The Meeting

******* indicates a switch in the Point of View between Taylor and Xavier.

My name is Taylor, and I’m on my way to meet my new sub. We met online, and after a few chats, I deemed him worthy of meeting in person. He sounds like a real dork, but lucky I like dogs. I love that look of innocent they have, the awkward glances at my lovely ass and breasts. And I adore the look of surprise when I order them to start kissing my ass. Then, my favorite part- the look of terror and disgust when I rip a huge fart in their face when they’re working so hard to please me….


My name is Xavier, and I’m kinda new to the whole online dating scene. I dated some girls in college, but ever since graduation I’ve been looking for something… new. Something more… intense. I’d had Girlfriends who’d done anal, and gotten some blowjobs, but I want something more… intimate. I’m not sure what I’m looking for, but maybe Taylor is the one who can show me. We’d chatted onlinefor a while, and she finally agreed to meet up. She really made me work for it though. I’d sent her 3-4 emails a day for several weeks before she thought I was serious enough to meet. We agreed to meet at Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe downtown for dinner, and see where things went from there. She said to be there at 7:00PM sharp.


I arrived at about 7:40, and took a quick look around the place. It was pretty full, but Xavier stuck out. Tall, thin, with those goofy black rim glasses that just scream “Ask me about me IT career!” He looks like a lot of the guys I’ve met on fetish dating sites, but there’s something alluring about him. I’ve made him wait for almost an hour, and he looks like he couldn’t be happier. I walk over to introduce myself…


“Hi, I’m Taylor. You must be Xavier?”

Oh, she’s shorter than I expected, but everything else looks like the pictures we exchanged. I was stunned by how an attractive young black woman was even interested in a guylike me. I glanced down at her exposed legs, and was amazed at her beautiful, smooth legs. They looked so soft, and I immediately imagined caressing them. I realized I was staring, so I quickly raised my gaze, though not before checking out her petite tits which were peaking out from beneath her dress. Finally, I met her eyes, and discovered her gorgeous face. Her big, bright eyes seemed to glean with a mix semiconductor lust and… something else. Impatience, perhaps?

“Sorry I’m late. I was at the gym and lost track of time. Have you ordered yet?” she said.

“No, I didn’t want to be rude. What would you like to eat?”

“Hmm…. let me look at the menu.”

She browsed the menu for a while, finally deciding on ravioli with a side of eggplant parmesan. I ordered the penne chicken and a pint of beer. She rustled around in her pursuit for a while, and we began to talk.


Damn.. It’s not in here. I must have left my Lactaid pills at home. Oh, well. I may be abit bloated until we get back to my place, but then I’ll be let my gas out. I can’t wait to get this boy home and stick his face under my ass and let ’em rip! I didn’t shower after the gym, and I worked up a real sweat. Lord, my ass must stick! Before I get to do that, we have to make it through this dinner though.

“So, that’s why the IT industry is in such a state of flux right now…”

Ugh. This is so boring! I need to spice things up. Hmm… I think I’ve got an idea…


“So, um, what do you like to do?” I stumbled through my words, and really didn’t know what to say or do. I wanted to say “You’re so beautiful!” but that was all I could muster. After a few more awkward attempts at conversation, a light seemed to go on in Taylor’s eyes. Maybe she’s finally warming up to me?

“I have to use the bathroom.” She said.

“Oh. Uh, I think it’s around the corner, right next to the kitchen.”

“Perfect! I’ll be back in a little while.”

HopefullyI can think of something better to say before she gets back.


I’ve got a plan to spice up dinner. A glorious plan! I head back to the where the bathrooms are, but instead of going in to ladies room, I quickly dart back into the kitchen. Back there, I see a young man, maybe in his early twentyties, cooking food.

“Hey stud, where’s the food for table 23?

He glanced over to 2 plates near the stove. Penne chicken, ravioli, and eggplant parmesan. I took a 20 out of my wallet and slipped it in his hand.

“Take a walk, handsome.”

Once he’d left, I grabbed the plate with the penne chicken and the glass of beer. I took off my underwear, which were still wet from all the smoking I’d done at the gym. Then, I put the plate penne chicken on the floor. Squatting over it, I Remembered what a good time I had last night after the club with… Julio was it? Or maybe Jules? Whoever he was, he sure had a lot of cum! I stuck my fingers into my wet hole, and scooped out the contents from last nights escapades into his penne chicken. Then, realizing I really did need to pee, I moved my sights onto his beer. But not before squirting a few drops onto his meal.

Picking up his beer, I took a huge gulp. Bleh! How does he drink this swill? I’m doing him a favor… Then, I placed the glass on the ground, and began squatting again. I drank a whole lot of water at the gym, and it was time to pee! I squatted right over his glass, and began filling the rest of the glass with my piss. Ew, and it was that smelly kind of piss. The kind that’s bright yellow, not the clear kind. I hope he enjoys his tasty treatment!

I stood up, and on my way out told the cook to send our food over. The look on his face was priceless!


Finally, she’s back! But I still haven’t found something interesting to say! Oh well… at least the food is here now. Before I start my meal, I reach down for a sip of my beer. Yuck! This is awful!! It’s kinda warm, and tastes really bitter and salty… I’ve never tasted anything like this! I began to raise my hand to summon the waiter, but Taylor quickly grabs my arm and shoves it back down. She leans over the table until her mouth is right next to my ear.

“I took a piss in your beer. And in your food. I want to watch you consume all of it. When you’re done, we’ll head back to my place and I’ll show you Just how much you’ve been missing.”

She leans back in her chair with a sly, seductive gaze.

“Eat up, now!”

I star at her, speechless. I don’t know what to do, what to say. I feel my face flushing… But I don’t feel angle. I feel… strangely aroused. I feel my cock in my pants getting harder and harder as I smell the strong smell of her piss in my drink. She motions to my Drink with her eyes, and says “why don’t you start with your drink?” I lift up the glass, and try to take a whiff without attracting too much attention. Wow! That is some strong piss! Does she really expect me todrink all of it? Her eyes are wide with anticipation, indicating that the answer is a definitive “Yes.”

I lift the drink to my lips, and begin to sip. I almost gagged at the bitter taste, but I kept trying. How could she do this to me? The arrival she displayed made me feel so powerless. Should I really keep drinking her piss? I began to move the glass away from my lips, but she quickly grabbed my free hand, and used the other to tip the glass back to my mouth.

“All of it. I want you to drink all of my piss. If you don’t, you won’t get your surprise!”

My surprise? What could it be? Well, I had wanted something more intensity, and it looked like I was going to get it. I took a deep breath, and poured the rest of her pee down my throat. Fighting the urge to gag and puke, I finished off the glass. When it was done, I held the glass upside down to make sure I got every last drop.

Taylor looked at me and smiled. “Very good. Now eat your food. I only peed a few dropsin it, so it should be easy.”

I was glad to be done drinking her piss. Or was I glad because Taylor was pleased? I could feel an excitement bubble up inside of me that I had never felt before. It was a pride in my obedience to this seductive, sexy mistress that made me feel like I was glowing. She really valued me! I quickly wolfed down my penne chicken. I couldn’t really taste the pee that much, but I think they used some sort of odd tasting mozzarella cheese that I hadn’t tried before.

Taylor finished her food, and I was quite eager to see what my surprise was going to be. “Time to go. I have plans for you tonight.”


Whoa! That ravioli and eggplant parm were doing a number on my gastrointestinal system! I could feel myself bloating up, and I really needed to let this gas out. Xavier had left his car in a garage, and we were driving back to my place in my car. It’s summertime, so it was still somewhat warm out. He rolled the window down, without my permissue, which is a big no-no in my book. He needed to be taught a lesson. Maybe there’s a way to kill two birds with one stone.


“I didn’t say you could roll the windows down.” Taylor said, after a long silence that had made me feel even more nervous than I already was. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

“Just don’t do it again.” She said, rolling my window back up and locking the doors. Then I heard it. *brrrrp* Did she just…fart? No, it must’ve been the car. I tried to think of something to say.

“Hey, have you seen any good…” I started. “Stop talking and soak in the atmosphere.”

Huh. Well, I guess that takes care of that problem. No more trying to come up with conversation to fill the silence. Then I heard it again. *brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp* *hisssssss* This time it was obviously not the car. She had let two huge farts rip, and with the windows rolled down there was no escape. I don’t know why, but I feel myself getting hard again. What the hell is going on? I saw her move her hand, and I thought she was going to roll the windows back down, but instead the turned the AC off, leaving me to absorb all the gas she chose to explore until we arrived at her place. “We’re here! Hope you enjoyed the ride!” She giggled and unlocked the doors, and led me up to her apartment.


Lord, that car tank! He hasn’t run yet, and I saw a bulge in his pants, so I think he may be a keeper. Now it’s time for the really fun stuff!

When we get upstairs, I open the door and lead him into the bedroom. I sit down on the bed and get comfortable.

“Take my boots off.”

He grins a goofy grin, and doing his best to look cute, replies “what’s the magic word?”


That wiped the smile off his face, but his pants show that he’s still excited. As he’s getting the boots off, I ask “do you have any condoms?”

“Uh…yeah, I think I’ve got a few in my wallet.”



Condoms? Are we just goingto have some vanilla sex? Or maybe anal? I thought Taylor was different… I was really hoping for a new experience.

“Socks too. I didn’t change them after I went to the gym, so they should be pretty rank and juicy.”

I reached down, but she grabbed my arm before I could start.

“No. Don’t use your hands. Use your mouth. I want you to have to suck on my sinky toes and Pull off my sweaty socks with your teeth, your mouth, your tongue… And before you do that, just bend down and take a nice big whiff!”

Without thinking, I immediately bent down and took a deep breath through my nose, letting the pungent aroma fill my nose. I took her foot into my mouth, and used my tongue to begin pulling her sock. With her dirty sock in my mouth, I could taste the salty Sweat that seemed to soak every inch of her sock. How long was she at the gym? She must have been wearing these for a few days because the smell and taste were almost overpowering. I looked up, and saw that her eyes were lit up with excitement.


Mmmm….. It felt so good to have my feet in his mouth! Now that’s dedication! I hadn’t changed my socks in 5 days, and I could smell them here. That, plus the fact that I hadn’t shown after the gym, means that he was the kind of sub I was looking for. It’s time for the next step.

Once he got my socks off, I rolled them up and put They on the bed.

“Take off your clothes.”

Without a word, Xavier obediently disrobed and stood naked in front of my. His erect penis throbbed, and I could see he really want to stroke it.

“No touching yourself! Now, give me your condoms and lie on the bed with your knees bent.”

He bent over to retrieve his condoms from his wallet, and then following my instructions and proceeded to the bed.

“Good boy. You’ve been so obedient! You deserve a treatment.”


As I lay on the bed, I had no idea what was coming next. Were we going to fuck? Is that why she wanted the condoms?

But instead of putting the condom on, she took off her clothes and stood over me. Looking down at me, I saw eyes filled with lust and anticipation.

“You’ve got a really pretty face. I’m going to love sticking it in my ass.”

Then, without warning, she quickly spun around and lowered her ass onto my face. She sat for what must have been at least a minute. I could feel myself running out of oxygen and I started to panic. My arms began to flail, but she quickly grabbed them and used her leverage to keep them still. Oh my god… this is it. I’m going to die until this beautiful woman’s butt! Just as I was about to lose it, she leaned forward to let me breath. I sucked in air, trying to catch my breath after my smoothing.


As I lay there helpless, gasping for air, Taylor had let another huge fart rip right in my face. I cought, the putrid arma filling my depleted lungs. How could she do this to me? How could anyone do this to someone?

In spite of this, ,I could still feel myself getting harder and harder.

“Good boy! You liked that, didn’t you? Well, now it’s time to make good use of that pretty face. I want you to eat out my pussy until I cum!”

She repositioned herself with her pussy right over my mouth. I used my tongue to explore the moist depths. I tasted the saltiness that must have been a result of not Taking a shower after her workout, and nearly exploded. It tasted so…Good! She bore down on my mouth, and began grinding her pussy on my mouth.

“Mmmmmmm…… Yeah, suck on my clip, boy! I’m not moving my ass til you make me cum!”

As she heaved herself up and down on my mouth, I had a sudden realization of where my nose was positioned. About one centerter in front of it was her pumpered anus, and just when I realized where it was I heard it.


A burst of pungent air exploded out of her ass, right into my nose. At the same time, she bore down harder on my mouth, making it impossible to breath through it. I had to breath through my nose, meaning I had to smell everything that came out of her ass.

“C’mon, suck it up fart boy! I didn’t take my Lactaid pill, and all that cheer I ate for dinner is really doing a number on me. I can fart on your face all night!”


This one was even stronger than before! It smelled like rotten eggs and cabbage. I struggled to free myself, but she used her leverage to keep me in place.

“Hey! It looks like you’re ready for your surprise!”

At that, she took my left hand and moved it over to the side of the bed where there were hand restrains. How did I miss those? She did the same with my right hand, and then took out the condoms.

“Are you ready?”

“MMMRREHHH” I replied from under her ass.

“I’ll take that as a yes!”

I thought that she was going to put the condom on my cock, but instead she took out a 6 inch dildo from a drawer right next to her bed. She put the condom on the dildo, and lubed it up.

“Ok! Here it comes big boy!”

“MMMRROOOOHH!” I tried to speak up again from under her ass, but all I got for a reply was a quick *pooot* and heavier grinding.

She took the dildo in one hand, and with the other lifted one of my legs, then quickly slip the dildo into my tight anus. I fought back tears from the pain and humiliation of it, and she continued to pump the dildo into my ass while rubbing her pussy into my mouth.

“Hey! Keep sucking my clip or I’ll have to bust out my 10 inch dildo!”

Fear for my anus, I sucked her clip harder and faster than I’d ever done before.

“MMmmmmmmmm…. Yeah, that’s it. Keep going like that!” she cried out.

While she was rocking back and forth on my face, she was also Letting out some of the rankest farts I’d ever smelled.


They just kept coming, one after another. In between her long, smelly farts she would lean back, shoving my nose right up into her anus and cutting off my air until she had to let another one go. I kept licking her clip like my life depended on it, hearing her moan with pleasure. As she grinded, the glorious globes of her butt kept crashing down on my face, smoothing me in her sweety arc.


The farts kept getting louder and smellier, and I Wondered how long I could keep this up. How much gas can one girl have? Immersed in her backside, her pussy juice began running down the sides of my mouth as she steadily picked up speed. Back and forth, back and forth, she really started putting her hips into it. I felt her begin to stiffen up, and she quickly shoved my nose back into her anus as her body quaked with an enormous orgasm. She dug her nails into my chest as she explored into my mouth, filling my mouth with her cum. As she squirted into my mouth, I felt her sphincter relax and let out a huge fart.


I couldn’t take it anymore. I came too, and felt the cum shoot out in thick streams.

“Mmmmmmm…. Good work, fart boy. I know I said I’d let you up, but this is a bit too comfy. I think I’ll sleep like this.”

And with that, she laid down, keeping my face in my ass.

I needed to get up and stretch a bit after all that.

“Um, do you think I could….”

“NO! No more talking tonight. I have even more surprises in store for you tomorrow.”

And with that, she picked up the rank, smelly socks that she had put on the bed earlier and stuck them in my mouth. Then she plopped her ass back down on my face and let one more silent fart fill my nostrils with her pungent anorama before falling asleep.



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