The Message Pt. 02

(Author’s note: more D/s than BDSM)

It was another extremely quiet night in Three Points, Arizona. I was sitting at the front desk of the police station clearing up some paperwork and listening to the sound from an old movie on TV to keep alert when my private phone signed a text message.

Looking at the number, I didn’t recognize it, but there was something familiar about it. Being curious, I opened the text app and the message read, “I want to report a UFO. I’m coming to the station!”

“Oh my god,” I gushed. “It’s Alex, and he’s coming here! Finally, after all this time!” I ran to the door and looked out, but there were no lights on the road in either direction yet. I’d known that I could have contacted him from the UFO report he’d filled out during his prior visit. But Somehow, waiting for him to initiate contact with me again made his visit more special.

I headed to the washroom and checked how I looked. I washed my face, mainly to let the cold water makeme more alert. Drying my hands, I brushed a few wrinkles out of my uniform. Finally, I ran my hands through my hair, and surprised. My appearance would have to do. I thought I’d only been in there a few minutes, but heard the bell that sounded when the front door was opened. When I came out there he was, standing in front of the desk, looking great in his suit. He had a big smile on his face. “How are you doing, Officer Lockwood?”

I blushed and walked over to him, “I’m fine, Alex… but how? Where did you come from? I looked and there were no cars in sight!?”

“I came from the mother ship, of course!” We both laughed. “You know why I’m here don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir! I sure hope I do!”

“Shall we began then, Officer Lockwood?”

“Yes, Sir. Please let’s start!”

“Excellent — then assume the position, Officer Lockwood!”

For a second I was caught off guard by that statement, but then it dawned on me. I walked to a neary desk, leaned forward and put my hands flat on its surface. I took a small step back and spread my legs for him to search me, believing that is what his command means.

Sure enough, he walked up behind me and began his search. He started at my right hand, moving all along my arm then repeated the search on my other arm. My back was searched all the way down to my hips. Doing my front, he took extra time squeezing my breasts before he moved down my tummy and to my hips again. He then grabbed my ankle and worked up my leg. Reaching under my skirt, he ran his hands over my mound, pussy and ass. I stiffened as his hand explored me there. Then his hands moved down my other leg. There was something about feeling his big hand grasping my ankle that intensified my wetness. Maybe it was because it brought back memories of him applying the ankle cuffs During his prior visit.

His large, warm hand grasped my shoulder and pulled my torso to an upright position. Tonight I was wearing my equipment belt, so he unsnapped the handcuff pouch and took out the two sets of handscuffs. He leaned forward and cuffed my right wrist making sure it was snug. He pulled my arm behind me then grabbed my left wrist and pulled it behind me to cuff my hands behind my back. “I don’t think we’ll need your belt,” he told me as he unbuckled it and put it in the drawer of my desk.

I stood there, my hands cuffed behind me and legs spread. My skirt was pulled tight against my butt and legs. Alex temporarily stuffed the other pair of handscuffs into his suit pocket.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the interrogation room. As we walked, he saw the ring of keys and picked them up and added them to the pocket with the handscuffs. As he opened the door and turned on the light, he stopped. “Well, I see something new has been added since my last visit,” he remarked.

Alex was talking about a low platform that had been added to do mug shots — the kind with the horizontal lines for height reference. This was located behind the suspect’s chair in the room. Alex walked me to the platform and had me step up onto it, positioning me so I was facing the camera of our video recording system.

He moved off to one side. “What is your name?” he asked, quite loudly.

“Arin Lockwood” I answered, softly.

“Louder!” he shouted.

“Arin Lockwood!” I bellowed.

“What is your position here?” he hollered.

“I’m a police officer!” I hollered back.

I knew what he was doing, he was humiliating me for the recording so there was no doubt as to who I was.

“Where do you live!? he shouted.

“9173 Silver Star Trail, Three Points Arizona, 85735!” I shouted back.

“What is your phone number?” he grew.

“520-555-1951,” I moaned loudly.

Returning, he came and turned me around so my back was now to the camera.

“It can be seen that obviously Officer Lockwood is handcuffed. Did you volunteerly permit yourself to be handcuffed, and do you freely consent to participate in the following playtime with me, Officer?” he yelled.

“Yes, Sir!” I told him, blushing. And I whispered, “On the same conditions as before — if we hear the phone or the door.” He silently nodded his understanding and agreement.

“Louder, Officer Lockwood!” he hollered.

“Yes, Sir! I did, Sir, and do, Sir!” I yelled back, knowing this was going on the record for his protection.

Alex reached in and unlocked one cuff. He handed me a bottle of water and I drank some gratefully, knowing how dehydrated he can make me. He let me drink as much as I wished before taking the bottle back and setting it aside.

“Officer Lockwood, remove all your clothes!” he commanded, very loudly. My pussy tingled and clnched, since he’d never seen me fully naked.

With trembling hands I started to undo my uniform top and pulled it off. My face flushed with embarrassment because since our last encounter I’d started to wear very frilly, revealing lingerie. The cuff caught inthe sleepe of my shirt and slowed me down. I reached behind me and opened the zipper to my skirt. Letting it fall, I stepped out of it. Burning with humiliation, I stood there in my black lacy bra, panties, garter belt and stockings. The excitement I was feeling from being so embarrassed was really turning me on.

“Officer Lockwood, that does not look like lingerie a police woman should wear on duty!” he challenging, quite loudly, sounding as if he disappeared. I could tell he was planning to ‘discipline’ me because of this infection, and almost smiled. Luckily, my face was looking down at my undergarments and therefore away from the camera at that moment.

“No, Sir!” I agreed in almost a normal voice.

“Louder, Officer Lockwood!” he shouted.

“No Sir! I agree with you that my undergarments are inappropriate!” I shouted, facing straight ahead as if I was in Officer Training School.

“Why then are you dressed like that? Get them off immediately!” It was probably a rhetorical question, but he was yelling it into my face like some drill instructor. I was really getting aroused by the unexpected direction this role play was taking. Alex was very good at this!

“I’m a slut, Sir!” I screamed happily in response to his question. It felt really good to scream that, and I was happy that the intersection room is soundproof. I took off my garter belt after unhooking my stockings, then rolled the stockings down my legs and off my feet. Since my hands were already down there, I stripped off the black panties. Finally, I reached behind my back, unhooked my bra, and freed my breasts as I shrugged the bra off. Needless to say, Alex was studying my body very closely as I stripped. His penetrating gaze as he looked for the first time at my entire naked body made my skin tingle. I felt goosebumps forming on my arms and legs.

“Stand up straight, spread your legs, re-cuff your hands in front of you and then put them behind your head!” he grew loudly into my face.

I did as I was told. I was so humiliated that my legs trembled, but also excited beyond words. My need to be used by him was building and building.

Alex gripped my chin and stared into my eyes. “I have a surprise for you,” he said, grinning. He reached into another pocket and pulled out what looked like a black clothes bag. Then he pulled the bag over my head. It was tight and fit me like a second skin, and as it was lowered to the level of my neck, I felt something tighten around my throat. I heard the sounds of a lock snapping closed. The band surrounding the bag opening stayed tight and didn’t stretch when he tugged at it.

Realization struck. “This is a spandex hood with a chain collar sewn into it! I’ve read about these! When locked like this, it prevents me from removing it. I’m really in his power now!” I thought, and the thrill almost made me cum. Testing what I could do in the hood, I found I could see the light sources but not much else — butI could hear and breathe just fine.

“There… all locked safe and sound,” he stated, his voice very pleased. Louder, he asked, “Officer Lockwood, are you still a willing participant tonight?”

“Yes Sir!” I had to shout, thinking the hood might muffle my answer.

“Don’t move, understand?” he commanded.

“Yes Sir! I understand!” I answered, my voice sounding a little strange inside the hood.

There was a lengthy pause, and then I heard him ask loudly, “What are you, Officer Lockwood?”

I knew how to answer that one. “I’m a horny slut, Sir!” I exclaimed.

Moments later, I thought, “Oh nooooo! Alex’s writing on me with the black marker again! This time on my bare stomach!” It ticked a little, but I stood as still as possible.

“Your pussy always needs attention!” he stated loudly.

“Yes Sir!” I agreed hopefully loudly, and almost tilted my pelvis in what I thought was his direction.

He moved down and started to color in the area all aroundund my pussy as before. He inserted one of his large fingers inside my pussy to steady me in place. He couldn’t tell, of course, but the surprise of feeling that finger suddenly taking possession of my pussy made my eyes flying up and out of sight.

I mentally cringed — oh my god… it took me a long time to clean that area the last time he’d done this. But he took his time going over and over the entire area around my pussy. I wondered how he’d deal with any wet areas, but then I felt him using a paper towel to blot places before blackening them. As before, it must have been at least two inches all around my sex. He continued writing on me. I felt the marker on my upper thighs, back, chest, tits, and ass. I was now afraid he might write on my face if he removed the hood, but he stopped well below my collarbone and left my arms bare. Of course, I may have cringed mentally, but my body was thrilled at feeling him taking control and using me.

Later, I learned what he’d writen. I found the words ‘WHORE’, ‘BONDAGE SLUT’, ‘RAPE ME’, ‘USE ME’, ‘HUMILIATE ME’, ‘HANDCUFF ME’, ‘WET CUNT’, ‘TIE ME UP’, ‘TAKE THE KEYS’ and more. He’d colored the area around my nipples black. He drew handcuffs on both of my breasts. I managed to see arrows pointing to my pussy and ass. He even drew a big black penis pointing at my pussy and another at my ass on my inner tighs. The humiliation thrilled me anew when I saw all this at a later time, I must admit. But I still had the hood on at this point, so I just knew he’d drawn things on my exposed skin.

“I’ll resume my seat as we let all that dry and then we’ll continue,” he whispered close to my ear, making me shiver. Letting me stand there like a handcuffed, hooded prisoner, Alex sat in the interviewer’s chair and talked dirty, his words about what he’d like to do to me humiliating me to a fever pitch. He wondered aloud if there were any prisoners in back so he could give me to them to be used sexually while he watched. There weren’t any prisoners, and, slut that I am, I wasn’t certain if I felt relief or disappointment about that. Of course, ethically I couldn’t do anything with any prisoners in my care — but if I was helpless and being forced, that was a different situation.

After what seemed like 20 minutes (but was probably 5), he stated, “You may put your hands down. He took me by the arm, helped me to step down, and moved me to the interrogation table. I couldn’t see it, but I know where it was in relation to the mug shot platform. This time, Alex backed me against the table — I felt its coldness against my ass. He bent down and grabbed my ankle and moved it to one side closing the leg cuff around it. The other ankle was also secured in a short time.

“Officer Lockwood, do you voluntarily want to be rapid and used?” he called out.

“Yes Sir,” I agreed.

“Louder whore!” he commanded.

“Yes Sir! I want to be rapid and used!” I shouted.

I felt his hand on the spandexbag locked on my head. His hands moved over my face. He tugged on the lock making sure it was secure. Alex took hold of my handscuffed hands that were locked in front of me. I heard the second set of cuffs closing on the links between the set I wore. Since the second handcuffs were being used in a similar fashion to what we’d done the last time, I knew they’d be used to anchor my handscuffs to the ring in the center of the interrogation table. I expected Alex would lock them there.

But then Alex said, “Officer Lockwood, you know what you have to do!”

At first I was confused, but I pictured myself in the room and guessed what I had to do. “Wow — he must want me to lie on my back on this interrogation table,” I thought. “I hope I’m flexible enough for this, because he’s already secured my ankles.” Leaning slowly back, I raised my hands over my head and searched for the big ring bolted to the center of the table. “Yes, Sir – I do!” I confirmed, but whether I actually could, Iwasn’t sure. Luckily, the table was low enough that I gradually made it down onto my back.

I felt for and grabbed the second set of cuffs and opened the free end. Stretching back, I felt blindly with my fingers for the heavy ring. As my fingers brushed against it, I tried to catch the open cuff on the ring. It took several tries, and I imagined Alex enjoying my struggles. Finally the open handcuff caught on the ring, but now I had to close it. My fingers could touch the swing arm but could not quite get it. My body was sweating with effort as I stood on my toes… that gave me that last inch I needed. I heard the click, click, click of it finally closing. I’d been so focused on the task that the sounds brought me back to reality. I’d just sealed my fate and rendered myself completely helpless.

I was lying there, waiting for Alex’s next move, the butterflies in my stomach taking flight as I imagined what my naked, sprayed out, lewd physical presentation must look like. My arms were alongside my head and flat against the table top. My tits was pointing up at the ceiling, topped by areolae crinkled with arousal, and nipples stiffly engorged and aching. My tummy was probably rising and falling with each breath, maybe making my sad mound twitch with each tummy movement. My pussy (probably gaping and drooling) was right at the edge of the desk, very available. My legs were spread and secured, but probably not seen on camera, given the way I was facing.

“Officer Lockwood, do you want me to sexually use you, rape you? Do you give full consent to be used like a cheap whore?”, he asked, loudly, for the record.

“Yes Sir…” I said, my voice a little strained by my pose. I was thinking, “If I don’t get fucked soon, I may go crazy!”

“What was that? I didn’t hear you?” he bellowed again like a drill instructor.

“Yes Sir, rap me, use me! I’m helpless and want you to fuck my white pussy!” I yelled out to him. And I was thinking, “And I wantyou to fuck me hard and deep with that lovely cock of yours!”

“Are you a stupid white woman that craves black cock?” he asked, his lustful voice betraying the grin on his face.

“Yes, Sir! I crave it, I really crave it!” I cried out. As if in confirmation, I felt my pussy muscles ripple, trying to close on and grip a so far non-existent cock!

As I laid there I heard a zipper, Then clothes being removed and maybe even a cock being stroked or pumped. I held my breath, trying to make all my senses as focused as possible. And my senses registered the fact that he was licking my pussy lips and slit, demonstrating that he is as gifted in cunnilingus as he is in fucking. I loved that tongue, but I needed cock, and lots of it!

His penis touched my pussy lips, and moved along the slit, up and down, up and down — teasing me. From that contact with his manly hardness alone, I swooned. My breathing accelerated. My senses focused now on my cunt, I feel his cock stop right atmy entrance and then slowly push into me. “Oh my fucking god!” I thought. “He feels so fantastic — so perfect! I need more!” I hoped we’d have no interruptions, because I knew Alex could free me in moments if he had to, and there’s an extension phone in the hallway outside the intersection room for phone calls. And if someone walked into the station, he could run interference for me as I quickly got dressed. But darn it, I just wanted to enjoy this wonderful cock! And not just for a few minutes! I’d waited so long for him to come back and see me again that I wanted to experience a good, long, through fucking until at least one of us was exhausted.

Almost as if he’d read my mind, he pressed it deeper and deeper… that magnificent cock stretching and filling my white cunt. I’m tugging at the restraints, going wild, unable to really fuck him back, but trying anyway. The head of his cock reached my cervix, brushed against it, and I went into orgasm, making an inhuman keening sound in my throat. In my convulsions, I pulled at the cuffs again, but escape was useless. I knew I was helpless and vulnerable, and stretched out for his use and pleasure. Just as I’d hoped.

As I caught my first full post-orgasmic breath, I shrieked, “Oh my god – I LOVE IT”!!”

He started to move in me slowly, using deep and strong strokes. I whimpered and pleased, my vulnerability and the flood of sensing overwhelming. I wasn’t sure if my body was pleading for more, or less, or even a brief respite. I couldn’t tell — I wasn’t in my right mind at that moment.

He just laughed at my sounds and attempts at moving. “You white girls just can’t handle it!” He moved faster, so deep now that it felt like his penis might try to come out of my mouth.

After some immeasurable time, and my third powerful orgasm, I could tell he was getting close. His penis was pulsing inside me and he was breathing hard and making rutting sounds.

“Officer Lockwood, do you want my sperm in you?” he cried out.

I had to take a few deep breaths before I could answer. “Yes please Sir! Fill my white cunt with hot, thick black sperm!” I yelled back, willing my pussy to open more to receive his gift.

My answer was just in time. He exploded deep inside me, cumming and cumming. Instinctively, my pussy muscles clenched on his penis, rippling and trying to drain the last drop out of it. Feeling that, I came harder than I ever had in my life, almost passing out.

When his spurts subsided, I was joyfully aware that he still was on top of me, crushing me onto the table. His penis kept stretching my tunnel as I laid there limp and exhausted, but a very satisfied woman.

After some immeasurable time, he pulled slowly out of me, and as his cock left, it was Followed by a pool of hot sperm. I felt it run down my ass, and was dimly sorry to be losing any of it.

I was half sleep now, since Alex’s fucking had forgotten me out. I was dimly aware of him moving around the room. “Arin, wake up.” He took many pictures of me, some in close-up for full documentation. He tapped my face gently, “This was great, but I need to get going.”

He opened the lock on the hood and pulled it off. I was a sweaty mess, my hair all in disarray from the bag and my emrith. Alex, grinning, took more pictures. He moved close, pulling at my earlobe and placed a small black dot on its back side. He repeated this action on my other earlyobe. “You’ve been tagged, slut. The dot tells others you’ve been used by a black man.”


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