The Meeting

Chapter 1

Alone, I sat, waiting for her arrival. Six o’clock she had said, but it was already ten past that. “Maybe she’s just running late,” I told myself. “Maybe she’s having trouble finding the place. What is she doesn’t come? Oh, Christ! What if she does!” I drained the vodka in my left hand, considering a third.

It had been three nights since the last telephone call, the second in total. Dianne had sounded better than I had dared hope, that first time a fortnight ago. I could sense the command in her voice, strength in every carefully chosen word. However, there was a tenderness too, a magical warmth and sincerity. It made me ache for her, as had every word she had typed across the ether for the past fourteen months. Well, today was the day! Tonight we would finally meet. Dianne had said that her flight would get in at 5:30. I wish she had let me pick her up. We would already have been together! Probably best this way, though. We both hated airports, that much we knew of each other.

Six-fifteen. I lit a cigarette. “Christ! My second packet today!” Getting dark outside, I turned on the porch light, immediately losing the advantage view of the driveway, lit now by the few remaining rays of autumnal sunlight. “No matter, I’ll see her headlights. Wait! Is that her now?” There was a late model Falcon slowing on the road. I couldn’t quite make out the driver. “No, it’s gone.”

I had never been so nervous in my entire life! It had been fun chatting over the net this past year, but this was so serious! Still, I knew I was hers now. I had been forever. I knew it as much as she did. Why should I have been nervous? We knew as much about each other as any two people probably could. Anticipation though… I could’ve burst!

Headlights in the drive! “It’s her, it must be.” I saw the shiny metallic black Magna, lit in all its glory. “Yes, it suits her.” I saw her now, as the headlights were switched off. She was finishing a mobile call asI approach the car. She looked at me mid-sentence and beamed a perfect smile, waving as one would to an old familiar friend. The call ended, the motor was silenced, the door opened…


“Jill!” she excelled while adjusting the vehicle. “It’s sooo good to finally meet you, hon!” She was just a little taller than I had imagined. Perfectly dressed, she wore a black blazer that showed just a hint of the mauve camisole top hidden within. Just above the knee black skirt, black stockings and short heeled, open toed black dress shoes. She was beautiful. We embraced. Long, hard, desperate not to let go. “Oh, Dianne,” I said, tears prominent in my voice; “I can’t believe you’re finally here!”

“I know, hon,” Dianne caresed my hair, sobbing sweetly; “I’m just so glad to be here”

“Come inside, Dianne,” I whispered after a few moments, mindful of a curious neighbor. “Mrs. Dorset across the street will have a heart attack!” The joke lightened the tension. Dianne wiped a tear from my face and we began to collect her things from the car. I mused at the inventory: overnight bag, handbag, a bottle of independent contents wrapped in a Booze Brothers paper bag and one small, loose parcel. A small box, gift wrapped in pink with a black bow. “Not yet!” Dianne proclaimed, snatching the parcel away with a wicked grin.

We made our way through the hallway and into the lounge room, setting her things down on one of two overstuffed club sofas. Brilliant deep-cobalt Sanderson linen; my favorite. “Make yourself at home, love” I said, ushering Dianne to it’s mate, diagonally opposite. Inspecting the contents of the paper bag, my heart skipped just a little. One single bottle of Yellow Glen vintage championne. One of the very first things I had ever told her, it wasn’t so much that she had brought it, more the fact she had remembered it was my favorite. “You sweetheart!” I stated holding up the bottle as reference to the statement, “Let me get a couple of glasses.” When I returned from the kitchen, the vision before me made my heart melt. There, sitting in my blindroom, on my favorite sofa was the woman I had never met, but truly loved with all my heart, perched with all the grace and confidence I always knew she had. Dianne looked like she belonged and always had.

Catching myself in such a state of melancholy, I moved towards her and took my place just as I had done hundreds of times before online; at her feet, on the floor, looking up into her eyes. Our online relationship was finally manifesting itself in real life.

“Want some?” I asked, looking up at Dianne and gesturing to the champione now waiting on the coffee table. “Not yet hon,” came the reply as she guided my shoulders, encouraging me into a kneeing position that faced her directly. Dianne cradled my face in her warm, soft hands. With one hand on her knee and the other lightly touching hers, I looked into my Mistress’ face for the first time. The atmosphere wasSuddenly electric and I felt a desire growing from deep within. The gaze from her somewhat sad yet piercing brown eyes felt as though it might burn right through me, into my very soul. We just sat there for what seemed an eternity, taking each other in. I felt giddy from her scent; fresh and not unlike sandalwood. Finally I was beginning to truly feel the power she had over me. I was lost. I unconsciously moistened my lips, which did not go unnoticed.

Dianne leaned down toward me, pulling me a little closer still. The moment I had spent so many sleepless nights thinking about was finally upon me. Slowly, ever so slowly, our lips met. The bolt of electricity that hurtled through me made my heart skip. We melted into each other. I felt the tears returning in sympathy of such a beautiful moment. Dianne’s lips were so very soft against my own. I was so totally absorbed by her beauty, her scent, her touch. As I felt her tongue beckoning to mine, I opened my mouth a little wider, receptionptive to the invitation. Our tongues danced and entwined into their own embrace. It was the single most delicious moment of my life and I never wanted it to end.

Suddenly, Dianne pulled away. Eyes still closed, my hungry mouth tried to follow but found only a void. I opened my eyes to find Dianne sitting back on the sofa, smiling. The smile told me she was pleased, but there was a wicked twinkle in her eye. “So,” she said, matter-of-factly, “How about that drink then?” My response came quickly: “You teasing bitch!” The wickedness spread across Dianne’s face. “You know I like to tease, Winter…” We both burst into laughter and I squeezed her hand.

With drinks poured and cigarettes lit, we began talking. So much to say! We were like two schoolgirls who hadn’t seen each Other all summer and needed to catch up. How was the flight, isn’t the plane food terrible, where is your daughter, is this her picture…We talked though the Yellow Glen and deted a bottle of bourbon. All the while, the little pink parcel on the opposite sofa stared at me, daring me to guess it’s contents.

Chapter 2

It was approaching midnight, and while I wanted to just sit and talk forever, staring into those beautiful brown eyes, I knew that any more time and any more bourbon would leave Dianne’s first night with me a let down in memory. I took her glass and set it down next to mine on the coffee table, retired her half smoked cigarette to the ashtray and stood up, taking her hand with me. “C’mon” I said, smiling sweetly. Dianne stood and proceeded to follow me through the lounge towards the hall. “Just a sec, love,” she said, doubled back to retrieve the mysterious parcel, “Can’t forget this!” That wicked grin again!

As I turned on the bedroom light, Dianne heard gasped. I had gone to great lengths and some expense to impress my Mistress with my femininity. The Elizabethan queen-size four-poster bed had been trimmed with a cream broiderie anglais bed spread thatfell to an inch above the floor all around. Six linen half-sized tasseled pillows in alternative dusty pink and deep cream impressed the warmth of the relatively engraved headboard. The matching side tables were dressed in small cream table clothes, in matching style to the bedspread. Each featured a single red rose in short, elegant Edwardian crystal vases. The crystal did not match in period, but the error was indiscernible and the desired effect complete. The North facing bay window was drawn in delicate cream lace curtains, stunning against the deep dusty-pink walls. These had been pulled aside so as to afford a view of the rear courtyard which was spotlit, showing off the late autumn blaze of maple trees. The room was fit for a princess and that is precisely how I felt in the company of my Mistress.

“Oh, Jill, it’s a gorgeous room…” Dianne said as she entered. Looking back to me, smiling, she completed her sentence: “I think we’re going to have a lot of fun here, you and I.” She set the parcel on the bed and took her place beside it, kicking off her shoes.

I perfectly understand the semantics of our relationship; ‘Carla’, Dianne’s online name, was the Mistress and I, as ‘Winter’ was her submissive. I had given myself to her completely online, in body, mind and soul. It was my chosen duty to obey her, to respect her and in return she had given me an intimacy I had never before known. My only wish, as I had told her so many times, was to have her wish of me. And she did. Online, we soared. Carla had taken me to new heights of sexual gravity without even a single touch, commanding my hands from thousands of miles away.

Bu tonight, just tonight, I was Jill and the woman I had loved but never physically known was before me. It was my turn to love her. Slipping off my own shoes, I approached Dianne, who was clearly sizing me up. I had several times pointed out similarities to myself in the various avatars I wore online, but this had been theFirst time she had laid eyes on me. As she looked at me, I saw her eyes take me in, working their way up from my feet to my face. I paused to let her. I saw her notice how tall I really was, the way my slacks hugged my thighs and told of the suppleness within. Her eyes shifted then to my slender wait and I knew she wanted to hold me there. She continued her study and her eyes rested at my ample bosom, knowing that soon enough it would be naked before her. Finally, her eyes returned to meet mine. With a girl twirl, I sought her approval. “You like?” Dianne smiled slowly. “Yes baby, very much.” With a cursy, I thanked her.

Standing now before her, I bent down and kissed her gently on the lips. More confident with the benefit of time spent and the liquor, I encouraged Dianne to lay down, beneath me while half kneeing above her. All the while, still French kissing. It was intoxicating. Dianne sidled further up the bed and turned so that she now lay with her head against the pillows. Needing no further encouragement, I followed, now fully kneeing above her. It seemed just a little odd for me to be in the dominant position, but I needed to redefine the level of intimacy I sought in the real world. Quietly, Dianne knew this and allowed me to proceed, enjoying the attention from her devotee.

I just couldn’t get enough of her face! We kissed long and passwordately, breaking only so I might kiss all of it. I offered Dianne hot sweet kisses against her cheek, her neck and her ears, biting softly with just my lips. Dianne had her arms around the back of my neck, pulling me close and caressing me gently. I felt I had so much password for her and it couldn’t get out fast enough! But I moved slowly, strictly, savoring each moment.

Supporting myself with one hand, kissing Dianne tenderly on her neck, my other hand traced lightly down her face and neck towards her breast. We were both breathing much heavier now, as though to pull each other in by any means.Brushing past her right breast, I slowly began to undo the buttons fasting her blazer. Slowly; one, then two, then three. Lifting myself away, I sat upright on top of Dianne and gently separated the two halves of her blazer, exposing the camisole she wore and her womanly cleavage. It was my turn to feast upon her. I’d dreamt of how Dianne might look, but there’s certainly no clarity like reality. How sexy she looked, her ample bosom heaving with each breath. I caught her gaze, watching me enjoy her. For the first time, it was Dianne waiting for me to act…

Rather clumsily, we got Dianne out of her blazer. It’s never a fluid motion like it is in Hollywood and we laughed at ourselves. Resuming the status quo, with me still half-sitting on top, I decided to be sexy for my Mistress. In a rather coy fashion, I tossed my hair to one side and looked at Dianne with a most deepen expression. Slowly, without shifting my gaze, I began to unbutton my own shirt, starting with the sleeps.When Dianne reached up to assist, I gently forced her hands back to rest on my thighs. She understand that she was just to watch for a while. I continued to undress, panting lightly, lips slightly apart, pouting innocently.

I knew Dianne was enjoying the scene. I watched her as she tried to catch a glimpse of what was still hidden.

“Soon, sweet Mistress,” I thought as the last of the buttons gave way. The shirt still in place, just a thin line of my skin showing through, I ran my fingers down my own neck, curling them around until my fingernails came to rest in the center of my breasts. I slowly pulled the shirt apart, exposing a powder-blue full-cup lace bra. Still gazing at Dianne, I lightly traced the circles of my breasts with my fingers, allowing the softest moan to escape my lips. My nipples were already enlarged and I knew she was aroused by their prominence. Unclasping the bra from behind, I allowed it to fall away easily to one side of Dianne. Their I sat,naked from wait up, showing Dianne for the first time that that she already owned. I knew she was staring at my nipples. Large, elongated and hard. My nipples were most definitely a powerhouse of stimulation for me. They protruded the better part of an inch from my areola. A former lover had once nicknamed my nipples antennae. I didn’t go in for naming body parts much though, I just liked to use them. “Touch them,” I invited. Dianne reached one hand up and placed it lightly onto my left breast. The electricity from her touch made me gasp. To Dianne surprise, my nipple grew a little further again under her touch and she pulled away to see the effect. “Oh, sweetheart,” she proclaimed, “you are beautiful.”

With that, Dianne reached her face forward in search of my breast. As she took me in her mouth, gently suckling, I leaned forward, making it easier. “All for you, Mistress,” I whispered under my breath as I cradled her head into my breast, closing my eyes in the wake of this newly found bliss, “all for you…”

Chapter 3

I could have taken that all night! Dianne knew that I liked rough treatment on my nipples and she wasn’t about to disappoint me. “God that’s good, Dianne,” I told her, offering encouragement by grabbing fistfuls of her hair. Dianne sucked me so hard, I thought my nipples might come away in her mouth. The pain was exhaustive. She instinctively knew, as only another woman could, when to withdraw and focus on the opposite side. The fire within me was growing rapidly. I began to ache with the desire for more. I was so wet between my legs now that any other circumstances would have been embarrassing. “God, let’s do this!”

I pulled back and knelt between Dianne legs. “Let’s get some of this gear off, shall we?” I was already tugging at her skirt. Dianne accommodated me by undoing the button and lowering the short zip at the side of her skirt. She then raised herself a little from the bed, allowing meto easily pull the skirt away from her legs, from there finding a home next to her blazer, already sleep on the floor. The removal of Dianne’s thigh-length stockings was something else. I’m not sure which one of us enjoyed it more. Over theatricising just a little, I slowly, yet hungrily lowered them, kissing every inch of skin as it was exposed. By the time I had finished the first and returned up for its mate, the Scent emanating from between Dianne legs had grown in intensity and there was some obvious moisture on her knickers. I lightly kissed her there. Dianne gasped. “I’ll be back for you,” I informed her sweet smelling cunt and proceeded to kiss my way down Dianne’s other thigh, removing the hosiery as I went.

Left in just her underwear, Dianne looked truly beautiful. I took a moment to admire her body as she lay there with one hand flat across her stomach, the other by her side. She had a satisfied grin on her face and I knew that she was pleased thus far by my performancence. I made my way upward again, starting at her knees. Soft, sweet kisses up her inner thigh as Dianne slightly raised and parted her knees, allowing me greater access. Higher still, leaving her in that delicious state of not wanting it to end, yet wanting things to advance. Her skin was so soft and I wanted to eat it all up. I gently nibbled and sucked on that most delicious of skin around her lower bikini line. “Mmmm, that’s nice babe,” whispered Dianne as she ran her fingers through my hair. I began to kiss her through her knickers, hardening my mouth in allowance for the barrier between us. Dianne raised herself a little towards me and I took the opportunity to lower her panties over her hips and down her legs. I noticed that Dianne didn’t trim or shake, but also that she didn’t need to. She was beautiful as she was. Her neat, short public hair was considered darker than the wavy light-brown hair that framed her face and it made me wonder… but only for a second.

Exposed finally to me, Dianne scent was intotoxicating. Returning my face to the source, I just kissed her for a few moments. Slow, lingering kisses on and around her cliporis and vagina. Dianne didn’t utter a word, but we both knew she didn’t need to. Her sights and gasps were instruction enough for anybody in tune enough to read them. Using only my tongue, I began to massage her now hardened cliporis. Slowly and with Some pressure, I traced it’s outline around and around. By now I had Dianne’ thighs firmly in my grap and I felt them tighten.

I moved lower, teasing the entrance to her vagina with the tip of my tongue. She tasted so sweet and I was so very hungry for her. “Oh god, sweetheart,” Dianne voice was louder now, “that’s sooo gooood!” I began flicking my tongue in and out while moving a single finger to her beautiful clip, rubbing it gently. As I feel her begin to tremble I drive my tongue in deeper and rubbed harder…

“Enough!” cried Dianne, “Stop a minute, babe.” As she satup, she was breathing very hard and trying to regain some composition. She held me around my neck and just breathed for a minute as we sat with our heads resting against each others. She pulled away and we looked into each other eyes. She saw the proud grin on my face that said “See what I can do?”

“That felt great, hon,” she said, still a little breathless. Checking her watch, she quickly added “…and Now I want you to do something else for me.”

Dianne cocked her head towards the pink package, now barely teetering on the edge of the bed. “Open it.” Like present time on Christmas day, I jumped up from my kneeing position and sat cross legged on the bed. Taking the small parcel, I fumbled frantically with the ribbon. Finally negotiating it, I ripped the wrapping off and opened the box.

I gasped loudly when I saw the contents, looked at my Mistress and smiled…

Chapter 4

We had done many things together, my Mistress and I, while online. She had introduced me to a completely foreign world of domination and submission. It was a world I knew nothing about before meeting Carla, but one that I secretly wanted to explore. The desire for submissive commitment that I harboured in real life relations had manifested into ideas I never thought I was capable of. Carla had used various ‘props’ in our online private-room sessions consisting largely of leather and stainless steel Items that I had previously abhorred as toys for the mentally deranged. She showed me otherwise; that with care, understanding and above all else, trust, these things could be used to express a beauty that believed their popular reports.


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