Mary barely slept the night before. All night long she tossed and turned in nervous anticipation of what the new day was going to bring. She tried her best to sleep, hoping to turn her anxiety into sweet, sexy dreams of what was to come. Unfortunately, no dreams came. When six o’clock finally rolled around Mary decided that enough was enough and that six was a very respectable time to get out of bed. She felt like a little kid on the first day of school—excited and scared all at that same time. “This is crazy,” she thought. “It’s not like I’ve ever met anyone ‘new’ before. This is probably going to be just one more guy who says he kisses well but is a frog.” But still, the butterflies in her stomach persisted. She turned the water on for her shower. Mary stepped into the shower. She turned slowly, arms reached out above her, to let the warm water encase her body. She arched back and stretched, letting the warmth and force of the water relax her. Reaching down, Mary picked on the shaving lotion. She lifted on leg onto the tile benchmark and began to slather her leg in the creamy white lotion. She took the razor and with long, gentle strokes, ran in up and around her calm; up over her knee and onto her thigh. When she reached the top of her thigh she ran her hands over her leg. Satisfied with the smoothness she felt, Mary moved on to her other leg. Reaching the inner most top part of her thigh, she smiled and began to take Smaller strokes as she groomed where her leg met her lips. Taking care, she shacked around both side of those sacred lips. Pulling them out to shake around her clip she hoped he would notice the special care she gave to that area of her body. She had never really been a fan of the worn pussy look. She felt the presence of her hair was part of being a mature woman. She had no desire to look like a child down there, but rather the woman she was. As with all, though, it was his preference that mattered, not hers, and so she shhaved. He had granted one cOncesion. A patch, symbolizing her womanhood, could remain above.
Mary finished her shaving ritual and then lathered up her body. She scrubbed and polished her body so every inch of it was clean and soft. Not know what the outcome of the meeting might be she took care of her ass. She took a soapy washcloth and inserted into her anus as far as it would it go. She wanted to be prepared. Using a softly Scented shampoo, she washed her hair. Massaging her head she closed her eyes and imagined what it would be like to have him doing this simple act for her. Applying the cream rinse she envisioned his hands massaging the conditioner through her wet hair. Mary’s pussy began to tingle with the thought of his hands ministering to her in such a familiar, intimate way.
Emerging from the shower, she heard her husband, Michael, rustle in the bed. The alarm had gone off and he reached over to hit the snooze button, turning over to capture a little more sleep. “At least he’s gotten a good night’s sleep,” Mary thought. “If he knew who I was meeting today, perhaps he wouldn’t be sleeping so peacefully.” He had asked her not to tell him, that this rentezvous would be there little ‘secret.’
Mary shunted off her body. The soft scent of cherry blossoms filled the bathroom as she massed lotion into her legs and arms. Once again her mind drifted to thoughts of how it would be for him to be rubbbing the lotion into her skin. A shiver went through her at that thought and she continued to massage the lotion in.
Finally rising from bed, Michael came into bathroom to begin his morning routine before heading off to work. Kissing the back of her neck, he wished her a good morning as he ran his hands over her softness. She melted back into him relaxing against his chest, enjoying the touch of his hands upon her breast. “God, I love this woman,” he thought. “God, I love this man,” she thought.
“Up early today aren’t you?” Michael asked as he started to brushhis teeth.
“Yep,” replied Mary, “I had a hard time sleeping. I’m surprised I didn’t wake you with all my tossing and turning. Once six rolled around I figured I might as well ‘rise and shine’.”
“What do you having going on today? Anything special?”
“Nah, just the usual—-work and more work. I might try and leave early though to run a few errands. I’ll call you later to let you know what time I should be home. How about you? Normal day for you?”
“Yeah, same old, same old. A few meetings this mornings and some interviews this afternoon. I should be home my normal time.”
Mary’s husband quickly got ready for work. Michael was not one to linger. He gave her a kiss good-bye that could only be described as delicious. It was a kiss from a mouth that knew her mouth well. His lips touched hers softly at first, the pressure of lips deepened as his tongue explored the warm recesses of her. Mary was a little surprised by such a password good-bye kiss. Her breath shotended and she kissed him back deeply. Her thoughts no longer consumed by the man she would be meeting in person for the first time today, but by the one she had met so many years ago.
“Wow,” Mary pursued when they were done. “We may have to be late for work now,” she said breathlessly.
“I wish,” Michael said with disappointment in his voice. “I have to, have to be on time for the first meeting. You have fun today. I’ll be thinking of you.” He smiled and gave her a pat on the bottom and a peck on the forehead.
“Fun today?” Mary laughed. “He’s such a good man,” she thought. “I am such a lucky woman.”
There were not many men who would allow, let alone relish the thought, of their wives doing some of the things that Mary did. Of course Michael knew what she was up to. Or at least he had an idea. When Mary told him she was “running errands” he knew the hidden meaning. He was content knowing she’d be having an adventure. He didn’t need to know exactly what she was upto, only that she was safe and enjoying herself. And on those two accounts he knew he need not worry, especially as there was another that would help look out for Mary’s well-being.
Mary choose her undergarments carefully and began to get dressed. Nude color stockings went on first, followed by a white lace garter belt to which she hooked the stockings. Next her bra—a white and yellow embroidered exhibition that shaped her breasts in a delectable way under her clothes. Next she donned her long black slip. “A lady always wears a slip” she chuckled to herself. “They may not always wear panties, but always a slip.” And, Mary was a lady if nothing else. Nex,t a simple white tailored bloom came on. It was just sheer enough that if you really looked you could make out the embroidery on her bra. She Though, though, it was conservative enough to get away with at work. She slipped a long black skirt over her head and zippered it into place. A silver metal belt went around her waist. Black pumps completed the lower half of her outfit.
Mary walked over to her jewelry box. The last piece of her outfit was the most important and she chose carefully. Rummaging through her collection of jewelry she found the perfect necklace to wear. She pulled out a heavy silver chain that had a large piece of turquoise in the center of it. It was a short piece, just a tad larger than a chase. She claped the necklace Around her neck. The weight of the turquoise reminded her of who she belonged to. Stepping back and looking in the mirror Mary was satisfied with her appearance. She looked the consummate professional.
Driving to work, Mary reflected upon the turn of events in her life that precipitated today’s planned meeting. Married for close to 25 years she suspected their sex life had been previously very similar to many other couples. The initial fever of having to have sex, at least for Mary, had waned over the years. The usual—kids, work, Catholic guilt—all intervened to where she was content not to have much, if any. Michael though was not content with the way that their sex life had progressed and he worked hard to re-ignite the password he knew laid buried within his wife.
As her interest in sex diminished his interest in controlling their sex life increased. He had become so used to her not wanting to have sex willingly that he became content taking her, even if it that means she was not engaged in the act. Mary was never quite on board with this style of lovemaking. Was it even lovemaking? But she knew she owed her husband at least that. Men “had needs” after all. This is not to say that their sex life was totally one-sided. Mary would have phases where she was totally engaged and wanting to please her husband and herself. It was these phases that kept Michael hoping and patiently waiting for his wife’s sexual re-awakening.
Her husband’s patience finally bore fruit and Mary did go through such an awakening. Part of this could be atassigned to the milk BDSM play she and her husband engaged in. They had dabbled in this type of role-play for most of their marriage. Michael taking the dominant role, her the more submissive. It wasn’t though until she started to fully accept her submissive side that her sexual awakening began. By giving up control to her husband, she had found the path she needed to fully enjoy sex without feeling guilt. The dabbled a little more deeply.
During this time they also discovered swinging. They enjoyed meeting new people and the recreational sex was great. It was further affiliation for Mary that sex was something to be enjoyed and not feel guilty about. They primarily played together with other couples, but Mary also enjoyed having encounters on her own and her husband encouraged her to have them. She took great pleasure in knowing that she, through her body and mind, brought pleasure to her partners. Their BDSM role-playing, however, was Michael and Mary’s little secret and neverbrought up or experienced in the context of swinging. She met him online as she did all her prospective men. Tom was actually someone her husband had chatted with first and referred him to her. It started out the usual way. Pictures were exchanged to see if there was a physical attraction.
During the online chats the subject of Dom/Sub role-playing came up. She admitted to doing this sort of thing but there were some She also admitted that she did like giving up control in the bedroom and “being taken.” She was unsure though of someone other than her husband being in “control” of her in such a formal way.
Mary talked with husband and he got very excited by the prospect of Mary being used by another man in a dominant way. It pleased him to know that other men took pleasure in his wife. He encouraged Her to meet Tom. A “date” was scheduled. Mary went out west for a trip and she and Tom kept in touch electronically. Mary was becoming invested inthe relationship even though it was only online. She was looking forward to when she could administrator the “kiss test” to Tom that she had teased him about.
Then, a new email came from Tom. He met a girl. He really liked and felt connected to this girl. The trial kiss Mary had hungered for could not happen now. He was going to try and build a relationship with this new woman. Mary felt the pains of a high school romance that was breaking up. She felt sick. She felt stupid. She thought herself a fool for getting so attached to someone she hadn’t even met. . Silly, she knew, especially since her soul-mate, her husband was always right beside her. How could she begrudge Tom trying to find what she had? Still, it stung.
Mary did the only thing she could do and replied to Tom, wishing him well and much success with his budding romance. He had mentioned that his girlfriend knew of his online communications and was willing to let him continue their virtual relationship. Tom askedMary if she would consider expanding their online relationship to that of one as Dom and Sub. She dismissed this out of hand. She knew she would enjoy the act of submitting to him but ultimately, she knew, she would want more than the words “good girl” typed across her screen.
At this same time, Mary and her husband were reexamine their own Dom/Sub game. Their sex life, while good, was starting to become routine again, almost mechanical. Plus, Michael was expressing renewed interest in the sub role. Perhaps Tom could guide her and train her as a Domme while she was his sub? Would her husband agreed to submit to a virtual Dom? Well, if he was to assume the sub role, did he really have a say in the matter? No. Mary decided to try this online role-playing and contacted Tom. And so, the games began.
Several weeks had passed by and all the players were adjusting to their new roles. Sir now had control of Girl and Boy. “Miss Girl” also had control of Boy. Things were progressingwell and Boy and Miss Girl were starting to embrace their new identities.
Mary, though, still longed for an in-person encounter. She craved to feel his touch, his kiss. She knew though this would never happen and she didn’t press for a meeting to occur. Tom’s budding romance was blossoming and he was thrilled with that. She wanted her Master to find the same love that she had. It came as a complete shock, Then, when his next directive arrived in her in-box.
Girl, You are to meet me tomorrow at 3:00…… Sir
Meet him? She shuddered with the thought. What was he thinking? Was he crazy? Online the chemistry between Sir and Girl was electric. It was amazing how their bodies responded to their conversations—pulses increased; breathing became heavy; she would become dripping wet; he would become rock hard. Was he nuts? How could they meet and not keep their hands off each other? What about his desire to remain monogamous in real life?
Then the fear set in—What, if in real-life, the chemistry wasn’t there? What if the fantasy of Sir & Girl was much better than the reality of Tom and Mary? What if????????? Mary could ponder all she wanted, but she knew she would go.
The work day ended early for Mary and she drove to the restaurant Sir had specified. She was to sit in the back corner booth and wait for his arrival. As Mary waited, she wondered if he was really going to show up. Would she be stood up and end up being the fool once again? What would he say? What would he do? She waited nervously.
Fortunately, Mary didn’t need to wait long. A few minutes after being seated he walked into the restaurant. Though her back was to the door, she knew he had walked him. She felt his presence as he walked up to the table.
“Good Girl” he said and sat down across the table from her. “I’m glad you’re on time. You would have been punished had you not been.”
“I know, Sir,” Mary replied. “You know I avoid ‘corrections’ as best as possible.”
“Yes, I know—You are a very good girl. I am very happy to meet you today in person. Your pictures don’t do you justice. You are a very beautiful, sexy woman”
“Thank you, Sir.” Mary cast her eyes down and fidgeted in her seat. She loved hearing these words from his mouth, but she did not want her face to betray how much. She didn’t want him to see the longing in her eyes for him to touch her.
“Girl, tell me did you got excited by the thought of meeting me today?”
“Are you wet now?”
“Let me have proof. Reach up under the skirt and touch yourself. I want you to insert two fingers into your pussy for me and then show me them.”
There in the back corner of the restaurant, diners all around, Mary went into a semi-hypnotic state and did as she was asked. She discreetly reached under her skirt and rubbed her pussy slightly. A faint moan escaped her lips as she plunged two fingers into her depths. Her master smiled at that and murmured “You are such a good little slut, aren’t you?”
Mary withdraw her fingers and brought them up above the table. Her cent permeated the air around them. Her fingers glistened with the juices from her body.
“Girl, you know our confines. While I would love to taste you I will not. I want you to taste you for me.”
Their eyes locked as she took one finger at a time and entered it into her mouth. She licked and sucked each finger clean. Still ,they did not touch each other.
“Good girl” God, how she loved to hear these words coming directly from his lips! Sir reached into his breast pocket and placed a small box upon the table.
“Girl, I cannot stay any longer. I wanted to meet you today to give you this.” He pushed the box over to her. “Don’t open it now. I want you to take it and get up and go home now. Once home you can open it. I trust you’ll know what to do once you see what it is.”
Mary rose and took the box. She said “I understand” and walked out of the restaurant. She got in her car, the box rested on the seat next to her. Mary leaned back and let out a huge sight of disappointment. He hadn’t touched her, let alone kiss her! Again she felt like she was in the middle of a high school romance going bad. She didn’t know if she could continue this way.
Arriving at home Mary took the box and went inside up to her bedroom. It was still early enough that her husband hadn’t gotten home from work yet. She opened the box and looked inside. Mary reached behind her neck and removed from it the silver necklace with the heavy turquoise stone.
Reaching into the box, Mary withdraw the piece of liquid silver from it. How different this necklace was from the one she had just removed. The weight of the turquoise necklace served to remind her of her role. This other necklace was feather light. She claped the new necklace around her neck. It was so thin and lightweight it was hardly noticeable. Light as it may be though, it cemented herin her role and in her desire. She would continue as he wished.
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