Melody’s and Eli’s faces rested atop Tara’s soft slick belly as she reclined and recovered from her recent orgasm. The two subordinates gently stroked their mistress’ skin and gazed contentedly into one another’s eyes. Their faces each shiny and wet from their own saliva and from the thick cum Tara had commanded Eli to spill onto her breasts and belly. The pair then being required to lick her clean as she brought herself to a very satisfied and somewhat unexpectedly intense orgasm.
Tara struggled her fingers through the golden hair of her new girl pet and through the long sandy hair of her loving husband. She felt very close to them and the three shared in that brief but obvious air of warmth and tenderness.
Tara gained control of herself and began to reassert her control over the two purring pets atop her body, “All right you two, time to clean up, we have a lot to do. Melody will not wear any panties and Eli you will wear the panties Melody wore here.”
A quick giddy smile slipped across Melody’s flushed shiny face. A geneuine excitement at Tara’s dominance and her surrender to it. She was jittery with the ideas of what wonderfully wicked things the strong woman had in store for her, for them all.
“You may wash your hands and faces but no shows,” Tara instructed. “I want my little sluts to be ripe with the scent of sex out in public.” Her sinister giggle punctuated her desire to humiliate the two submissives in her control.
Melody’s eyes widened and the giddy smile melted at the realization she would not be allowed to shower or even wash her drenched crotch. She had gushed heavily from the strong orgasms the pair had manipulated her through. Her thighs and ass were cold from the ample juices that covered her. The cent of her was heavy in the air. She knew that even by leaving behind the soaked sofa cushion, the cent would still be strong enough on her that anyone getting too close would notice.
She knew too that she had seened more than a little of her juices into her panties on the flight up. Her own deviant imagination and anticipation kept her in a constant state of semi-arousal during the trip. And then Tara’s teasing ministers had caused her to soak them thoroughly. So with Eli now being forced to wear them he too would be surrounded in her musk.
But the two didn’t dare raise a voice of protest or even a sideways glance. They simply rose and began gathering their clothes. Melody could feel the wetness covering her lower body as she bent and moved about. Eli took her by the hand and led her to the bathroom where the two performed the small amount of cleaning they’d been allowed.
They dressed hurriedly, not wanting to keep their mistress waiting. Melody pulled her jeans up over her bare ass and felt the rough seam snug up into her uncovered pussy as she zipped them. She eyed Eli as he slipped on her aromatic red panties that she had so carefully purchased to please Tara. A very femininepair of silky underwear that could not contain Eli’s large low hung testicles. She did have to admit to herself that he looked very good in her panties. The way they rode up high on his hips and bulged at the front where his half-hard member strained against the soft fabric never means to hold such contents.
Melody felt a strange mixture of emotions as she finished dressing. Anxious yet calm. Excited yet serene. Mature yet naïve. Fulfilled yet yearning. A woman yet a child.
Now in pursuit of her master’s degree, Melody had long ago left behind physical childhood. And in truth she and Eli were not that far apart in age. A much larger gap in years existing between she and Tara who was senior to Eli. But the long time love and wonderful experiences of these two made them seem so much more mature than she. A depth of devotion she admired and longed for. Their loving, committed, expressive marriage a natural attention for her. Years did not delineate their appeal, life did.
Dispite all she had accomplished and was pursuing in her life, in her heart she so often yearned for those gracious days of discovery and simplicity that only youth can bring. And so had been born some of her deepest fans. Those fans rarely shared with anyone but readily given to this wonderful couple whom she had found. They did not judge her, but instead embedded all of who she was. Indeed, her heart was both warm and light as she and Eli emerged in the living room.
Tara sat on the sofa finishing the last of the beer she had nursed through the earlier sexual journey with her two pets. Her long thick auburn hair hung seductively about her face and her full lips showed bright with a fresh coat of blood red lipstick. Her bright green eyes still held the misty look of lust as she smiled at the pair who stood eagerly before her.
Tara looked them over and smiled in pleasure. “Humm…turn around slowly so that I may look at you both.” The two did as she bad andslowly spun around in presentation. Tara couldn’t help but relish the way Melody’s ass stretched and filled the denim of her jeans. How her more than ample breasts pushed at the tight fabric of her white T-shirt.
“Not bad. Now turn around and face away from me.” Tara waved her hand to indicate her desire for the pair to be quick about it. And so Eli and Melody turned their backs to the commanding woman.
From the corner of his eye, Eli could see Melody’s head slip back slightly, her eyes flutter and her lips slightly part. He wasn’t sure of the exact cause but knew Tara was at the root of it.
Tara ran her hand firm and strong up the inside of Melody’s leg. Her fingers gripping and squeezing at the flesh and then again they would glide upward. The higher her touch slipped, the farther Melody’s mind slipped. Even this simple touch quickly brought her to a state of arousal.
Melody took a quick breath and opened her eyes as the hand quickly left her body just beforeit had reached her now warmed center.
“Both of you pull your pants down. I want to see those naked ass.” Tara smiled as she watched the two quickly slip their pants to their ankles. As instructed Melody wore no panties and Eli wore her shiny red panties. She had to control herself to keep from reaching out and caresing Melody’s now naked ass suspended just before her face. Tara loved The sight of it but denied herself the feeling of it for now. She wanted to stay focused.
“Hands on knees. Pout those asses out for me.”
As Eli and Melody eased their asses back and up slightly they heard the distinct and sound of latex gloves being stretched across hands. Melody gasped slightly at the starkness of the sudden cold on her sensitive nether region. Tara swirled the lubricant around her Puckered hole and then slowly eased her finger inside. The fleshy ass pouted further back towards her as she buried her finger to the last knuckle.
Then with her other hand Tara did the same to Eli. She worked her fingers into each of them until she felt the muscles had stretched and limbered sufficiently. Then eased a second finger into each of the dark holes of her pets. She watched with milk fascination as the tight rings each slowly loosened and began to welcome the intrusions. She noted how quickly Eli’s ass adapted and was already set to accept more. Melody’s ass on the other hand was accommodating yet tight around her fingers.
She smiled at the two of them struggling not to fuck back on her fingers. Their legs shaking slightly as she swirled them around and eased them in and out of the hungry asses. “This is like having a giant slut-flavored popsicle.” She giggled in self-amusement as the two hung suspended on her hands.
She pulled her fingers out of them and smiled as the holes shrank closed but remained relaxed and more open than when she had begun. “I think my ass sluts need something to remind them of my presence while we are out.”
Eli heard Melody breathe deep at the sudden new intrusion that was invading her body. A breath drawn as much to help her relax as in raw pleasure. He could hear her breathing slow down and grow husky just as he too felt the new intrusion enter his body.
“A nice butt plug for my girl and…some ass beads for my boy.” Tara slowly eased the plug into Melody until the girl’s ass stretched that final little bit and then reflexively clamped around the skinny stem and sucked the flared base in tight to her ass. One by one she fed the beads into Eli’s ass until only the string and plastic hoop hung from him. The plastic balls bunching up inside of him caresed his prostate gland.
“There, that’s better. Now pull your pants up my sluts.” Tara rose and disclosed the gloves and returned just as the two finished buttoning their jeans.
“Yes nice filled asses should help keep you both focused.” She grabbed her purse and flung it over her shoulder, “Time to go.”
Tara crawled into the backseat of the SUV with Melody. Eli drove. Melody smiled inside the large vehicle. The size of it made her feel small. She also enjoyed the idea of knowing this large powerful vehicle belonged to Tara not Eli. It suited her Melody thought to herself. Her strong mistress driving around in such a strong vehicle.
Tara navigated Eli to the parking lot of their favorite adult toy store. The trio exited the vehicle and Tara summoned them both to stand in front of her at the passenger door. She delved into her pursuit and pulled from it a pair of glittering chrome handcuffs. She reached out and clicked one cuff around Eli’s wrist and the other around Melody’s. Then, just as Eli had shown her from his years spent in law enforcement, she carefully depressed the double-lock pin on each. It was a warm summer day so each of them wore short sleeps and the shinning handcuffs were more than conspicuous.
“No talking and do as your told.” Tara stated as flat and stern as a mother about to take two young children into a store. Then she turned and strolled towards the door. Eli caught the snapping head of a passenger in one of the cars whizzing by on the busy street just in front of them. He smiled slightly and then he and his adjoined partner hurried to catch up to Tara. Their chefs burned as the teller gazed upon them with a knowing look and a sly smile.
Tara went about the place with her cuffed pets in tow, Just leisurely looking over items. Taking her time, wandering. She picked out a few items that she would not allow the two to see and they at last left the store.
Tara released Melody’s wrist from the handscuffs but left them dangling from Eli’s arm. “I don’t want you getting us in a wreck.” And so it went, from one adult store to another. Each time Tara would cuff the pair and then stroll slowly about the shop. Showing off her control and embarrassing her pets. She smiled devilishly each time another customer would stare wide-eyed or whisper to their partner. She especially revealed in the sight of Eli being bound to the girl. His long hair, dark sunglasses, leather cowboy hat, boots, it all combined to give Eli a distinctly masculine appearance. But the shiny handcuffs made it clear that her strength had brought him to heel.
As they drove about town Tara would gently rake her sharp nails down the backs of Melody’s tender arms, across her lower back, over her belly, down her neck. More than once Tara leaned over and licked her cheek or even full on kissed Melody while sitting idle in traffic at a stoplight. Her hand would snake up over the girl’s large breast strained against the fabric of her bra and tweak the metal nipple ring she adored. Melody was on fire from the experience and she knew she was already soaking her jeans. The teasing subtle pain, the humiliation, the pure sexuality all combined to ease her mind into a state of dreamy arousal. Eli was certain Tara was simply having him drive around so that she could fondle Melody and tease him.
Tara would occasionally catch Eli softly grunt or his eyes flutter briefly as they walked and drive around. She smiled inwardly, knowing the beads that filled his ass were sliding across his prostate. That ball of nerves that brought him the deep stomach laughing pleasure whenever she gave it attention. Now his own movements brought those sensings to him and he was helpless to act upon them.
They at last arrived in the parking lot of the Chinese restaurant Tara had chosen for them to have dinner. As Eli shut off the engine he became aware of Melody’s panting breaths behind him. He turned in his seat and discovered Tara had opened Melody’s jeans and her hand was plugged inside. Her mouth devoured the girl’s tender sensitive neck. Eli watched as the larger strong woman bit and sucked hard at the flesh and could see her hand working inside the darkened denim.
Tara would pause to talk occasionally, “Oh look, your clip is getting all hard on my finger. YOur pussy is soaked. Again.” Her voice mocked and taunted as she worked Melody’s mind and body. Melody had begun to moan slightly as she sank deeper into the pleasure.
“I bet there are total strangers watching me finger fuck you right now.” Tara plunged her two middle fingers deep inside to punctuate the statement. Then again slipped them back out and rubbed them hard around Melody’s now swollen clip. “Oh such a slutty girl. My little pleasure whore.” She worked the clip in a strong rhythm under the pads of her wet fingers.
Melody’s full red lips parted and her tongue unconsciously flicked out and sucked the lower one into her teeth. She bit down hard on it as the pleasure spread out of her crotch. The thought of Tara taking her right in here in public was quickly bringing her to the edge. The surrender.
Melody began to grunt and groan louder as she lost herself in the wonderful sensings the fingers brought to her pussy and the mouth brought to her neck. Tara bit and sucked her neck hard and in that sweet spot that she knew drive Melody crazy with lusty want. Each time Melody would make a noise Tara would mock her and mimic her and coo at her, “That’s it my little slut. See how I can make my pussy do whatever I want? This is my pussy isn’t it Melody? Isn’t it?!”
“Oh poor girl do You want to cum? Huh? Is that what you want?”
The words quickly brought Melody to the edge and she felt her juices flow freely from her. Her clip throbbed under Tara’s independent touch. She felt the ring of her tight nether hole flex and pinch around the stem of the plug buried inside of her. The girl of it brought her a deeply pleasure sense of fullness. She moaned so loudly that Eli nervously glanced about the parking lot.
Tara worked her wet pussy and Melody’s hips began to buck and grind. Lost in the pleasure that boiled deep in her stomach. Her hands clawed at the seat as a storm of sensings smoked throughouth her. Close now. She began to fuck back on Tara’s fingers in earnest. She ground her clip hard into the demanding fingers that swirled around and around over the hard bud of nerves. Oh so close.
Turned backward in the front seat, Eli’s tongue slipped across his parted lips as he watched the women of his heart in this incredible display before him.
“Do you want to cum?” Tara’s tone Forceful.
“OHHH…yes…ma’am…yes, yes, yes…pleaseeeee…”
Tara giggled and pulled her hand quickly from Melody’s wet jeans. She licked her fingers clean, her eyes never leaving the girl’s face, her lips curled in a devilish smile.
“Get yourself together slut. Your ma’am is hungry.” She eyed the girl’s wet neck and knew a deep red sore would soon swell on the tenderer Flesh. A beacon to all who gazed upon it that the flesh had been wickedly and sexually attacked.
Melody sat in sudden emptiness. She had been so close to yet another orgasm and then had been so quickly denied. She sat open legged, her jeans crumped and wet and exposing her bare public mound, her hair mussed about her flushed cheeks. Her shaky hands pulled her pants back up and as she lifted her ass to slip them over it, Eli could see the obvious wetness that had spread there. Tara firmly wiped the salvia from the side of Melody’s deeply reddened neck. She reached up and took the sleepe of Eli’s shirt and dried her hands.
Eli’s cock raged inside the tight constraints of his own jeans. The sights and sounds flooded him with hungry sexual desire.
Tara looked at the both of them and laughed. “Oh this is fun.” She patted Melody’s cheese, “That’s my cunt sweetheart. Mine to do with whatever I want. Now be a good girl and Mommy may let you finish later.”
Tara suddenly realized What she had said. Melody’s eyes flashed open at the word and flashed from Eli’s somewhat shocked face to Tara’s eyes. While Tara knew this was a deep desire for Melody she had until now not yet decidedon her feelings with the idea. She hadn’t expected to refer to herself in such a way but swallowed down any hint of surprise.
Melody’s eyes softened and looked upon Tara with a deep tender gaze that seemed to say “thank you.”
Angain Tara patted her cheek, soft now, and then firmly stated, “C’mon you two, out! I’m hungry!” As the pair exited the vehicle, Tara quickly took a deep breath. Relieved she was able to maintain control. Relieved she had accepted what it was that was developing between them all.
Melody’s feet moved beneath her as if they belonged to someone else. Her chest well with a warm happiness. For a moment she thought she might actually yell out in joy and run across the parking lot like a little girl. She was so happy.
During the meal the three sat and chatted happily. Like any three friends having a generally fun time they talked and laughed and got to know each other even more. A sudden shift from the depth and decadence of earlier to a lightand sincerity mood that each of them very much enjoyed. Tara’s knowing smile and occasional light scratches on their skin reassures them both that what had occurred before was not that far from the surface and would soon be revisited.
After dinner Tara instructed Eli to drive them back home. When they entered the house, Tara relaxed on the large brown sofa and beckoned Melody to come sit beside her, “Come here little one. Come sit by Mommy.” Melody’s eyes glittered with giddiness as she hurried to the large strong woman’s side. “Boy, three beers and a tall cold glass of water,” she commanded Eli.
Eli first brought the water, in a very large plastic cup then went after the beers. Melody’s heart was light and filled with happiness as she watched Eli again return to the living room.
He handed each woman a beer and sat down on the floor at Tara’s feet.
“Hang on girl, put down that beer. Drink this water all gone. It will help wash down that salty Chinese food.”
Melody was slightly puzzled at why the beer wouldn’t be sufficient and she so wanted the beer. But, not wanting to do anything to disrupt the time they were having she took the cup and drank.
“All gone now, drink it all gone.” Tara went. As Melody swallowed the last of the water and swiped a drop from her wet lips she noticed the other woman’s smile greeting her. A warm smile but behind it she sensed Something sinister. She merely smiled back and with permission began to drink from her beer.
Tara’s fingers stroked through Eli’s hair as she spoke with Melody. The talk not as light as at dinner but not nearly as dark as in the truck. Tara deftly worked the conversation and keep them talking. She was recovering the dominance in her voice and her actions. Subtly reintroducing the feelings she had earlier explored. At one point she noticed Melody unconsciously squirm and grit her teeth slightly.
“Something wrong dear?” Her tone slightly mocked, as if she already knew whatwas agitating the woman.
“No ma’am. Nothing’s wrong.”
“Oh okay, good.” Her lips curled into an unsettling smile.
And so it continued. Tara instructed Eli to retrieve another large cup of water and again had Melody drink it down. It confused Melody but she didn’t care about understanding it. Content in simply pleasing her mistress. Her mind began to glow slightly from the alcohol and she really didn’t care to try to think about anything. She preferred to simply feel and follow along wherever the path led.
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