A Few Months have passed. The holiday Season was just around the Corner. Fred and I were riding home from work together. We did that sometimes to save gas money. Fred was driving.
“Hey. You should come to my party tomorrow night. It is going to be crazy.” Said Fred.
“I don’t know. I don’t think Francine would let me.” I said.
“What do you mean let you? Why do you have to ask her for her permission? I thought you knew you were a man.” Said Fred.
“You know what. Your right. Fuck what Francine says. I am a man. I say what I do. when I do it!” I said.
“That’s right Manhood.” Yelled Fred.
We were passing by the center of town. In the center was a statue of St.Paul Johnson. The man who founded the Town.
I look at the Statue and back at Fred. “You know what stop at the library. I am going to tell her right here and now.” I said Proudly.
“Hell yeah!” Said Fred.
He drive to the library. He pulls up in the parking lot. In my mind I liked to think I walked in there like a Clint Eastwood film but in reality it was a lot less cool.
I March into the library with Fred close behind me. Francine was closing up the Library for the night. We walked towards here like two proud Idiots.
“What are you doing here?” She asked.
“Remember Manhood.” Said Fred. He made a fist as he said it.
I repeated the motion. I look at Francine. “Ok, I am the man of the relationship. Which means I am In charge. And.”
Before I could even finish my sentence Francine walks back towards the front desk. She picks up the phone and starts dialing a number.
“Hey! What are you doing? I am talking here.” I said.
“Oh. I am calling Emily.” Said Francine.
Me and Fred look at each other.
“My Girlfriend Emily?” Asked Fred.
“Yep, That’s the one. I want to know how she feels about Your, what you call it? Manhood.” Said Francine.
Fred looks at me nervously. “Sorry Michael but I am going to have to go. See ya.” He said.
“But What about Manhood?” I said.
“Yeah Good luck on that.” He said.
Fred walks out of the library. Francine looks at me extremely upset.
“So a lot of funny Jokes just happen. Ummm I am going to go catch my ride.” I said.
I tried to walk out but Francine stopped me . “Stop right there!” She Commanded.
I stopped. I closed my eyes and cursed under my breath. I turn around to face her. She walks up to me. She slapses me in the face.
“Get into my car right now! I am not playing with you today. You’re in so much trouble.” Said Francine.
I turn around and walk out of the library. I got into the passenger side of Francine’s car. I waited a full 15 minutes before she came out. She didn’t say a word. She started up her car and Drove to her house.
I followed her inside. Suddenly she grabbed my T-Shirt and marched me to her bedroom.
“Strip!” She Ordered.
I told off all my clothes. Francine handcuffed my wrist and ankles to the bedpost. She walked into her bathroom and shut the door. I sat there quietly. I was scared out of my mind.
She had only paid me 3 times since we got together. Never like this. The first time was in the last story. The second time she paid me in the movies theater. That was our 5th date. That only resulted in a foot punishment.
The third time I was paid was when I lied About going to work in order to get out of working at the library. I was hanging out at walmart. That bitch Mrs.Smith saw me and told Francine. Francine hunted me down and gave me a Spanking in the Family bathroom. I wasn’t able to sit down for two weeks.
Francine’s Bathroom door opens. She walks in Completely naked. Her naked Body was perfect. She walks toward her bed. She gets on top of me. She sits around my Crotch area and puts her feet in my face.
“You know what to do. Worship my feet.” She Commanded.
Her toes nails were painted pink. I began to lick and suck on herfeet. While I was busy with her feet, Francine lowered her face and began to suck on my cock.
It felt good. I was enjoying a moment of Ecstasy. I stopped. Forgetting for a moment that I was supposed to worship her feet. She softly kicks me in the face.
“I didn’t say you could stop!” Yelled an angry Francine.
I got back to worshiping her feet. She Continued to suck my cock. I was getting hard. Once my cock was hard and wet. She removed her feet and crawl towards my Face. She sat her pussy over my face.
“Worship My Pussy!” She Demanded.
I began to eat her out. I started on the outer rims and slowly moved towards the pink parts. As I was licking She began to ride on my face. Suddenly I felt her getting wet. Her Juices were Slowly flowing towards my mouth. She tastes great. It wasn’t too long before She came.
Francine breathing was heavy. She lays on the left side of me. She moves her feet down to my cock and uses her feet to play with it to ensure I would remains hard. She was careful to not do too much to keep me from cumming while she recovers.
Francine puts her hands to my chin and forces me to look at her.
“Who is in Charge?” She asked.
“You are.” I said.
“Who’s the boss of this relationship?” She asked.
“You are.” I said.
“That’s right.You do what I want, When I want it. I better never hear you try to claim otherwise again!” She yelled.
She gets up and Moves her entire body towards my cock.
“Yes, Ma’am.” I said.
Francine began to ride my cock. She Rode me hard. It felt Extremely Good. I couldn’t explain how good it was. I was in heaven. Her breasts were bouncing up and down. My heart beat was starting to race. I was feeling light headed.
Francine began to Scream. I kept hearing the word yes. My eyes were getting blurry. I was seeing spots. Suddenly at one time Both me and Francine both came. All I could see was nothing but white. Suddenly my vision came back.
Francine fall next to me. She was completely out of breath.
“Wooo. My God. That was good.” She said. “I needed that.”
She looks deep into my eyes. “You know I don’t punish you because I like it. I punish you because I want you to be the man I know you to be. I love you. always have. So you have to let me be in charge and let me be in control. You got that?” She asked.
“Yes ma’am.” I said.
She gets up from the bed and walks over to her dress door. She opens a draw and take out a whip and a key. She walks over to me. She uncuffs my wrist and ankles.
“Turn around on your stomach.” She ordered.
“Oh God. Please don’t whip me. I will be better behaved. I promise.” I said.
“I know you will. Now turn on your Stomach!” She Demanded.
I did as she told me to do. She reapplied the Handcuffs to my wrist and ankles. She softly rubs the whip against my back.
“You were a bad boy today. talking about you being in charge and Manhood. What the hell is that? Now you getting paid all because you listen to your dumb friend.” Said Francine.
She hits me in the middle of my back. The whip strung.
She hits my ass. She continues to rain down blows using the whip.
“Aaahh!” I yelled. My back and ass felt like it was on fire.
I started to Cry. Tears were running down my cheeks.
“5 more and You be done with this punishment.” Said Francine.
I gripped my teeth.
The last five came down harder than the rest of them.
I yelled at the final lashing. My back was burning. My ass was sore. Francine uncuffed my wrist and ankles. I used my free hands to wipe my tears away. Francine put the whip and key up and crawled back into bed.
We got under the covers. She softly rubs my cheek and kisses me. “I will take you to work tomorrow and pick you up.” She said.
“Yes, Ma’am.” I replied.
She lays down to go to sleep. I put my arms around her and fell asleep.
The Next Day:
I woke up to a delicious smell. Francine was in the kitchen cooking eggs and bacon. She had biscuits too. I slowly get up and walk to the bathroom. Once I did my business. I left the room and headed for the Kitchen.
My back and ass were still sore. Francine had pulled a soft pillow on a chair for me. I walked into the kitchen and Sat down in the chair that she directed me too. She then gave me my plate of food and kissed me on the forehead.
“Wow! This is nice.” I said.
“Yes it is. I want to share more moments like this but you gotta be a good boy So we can have an incredible relationship.” Said Francine.
“Okay. I will try better.” I said.
After we ate breakfast I took a shower. Francine ran her two miles. By the time I got out of the shower Francine had returned. She grabbed abottle of water and drive me to work.
“Ok. Be a good boy today. I will be here at 5 to pick you up today.” Said Francine.
“Ok. I Love you.” I said.
“I love you too.” She replied.
She drove off. I clocked in and worked for 5 hours until we heard the lunch bell. Fred was waiting outside. I walked up to him.
“What was the deal about last night?” I said.
“Sorry man. I didn’t mean to leave you hanging but I have a good thing going with Emily and didn’t need Francine messing that up.” Said Fred.
“Well, I got messed up with Francine last night because of you.” I said.
“Look, I am sorry. I will make it up to you tonight. Come to my party and have a good time.” Said Fred.
“I don’t think Francine would approve. She is picking me up today anyways. I think she would want me to spend another night with her.” I explained.
He looks away then back at me. “Lie to her. Say you got a family dinner and that it was just you and your family only. Dress nice to trick her if you have too.” Said Fred.
“I’m already in enough trouble with her as it is. I don’t need another punishment right now.” I said.
“What?” Fred was confused.
“Nothing.” I replied.
“Look, This is going to be the party of the year. You can’t miss it.” He said.
I told. “Ok. I will be there.” I replied.
“Awesome it’s going to be Fly.” Said Fred.
The bell rings. I walk back inside. Fred let’s me go ahead first. He whispers to himself. “Punishment?”
He shakes his head. He was probably thinking what kind of fuck up relationship me and Francine had. I tried to keep it a secret. I mean this was 1968. Imagine what people would say if they found out Francine was Spanking me and making me lick her feet. I would become the laughing stock of town.
I began to consider what Fred said. I know I promise to do better but I only get to live once. Right? Why shouldn’t I lie to her. She never discovered the truth. And if she didSo what? I would Just take My punishment.
Yes, I was a gleefully idiot. I wasn’t prepared for the events that were about to take place.
I Finished my work and Francine came and got me at 5. As she was pulling Off I decided to Start the lie.
“I have to go home. I forgot I have a family dinner thing. You know just me and my family only.” I said.
“Oh.” Said Francine.
“Yeah. I am Sorry.” I said.
“That’s ok. family is important.” She said.
She looks at me hard. “Are you lying to me?” I asked.
“What no. Of course not.” I said.
“Ok. I have to ask. I know Fred throwing a party. It is nothing but a bunch of drunk idiots. I don’t want you to go.” She Said.
“No, I am not going to go to Fred’s party. I am really going to a family dinner.” I said.
“You promise?” She asked.
“Yes. I promise.” I said.
“Ok.” She said.
She drives me to my house and drops me off. I kiss her before getting out of the car. I walk inside andsee her pull off. I take a shower then get dressed and head over to Fred’s house. I only really remember the first Couple of hours. His party was so Fly. Everyone was dancing and getting drunk. I was busy playing drinking games all night. It was a blast. Then at around 11 is where things get fuzzy.
I woke up with the worst hangover ever. I felt something next to me. At first I thought it was Francine. Fear enters my mind. I thought I was about to be punished. I went to turn on the light.
To my Horror and Relief it wasn’t Francine. It was the head of St.Paul Johnson. The Statue’s head that was placed in the middle of town. Fear ran through my mind.
I immediately called Fred. the phones 3 times. Finally Fred picks up.
“Hey Fred it me.” I said.
“Hey Michael. Emily just called me. Somebody took the head of the Statue last night.” He said.
“I know. That someone was apparently me.” I said.
“What?” He yelled.
“I woke up next to the Statue’s head.It is still laying in my bed.” I said.
“Shit! hang on I am coming over.” He said.
He hangs up the phone. It took him 30 mins to show up to my house. He immediately runs inside. I show him the Statue’s head. He starts to freak out.
“Ok. This is really bad Man.” He said.
“I know.” I said.
We both started pacing back and forth. Trying to think of what to do. I sawed.
“Man, I’m going to have to tell Francine. I am way over my head in this one.” I said.
Fred looks at me remorseful. “I will go with you. This whole thing is my fault anyways. I shouldn’t have told too lie to her.” He said.
I got dressed and we both jumped into Fred’s car. We headed for the library. The entire town had surrounded the Statue. Mrs.Smith was angrily yelling towards the Crowd. Something about Troublemakers. The Crowd was cheering then they all Started Chanting Off with their heads.
As we were passing by. Fred looks at me. “Wow. This is the worst thing you ever did.” He said.
My God I thought to myself. It looks like they are about to start a riot. We rode into the Library Parking lot. There were 2 sheriff cars sitting in the parking lot. I step out of the car and look at Fred. He looks back and shrugs. We head into the library.
Francine was sitting at the front desk talking to the Sheriff. She was crying. She saw me and ran straight into my arms.
“Oh God! It Awful Michael. Somebody behead my family’s Statue.” She Said.
“You asked.
“Yes. You know I am the descendant of St.Paul Johnson. That Statue was a gift to my family from the town. It means everything to us. whoever did it did not just disgrace the town but my Family Legacy as well. Who would do just a thing?” She asked.
“Hooligans I suppose.” I said.
My heart started beating fast.
“That damn right!” Yelled The sheriff. “If I ever catch these Bastards I might just take them around the corner and beat them with a waterhose.”
“Wow! That Seems Extreme.” I said.
“Oh No. Trust me I’ve been doing this Job for a year in a half. I dealt with everything from Spray paint to Traffic violence. These Bastard will never learn.” Said the Sheriff.
The Sheriff and his duty walk out of the library.
“Remind me never to call that crazy guy.” I said.
“Yeah he is a little nuts but He is right. I am so angry. If I ever found out who did this. I wouldn’t know what to do.” Said Francine.
“Well. I am sure whoever did this is very sorry.” I said.
“Sorry isn’t enough. This bastard must pay.” Said Francine.
Francine turns to me. “Why are you here anyways? You already did your community service here on your last off day.” She said.
“Because I have to tell you something. I wasn’t having a family dinner last night.” I said.
“Don’t tell me you went to Fred’s party last night!” She angrily said.
“No. He wished he did. It was a crazy party. No, he was getting this reading to sick children at the Hospital.” Said Fred.
I look at Fred in bewilderment. Fred nodded to me.
“You were reading to sick children last night?” Asked Francine.
“Umm Yeah.” I said.
“Why didn’t you tell me. I would have gone with you.” She said.
“Because I was worried about not looking cool or something.” I said.
“Yeah. Like what type of loser reads to sick Children. Ha so lame.” Said Fred.
“Wow, You need to pick better friends because that’s so noble of you.” Said Francine.
“Yeah. Mr. Noble is what they call me.” I nervously said.
“Well I gotta get back to work. I want you to come over tonight.” She said.
“Yeah. I am There.” I said.
Fred and I walk out of the library. We got back into his car and drive off.
“Now what?” I asked.
Fred was thinking. “We got to get rid of the evidence.” Said Fred.
“Well I can’t just throw it away. Some trashman might find it then I am busted. My fingerprints are allover it.” I said.
“We can’t risk burying it. Someone might accidentally dig it up.” Said Fred.
“We could try burning it.” I said.
“We would have to wait until Nightfall. We would have to do it in the woods somewhere.” Said Fred.
“Francine Expecting me to come over at night.” I said.
“It is the only way.” Said Fred.
a few hours later.
Night time had fallen. Francine had spent her time cooking a very Romantic Dinner for me. I was told She worked very hard on it. She had a nice bottle of Red wine as well. Unfortunately I never Showed. She spent 3 hours waiting for me. When I never showed up she tried to call me with no answer. She then tried to call Fred. Again No answer. She starts to Wonder. She picks up the phone and calls Emily.
“Hey. Emily have you seen Michael or Fred?” She asked.
“No. I haven’t seen them today. the last time I saw them was last night.” Said Emily.
“Last Night?” Asked Francine.
“Yeah. Michael was partying with us. He got so wasted. He walked home with one of Fred’s Saw. I won’t be surprised if He could’t remember it.” Said Emily.
“Ok.Thanks.” Said Francine.
Francine is Hot with Anger. She hangs up then She thinks about what Emily had just said. Francine grabs her car keys and heads for The Statue in the Center of Town.
Fred and I park his car By the side of the woods. I get out of the car with The Statue’s head in hand. Fred Carries some matches and Lighter fluid. We walk into the Woods. Fred and I walked pretty deep into the woods. In fact we walked all the way to the other side of the woods without realizing it.
Mr. Smith and Mrs. Smith were driving home from a nice evening on the town.
“We haven’t Done this in a long while.” Said Mr. Smith.
“I know. It was fun. It will be even more fun when we move to Florida in the spring.” Said Mrs.Smith.
“Hell yeah.We will be going this more often.” Said Mr.Smith.
“Definitely.” Laughed Mrs.Smith.
“Hey, You know something we haven’t done since we were teens. “Said Mr.Smith.
“What?” Asked Mrs.Smith with a smile.
“Going Parking?” Said Mr.Smith.
“Oh, Mr.Smith Your Bad.” Joked Mrs.Smith.
Mr.Smith Parks near a wooded area.
Francine arrives at the Statue. She looks around the surrounding area. She gets out of her car with a flashlight. She looks everywhere. Finally She points the Flash light in some bushes that were across from the Statue. Something Reflects the light back. Francine looks through the bushes and finds a saw. She gets into her car and drives off.
Fred and I Stopped. I throw the Statue head down. Fred dumps the lighter Fluid all over it.
“Hey. Should we build a fire pit first?” I asked.
“No. That will take too long plus What the worst that can happen?” Said Fred.
He lights a match and drops iton the Statue’s Head. Suddenly flames shoot up. Dry leaves neary start catching on fire.
“Oh Shit!” I yelled.
Me and Fred tried to put the fire out. We tried Stepping on it and using our Jackets to put it out. Finally Fred Just kicked the Statue’s head.
Mr. Smith was having Sex with Mrs.Smith. He was on top in the back seat.
“Looking at your beautiful face is like seeing a fireweed light coming straight for us.” said Mr. Smith.
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