The Merry Wives of Windsor: Cathy

Editor’s note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


Author’s preamble.

My storyThe merry winds of Windsor was intended as a stand-alone story but a couple of comments made me realise that there were two more stories to tell. Sandy Smith with her son Shaun, then Cathy and Carl Cornell. I am publishing both stories simultaneously so you might like to check out The merry wives of Windsor: Sandy.

This is the tale of Carl Cornell and his Mummyslut.

Tags: BDSM, incest, rough, humil, male bi, anal

The merry wives of Windsor: Cathy

Cathy and her son, Carl, were silent in the short taxi ride back home, scarcely even looking at each other; each reflecting on the exciting afternoon they had shared with the other two mothers and sons at Jane’s poolside. Cathy’s mind was in turmoil. She had promised her son that she would always be available as his Mummyslut. Carl had asked how they would manage with hisfather, his mother’s husband, was around and she had assured him that they would work it out somehow. Now she was wrapping her brains trying to think how she could accomplish this but nothing came to mind. She just knew she was determined that her son would continue to give her what her husband would not. She would be his Mummyslut, his slave. Carl wondered about the same problem but decided that his mother would have to Come up with some kind of solution.

Cathy paid off the cabbie and, as soon as the door was closed behind them, Carl grabbed his mother by the hair and forced his mouth on hers. Oh, that just reminded her of the way her son has treated her this afternoon; it was like a drug. She retired the harsh treatment and returned the kiss with equal fervour, flinching when he grabbed her sore buttocks and pulled her groin to his. It felt like she was alive at long last. But she knew Pete, her husband, would be home from work shortly and she needed to prepare a meal for him. She started by brewing herself a strong coffee to try to clear her head from the excess of wine she and her friends had consumed earlier. She decided on a simple platter of cheese and ham with a bowl of salad, which was appropriate for the hot weather.

She realized that she badly needed a shower to clean up the sperm deposits from her pussy and arse and to wash away the telltale sink of sex. As the warm water sluiced over her body, she felt again the sting of her sore behind and remembered how the heavy spanking her son had given it this afternoon had excited her. She wanted to linger under the shower but knew her husband would be home soon so she throw her bathrobe around her, not bothering to fasten it. She ran to Carl’s room and told him not to mention going to Jane’s pool. She didn’t want to complicate an already dangerous situation.

Returning to her bedroom, she tossed the bathrobe onto her marital bed and went to her drawers to select some underwear. Her back was to the door and she never heard Pete enter the room and jumped in surprise when he yelled, “What the hell happened to your bum?”

“Oh shit,” she thought. “I wasn’t expecting him back yet.” She took a second or two to compose herself then turned and sat on the bed. “Pete, sit down please. I will explain.” He stared at her from the open door. “Pete, please come in and close the door.” She patted the bed next to her. Reluctantly he shuffled across the room and sat beside her. Turning to her, he held her shoulders at arm’s length and looked at her fearful face. He loved her dearly but now felt betrayed. She too loved him and feared this would destroy her marriage. She could try to salvage the situation.

“Darling,” she collected her thoughts and decided just to face the music, “This afternoon I drank a lot of wine and I let it slip that I wanted to be spanked. How many times did I ask you to do that in the first couple of years? I just gave up asking, as you never responded to pleas, my needs. This afternoon a man gave me the hard spanking I desired. And I loved it when he fucked my arse right afterwards,” she added almost defiantly.

“Who the hell was this ‘man’?”

Cathy took a deep breath and braced herself. I might as well get it all in the open, she thought. “It was Carl, our son.”

The blood ran out of Pete’s face as his wife spoke Those fateful words. They sat side by side in silence: she was looking at the thong panties she was twisting and screwing; he sat with his head in his hands. After several long minutes, he stood and, without looking at her, said, “I’m going out. I’ll be back tonight.”

After a few minutes, she throw aside the thong, retrieved a simple cotton print summer frock and dropped it over her head. Her bum was sore and the light dress would be easier. She walked to Carl’s bedroom door and knocked. Her son called her in right away.

“He knows.”

“I heard.”

“I wasn’t expecting him so soon: he saw my bumwas dark red. I told him I had been spanked and when he asked, I told him it was you and you fucked my arse right afterwards. He’s just gone out, probably to a pub. He said he’d be back later. I hope he gets a taxi back. Listen Carl, he knows nothing about us all this afternoon at Jane’s so that must remain our secret, as we all promised. It happened here on our patio, OK?”

“OK Mum, of course I won’t mention at all. So where does that leave us? So much for doing things without him knowing. I guess it would never have stayed a secret for too long anyway because I’m going to mark your body when I buy my whip.”

Cathy shivered at the thought of being whipped. Her stomach clnched and she felt a new tingle in her nipples and pussy but put aside such Thoughts. “I just don’t know where it leaves us. I don’t know what your father will do. Maybe he will just dividend me and leave me to continue with you. Us.” She shrugged, almost despairingly. “I guess that’s up to him but I’m not going to give you up. I’ll still be your slut whatever he says. Did you mean it about whipping me?”

“Yes, Mummyslut, I will be punishing you very much.”

Eventually Cathy gave out a deep sight. “I don’t know about you, but all that activity this afternoon has given me an appetite so shall we eat that salad I made?”

“How can you eat after Dad found out?”

“What will be, will be, Master. We cannot change the past, just move on to the future, whatever it may hold. Worrying solves nothing.”

He followed his mother to the kitchen and almost mechanically ate the food set before him. They retired to the living room and sat at opposite ends of the sofa. Carl clicked the remote and they started watching a movie in which neither of them was really interested. They kept the volume down so they could talk if they wished. They did start talking and, almost inevitably, their conversation came round to their afternoon over by Jane’s pool, each retelling their side of things and their feelings. Cathy had brought her feet up, her legs at first curled up on the sofa until she eventually stretched them out. Carl could see right up between her tights with the way her dress bunched up in her shuffling.

“Pull your dress up over your waist and spread for me.” She felt the thrill of submission again as she followed his instructions. “Get your tits out Mummyslut.”

“But Master, he may come in any time.”

“We will hear his key in the lock and you will just have to be quick to compose yourself won’t you Mummyslut?

She quickly loosened a couple of buttons and dragged her boobs out for her Master. She was instructed to hurt her own nipples while she masturbated in front of him. “How would you like,” he leant forward and scratched a fingerprint right across the top of her fleshy boobs, “a cruele right across here? Think what that will feel like as my whip hits your tits. Then to hold both tits up by the nipples like this,” Carl grippeda nipple harsh enough to make her squeal as he pulled the nub up as high as he could, “while my whip lashes up here.” His fingerprintnail scratched across the underside of her breasts. He released the nipple he had been squeezing then scratched again, starting on the side of a breast, across the nipple, down the valley and up across the other nipple. “And guess where the third strike will be. Would you like that Mummyslut?”

His mother was now almost savaging her pussy as the mental images went through her mind and she tried to imagine how painful that would be. Then she suddenly she had to pull her fingers out, push her boobs back into the dress and button it quickly before pulling her dress down and swinging her legs off the sofa. She stretched them out as if they were both innocently watching TV although Cathy was frustrated at being so close and then denied her climax by her husband’s return. Pete had been drinking but he was still in control of his faculties. He sat in the armchair facing his wife and son. Carl made to go, saying he would leave them to talk but Pete waved him back to his seat.

“This concerns you too son, so both of you hear me out please. Today came as a terrible shock to me. Yes Darling, I know all about your desires in that direction. Tell me Cathy, would you give my backside the spanking you have obviously received if I asked?”

“No Darling, you know I would never hurt you.”

“And that is just where my problem – our problem – lies; I could no more fulfill your dream than you could mine. You see, I too am a submissive who longs to be beating and punished. You know I went out with Betty Pierce before we teamed up? Well she used to spank me now and then although her heart was never Really in it. We split after a few months and the rest is history. Since then I’ve never been used as I want.” He paused for a minute, took a deep breath and continued, “Carl, would you consider taking me on as another sub? I’m not gay or evenbisexual as far as I know but I would obey your commands and you can use or abuse me in any way you want.”

Carl looked over at his mother who sat there open-mouthed as she heard her husband’s confessions. “Darling, I never knew.”

“You were brave enough to tell me about your desires. I never had that courage.”

Carl saw how his parents were still very much in love with Each other. He waited until his mother looked at him again. He raised his eyebrow in unspoken query; she responded with an enthusiastic nod. He had never been with a man before but the idea was growing on him with the thought of a submissive male under his whip. The possibilities for the three of them were expanding exponentially in his mind. “Mummyslut, take off your frock, strip Daddyslut naked then come and undress me.” Carl looked at his naked father for the first time. Pete’s waitline had expanded a little because his was a sedentary occupation but otherwise his body was reasonably trim. His penis dangled between his legs, showing some life, but Carl had little to compare it to except that his father was not as big as him or, indeed, Johnny or Shaun. When all were naked, he told Daddyslut to get his bedroom slipper and bring it down.

He pulled his mother to him and their bodies moulded into each other as they kissed. “Thank you Master. I am happy you have my husband as your sub.”

“He is your sub as well Mummyslut. I think I have another shot in my locker as it’s been several hours since we left Mrs Johnson’s and the atmosphere in here is going to get pretty much charged. Did Dad ever eat the creams he put in you?”

“No, he considered that ‘dirty’.”

“Tonight Mummyslut, I am going to fuck you like I did this afternoon and Daddyslut is going to eat my creampie from your arse. How’s that for dirty? It will also make him subservient to you, which is how I want it. You will always be my precious Mummyslut. Oh, by the way, you may come as much as you like when I fuck your arse tonight, just because I love you Mummyslut.”

Pete saw them kissing like lovers when he returned. The Master claiming his sub, he thought, and then, how he would feel if his Master kissed him like that. But Daddyslut was content. At last, he had found a willing Master and he had seen from her sore arse how hard his beloved Cathy had been spanked. He hoped he could expect the same, just as he had longed for over the years. It was all in the family and he was happy to be subservient to his son. His wife was also happy with the solution and it would keep their marriage together and probably improve their love and devotion to each other. He knew that it means his son was making a cuckold out of him but wasn’t that what he had just signed up to? He hoped their Master would grant him Some loving time with his wife.

“We will all now sit down while I set out our new sleeping arrangements. Tomorrow we will move my bed into the master bedroom and I will decidefrom day to day who will be sleeping with whom. If I allow you to sleep together, you may make love as you wish but I may be there watching you. I will be going shopping tomorrow, as I need some equipment so I will need your bankcard Daddyslut. Don’t worry, I’m not going to bankrupt you, just pick up a few items for our pleasures.

“We will have to keep up our appearance as a normal family outside our home but here in the privacy of our home you will both be under my command in all matters. I will decide what clothes, if any, you will wear. Obviously, I will be fucking Mummyslut any time I want, which will be several times a day. As we go forward, I will decide on your rôle, Daddyslut. Both of you must appreciate that any reluctance to obey my orders will mean I will punish you in whatever manner I decide. Are you happy to obey me?”

He looked at Mummyslut and she answered, “I am yours to command and use as you wish Master.”

“And you Daddyslut?”

“Master, command me.”

“Daddyslut, I sent you for your bedroom slipper. That will be used to give you the spanking you crave and I promise you it will hurt. You will bring your slipper to me on your knees. You will kiss my dick as a sign of your submission then present me with the slipper. Both of you will learn to present what you will bring to me in future. So start your servitude Daddyslut: present the instrument that will be used on you.”

Pete swallowed nervously then dropped to his knees and shuffled over to his son and Master. He bent his head, looking for the first time at another man’s tool from close up. It was flaccid but twitched when his lips contacted the flesh. Sitting back on his heels in what he thought was a submissive posture with his head looking down at the floor between his Master’s feet and held up the slipper in both hands. Carl kept him waiting for several long seconds before accepting the instrument.

“You will crawl to the end of the sofa, stand then bend down wit’s your elbows resting on the arm, your legs will be spread open and you will be ready for your first spanking.”

“Yes Master.” Daddyslut crawled and assumed the position his Dom demanded. His heart was beating fast in his chest; he was excited by this but nervous of the pain. He flinched when Carl rested the sole of the slipper on his father’s bum.

“Both of you listen carefully: in your Many punishments there may come times when the pain is too much to bear. You can end the punishment by using your ‘safe word’ at any time. I will stop whatever I am doing and release you from any constraints. Your safe word will be ‘RED’ but be warned: I do not want to hear ‘RED’ very often and I will design other methods to continue your punishment. There will be one change to that rule. Daddyslut, just for tonight you are going to be spanked mercilessly and you may not call your safe word. Do you understand and agree to that?”

“Yes Master. Please spank me hard.”

Carl used hishand first, starting with light blows, which increased as Daddyslut’s buttocks and thighs took on a rosy glow. The Master picked up the slipper and gave his victim three seriously hard smacks on each buttock and tigh. To his subs’ surprise, he stopped hitting his father and said to Mummyslut, “You will kiss him for a minute, all the while holding his erection in your hand.”

They were allowed to stand for the kiss; Cathy wrapped her arms around her husband and pulled him into a scorchingly sexy kiss to which Pete responded equally enthusiastically. His cock was now rampant and Cathy’s hand was slick with his lubricant when they parted. Carl handed the slipper over to his mother, saying, “You will now beat Dad’s arse mercilessly and will not stop until he ejaculates.”

“Master, you know I cannot hurt him.”

“Do as I order, Mummyslut. Beat him to show the love you bear for each other. Give him his dream spanking at your hand.”

Her first strokes were tenative untilshe was prompted to lay into her husband’s arse with vigour. This continued for several minutes; Cathy’s arm was tiring and her husband’s arse now bore several dark bruises when Carl stepped behind his father and slapped his scrotum very hard. Pete shrieked and his erection started pumping out his sperm in fountains until he was spent.

“You will always thank your Master for any punishment he delivers.”

“Yes Sir. Thank you Master.”

Cathy was ordered to clean his dick with her mouth and then they were allowed a few minutes to hug and kiss each other. Then Carl instructed, “Mummyslut, you will now bend over in the same position on the sofa arm.”

Carl wanted to emphasise his domination over his mother so she received the same six hard slipper strokes on her sore bum that Her husband had suffered. After she thanked him, Pete was told to lick her arse and get her wet there, as his spottle was the only lubrication she was going to get when her arse was fucked. He was to push his tongue right up inside her passage and when she was ready, he had to suck his Master’s prick to get that nice and wet too. This would be a first for both of them but Pete shuffled respectfully on his knees and took his son and Master’s prick into his mouth.

Surprisingly both men discovered that it felt nice: at least Pete did until his Master grabbed the back of his father’s head and pulled him in until the Prick was forced into his throat. He gagged and heaved, trying to pull back but Carl held him firmly in place for a few seconds before releasing him. As he pulled away trying to catch his breath, a thick rope of spit and saliva hung between mouth and prick. Pete was told to use his hands to spread it on Carl’s prick; the young man then stepped behind his mother who was waiting in excited nervousness, lined his prick against her rosebud and rammed it in to full depth, ignoring her scream. He held it there for a few seconds before starting to pump in and out savagely.”Just think, Daddyslut, how it will feel when I fuck your arse like this.” Pete shuddered at the thought but felt his own tool getting harder and harder at the thought of being dominated and used like that. This was what he had craved all his life; he could scarcely believe his fans were coming true even if it means submitting to his own son’s demands.

Carl had already come several times that afternoon so took a long time before he felt that familiar tingling in his balls. He slapped Mummyslut’s arse a couple of times before unloading a small amount of sperm up her rectum. She had been squealing all the way through the fucking she got, but even though her arse was getting sore now, she had two lovely orgasms. When her Master had finished, he stepped back from her and sat on the sofa. His mother’s face was bathed in sweat and her hair hung down in a tangled mess. He stroked it aside and dabbed her face with a tissue then ordered his father, “Get over here and clean my dick with your mouth. “

The man came quickly to his side saying, “Yes Master.” He looked at his son’s tool, seeing the mess of sperm, with what he thought were dubious brown stains mixed in. He shuddered but bent to his task and took the soft flesh in his mouth. Carl was too exhausted from his day of exercises and his tool remained absolutely shrunken as his father cleaned it to his satisfaction. “Now clean my mess out of Mummyslut’s arse. That is going to be one of your tasks from now on.” He watched as his father knelt behind her, spread her arse cheats and starred at the mess for a minute before summoning the courage to start licking. She enjoyed the gentle ministers of the tongue probing inside, almost soothing her arse arse. She could easily get used to this, she thought, strangely feeling yet another climax starting to build.


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