The Meeting: Reno Bound Ch. 3

As he drove down S. Virginia Street to the freeway, she glanced out the window taking in the lights of the various casinos and hotels. “Do You have a favorite casino here Sir?” She asked curiously.

He glanced over at her and replied, “I have a couple favorites, why do you ask?”

Turning her face from the window to look at Him, “Oh I was just curious Sir.”

He laughed and said, “My favorites are the ones I win lots of money from!”

She giggled at that, “Well I guess that makes sense!” A red light kept them long enough at the intersection for Him to lean over and kiss her, she responded eagerly. As He kissed her, He pushed His left hand between her legs, shoving His 2 fingers into still wet pussy. She parted her legs a bit wider and moaned in pleasure, He felt her thrust her hips forward and pulled His fingers out quickly, then shoving them back in just as fast.

“Oh… god that feels so good Sir.” He smiled at her and as He pulled His fingers out again, the light changed to green, turning back to focus His attention to His driving.

She glanced at Him and whispered, “You keep doing that at every light Sir and I might have to ask permission to cum.” Without taking His eyes from the road He replied in a somewhat stern voice, “you will not cum until I say you may cum and trust Me, My horny little slut, when I decide the time I wish you to cum, you will be begging My permission.”

She trembled as she heard His words, imagining the state of arousal He intended to put her in, her wetness increased even more, she could feel it on her thighs now. “Yes Sir, I do know and understand that my pleasure is in Your hands.”

A wicked grin formed on His lips, “It is good that you know that pet, because I plan to bring you to the edge many times before allowing you to cum for Me.” He added, “And W/we have a whole week before O/our stay in Reno comes to an end.”

She grew silent, lost in her thoughts of what might lay ahead for her, glancing out the window she felt His eyes on her. “Not to worry My slut, I guarantee you will love every minute of every hour of every day that I take My pleasure in your willing body.” She nodded as she answered, “Of that I am sure Sir.” Turning to smile warmly at Him.

The drive to the restaurant was about 30 minutes of freeway towards Carson City. As He pulled off the freeway and turned onto a 2-lane road, she noticed the change in scenery, that this mountainous tree lined road seemed so far removed from the bright lights and bustle of Reno. She wondered how or why anyone would think to build a restaurant so far from any large city. As He pulled the car into a gravel parking lot, she was surprised at the number of cars that almost filled it. Her eyes took in every detail, from the large veranda type porch to the entrance, to the log cabin style of the exterior. She had a good feeling about this place, it just felt comfortable to her.

He parked the car and turned the engine off,leaning over to kiss her once again, whispering, “Stay in your seat sweetie until I see if the Hotel Manager was able to call in my reservations.” With that He opened His door and walked up the steps to the entrance. He was back before she realized He was gone. He came around to the passenger side of the car and opened her door, “Remind me to send a thank you gift to the Hotel Manager.”

As she unbuckled her seat belt, He extended His hand to help her from the car, as she took His hand, He pulled her to Him, whispering how sexy she looked. She smiled and whispered back in His ear, “You don’t look so bad Yourself Sir.”

He felt her body shiver as she leaned into Him, “Are You cold sweetie?”

Hugging Him a bit tighter, “Yes Sir just a tad, this cold mountainous air has bit of a bit to it, given what I am dressed in.”

In a joking tone He asked, “So, I guess telling you to take the coat off before W/we go in, is out of the question eh?”

This made her laugh, “Well Sir, this one would appreciate it if You would not ask that!”

“Ok I won’t ask that, but I do have something I wish You to wear in the restaurant for Me, sit down there for a minute and I will get it from the trunk.” She looked at Him with interest, wondering what in the world He could possibly have in the trunk for her, to wear no less. She took a step back and sat on down on the car seat with her legs outside, her feet on the ground. She felt the trunk lid close and watched Him walk back over to her with His hands in His coat pockets. He squatted in front of her using His hands He parted her legs some and reached into His coat pocket and brought out a small clip vibe with elastic loopholes for her legs and one that went around the waist to keep it from slipping away from her body. He lifted her right foot and slipped it through one loop and then lifting her left foot and putting it through the other loop, pushing it up her legs.

“Stand up my little slut so I can adjustThis so it doesn’t lose contact with Your body.” As she stood up, she wondered how loud the vibe would sound, feeling a brief wave of fear of possible added attention. He stood up and hiked her dress up and tightened the waistband to fit snuggly. He then reached down and adjust the vibe so that it pressed against her clip, her swollen lips almost hiding it.

She looked down and noticed that there was not a control switch anywhere to be seen on it. It was as if He read her thoughts, reached into the other coat pocket and produced a remote control. Smiling, He said, “Let’s see how this gadget works shall W/we?” Without waiting for her reply, He turned the switch on the small remote control He held in His hand. She gasped as she felt it start to vibrate against her clip, her knees buckled slightly. Moaning in pleasure, but aware how weak her legs were becoming, she sank back down to the car seat.

He watched the expression on her face, not saying a word, knowing her need to sitdown. He slowly turned the control up a notch, not taking His eyes from her. “Does my lil slut like her new toy?”

She looked up at Him answering, “Yes Sir, I have never experienced one of these before, have read about them, but have never had one used on me.” She was pleased that the sound of the vibe was not loud at all, and was certain that no one in the restaurant would hear it should He decided to tease and control her with it.

He turned the vibe off and extended His hand to her, “Come on pet, it is close to O/our reservation time, let’s go have some dinner.” Reaching for His hand, half letting Him pull her to her feet and half-standing, she looked up to Him, “Thank You Sir.”

He locked and closed the car door, then placed His hand on the small of her back guiding her towards the steps. She was relieved that He had not made her walk with the vibe turned on. He opened the door to the restaurant and held it open for her to step inside. As He closed the door a friendlyolder man stepped into the lobby area with 2 menus in his hand and spoke to Him.

“Perfect timing Sir, we have Your table ready for You and the lady, please follow me.” As they followed him through the small cozy dining room, she noticed the romantic atmosphere of the place. The man stopped at a small table next to a window over looking a lake. The table was covered with a white linen tablecloth and a small candle flickered in the Center of the table. She thought this truly was a romantic place. The man stood there waiting for her to remove her coat, she looked at Him and He nodded to her, indicating she was to give the man her coat to hang up while T/they had their dinner.

He stepped forward, whispering in her ear as His hands moved to the shoulders of the coat, “Now it is time for Me to show You off pet.” With her face turned away from the man, she looked out the window at the moon shinning on the lake and whispered, “Yes Sir, as You wish.” She helped Him remove her coat, and heard Him thank the man for taking care of it for T/them removing His own coat, after slipping the remote from the pocket, holding it His hand as He handed His coat to the man to hang up with hers.

He walked behind her chair and pulled it out for her, she sat down almost sure every eye in the room was watching T/them. He then sat down across from her, placing the remote control on His lap. After hanging up the coats, the man returned and asked if T/they would like something to drink before ordering. He looked at her and asked, “luv what would you like?” She replied, “if it is okay with You Sir, I would like a Kaluaha and cream please, in a tall glass.” He ordered her drink and then ordered a glass of wine for Himself.

He picked up His menu, glancing at Him, she did the same, looking at the vast array of dinners to choose from. “See anything that sounds good to you pet?” She finished looking at the special’s for the day, and replied, “Oh yes Sir there are many items onHere that sound good to me it is just a matter of making up my mind.” Looking over His menu at her, He stated, “Order anything you wish dear, I want this, O/our first night together to be a memorable one for you.”

She kept going back and forth between the Prime Rib and Lemon Chicken, “well I have it narrowed down between two Sir, what are You going to have?” Chuckling, He said , “I am finding Myself in the same predicament, it is between the Prime Rib and the lemon chicken.” Her eye opened wider, “I cannot believe this Sir, those are the same two item I am trying to make my mind up over!” His smile grew wide reminding her, “Well W/we were both born on the same, perhaps that has something to do with it!”

“I know Sir, why don’t You order one and I will order the other and W/we can share O/our dinners with each other!” Placing His menu on the table, the expression on His face reflected His twinkling eyes, “Brilliant idea luv, I should have thought of that!”

He smiled, “My intelligent horny lil slut, I will have to reward you for a smart solution.” And with that He moved His right hand to His lap and turned the remote control switch to low, never taking His eyes off her. She closed her eyes as she felt the victory suddenly between her legs. He decided to let it vibrate until the man returned with T/their drinks and took T/their order. “Open your eyes slut, I want to savor every lustful and pleasant expression you feel stir inside you.

Opening her eyes, she whispered, “Yes Sir as You wish,” looking across the table at Him with a small tension smile. The man returned with T/their drinks and pulled out his order pad, “ready to order Sir or would You like a few more minutes?” He answered, “No my good man, I think W/we are as ready as W/we’ll ever be, a Prime Rib medium rare and a lemon chicken.”

The man asked if T/they would like salad or soup. She answered salad with Ranch dressing for me please and He said, “Make that two please.” The manThen asked, “Will You have rice pilaf, baked potato, mashed potatoes or steak fries? She answered, “Baked for me please, no sour cream, just lots of butter.”

He decided, “Rice pilaf for Me please.” He reached down and turned the control up 2 notches and heard her gasp. He then gathered T/their menus and handed them to the man. The man turned and looked back at her, “Is everything all right Miss?” She felt the blood rush to her cheeks, lowering her eyes, she quietly answered,

Yes Sir everything is just fine.”

He was amazed at her willpower and control, thinking to Himself, she had been trained well. Once the man was out of earshot, she looked at Him and whispered, “You do not play fair at all Sir.” Grinning wickedly, He nodded and said, “I know!” And then turned the control up one more notch. She moaned quietly, but felt in her heart that she was not going to be able to last the whole dinner like this. Just as He had turned it on without warning, He clicked it up oneMore notch and then shut it off. He heard her exhaust in relief. “Thank You Sir, I am not sure how much more of that I could have taken.”

The rest of the meal proceeded with some small take and a little teasing with the remote control, and always at a time when she least expected. The food was perfect and T/they both agreed that if T/they ever came back to meet each other again, this would be T/their special place for dinner. When the plates had been cleared, she asked, “Sir may I have permission to use the ladies room please?”

He pondered her request a moment, thinking that she would have to remove the vibe for a minute or so, and remembered that she would have to walk across the room in that short sexy dress still wearing the vibe. A smile crossed His face as He answered he. Wait here for a moment, I need to go out to the car for something, I will be right back. She looked up at Him and answered, “Yes Sir, as You wish.” He strolled out to the car and return a few minutes later, carrying a small gift bag.

Looking at her as He sat down again, He said, “Yes slut, you may be excused to use the ladies room on two conditions. One is that the vibe must be put immediately back on when you are done, and the other is that when you are done, you are to take this little gift and lubing your ass with the KY jelly that is in the bag, then insert the inflatable anal plug into Your ass for Me.” He heard her inhale deeply as she listened to His latest instructions. He added, “Now tell me slut, how badly you need to use the restroom and that you are willing to do as I wish in order to be given permission to be excused.”

Lowering her eyes in respect to Him, she lowered her voice as well and pleased, “Please Sir, may I be excused to use the ladies room? I promise I will put the clip vibe back on as soon as I am done. Please Sir? I will also use the KY to lube my ass and insert the inflatable anal plug into my ass as You wish me to do. Please Sir, I do not thinkI will be able to make the trip back in the car if I cannot be allowed to use the ladies room.” She glanced up with pleading eyes, waiting for His answer.

He took His time, looking intently at her, resting His chin on His interlocked fingers, His elbows resting on the table. Then unlocking His fingers and lowering His hands, He replied, “Yes my lil slut, You may have permission to use the restroom provided you Follow My instructions to the T.” With a look of appreciation, she said, “Oh thank You Sir, and I promise You will not be disappointed, I will do exactly as You have instructed.” Looking up at Him she added, “I do so want to please You Sir.”

His eyes lingered on her a moment thinking to Himself, oh you do please me pet. In a deep Masterly tone He commanded, “Then go my lil slut, and make it fast, I wish to get back to the hotel and finally take my pleasure in you.” She rose quickly from the table forgetting how short the dress was, before she realized it had hiked upa tad, her hands went immediately to the hemline to pull it down. He glanced at the gift bag and said, “Don’t forget the gift bag and the items you will be needing to carry out my wish.” She reached for the bag and turned to walk across the room to the restrooms, as she did, He reached down and turned the remote control up to medium high, watching her reaction and smoking. Just as she pushed on the door to the ladies room, He turned it off and He watched her disappear behind the door.

He kept His eyes in the general victory of the rest rooms wanting to see her return to Him with the added toy inserted in her. He didn’t have to wait long, the door opened and she appeared, just as she began her walk back across the room, He turned the remote control switch up even higher. He smiled wickedly as He noticed the look in her eyes, a look He had missed When she was walking away from Him. She walked with confidence, He thought He even detected a slight look of pleasure in her eyes. He was amazing at her training and would like to one day shake the hand of the Master that trained her.

As she approached the table, He rose from His chair, placing His hand on the small of her back, He stated, “W/we are ready to go pet, W/we can retrieve O/our coats at the front counter. T/they walked towards the front door, stopping long enough for the man to meet T/them with T/their coats in hand, handling His to Him, and then Helping her on with her coat.

He asked if everything was to T/their satisfaction and was assured that everything was just perfect. The man turned at Him and told Him jokingly, “You take care of that sexy woman, or I might have to come steal her from You.” She giggled at this remark and He answered, “You do not have to worry about that My friend, I know exactly what I have with this special and sexy lady, and I plan to take very good care of her, trust me!” He turned at the man as T/they turned to walk out to the car, she thanked Him for the wonderful dinner as T/they approached the car. He opened her door for her and as He turned towards her, He pulled her to Him holding her close and running His hands inside her coat and down to the cheeses of her ass. He pulled the hemline of her dress up and moved His fingers to the plug, giving it a few more pumps of air. She moaned as she felt it get larger in her ass, and He whispered, W/we do not want it to slip out now do W/we? I would have to punish you if it did. He moved His lips to hers and kissed her with a fierce hunger that made her shudder.

He stepped away and helped her into the car, once she was seated, He leaned down and spread her legs wide. Reaching under the seat he pulled out 2 ankle restraints and attached them to her ankles, then reaching between the seats pulled out 2 thigh restraints and attached They to her thighs. He pulled them out spreading her tights as wide as the front seat would allow and secured the straps tightly under the seat. He then reached behind her seatand said, “Lift your arms up to the top of your seat pet.” As she did, He attached wrist restraints to her wrists and secured them tightly to the head rest. He looked down at her and smiled.

“Are you comfortable my horny lil slut?” She nodded and said, “Yes Sir, this is fine.” He closed her door and walked around to the driver’s side, unlocking the door, and then getting in. He put the keys in the ignition and started it, and then turned to look at her, leaning towards her, He said, “You look like such a wanton lil slut sitting there all exposed to Me.”

His hand moved up to her breasts, squeezing them through the dress, then reaching up, He pulled the neck line down, exposing her beautiful breasts. Seeing her hard erect nipples, He leaned down and placed His teeth over her right nipple and pulled it gently out, she moaned feeling her wetness increasing between her legs. His hand on the remote He turned it off for the time being. Pulling His mouth away from her nipple, He looked at her and said, “you are such a hot and horny lil slut aren’t you?”

She nodded and whispered, “Yes Sir, I am Your horny lil slut, for You to use as You so wish.” Grinning wickedly. He added, “And that I will my slut, I plan to take and use every inch and every hole on your body and when I am done, I will use them again.” His hand moved between her legs, pulling the slit vibe to the side, He ran His fingers between her very wet and very swollen lips, parting them, and in one quick movement pushed 2 fingers all the way into her.

She moaned in pleasure and thrusts her hips at His fingers. He laughed pulling His fingers from her and bringing them to her lips, He leaned in close and said, “Taste your sweet nectar with me slut, tell me how much you love your own taste.” He began to lick His fingers from one side as she licked them from the other, moaning as she did so. “Yes Sir, I do so love the taste of my own slut juices and hopes that You are pleased with my taste as wellSir.” He pulled His fingers back and turning to put the car in gear, He said, “Yes my lil slut I am pleased with your taste as well as many other things about you.”


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