my shoulders as well. I feel a rope being tied to the base of my ponytail and my tail is removed, replaced by another that is attached to a hook, the rope from my ponytail is run down to the hook and threaded through the loop on the end, pulling my head up. The leash is attached to a run in something in front of me, which is completely unnecessary, I can’t escape from this prediction.
My mouth is forced open with a ring gag, and a muzzle is strapped to my head over that. Clamps are attached to my lower lips and the chain attached to each one is pulled around each thigh, spreading my lower lips apart as a dildo is inserted into me, one that feels almost like it is shaped like a bone, and the fucking machine is turned on.
I feel a cold, metal ring close around the base of each breast before I feel each one dipped in very hot water. Then, a cup is attached to each one, and a powerful suction starts. When the hands binding me have finished, the blindfold and ear plugs are removed. The room is dark and all I can hear is the wirrrr of the sucking machine. I can’t move my head without pulling on the hook in my ass, but I can see right in front of me and, in the darkness, I can just make out the form of another in the same situation as I am,
After what felt like hours, but was probably only minutes, the lights in the room are turned on and everything slowly come into focus. The woman in front of me is in the same position exceedpt she is dressed as a cow, her gag a bit with no muzzle and she seems to be in the throws of an orgasm from her fucking machine.
I hear my owner approach, and he stands beside us, talking to the other men gathered, “Gentlemen, my apologies, I forgot that our meeting was scheduled during milking time for my animals, so I had them set up in here for our enjoyment. My cow here gets milked three times a day and produces more when she is being fucked by a bull cock. My little mutt, this is her very first milking so to encourage her, she is being fucked by a bone.”
With that, he holds a weird shaped dildo up where I can see it, “If she takes well to the first half of the milking, though, she might earn being fucked by a cock from her own species, but if she does, she will have to take the whole thing, including the knot.”
“Why the muzzle?” One of his guests asks.
“Well, the last time she was used, my bitch mutt bit, so she will be muzzled when her mouth isn’t in use,but I do love when she drools, so I keep the gag in, too. Now, gentlemen, shall we begin?”
For the next two hours, we were left as we were as the men held their meeting ten feet from us. I lost count of my orgasms around 15.
When they were done, I heard my owner return to us and began speaking as he removed my muzzle. “Gentlemen, how about some entertainment?” With that, he shoved himself into my mouth as one of his associates went to his cow for the same pleasure. Several of the others gathered behind each of us and they began turning off the fucking machines and removing the dildos inserted in us. Before I realized what I was doing, I was moaning around my owner’s cock in my mouth as his associates were working the new dildo into me, stopping at what he called the knot. It felt different, almost painful, but after a few minutes I was able to adjust, just in time for them to insert the knot, a large bulb shape in the middle of the toy. My pussy closed around the base of the knot with it inside me.
The entire time they were doing what they wanted, the sucking machines continued. At this point, my nipples were tender and sore from the pulling and sucking. As my owner exploited into my throat, he turned the sucking machine up to high and clicked the rings at the base of each breast closed tighter.
The dildo in my pussy was moving again and it felt as if they turned the fucking machine back on. They were moving the hook in my ass in and out, pulling my head back and forth as they moved the hook.
Another man had taken my owner’s place and began fucking my face. In the haze of orgasms, I heard my owner tell them they could use my mouth and all three of the cow’s holes. In the end, all ten men used my mouth and I watched as they all used at least one of her holes.
We were both hooked up to the milking machines for almost 6 hours by the time the men were finished with us and my muzzle was replaced.
As the men were leaving, my ownerWalked up to us, checking that the fucking machines were both running correctly, he knelt down by each of our faces and spoke to us. “You will remain here, being milked, for another hour. After that, you will be unhooked and returned to your stalls. When there, you will sleep because you are both set to be milked in the morning. Mutt, you will be milked four times tomorrow for at least an hour each time. You will do this every day, with increasing times and frequency, until you begin to produce. I want to see milk flowing freely from you.”
And, with that, he left the room and we were both left for our last hour.
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