The Meeting

The Meeting

“Sweetie?” she called from the bathroom as she prepared to go to a meeting of her group that evening.

“Yes, Honey,” I replied, looking up from the TV while comfortablely ensconced in my recliner in the living room.

“Would you please come to our meeting with me tonight? We could really use your input on a few matters of interest to us, and it would mean a great deal to me.”

As I would never make her beg under these conditions, I was on my feet and off to get ready in moments. “Of course, Honey,” I said as I brushed by her and lightly kissed her on the cheek. “Anything for you!” I walked into the bedroom and was surprised to see a complete outfit laid out for me on the bed. “Put on the clothes I laid out for you, please,” she called.

They weren’t my best clothes, but obviously she wanted me to wear them. “Okay,” I returned and quickly put them on so as not to disappoint my wife, tucking the fresh dress shirt into my pants as I left the room.

We left the driveway with my wife driving and cruised for what seemed to be a considerable distance in the failing light of dust to wind up turning into the driveway of a modest house in the suburbs. By the time we arrived, my sense of direction was so turned around that I realized that I no longer had any idea where we were. My wife parked up the driveway a car length. From here, we were ushered through a side door and into the house.

In the kitchen of the house, there were four other women already gathered talking and laughing among themselves as we were let in and introduced. We joined the crowd and I mingled as best as I could but was mainly quiet as I listened to the various conversations of the other ladies as they chatted about their daily lives.

Our hostess name was Cheyenne. She was a raven black haired beauty with big dark eyes who was an office manager for AT&T. The first time I laid eyes on her, she was approaching me with a smile and a drink, both of which I gratefully accepted. She stood about 5’5″ tall, weighed 110 pounds, with very pert looking C cup breasts under the loose fitting dress she was wearing. If I had known what was in the drink and where this was leading when it began, I may not have accepted it at all.

A buxom, bubble, platinum blond with piercing blue eyes and D cup rack named Brooke, who evidently ran heavy equipment, was introduced to me. She stood about 5’4″ and couldn’t have weighed more than 105 pounds all told, soaking wet. She was dressed in old jeans and a baggy sweatshirt top that flattered her chest marvellously.

A short, bubble little strawberry blond named Heather now hove into view. Apparently, she was quite a successful cardiologist. She had the most striking grey eyes, as well some of the biggest breasts I’d ever seen live. To hazard a guess, I would have to say she was about triple D cup. This little BBW stood at 5’3″ and weighed about 180 pounds, so there was a lot of her to love. She was clad in a top and skirt outfit that completed her shape perfectly. When she turned to talk with someone else, her wonderful heart shaped ass was perfectly displayed. “I’m all about hearts!” she said flashing her dazzling smile. I’m sure she could charm a crowd out of food simply by flashing that toothy grin.

There was tall ginger woman with striking green eyes hovering around the edges of the conversations in the room whose name, I was informed, was Kelly and she was a pilades instructor for a living.. She had on a loose fitting green and brown pant suit slung on over her 5’11”, 145 pound, well tethered body. Her C cup breasts contrasted with the design on the pant suit, so made them stand out. I studioly did not stare at them for fear of making her more uncomfortable than she already appeared to be. She gave me a strange vibe as I continued to observe the little group.

Drinks kept appearing for me as I finished the last one, so I was starting to feel a little buzzedby the time we were ushered into the living room of the house where we were seated comfortable on a huge, white upholstered sofa. There was a matching chair to the right and love seat to the left with a large, oval inlaid coffee table set in the centre. A colorful area rug set on top of the hardwood floor formed the backdrop underneath the furniture. Across from the sofa was a large bay window with the blinds drawn tight. At the best of our hostess, I was seated in the middle of the sofa flanked by a pair of women on each side.

My wife stood up and took a position in front of the group from where she began to speak. “Good evening and thank you for coming. I suppose you are all wondering why I have called you here. It’s because I have discovered that my husband had been cheating on me!” she cried as she flourished a handful of pictures and then throw them down on the coffee table.

There was a collective gasp from everyone in the room.. I sat gap faced for a moment All Ihad time to say was, “I what?” before angry female hands grabbed me and all went dark. Someone had thrown a hood over my head so that I was blind, but that didn’t mean that I stopped fighting while they ripped my clothes off. They got the better of me and soon my clothes lay in tattoos about the room. I now was treated to the strange sensing of being helpless and naked in front of a group of women.

“How could you?” a strange, incredulous, female voice in my darkness as they worked to violently disrobe me.

“You brought this on yourself, you fucker!” shrieked another from the other side as she grabbed another handful of the remaining tattoos of my clothes.

“You need to be taught a lesson and made an example of,” said a third, to which there was hearty agreement among the group. At that moment, they decided as a group that they were just the ones to teach me such a lesson.

My struggles were in vain as I was pitted against five women who pinned me down quite efintensely. It felt like Heather was sitting on my chest and the others each all had a limb. I was screaming and yelling in surprise at this point, so one of the women removed her soaking wet panties and they collectively stuffed them into my mouth. To hold them in place, they tucked a ball gag in on top of the panties and strapped it down. That effectively cut off any noise that I might have made. I felt restraint cuffs being quickly fitted to my unwilling wrists and ankles before Heather rose up and they flipped me over onto my stomach and restrained my arms behind my back. I was still struggling, even though Heather had sat back down and I felt my situation to be hopeless. Two giggling women grabbed my legs and spread them apart while the rest held them tight.

“Hold him still,” my wife requested from behind me. The other women piled on my legs and body, holding my legs spread and immobile. In one stroke, my darling wife shoved the greased and sizable butt plug right up myunprepared ass. My eyes flipped open wide under the intensity pain and ferocity of this assault. I would have screamed out loud if it were not for the gag. She let go of the handle and left the plug in to do its work as I continued to rail against the fates.

My wifes sweet voice filtered through the madness now begining to pervade my mind as she whispered in my ear,”If you don’t settle down and cooperate, I will show those pictures to everyone in your office.” That did it, I was finished and I knew it. The last thing I wanted people around my office to think is that I cheated on my wife. She watched me stop struggling and smiled as she knew that she had won. “That’s better,” she cooed. “Are you going to be a good boy?” My head down nodding told her I was ready to submit.

She then removed the gag set up from my mouth, pulled my face up to look into her eyes and began to make her demands. “You are to address me as ‘Mistress’ from now on, you Slut! Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I answered dejectedly and quietly, still tasting the flavour of pussy in my mouth and scenting the intoxicating archae on my lips.

“What?” questioned my wife slapping my ass so hard with a hairbrush that it almost brought tears to my eyes. “Say it louder so that we can all hear you.” The other women broke out laughing and giggling as they observed her dominance and my torque.

“Yes, Mistress!” I entered in a louder voice, now slightly fearing that hairbrush. The woman only laughed harder as these sounds escaped my throat.

“That’s better, and that goes for every woman here! Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I responded quietly.

“You will obey the commands of any woman who holds the leash just as you would obey mine,” she barked. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” came my instant response. I found it quite humiliating to be compelled to answer every question put to me with that phrase in front of all these strange women. In our homeand bedroom was one thing, this was quite another

She wore a slight smile as she bent down to unclimb the fastings of the hood and pull it over the top of my head. I blinked into the light as it flooded my now sensitive vision. While I was lying in my daze, my wife quickly placed a collar around my neck to better control me with. I acquired as she did up the buckles and made sure that it was snug. She produced a leash, clipped it to one of the many rings on the collar and was determined to lead me around like the dog she said she was convinced I was.

She led me to the couch where many female hands were roughly placed on my body. As I cast about, I noticed that the women were not wearing the same clothes they had on before the hood blinded me. Much to my surprise, my wife was now wearing a stark white teddy that accentuated her beautiful, C cup breasts. Matching garter belts stretched from the bottom of the garment down to clip into white stockings. White, four inch heels now adorned her petite feet, pushing her legs to make oh so sweet an ass of themselves. “I’ve never seen that outfit before,” I mused in my partly clouded mind with my mouth half agope as my increasingly confused thoughts began to dissolve into the murk that my mind was becoming. My thoughts stumbled over one another as they formed and dissolved.

I noticed that Cheyenne, our hostess had changed into a Very short, sexy, black leather miniskirt that didn’t even cover the bottom of her shaped ass or tip of her gorgeous, pussy. Her trimmed that of black public hair peeked in and out from under the skirt as she walked. On top, she wore a matching black, leather halter top that barely covered the dusky pink aerolaes at the tips of her lovely and full C cup breasts.

Brooke had changed into a black garter belt with red accents around her wait while the matching bra was filled to capacity with her amazing breasts. Black garters ran down her thighs and ended in sheer black stockings. Her outfit contrasted her summer complexion beautifully, I thought as I forced my gaze elsewhere so as not to get caught staring at her.

Now my gaze landed on Kelly. She was now clad in a crotchless, emerald green teddy that matched her smoldering green eyes, accentuated her perfect B cup breasts and contrast extremely with the groomed, that of red flame at her crotch. She really was a site to behold

The diminuitive BBW, Heather, had donned a sky blue, heart encrusted, snap bottom teddy. I found the way her excisite, huge tits burst out the top and her dark red nipples peeked out from the straws to be mesmerizing. She was busy examining every inch of my body that was now on display before her and all the other women of the room. The look on her face told me she approved of the treatment I was receiving.

I was agog with what I had just scene I had taken in. I was body hauled to the cushions of the couch and planted squarely on my back. Heather immediately jumped on my chest to immobilize me. I heard each of the cuffs in turn as they were clipped to D rings that had appeared between the cushions of the sofa. I was immobilized and helped to prevent these women from doing exactly what they wanted to me, and they had been told that I had cheated on my wife!

After I was secured, Heather dismounted and disappeared through a side door to reappear moments later with my wife in Tow. She carried a large glass bowl of water while my wife carried a razor, shake cream and a white towel. My eyes widened a little and I cringed at the thought of what they had planned for next. They sat the bowl on the coffee table while my wife hooked a chef on the side of the couch and began to later up my body with the shaving cream.

My eyes grew wide as she casually said, “Don’t move while I’m doing this or you will hurt yourself. I’m taking this part of your manhood from you to mollify my own anger,” while picking up my prong and struggling slightly. She selected the razor next and began to shake my pubic hair off, much to the delight of the other four ladies. When she had finished with that area, she then lathered up my legs and began to shake every hair off them until they were likewise as smooth. Next, she removed all of my chest hair. They flipped me over and re-secured me so that they could be sure to get every hair. When she had finished, I was as smooth as the day I was born.

“How does that feel, Cheater?” Brooke, the buxom little blond, asked with an unnerving smile as they finished shavling every last hair off below the neckline.

“Very good, Mistress,” I dutifully answered to the lapping and gales of laughter now filling the room.

“You like to be a shaken, little sissy, don’t you?” asked Kelly, strategically baiting the trap that she and I both knew I would have to step into.

I dropped my eyes to the floor and reddened again. I knew I was trapped, so responded with the only phrase I could, “Yes, Mistress,” I answered, my voice low and defeated. The howls of laughter and jeers reddened my face even more.

“What do we do with him next, ladies?” came my wifes call as she idly played with my prick.

“Let’s dress him up in lingerie!” suggested Cheyenne enthusiastically while watching the action from my right. The comment was met by loud cheering and clapping and all of them breaking into a chant of, “Feminize him, feminize him!” The ladies then released the bonds to a chorus of cheeses, the coffee table was moved to make more running room for the event and I was violently stood up and turned to face the couch, now feeling the full size butt plug they had inserted in me moving and doing the job of spreading my asshole.

I struggled at their first attempts to clean the me. “Stand still!” came my wifes stern rebuke from behind me. My action frozen and died stillborn as all actions in my body ceased extremely at the sound of my wifes voice. It had a real effect in my CNS! Myhead dropped and my eyes fell to the floor. “Yes, Mistress,” I said quietly.

The ladies encircled my wait with a black garter belt with white accents and to it attached a pair of black fishnet stockings. “They are dressing me in female undergarments to humiliate me further and break down my resistance before they have their merry way with me,” I supposed. They laughed and giggled as they applied lipstick, rouge, eyeshadow and various other makeups to my face. They even produced a pair of four inch siletto heels for me to attempt to walk in.

“You’re very pretty, all made up like that! Are you sure that you weren’t supposed to be a girl?” Cheyenne teased when they were finishing up on me. The ladies laughed openly at her joke and began to jeer and whistle.

“Nice looking legs!” Brooke whistled and chided.

“You could be a gay porn star looking like that!” laughed Kelly. I blushed again as the other ladies roared at the joke. My blushing and apparent sensitivity only made them laugh harder.

“Whose the new girl?” Heather enquired sweetly when she had caught her breath, all the while looking directly at me and wearing a wicked grin on her face. I dropped my chin into my chest and blushed deeper again.

“Your cock looks good poking out from that finery,” jeered my wife, “maybe we’ll keep to this arrangement permanently in the future!” I now went beet red as the other women cached and laughed. The colour of my embarrassment and the thought of me always being made to run around in lingerie was hilarious to them. They really made the most of it.

The comment from my wife chilled my blood slightly as I wondered if she bore serious intent. They were determined to embarrass and humiliate me as far as they could. So far, they were doing a good job. They stood my stunned being in the centre of the room while the five of them gathered on the sofa. Cheyenne then pushed a small, glass dish into my hand and sat with her club mates.

My confused expression prompted instruction from my wife. “You will face us and jerk off into this dish. When you have cum, we will determine the final disposition,” she grew with an evil smile. She knew this would be very difficult for me and wickedly laughed at the stunned expression on my face. The other ladies were very excited by this suggestion and admired her display of dominance over me. They all quickly settled down for the show in hand.

I stood in front of them rather awkwardly with my pecker in my hand, slowly and jerkily moving up and down over the length of my shaft and feeling the heat rising to my face yet again. I thought I would surely die of embarrassment standing right there.

“Faster!” shouted Kelly over the laughter, clapping and cheering.

“Yes, Mistress,” I responded as I began to pick up the pace. I closed my eyes and before long, my cock was hard as stone and I was very close to cumming. The activities of the evening and the concoction they had given me were working their magic on me that evening. With a groan, white, frothy cum began to shoot forth from the tip and into the bowl and my asshole sucking on the butt plug they had buried deep inside me. After two or three strong shots, the pressure began to peter off and pumping into the dish slowed to a drizzle..

My wife stood up to come and inspect me. There was a considerable amount of cum in the dish they had provided, as well as a few odd shots on the floor. “There’s cum on the floor, you Tramp!” She admonished as she took the bowl and grabbed me by the back of the neck and forcied me to the floor. “Lick it up!” she commanded. Following her order, I began to lick the cooling, sticky liquid from the floor. The other women were delighted by another display of her dominance over me.

When I was finished my task, she jerked me up by the Leash to inspect my work. “Good job!” she criticized. “As a treatment, you may lick up the rest of this!” She placed the cum filled dish on the floor and motioned for me to lick out of it. I meekly approached the dish and tenatively dipped my tongue in and began to lap up the same sticky liquid from inside the dish. The women laughed and cheered me on, beseeching me to finish the whole bowl.

While I was preoccupied, the women positioned themselves around me. “Flip him onto his back,” my wife requested suddenly. Many feminine hands clutched at me and flipped me over very quickly. I was cock up on the rug with sweet, little Heather once again ensconced on my chest and smiling sweetly down at me.

“I have something else here that will guarantee that you never cheat on me again,” my wife’s voice menaced as her delicate hands grabbed my prong and slipped a ring behind my balls. The other women were hysterical as she worked on me, cheering, clapping and generally urging her on. She pressed the front assembly home into the backing ring, then quickly slammed my prong into and out of her hot, wet mouth to lubricate him before stuffing him into the small plastic prison.

“That chatity cage ought to hold you,” she said as she finished snapping the lock closed. “Won’t be fucking around on me while you’re wearing that” I now noticed a small key dangling from a chain around her neck. I instantly recognized it as the key to my freedom; but, I knew it was going to be difficult to obtain.


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