As I walked to the bus, my steps were unsteady and my hands were shaking nervously. I just had to keep thinking to myself…left and right and left and right. I boarded the bus and throw my book bag into the seat next to me. I leaned against the window and let out a deep breath. I closed my eyes and concentrated. I very slowly drew up my heavy lids; it was after all, 7:30 in the morning. I bit down on my bottom lip and stared at the door. This was going to be my only chance. The only chance I have to run is now. Here is your decision baby, these next 30 seconds the most critical. Silently, the argument between reason and hopeless romanticism started in my head.Run…stay…run…stay…hurry, you have but seconds…. By the time I reached my decision, the door had closed anyway and we were About a mile down the street. So I settled back and did my best to relax.
Over and over in my head, the scene played…..each with a different ending. I get off the bus, and He hugs me, or kisses me, or runs his fingers through my hair, or I puke on Him. The worst-case scenario…I puke on Him. I started to fidget over myself, fixing my hair 10 times, reading justing my makeup, pulling at my bra straps, and applying lotion. To be quite honest, I was looking really good, and still, I felt it wasn’t enough. I must have fussed over my hair at least 10 times. The only thing is, my hair is long and dark and very, very straight…so no matter what I did to it, it always fell into the same style. I was going to curl it… but again, it was 7:30 in the morning, and I wasn’t thinking much past coffee.
The trip wasn’t long, and before I knew it, the empire state building was showing itself. The tips of my mouth slightly dipped as I noticed the absence of the twin towers. But I was not going to let that get to me. No, not today. Not on my day. Not on O/our day. As the bus crept closer, the city seemed to swallow us up. The lights danced on the tall buildings and people rushed by in their fur coats and hats. I couldn’t help but find amusement in the ones that dressed their dogs up to match themselves. The city whirred by, and yellow cabs dominated the streets. They seemed to be the alpha-male of this pack. There was so much to look at, and so little time. The romance of the city swooned me.
My legs were shaking under me as I stood up and the bus pulled into the terminal. My heartbeat was fluttering out of control and I was sure the other passengers could hear it. My hands were unsteady as I picked up my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I stood up in front of the seat and looked around. My stomach was doing flip-flops and my heart was pounding so hard it hurt. Slowly, I eased my way into the aisle and again the chant began in my head.Left…right…left…right…. Before long I was walking off the bus and there He was. To anyone else…just another person, someone whom you wouldn’t look twice at. I must say, I was impressed that I didn’t trip and fall on my face, asI made my way to Him. I leaned in close and throw my arms around Him, placing a kiss on His cheek.
My memory got blurry for a little while as I walked beside Him. He rambled on about what to do. I needed coffee and I wanted to sit down and have some. My stomach was screaming for toast, anything to calm it down. Not too far away, W/we came upon a greasy spoon; a quiet little mom and pop dinner and I climbed the steps and found a table. He sat down across from me and took my hand. He leaned over the table, and I found myself drawing closer, pressing my lips against His, slowly acquainting myself with the taste of Him and the feel of His breath mixed with mine. Quick and efficient is what it was. In one word…Exquisite. O/our lips seemed like old friends, getting to know each other again. It was perfect, until the waiter interrupted. I leaned back against the chair and turned to the waiter, ordering an english muffin, coffee and orange juice.
W/e talked about music and other odds and ends to break the ice. God, He just tasted so good. I couldn’t drink my coffee; there was something floating in it. So, W/we set out for Starbucks. He very rarely didn’t have His fingers lacened with mine. It was nice, to be wanted. The simple act of holding someone’s hand, seems so insignificant, but to feel His grip on me, at all times, was enough to make my blood boil.
To be completely honest, I can’t remember half of what He said, I was too interested in the way His lips moved or the way His fingers gripped mine every time He stepped from the curb to pulled me back from jay-walking in NYC. W/we found a cozy spot in Starbucks and settled back. W/we sipped O/our coffee and He traced His thumb over my hand. O/our lips met many more times this time around. Mine, full of hunger, wanted to be kissed the way a woman is kissed before a man slips between her tights. But He had a lot of patience, and I hated Him for it. He was so soft, steady, and calm. It irritated me. I wanted His lips on my neck, on my breasts and between my thighs. I wanted His fingers to grip more than my hand.
W/we needed to find a hotel room. W/we went down to the subway and waited for the train to arrive. He pressed me up against the support beam and kissed me hungrily for the first time. He forcedly grabbed a fistful of my hair and brought His lips to my neck, pressing His body hard up against mine. I felt Him growing hard against my waist and kissed back, needing to taste Him. His hand trailed up under my shirt, so slowly and cautious that no one could see what He was doing. As quickly as He pressed against me and kissed me, He halted, stepping back.
“O/our train is here.” He said extremely coolly. I smiled softly and boarded with Him.
On the train, He slipped His arm around me, and I rested against Him. The comfort level with Him was enormous and the combination of His arms around me and the constant rocking of the train was putting me sleep.
W/we searchedfor hours for a hotel. It didn’t matter to me much. I was so happy, I didn’t pay much mind to my feet aching. He held my hand as W/we walked block by block. By the time W/we came across the last hotel, I didn’t care much, so long as it had a bed and clean sheets. That’s about all it had. I think the small room did have a little charm. I have always been a sucker for optimism. W/we crawled into the bed, and I laid my head upon His chest. There wasn’t any cable, so W/we looked on at the mundane cartoons. Both of U/us, seemingly interested. He ran His finger through my hair absent-mindedly. And even through all the pent up sexual frustration, I couldn’t think of anything better to do then lie there in His arms, watching cartoons. I told Him how happy I was, and He kissed me. His lips upon mine, needing me, needing everything I had to offer. In a matter of seconds, the perfectness of being in His arms wasn’t enough. I needed more, much more.
His hands were roaming down my body, cupping my breasts in His hands, trailing His tongue down my neck, before sinking His teeth in hard. My whole body jerking with raw password. My back arching off the bed and I flipped and got on top of Him. Spreading my thighs open wide, bending down, bringing my lips to His mouth again. Tasting Him, trailing my lips down a little bit, lifting my hips up, before sinking down on His cock. I started grinding, fully impaled on Him. My nipples were hard and my clip was on fire. I started to ride Him hard and fast. My juices came rushing forward and the sounds of the wetness filled the room. The room reeked of sex. I fucked Him raw. Rocking my hips back and forth. My body bouncing up and down. His hands found my hips and gripped them tightly, rocking them. He held my hips down as He thrust up, hitting deep inside of me. I squealed and bent over as another wave broke through and I soaked Him again and again. He pushed me back, and His fingers found my clip. He was rolling it between His fingers. My hips were bucking wildly. He sat up and thrust me onto the bed. Slipping between my thighs, He brought His mouth to my breast, sucking the nipple in as He pushed His way back inside of me. He spread my thighs wider, forcing me to take all of Him. He started off at a steady pace. I was making underneath Him. Then He picked up the pace and starting in roughly. He was taking me for all I was worth. I legs locked, my back arched and my nails clawed at His shoulders as I screamed my release. His hand quickly clamped over my mouth as I screamed louder. He kept urging me to quiet my screams which was the most absurd thing I have ever heard as He kept pressing on harder and faster deep into my pussy,
He turned my over onto my side and put my leg on His shoulder. He straddled my lower thigh and started to fuck me harder. I lost count of how many times I came. He never quit, just keep going harder and faster. After a few orgasms, I pressed Him away from me. Pressing Him onto His back,slipped my body under the covers and took His cock into my mouth. Convinced that I needed to give my pussy a rest, I eagerly sucked His cock into my mouth. Working my tongue over it. I sucked it down hard. Wanted Him to feel the intensity pleasure He brought me. I tasted myself on Him. I wanted more. I could not stress how bad I wanted to feast on Him. I worked my tongue over it quickly, but efficiently. I didn’t leave one inch unexplored. He thrust the covers off and rolled me over, straddling my face, He shoved His cock back into my mouth and dove His face between my tights. I lost all common sense, and tried hard to concentrate on what I was doing. I knew how to give a great blowjob, but the fact that He was feasting between my tights knocked all common sense out of my mind.
Instinctively, I lapped up at His balls, sucking them into my mouth. Rubbing my lips over the head of His dick, trying to gain back some concentration. I sucking it greedily back into my mouth, but in seconds, I was cumming again, and His rough chin from one unshaven day was rubbing against my clip, I exploded, and He lapped up hungrily. My thighs involuntarily started to close, and He grunted and pressed them further apart, burying His face in my cunt. He was so greedy, taking and taking. I tried to dislodge Him and He Shook His head and stayed right where He was. I hadn’t the mind to return the favor, and His cock was just rubbing up and down against my mouth and face. I came again and possibly again, to be honest, I lost count. I tried to press Him away again and He relented. Crawled up to the top of the bed and pulled me in His arms. I rest me head on His chest and pursued contentment. But He had not come yet. It was a low blow to my pride, so then I offered Him my ass. He smiled and accepted, but told me to relax a few minutes. He didn’t have to order twice. I rested my head on His chest; I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. My legs were quivering, shaking uncontrollably. Mypulse was scorching through my veins. My body was set aflame.
A fire was settled between my thighs and rushed up my abdomen to my breasts, swollen in my nipples. Mostly, because He was running His fingers over them absently. Rolling them between His fingers. I lost touch with reality a long time for Him. I was drowning in my feelings for Him and I didn’t care. I didn’t care. I just needed…I needed all He was willing to give. And just as much as I am His, He was mine. That night, in that sleazy hotel room, for those hours for hard and hot sex, He was mine. I gave myself to Him. And it was then, that I came to realize to what depth He truly owned me.
Reflecting on the words spoken, when I took His name, I guess I never really understand the full meaning of What I had given Him. I never understand how much. I was His, and I revealed in it. I was brought alive by His fingers, His words, and His mouth. I password, screaming, and naked…in mind and body. And, I wasn’t scared, orUnsure, or worried. For once, I was just me. And that was enough. It was enough for me and it was enough for Him too. Like the weight of the world was lifted from my soul. I was allowed to be me. I didn’t have to dress myself up or gloss myself over. I was just me, and I was accepted.
He flipped me over and shoved a finger into my pussy and moved it up to my to lube it up. He worked it over. He rubbed the head of His cock up and down my asshole. Massaging it as He slowly pressed in. It didn’t hurt as it should of hurt. It felt really good, He pressed in harder and waited for me to respond, and respond it exactly what I did. I pressed back hard and He instructed me to play with my pussy. I took my small vibrator and pressed it in. I was leaking and as soon as I let go of the toy, it slid out of me. I rubbed my clip and I was squirting on the bed. I lifted my hand up and stared at it. It was soaking wet with my cum. Glistening, I stared at it in disbelief. Minutes later, He came. He emptied inside me. There was a puddle on the bed. I was dumbfounded. I had never ever cum so hard.
The night carried on and on until W/we were both so exhausted and He wrapped His arms around me. I whispered so that it was barely auditable, and I am still unsure if He heard me or not.
“I love You.”
Seconds later, I was sleep in His arms. Maybe it was the magic of city, or the charm that the hotel room had. But mostly it was the fact that I was myself, and I was allowed to be myself. I was with Him and needed and I received and I gave. Perfect.
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