The Meeting Ch. 03

Sami was sitting on the train, looking out of the window. She was remembering her last two meetings with her Master, and willing herself to stay calm. This was the first time she had been invited to his house, and she was very nervous. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him, more that she had always been in a familiar environment, and that somehow had made it easier.

She looked around herself at the people on the train, and wondered what they would think if they knew what was going on inside her head. She wondered how many of them might possibly have the same “interests”. Her eyes lingered on a man, wondering if he was dominant inside, if he knew by looking at her that she would submit to her Master again in just under an hour.

Some of the passengers around her had food from the buffet carriage, and although Sami had had no breakfast, she was far too nervous to eat. She tried closing her eyes to doze until she arrived, but her mind was too active, with all the things she was imagine.

As Sami shifted in her seat, she became aware once again that she was not wearing any underwear. This had been on her Master’s orders, and she had been determined to follow them perfectly. Her pussy was shaken and prepared as instructed, dabbed with just a small amount of perfume. She turned bright red at the thought of being so close to all these strangers and not being properly clothed. She knew of course that they could’t possibly know, but the fact that she knew was enough.

Finally the train pulled up at the station and Sami descended onto the platform. She was wearing a black skirt that came to just above her knee and had a small slit at the side, and a light blue, short-sleeved shirt. Although the sun was shining and it was the middle of August, Sami felt a shiver travel through her. Quickly she composed herself and set off for the taxi rank. She wished her Master had been able to meet her at the station, but he’d had some work to finish off, and she’d have to make her own way there.

Sami climbed carefully into the cab, to ensure her skirt did not rise up and show her lack of panties. The cab driver was really chatty and annoying, but Sami tuned him out. It became clear to him that she wasn’t looking for a conversation and he left her to her thoughts.

She wondered what her Master had in store for her this time, and was very excited. She couldn’t wait to see him again. Since their last meeting, she had felt something growing inside of her, more than just the excitement of their next meeting, but the thought of just being near him. She brushed such thoughts from her mind. Surely it was impossible to fall in love with someone so soon?

The cab finally pulled up outside a semi-detached house with a small but very neighbor front law. Sami was a little surprised. She hadn’t really thought about what his house would look like, but she hadn’t imagined him to be the gardening type.

As she made her way up the little path leading to the front door, she steadied herself. Once she had her breathing under control, she knocked firmly, three times on the door. About half a minute passed and Sami was beginning to wonder if she had the wrong house, when the door swung open.

“Sami, come in my dear,” said that familiar voice.

Sami looked up at her Master, drinking him in, unaware of the large, rather ridiculous grin on her face. As She entered into the hallway, he pushed the door shut behind her and took her in his arms. He held her for a few minutes, stroking her and kissing her hair with tender affect. She melted into him at once.

Without warning, his attitude suddenly changed, and once again he was the aloof dominant, in control of his emotions. He gestured for her to precede him into the living area. Sami looked around the room and noticed that There was some food laid out on the dining table. It made her realise just how hungry she actually was, and right on cue, her stomach grew.

“Ah, I’m glad you’re hungry Sami,” her Master said with a slight smile. “Please remove your shoes and knee by the table.”

Sami did as she was told, feeling slightly ridiculous. She was used to sit at the table, not being on the floor next to it like some animal!

Her Master took a seat next to her. Then he pulled a blindfold from his pocket, and tied it tightly around her eyes. She felt something cold against her wrist, and something metal snapped around it. Her hand was pulled to the table leg and she heard metal being wrapped around it, and the other wrist was snapped into another ring of metal. She realized she had been handcuffed.

She sat there for a little while, wondering what was coming next, the silence in the air making her uncomfortable. Why wasn’t he speaking? Of course, what Sami didn’t know was that her Master was staring at her, taking in the lovely sight before him of his pretty little captive. And now she would be his pet.

Sami could smell something under her nose. It smelt like meat. The next thing she knew, something was being pushed against her lips. She parted them cautiously, and the food was pushed into her mouth. She relaxed as she realized it was a piece of chicken, then stiffened again at the thought of being hand-fed.

Before she had even finished what was in her mouth, she felt something else against her lips, this time it was softer and she guessed it was possible a vegetable. A slice of cooked carrot was then on her tongue, and she ate it obediently. Again, before she could finish, a small potato was between her lips, and then another piece of chicken.

She tried to close her mouth to stop any more food entering – she already had her mouth full and was trying desperately to swallow, but her Master was enjoying the sight, and forced in another piece of carrot. Sami Shook her head and tried to back away, and some of the food slipped out of her mouth and down her chin.

“Now look what you’ve done,you silly little animal,” he ignored.

She wanted to wipe the food from her face but was unable to without the use of her hands. He let her sit there for a few minutes with the food dribbling down her. As it dripped onto her shirt, she felt very humiliated.

“If you’re going to act like a little puppy, I will treat you like one!” and with that, he stood up and she heard his footsteps dying away.

Soon he was back and she heard two items being put on the floor in front of her. He croouched down next to her and took a fistful of hair at the back of her head. He pushed her head down towards the floor and suddenly she felt something on her face. She realized she was being made to eat from a bowl on the floor. It was too much for her and she struggled and fought against it. How could he treat her like nothing more than a pet dog! She wouldn’t eat food from the floor, she just wouldn’t!

But it seemed that the choice was not hers to make, as her face was pushed onceagain into the bowl, and she understands she must eat to breathe. She took some of the food between her teeth and ate, and her Master let her up for air for a few seconds, before forcing her head down again.

Sami thought she has been humiliated before but it was nothing compared to this! Did he not see what he was doing to her!

After Sami had been made to eat all of the food in the bowl, another bowl was pushed under her face. He pushed her head down again and she felt water against her face. She knew what was expected of her and began to lap gingerly at the water. It tasted slightly salty, and it was only then she realized that she had been crying, and the tears were running under the blindfold and down her face.

Once Sami had been fed and watered, the handscuffs were removed and she was led to a chair, feeling defeated once again.

As her Master removed her blindfold he said, “Didn’t you enjoy that Sami? Didn’t you like being fed?”

She looked into his eyesand shook her head.

“No, Master,” she whimpered.

“Oh I’m not sure that’s the truth,” he said, and he reached his hand between her legs.

Once again she had been betrayed by her own body. He laughed at her and pulled his hand away.

“I think my little slut quite enjoys being debased for her Master, isn’t that so?” he asked.

She looked up at him, unable to speak, not knowing what to say.

“It’s very simple, Sami,” he coated. “The answer is yes Master”

“Yes Master” she whispered, dropping her head.

“Better,” he said. “You’ve come so far in the short time we have known each other. You are still wilful, but slowly I am breaking you, bending you to my will. You are mine Sami, and I will do with you as I please. I know what is good for you, and I know how far to push you. You need to trust me, and remember that I care for you very much.”

Sami was overwhelmed by this. He seemed so self-controlled and confident speaking of such things, whereasSami was rather more embarrassed to speak about her feelings. She simply smiled gratefully up at him.

“Ok Sami, now I want you to take your clothes off so that I can see you have obeyed my orders carefully. Strip now,” he commanded.

Sami felt self-conscious removing her clothes before him, but she slowly did as he instructed, unbuttoning her shirt and letting it fall away so that her breasts were free, and reaching round to unzip her skirt. It fell in a puddle at her feet and she stepped out, carefully folding the clothes and putting them to one side. Once again she was naked before him.

“Now sit back down and put your arms on the arm rests. Spread your legs. Wider! I want full access to that pussy. That’s it, now put your ankles against the chair legs. Good girl. Stay very still, I will be right back,” and with that he strode from the room.

Sami felt a bit silly holding position, but stayed still until he returned a moment later with a roll of black duct tape.Sami nearly bolted from the chair, but managed enough self-restraint to stay where she was. He slowly began to fix each of her wrists to the wooden arms on the chair with the tape. Next, her wrapped in around her ankles and the chair legs. He also wrapped some around the tops of her shins, fixing her legs in place, and then some around her tummy and the back of the chair.

She tugged at her bonds, but the tape was stronger than she had predicted and held her firmly in place. Due to the high back of the chair, he was also able to hold her head in place by winding it around the chair back and her neck. She panicked a little at this, but calmed when she realized it would not impede her breathing; unless she happened to struggle a lot of course.

Her Master began to run his hands over her body and she trembled with pleasure at this. She had reached the point where she was craving his touch and it felt so good. He squeezed her breasts and slapped them in turn, causing her to gasp.Then he picked up a short-tailed, leather flogger. Sami looked at him in horror. He had never used a flogger on her before. He stoked her hair and kissed her cheek. Then he stepped back and began to gently float her breasts. He applied a little more pressure and soon they were red and she was beginning him to stop. He moved the flogger down and started whipping her thighs, and she realized she was trying to reach him with her pussy, which was of course impossible.

The flogging stopped and Sami was moaning with lust. She wanted her Master inside her now, but knew it would be a while before her need was satisfied. Her Master opened a draw on the other side of the room, took out some small objects and returned to her. She saw he had some pegs.

What on earth is he going to do with those?? She wondered in horror.

First he took her right nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it until it stood to attention. Then he took one of his wooden pegs and clamped it onto hernipple. She gasped in shock at the biting sensing and bit her lip as he prepared her left nipple in the same way. She let out a small moan as he affixed a second peg, and shook her head silently.

“You’re doing so well baby. I want you to take some pain for me. It’s important to me, so stay very still, ok?” he said as he took one of her pussy lips between his fingers, pulled it out so it was stretched taut, and attached one, two, three pegs.

Sami fight back tears at the pain, but at the same time she felt so turned on, with the pegs and his fingers brushing against her clip. It was such an exciting mixture, the mingling of pleasure and pain, that she almost forgot about the pegs on her nipples. Either that or they had just gone numb from the pain!

As her Master stretched out her other pussy lip and again attached three pegs, her eyes began to water, and she was squirming against her bonds in pain and frustration.

He took the middle peg on each of her pussy lips and pulled them apart, opening her up. As he examined her, she desperately tried to move away from him but she was held firm and he tugged on the pegs a little as punishment.

Once he was satisfied that his instructions had been followed and that Sami was properly shacked and prepared, he took a riding crop down from a shelf and tapped lightly at the pegs on her nipples, creating new waves of pain, and Suddenly she was again very aware of those pegs. He did the same between her legs, brushing the tip of the crop over the pegs, so that they knocked together and sent jolts of pleasure through her.

Slowly he rubbed the end of the crop over her clip, the sensing building up inside of her, becoming almost unbearable as she began to tremble with the first wave of orgasm. The orgasm washed over her and she felt as though she was in a sea of ​​bliss, and never wanted the pleasure to end. She gave a final shudder and slumped in her bonds, hurt out from the power of the orgasm, feeling exhausted and very satisfied.

Very gently, her Master used some sharp scissors to remove the tape, starting at her ankles, and removing the tape on her neck last. It stung as he peeled it off, but was nothing compared to the pain she felt when he removed the pegs. The blood rushing back into her nipples caused her to gasp, and as he removed the pegs from her pussy, her eyes started to water, but he was gentle with her. She Just wanted to be in his arms and he seemed to sense this, and picked her up and held her to his chest. She felt how turned on he was, and knew that it was time for his own needs to be satisfied.

He pushed her down onto her knees, and she eagerly took him in her mouth. It was only seconds before he became so aroused that he flipped her over onto all fours and took her hard from behind, pumping into her until his own orgasm took hold. He gripped her against him and he released himself into her.

Sami couldn’t wait for their next meeting!


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