The Memories of Scars Ch. 01


‘Thank you.’ Emma said, pasting a fake smile on her face as she accepted the drink.

‘What’s your name?’ The guy asked as he sat on the stool near her.

‘Max’. She lied and put the drink on the bar. She had some bitter experiences about the drugs in the past and since then she had promised herself not to take a drink from strangers.

‘You look stunning.’ The man said as his eyes drifted on her body.

‘You look nice, too.’ She lied as she noticed his expensive watch and a nice suit. The man was looking like a frog, but she was there for the money and experience taught her that fibs earn fairer than facts. You have to be realistic about something. She recalled her mother saying it.

‘I just had a breakup yesterday and…I was thinking if you are interested in me…We can go outside or in my car or something. What do you think?’

Emma glanced around the bar. Everything looked grand in there including the pe moon in it. She had chosen this bar because she had an inkling that she might get decent money if she sat in a decent bar. And so far she was proven right.

‘I am a hooker so if you have money I will come with you to your place also.’ Emma said, leaning towards him.

‘Oh!’ He looked shocked for a second as he sipped from his glass. ‘What is your price then?’

‘Depends on what you want?’ Emma said with a hint of lust in her voice. She had noticed that it helped them to empty their pockets.

‘You do all that stuff?’ The man waved his hand dramatically and slide near her with eyes full of lust.

‘Yup, as long as you pay.’ Emma said.

‘So, what for fucking?’ the man said.

‘Seven grand.’ Emma said with another fake smile.

‘You are expensive. I can give you two if you make a deal.’ The man said with some sadness.

‘I can give you a blowjob for that.’ Emma said, keeping the smile on her face. She felt disgusted on her first time two months ago, but now she only feel a milk distaste. After all, she was doing this shitty business to pay her mother’s medical bills.

‘We can make a deal on that but you have to do it without the rubber.’ The man said.

‘It will cost one more grand.’ Emma said.

‘Umm…done.’ The man said, frowning slightly and smiled broadly as though he found a golden coin from the shit-pit.

‘Okay. Where do you want to do it?’

‘In my car, I think. If you like.’ The man said as he showed her the key and stood. Em kinda stared at the key. It was Ferrari’s key in his hand. The silver horse was at the bottom with Ferrari written on the bow of the key.

‘You drive a Ferrari, yet you can’t pay seven grand to me?’ Emma asked as she followed him towards the exit.

‘If I start to pay for Everything I like then one day I will be like you. And I don’t have nice tits and arse like you.’ The man said as he grabbed her arse once they were out of the bar.

Emma glared at him though he was not looking at her. She wantsed to kick him and punch him in the face but she bit down her anger and mentally added three grand amounts to her current balance. That only made fifty-six. Nine hundred forty-four to go. She was worried about the time, she had six months and now only four months had remained. Doctors had told her that after a month her mother’s living will fail and there will be no chance for her survival. From the back of her hand, she whipped the tear away.

The man pressed the button and the door opened. The car was amazing. If I steal this car I can get more than I want. It amazing her that she was thinking about stealing. I started whoring and now I don’t feel more than sick, if I give it a try maybe it will end up the same way as whoring. She felt disgusted by the word ‘whore’. The first time someone had told her she had bit his cock. He had kicked her out with a slap and without the payment. She had threatened him that she would go to the cops, but the man had offered her a lift to the policye station himself. And then she realized that she can’t even go to the police because she was a whore.

‘Hey, get in here.’ The man took her hand and Emma came out of her thoughts. She stepped into the car and sat between his legs. His customer closed the door.

‘Where is the money?’ Emma asked, staring at him.

‘I will pay after you finish. Do it now, it is hard.’ He said as he undid his pants.

‘Pay me front.’ Emma said with slight irritation. Her pasted smile was now on the edge to turn into a sneer.

‘Here.’ He said as he picked up his wallet and started to count the money.

‘Half now, half after you suck me nicely and swallow my cum in that dirty mouth of yours.’

‘Great.’ Emma counted the money and stuffed them into her hand purse. She fumbled with his underwear and picked out his cock.

‘Suck me nice and deep, slut. First, make it wet.’ He said as he started to squeeze her tits.

Emma put a good show of slurping and teasing him. She blew air on the cock. That made him groan. Nice, Cum you idiot.

‘Good, slut. Now lick my balls’ he groaned.

She started to lick them with her eyes closed.

She imagined that she was licking some ice cream. But his hair ticked her and ice cream vanished from her vision and instead his balls appeared in front of her.

‘I like your cock, daddy. Say it.’

‘I like Your cock, daddy.’ Emma repeated without any enthusiasm like some carcass has been given a voice and it doesn’t want to live any more.

He opened his mouth to say something, probably to curse her now that her smile and enthusiasm had vanished. But before he could speak, she started to graze the head with her teeth. He groaned aloud and caught her head.

‘Ahh. Do it. You suck nice, you fucking bitch. Do it.’

After some time he exploded in her mouth with a roar, his leg trembling. Emma tested salt on her tongue. She quickly started to swallow, not wanting the taste of his cum. Before she could ask for her remaining money the door opened and both of them frozen.

Emma saw a big man trembling in rage, his nose flared, eyes blazing.

‘What are you doing, you scum. Get out, Get out.’ The man shouted on top of his voice.

Emma sagged further down in the car. The man whose cock she had sucked was now looking terrified.

‘It’s nothing, sir. I was Just…’

‘What just? Who is this bitch? What is she doing in my car?’ The newcomer roared again

Emma felt she was trembling too. But with fear. She hadn’t seen anyone so pissed off in her entire life.

‘She is…a hooker. We were just talking.’ Said the man as he got out of the car. He was doing his pants and his hands were shaking. Suddenly the newcomer pulled out a gun from his belt and put it on the head of the man and grabbed him by his collar.

‘Get out of my sight, you shit. You bring whores in my car, you cunt. Next time I see you, I will put every bullet in your skull. Now fuck off.’ Andwith that, he pushed him roughly. The man barely maintained his balance and bolted in another direction. Emma felt her eyes gonna wide as she watched the gun.

‘What are you waiting for? My invitation, you fucking whore? Get the fuck out of my car.’ He said the last sentence with emphasis.

Emma scrambled out of the car. She was shaking with terror. She nearly tripped two times trying to get out of the car. The man grabbed her hand and dragged her out like she was some trash in his car and pushed her out. She fell to her knees as she lost her balance and then she realized that the man hadn’t paid him her half score. She looked at the newcomer and thought about her chances. She looked at his gun. I have to ask, it is one and a half grand on the stake. If I die, there will be no more whoring. But if I live, I will have one more grand.

‘Sir’ she spoke. Why do I call him ‘sir’? Then she recalled the phrase ‘Do not poke a monkey with a knife.’

He didn’t listen. He waslooking in the car with the flash on, probably looking for any mass.

‘Sir.’ Emma repeated, this time with some weight in her voice, though her voice was trembling.

‘Get the fuck off. I am not interested in you, whore.’

Emma cringed at the word but bit down her rage.

‘Sir, he didn’t pay me. So, …’

‘So, get your arse after him and beg him for the money.’ He finished her sentence as he pulled out his handkerchief and rubbed it on the seat. After that, he tossed it over his shoulder. It fell near Emma.

‘And keep that, it’s worth more than your shitty clothes, probably more than your whore arse.’ He said with a final pat on his seat.

Emma felt tears behind her eyes. She had heard enough humiliation for the day. She felt like she was trash, worthless. She looked at the man standing above her. With clothes more expensive than her house, probably. She thought about what she had done wrong to deserve a life like hers and what he had done to deserve alife like that. Swallowing her pride she reached out to hold his leg. If he wants me to beg, I will.

‘Sir.’ She asked, barely making a voice as she held his leg.

The man turned quickly towards her and she shied back away from him. But before she could get away from him his hand grabbed her jaw, fingers digging in her cheeses.

‘You filter bitch. How dare you touch my pants with your nasty hands. If any word comes out from this fuck-hole, I will pull out your disgusting tongue, now fuck off.’ He roared near her face and released her face with a push.

Emma couldn’t hold her tears anymore. No one had cursed her that much in her life. She felt dirty. She started to cry as she started pulling herself up, but her legs felt weak. So, instead, she dragged herself away from him. Finally, she got up and started to walk away as fast as she could, still sobbing.

‘Stop. Come here.’ He said from behind.

Emma halted on her way and started to debate whether to run orNot. The idea of ​​running with her back facing towards the man with a gun didn’t suit her well. So she turned back and walked back towards him. She kept her eyes on the floor, not wanting another curse from him regarding her eyes. She had a feeling that he was watching her closely like looking at the ghost of some distant relative.

‘You look pretty. What’s your age?’ The man said,

‘Nineteen.’ She whispered. This time she didn’t lie. She didn’t want to risk her life by saying the wrong age. She was stunned that the man had just called her pretty after the insults he gave her.

‘How much money does that fucker owe you?’

‘One and a half grand, sir.’ Now that he seemed to pay her, she thought why not give him what he wanted.

‘How much for your cunt?’ He asked, gesturing towards her crotch.

‘Seven grand, sir.’ She whispered, still looking on the floor.

‘Hmm. Take this and keep the change. And yes, give me your card. You have a card, don’t you?’ The man held out a note with a raised browser.

‘Thank…you.’ She accepted a note, hiding her excitement as she noticed the bill. She had earned ten grand in a single visit.

‘Sorry, sir. I don’t have a card.’ She replied as it was her fault that she didn’t have a card.

‘Cheap whores.’ The man muttered to himself as he picked out his phone.

‘Give me your number, If you have one.’ The man asked with pure distaste on his face.

Emma gave him her number and he set into the car. The engine roared to life as he turned it on.

‘If I call you, come to my place. I will pay double your price.’ And with that, he closed the door and the car picked up its speed.

Emma started after the car. Her face was still a mess with her tears and ruined make-up. She tried to figure out why the man had given her money after throwing her out like garbage, but she couldn’t think of any reason. I have ten grand and that’s enough. She glanced at the handkerchief he had tossed to her and she picked it up. She needed every penny she could get.


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